Eye twitching - what to do? Causes and treatment of eye twitching. Blepharospasm

What it is?

Eye tic in neurology is when both eyelids contract or the muscles of both eyes contract strongly. This name is often confused with myokymia of the eyelid - involuntary contraction of the upper or lower eyelid (orbicularis oculi muscle). Both syndromes are hyperkinesis. That is, temporary or permanent contraction of fibers in the muscles. Myokymia is characterized by painlessness, lower amplitude, and frequency of twitching. It is rarely associated with the appearance of serious diseases and often accompanies overwork and stress.

Symptoms of ocular migraine

Based on its clinical manifestations, atrial scotoma is difficult to confuse with other ophthalmological diseases. In the retinal form, provoked by abnormal relaxation of the posterior cerebral artery, the patient is concerned about:

  • defects appearing in the field of view - bright flashes, flickering, dark spots and streaks that can merge with each other;
  • gradual total decrease in visual acuity;
  • the appearance of phosphenes (visual images) in the “blind” zones of the visual field and along its periphery.

As ocular migraine worsens, it becomes complicated by headache localized in the frontal lobe, bridge of the nose, spreading to the orbits. It pulsates, waxes and wanes, like contractions during childbirth, inevitably reaching a peak. At the peak of the attack, pain is complicated by nausea, vomiting, and a feeling of fullness in the head.

Good to know: a characteristic symptom of ocular migraine is increased sensitivity to light, sounds, and touches. They increase the pain, so the patient strives with all his might for solitude and silence.

The average duration of an attack of atrial scotoma is from 30 to 300 minutes. A mild degree of anomaly occurs within 10-20 minutes, sometimes not accompanied by headaches. After the end of the attack, it takes up to 1 hour for complete restoration of vision.

If atrial scotoma is caused by compression of the 3rd pair of cranial nerves, the patient experiences:

  • transient drooping of the upper eyelid;
  • dilation of the pupil in one eye while maintaining the same size in the other;
  • dilation of the pupil against the background of paralysis of the muscles that regulate its diameter;
  • divergent strabismus due to paralysis of the extraocular muscles in one eye.

Among the visual impairments with ocular migraine of this form, a split image is observed, when one eye perceives the picture correctly, and the other transmits an image inverted horizontally or vertically. This picture is typical for children and adolescents who have entered puberty.

Good to know: ocular migraine with compression of the cranial nerves has a specific “Alice syndrome”, which consists of the appearance of visual hallucinations visible in peripheral vision.

Symptoms with ophthalmoplegic atrial scotoma last longer than with retinal scotoma - up to 2 weeks. All this time, the anomalies may be accompanied by headaches, but often occur without them.

How does this happen?

Due to vigorous activity near computers or phones, books, which requires the work of the facial muscles of the eyes, forehead and face as a whole, the eyes become very tired. This happens to such an extent that the neurotransmitters responsible for muscle function cease to be synthesized correctly. That is, chemicals do not transmit impulses from neurons to muscle tissue. The eyelid begins to twitch. Disruption of neurotransmitters is associated with stress and fatigue, and people often notice this. If the day turns out to be unpleasant, then the eye will definitely begin to twitch. Myokymia can be caused by some antipsychotics and nervous system stimulants in combination with difficult life events.

Treatment of nervous tics

A nervous tic of the neck and its treatment cannot be carried out without determining the reasons that led to it. Therapy of primary varieties is carried out in a course without or with drugs. It all depends on where the defeat occurred and its complexity. The use of medications is acceptable if a person requires quick relief of symptoms. The drug allows you to reduce twitching to a minimum or completely eliminate it.

At our clinic in Moscow we use a multi-drug program. The therapeutic course may include any of the following:

  • muscle relaxants;
  • neuroleptics;
  • sedative and sedative;
  • nootropics;
  • antidepressants;
  • anticonvulsants.

To achieve this goal, the doctor adjusts the dosage and composition of the drugs. An equally important process on the path to recovery is massage of the face, hand or other area of ​​the human body, acupuncture. Psychotherapy can achieve muscle relaxation, acceptance and release of negative emotions. The strongest method for treating nervous tics is a combination of several directions at once.

Chronic pathologies simply do not go away without medication. Very often, doctors prescribe botulinum toxin injections as the main medicine. Such injections are aimed at muscle tissue that is directly involved in stereotypic movement. Achieving a healthy result has a short-term effect. The effect of the drug lasts from four to six months. It is able to immobilize the muscle for a specified period, which leads to the elimination of the disorder.

A combination of a medication program and physiotherapy demonstrates excellent results. Very often, tonic baths, paraffin baths, electrophoresis of the cervical-collar area with certain agents, and underwater massages are used.

Self-treatment is a difficult way to relieve symptoms of the disorder. It will take you many years, and at the same time does not guarantee the desired result. Most often, this decision leads to even more negative manifestations, especially if the root cause is illness or injury.

When should you worry?

You should not worry if myokymia, a nervous tic of the eye, is not accompanied by other symptoms. Its very rare occurrence, or its occurrence for several days in a row, although no diseases are detected, can be considered the norm. Sometimes this can last for several years. In this case, the body requires unloading. You need to listen to him carefully and change your daily routine. Spend time outdoors, engage in quiet, relaxing activities, and take your mind off the daily hustle and bustle. But if myokymia appears along with poor health or fever, soreness, movements of other parts of the face, this may indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland, lack of vitamins, multiple sclerosis and encephalitis. You need to be examined by a neurologist, ophthalmologist and psychologist.

causes and symptoms of eyelid twitching

Features of pathology diagnosis

If at least one sign of hyperkinesis is observed, you should immediately seek help from neurologists and psychiatrists. Consultation can be obtained at our center; we pay attention to every symptom and offer an effective solution to the problem. To make a correct diagnosis, our specialists prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis, which consists of:

  • initial collection of anamnesis. Thus, the doctor establishes the period and circumstances when hyperkinesis occurs. Its nature, location, and duration must be determined. It is very important to take a medical card with you to your appointment to study current and past illnesses;
  • neurological examination of patients;
  • prescribing biochemical and clinical blood tests;
  • conducting instrumental research. Depending on the person’s well-being, the doctor may prescribe an EEG, skull x-ray, CT or MRI;
  • appointment of additional consultations with specialized specialists (traumatologist, psychiatrist, oncologist).

When carrying out procedures, specialists separate pathology from the patient’s habits, which arise involuntarily at the time of an emotional state. Also, doctors must establish and treat the factor that caused the nervous tic.

Possible reasons

Most often, a “nervous tic” of the eyelid causes:

  • diseases of the nervous system that are inherited,
  • lack of sleep - muscles do not have time to recover, which leads to their overstrain,
  • overwork as a result of lack of sleep or hard work,
  • stress (situations that require an immediate solution, leaving the comfort zone increases the level of adrenaline, and the muscles involuntarily contract,
  • alcohol abuse, which can cause muscle spasms and interfere with the interaction of fibers and neurons,
  • abuse of energy drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate - muscles quickly react to any irritants.

Why should you trust our hospital?

Many people are interested in the question of how to choose a doctor and clinic to get rid of this unpleasant disease. Of course, this problem requires immediate treatment. With the help of a properly designed course, the recovery process will go quickly. Every person has the right to receive the most effective therapy, taking into account the body.

You should not enter “treated...” into the search bar, look for who does massage in honey, or read many articles about traditional methods of healing. In our work, we use new proprietary therapeutic programs and guarantee your recovery.

For each person, a personal comprehensive treatment regimen is developed. We take into account the degree of complexity, stage of development of the disease, general health, the presence of contraindications and allergic reactions.

Our doctors normalize metabolic processes, optimize the functioning of the central nervous system, and correct psychiatric disorders. You can find out about the results, methods used and other information by phone. The path to treatment is close, just go to our website, find out the phone number and get comprehensive advice on all issues.

Prevention and treatment

Knowing the reasons, it will be easier to cope with a twitching eyelid and prevent the situation from worsening. Here are some simple options:

  • give the body the right amount of time to rest and recover, organize sleep correctly,
  • drink less caffeinated drinks, it is better to replace them with water,
  • try not to create or enter into stressful situations, but treat everything calmly and judiciously,
  • do gymnastics for the eyes,
  • give your eyes a rest between activities,
  • do not drink alcohol,
  • properly organize the workplace, adjust the light and ventilate the room.

treatment of myokymia
In some cases, these simple steps will be enough to get rid of the problem. But if this does not bring any results, you need to consult a doctor. Together with him, undergo examinations of the nervous system, vision, and internal organs, after which he will select the appropriate treatment (medicines, lifestyle adjustments, lenses, glasses). You should contact a specialist in any case, as self-medication can worsen the situation.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If such symptoms are permanent and haunt a person for more than three days, this is a sure sign of the need to see a doctor. It would seem that such an innocent symptom as a trembling eyelid cannot portend trouble, but this is not so. Tremor can signal a huge number of diseases occurring in the body. As you know, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it is to cope with it. You need to be attentive to your health and seek medical help in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a high probability of complications and a long course of treatment.

You can make an appointment for diagnostics at the Yusupov Hospital by phone. A visit to the doctor will be agreed upon at any time convenient for you.

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