Why people talk in their sleep: reasons and how to stop doing it

Statistics say that only 5% of adults and 30% of children have the ability to talk in their sleep. Probably each of us is familiar with at least one such person. There is an opinion in society that during such a conversation one can blurt out all the secrets. There is no single answer from science. Some experts claim that this is not true, others are sure that during sleep a person only talks about what really happened to him, and on the last day.

Everything would be fine, but sometimes people not only talk in their sleep, but also toss and turn a lot. This may disturb the partner who sleeps next to you. To solve this problem, you can buy an orthopedic mattress of a suitable type.

The only thing that is known for sure is that a person can pronounce words or sentences during such phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep.

What’s interesting is that in the first case it is difficult to wake up a person suffering from sleep-speaking, but in the second it is very easy. Sometimes he himself can wake up from the sounds of his own voice, although he will not even realize that he said anything.

By the way, scientists call talking in a dream a term such as somniloquy . It appeared a long time ago, because many years ago people were interested in solving the mystery of why people talk in their sleep. Despite the fact that modern sciences have come far, the secrets of the human subconscious for the most part remain secrets, and therefore it is still impossible to accurately name the reason for talking in a dream.

What are talking in your sleep called?

Scientifically, this phenomenon is called somniloquy. A little less scientifically – dream talk. It is reliably known that such conversations last no more than 30 seconds at a time, but can occur repeatedly during sleep.

However, when studying this phenomenon, scientists noticed that up to a quarter of such episodes occur during the REM sleep phase, and the rest, respectively, during deep sleep.

By the way, these conversations can be both a monologue and a dialogue. Such a person does not remember the conversation itself the next morning. In rare cases, a person may speak a foreign language. This is usually explained by the fact that he grew up in a different language environment in very early childhood.

What is sleep talking

What does it mean if a person talks in his sleep? What is the nature of this phenomenon, and is there something dangerous to health in late-night conversations? Most often, those who talk at night are not even aware of their problem and only learn about it from loved ones. As a rule, one episode lasts no more than 30 seconds, but can be repeated several times a night. At the same time, a person pronounces monologues or complex dialogues, talking to himself or addressing a specific person, muttering something inarticulate or simply screaming. Speech can be overly emotional: sleepers swear, shout threats or make remarks, and the phrases themselves are often obscene or offensive. It is not surprising that when they first hear about their peculiarity, many people experience embarrassment and shame, are afraid to fall asleep outside the home or in the company of unfamiliar people (in a train, hospital or sanatorium, for example) and try to understand what is happening to them.

People begin to be afraid to sleep, for example, on an airplane, when they learn this about themselves

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