13 ways to “get” a woman to ask you out on a date

Would you like to know how to get a girl to ask you out on a date? Why not let her take the lead?

In the world we live in, there is still a belief that men should make the first move.

But we live in the 21st century! Women work, earn a lot of money, buy their own things, so why can’t they take the first step?

You can help them become the ones who take the first step. Put the reins of control into her hands by learning how to get a girl to ask you out.

Romantic ways

Most women dream of being proposed to in a romantic way. Of course, here you will have to use all your imagination, however, the result is worth the preparation.


  • Propose while taking a boat trip.
  • Dinner in an unusual but beautiful place. It could be nature or the roof of your house. True, you will have to seriously prepare and prepare everything in advance.
  • Make a proposal in verse, preferably your own, but classics will also do.
  • It's beautiful to sing under the windows. The main thing here is that the neighbors don’t mind, so it’s better to choose either daylight or evening, but not night.

There are many options for a beautiful confession, it all depends on your imagination and desire.


A quality that girls value in a man along with intelligence and a sense of humor.

If you have charisma, you simply attract people around you. You demonstrate your leadership and instantly stand out from the rest.

Charisma needs to be pumped up and used wisely. The certain charm that will come from you will not leave the girls indifferent.

You must be able to present yourself correctly. Gait, facial expressions, gestures, movements - all this should express confidence, strength, self-control.

How to get a woman?

Not only women, but also men face problems of meeting and starting relationships with those they like. As is often the case, it all starts with liking someone, but that person doesn't like you. Men also need help in explaining the question of how they can interest the women they like.

You like a woman, all your attempts to interest her have not been successful, she seems to communicate with you, but still does not go beyond friendship. The reasons for her behavior may be different. If your intentions are sincere, you are ready to give a lot so that she agrees to be yours, then it’s time not to shed tears, but to act.

Women love men who can act. “Ladies love with their ears,” but those who are smart, serious, wise, faithful, looking at the world objectively, only love to caress their ears with sweet speeches, but fall in love with the actions of men. No matter how many speeches you make to such a woman, she will never become yours if you do not start taking action.

What exactly does a woman with whom you can really build a strong family expect from you? Help solve her problem. There is no better way to show your masculinity than by eliminating a life situation, especially if it is difficult for a woman to solve it herself. This way you will show your responsibility, ability to protect and desire to make her happy. Solving the problem will give the woman peace and joy. Thanks to whom? Thanks to you - a courageous, strong man who keeps his word.

Every person has problems. There is no better way to make him your friend or loved one than to help with his troubles. This is not about buying flowers for a woman or having a duel with someone. They talk about ordinary life problems: difficulties at work, in the family, in government institutions, etc. While a woman is worried about her troubles, she does not need any love, especially if she comes across a man on the way who wants to play the game “I’m running away, and you catch up." The problem is similar to an illness: until you recover, you will not think about high matters. Help the lady solve her problem: you will not only make her happy, but also show that you can be relied on.

In what cases should you propose to meet?

There are times in life when proposing is vital. Otherwise, you can forever part with the subject of your sighs. However, how can you determine when it is worth taking this step and when it is better to abstain?

First, let's look at the positive side of the moment.

When it is definitely worth it:

  • There are no specifics between you . For example, you spend a lot of time together, you have common interests, but there is no framework for communication. Therefore, everyone perceives the relationship as free. Accordingly, he occasionally does things that the other person doesn’t like. This could be flirting with the opposite sex or going to a nightclub without warning. It turns out that you are not a couple, but at the same time you are not strangers.

The guy may assume that there is a relationship, but the girl does not. Hence her superficial attitude towards her partner.

In this case, you should definitely start a conversation and propose a relationship.

  • Mutual feelings . When a young man experiences the most tender feelings for his beloved and feels mutual sympathy, then he must act. Moreover, this applies to all ages; this is more of a symbolism of a relationship than a serious proposal.

Arrange everything unusual, because your main goal is not to set boundaries, but to evoke positive emotions in the girl. If this day is unusual, you can be sure that it will be memorable for your beloved.

  • Adolescence. This is the main criterion. Since it is during adolescence that a person’s socialization is formed. For normal personality development, psychologists advise starting to create superficial relationships at the age of 14. Starting from this age, a person learns about the world around him more meaningfully. Gender relations are no exception; on the contrary, they are cornerstone. Thus, a person learns to understand the opposite sex by gestures, emotions, and communication. This will help you approach starting a family more responsibly in adulthood.

How to get a girl who doesn't want a relationship with you?

Sometimes girls refuse guys relationships. However, this does not mean that they may change their mind. This doesn't mean that girls don't know what they want. Here it is understood that girls have their own reasons why they refuse relationships with guys, although in fact they may want them.

If a girl doesn't want a relationship, there's no need to give up. Better understand the reasons for her refusal. It’s good if the girl herself tells you the reason for her reluctance to have a relationship with you. If she turns out to be not so frank, then you will have to find out the reasons yourself. It could be:

  1. A recent breakup, after which the girl suffers greatly or even misses her ex.
  2. Negative attitude towards love in principle (perhaps due to a bad relationship with an ex-boyfriend).
  3. Lack of interest in the new guy.

While the girl does not want to have a relationship with you, you can just become her good friend for a while. You don't need to be her friend, otherwise she will put you in the friend zone, from which you will never get out. You just need to periodically communicate with the girl, go for walks, show your interest, but clearly make it clear that this will not last long. You intend to have a serious relationship. If a girl doesn't want to be with you, then you turn your attention to other beauties.

Why doesn't a girl want a relationship with you? Sometimes you don’t even need to find out the specific reasons. It is important to understand one thing: if a girl refuses, it means she doesn’t like you. Accordingly, the most effective way to win her heart will be to transform into the guy of her dreams.

If a girl refuses to have a relationship with you, it means that she doesn’t like you (in appearance, character, habits, views, etc.). For a girl to want to become “yours,” you just need to become her ideal. If you can guess what kind of guys your girl likes, then all you have to do is become like them.

What should I write to her to start a relationship?

If it’s difficult for you to talk about such a serious topic one on one, you can write to a girl on a social network. Nowadays, this is a fairly common way to start a relationship.

You need to write sincerely and preferably competently, because not every lady will want to date someone who makes several mistakes in the word “relationship.”

Write to her, for example, like this: “I like you. How about seeing each other regularly?"

You can write directly: “I want to date you.”

But all this sounds quite strange if you already see each other often.

In this case, it is much better to act not with words , but, for example, to kiss her or hug her at the right moment, then everything will begin by itself.

Often a humorous sentence about a relationship looks good, for example, “Does your mother need a son-in-law?”

Funny phrases will do , for example: “There is such chemistry between us that the TV series “Breaking Bad” can’t hold a candle to us!”

The main thing is to say not memorized words, but something of your own, personal, that will only be yours.

How to get your ex-girlfriend?

Sometimes a girl needs not to be conquered, but returned. If your relationship has broken up, then over time you can understand how dear your ex-girlfriend was to you. It will be much more difficult to get a girl back if she initiated the breakup (she had good reasons to do this). If you were the initiator, then it will be easier to return the girl (she is most likely offended, but was not ready to part with you, which means she is still waiting for your return).

To woo your ex-girlfriend, you need to spend a little time apart:

  1. Let your ex go, give her complete freedom. She is already free from you and does not owe you anything. Realize this.
  2. Change, develop, become better so that the girl is interested in your new qualities.
  3. Be successful. Let the people your ex communicates with start talking about all your achievements. Let other people, not you, start telling your ex good news about you.

If you date your ex, remain warm and friendly. At the same time, remember that she no longer belongs to you, so do not shackle her.

When not to offer:

  • Feeling of antipathy. Women love crazy things, but they need to be approached intelligently. When they don’t pay any attention to you, and sometimes openly ignore you, then you should stop. Most likely you will hear a categorical refusal, and perhaps even ridicule, which will lead to disastrous consequences. Some people think that approaching with an open heart and conversation is a courageous act. No, this is a stupid action that is doomed to fail. To begin with, you should go through several stages of acquaintance, get closer, and only then think about a serious conversation.
  • First meeting or date. For example, you just met a girl or met via the Internet, and you decided to go somewhere. You shouldn't confuse her with such a proposal. Most likely there will be a refusal and there are objective reasons for this. Firstly, she doesn’t really know you, even if you communicated interestingly. Secondly, there are no trusting relationships that are built over a long period of time. Thirdly, perhaps she does not have a strong sympathy, but decided to meet in order to get to know and see better.
  • When you are already dating. There are times when relationships establish themselves. Imperceptibly, you began to meet often and spend time together, you developed common interests, established a trusting relationship, and had your first kisses. Offering a date is at least stupid, she is already waiting for something else - a confession of her feelings.
  • Unless you're a teenager anymore. Boys as young as 16 can propose dating. If you are already older and have a relationship experience, such a phrase will sound stupid.

How to get a girl's love?

There are no clear-cut tips on how to get a girl's love. Psychologists can only give recommendations that can help in winning a girl’s heart:

  • Be yourself. Despite the fact that a girl may love bikers or motorists, continue to be yourself if you do not know how to ride these types of transport. The truth will sooner or later be revealed, and the girl will be disappointed in you. Therefore, conquer her with your honesty.
  • Win a girl for a long time. You like her, but she doesn't like you yet. You will have to spend a lot of time making her fall in love with you. Give the girl time, no need to be offended or push her.
  • Give the girl freedom. Until she becomes “yours,” she definitely doesn’t owe you anything. Chat with the girl, just don't stalk or force yourself on her. Let your communication be interesting, so that the girl then begins to miss you in those moments when you are not around.
  • Make the girl laugh. If you can cheer up a young lady when she is sad about something, then she will definitely fall in love with you. Learn to communicate with a girl so that she feels good with you.
  • Don't forget about compliments. Say nice words to the girl, but don’t bombard her with them. Speak rarely, but straight to the point, to the right place and time.
  • Make surprises. Don’t forget about gifts, trips to beautiful places, an invitation to an interesting establishment. During meetings with a girl, continue to communicate, show her your interest. Try to touch her or hug her, but don't squeeze her. When the girl approaches you, then try to kiss her. If she's not ready yet, don't rush her. Remain gallant and friendly towards the girl, even if she refuses to be “yours”.
  • Surround the girl with beauty, kindness and lightness. Let her every day be pleasant. Help the girl, protect her and make her happy.
  • Make the girl happy and special. How you do it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the girl begins to understand that she is the best for you.

Pursue a girl, but only if you notice that she accepts your attentions. If a girl turns away from you, “kicks” you, ignores you, then over time, give up her conquest.

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