How to make a man jealous: a complete guide (psychology) + How to test him?

The positive aspects for women look like this:

  1. When a man is jealous, you feel desired and valuable in his eyes. They love you and are afraid of losing you, and jealousy is proof of this.
  2. The gentleman realizes that his soulmate is in demand. This pushes him to take active action. After all, someone else could take his place.
  3. The stronger sex thinks that ladies should be interesting to other men, but belong only to him.

You shouldn't be forced to be jealous for no reason. To use this technique, strong arguments are needed:

  • The relationship is not developing at all.
  • You sit at home all the time and your husband likes this way of spending your leisure time.
  • The chosen one doesn't care what you do.
  • You're bored with each other.
  • Another woman appeared on the horizon.

Male jealousy is a pretty simple thing, but you need to know what you are doing so as not to ruin your relationship. To understand the process, watch the video:

Making a guy jealous - 5 common mistakes

Guys are conquerors. The more a girl pushes away from herself, the more you want to get her. Therefore, among the most common mistakes are:

  1. excessive attention to the guy;
  2. stalking: meetings, calls, SMS;
  3. excessive care;
  4. manifestation of feelings: jealousy, declaration of love;
  5. easy sex.

What to do:

  • Phone conversations should not last more than five minutes. You can check the time on the clock and when the limit is reached, refer to your busyness.
  • When you meet, talk more with his friend, but also pay a little attention to the guy.
  • praise some guy who has repeatedly helped you in difficult situations.
  • Don’t give direct answers to his questions, let his brain begin to figure out the situation on its own.
  • live up to his ideal and look your best.

How to make someone jealous over text

Today, social networks have become an integral part of our lives. Here they meet, quarrel, fall in love.

To drive a guy completely crazy, give him a fiery feeling of jealousy.

  • This can be done using statuses.
  • Don’t rush to respond to SMS, but to his questions “why is it taking so long?” try to laugh it off.
  • The technique works effectively: you made the wrong addressee. That is, the guy receives a harmless text, from which he understands that the message was not addressed to him at all. Follow up with a second message apologizing for your mistake.
  • Post your interesting story, post photos of yourself surrounded by friends, like some other guy. But just don’t overdo it, because the steamer’s patience may not be limitless.

Effective methods to make someone jealous from a distance

Distance has a destructive effect on relationships. Therefore, you need to be careful with jealousy.

Suspecting is worse than knowing. Reality has limits, but imagination is limitless! ©

No one will want to return to a woman who, as soon as the guy left the door, began to look for a temporary replacement.

You need to act subtly:

  1. When making a phone call, do not rush to pick up the phone and do not call yourself several times a day. One call and one SMS will be enough.
  2. Don't pick up the phone for a long time. When asked why, do not give specific and objective explanations.
  3. Find yourself useful and interesting activities.
  4. In a conversation, mention that you have changed your appearance, play a guessing game, intrigue the man and then he will look forward to meeting you again.

Techniques that will make you jealous non-verbally

Body language – facial expressions, postures and gestures directed towards another man will definitely cause jealousy in your partner. The woman indicates that she noticed an interesting “object.”

  1. The girl turns her face slightly towards him, supposedly looking out of the corner of her eye.
  2. Straightens the hair, moves it away from the man's face.
  3. Uses a smile to emphasize his attractiveness.
  4. Laughs loudly and looks towards the opponent.
  5. Shows off bust and neck.
  6. When walking, he sways his hips.
  7. Corrects posture.
  8. Sexily crosses her legs at the ankles.
  9. Plays with his hair, strokes himself on the head, twirling curls on his finger or moving them from one shoulder to another.
  10. Adjusts the straps, opens the slits, exposing the body.

Quite a tough trick: send your chosen one a candid photo, and a minute later write: sorry, not you

How to make your ex-boyfriend jealous?

After the breakup, all the exes actively continue to be interested in the ex-girlfriend’s personal life. Therefore, for the first three months, live an interesting and defiantly beautiful life.

  • Say no to pain and depression;
  • go towards new happiness;
  • start “tuning” your appearance: sign up for a gym;
  • embrace a more exciting lifestyle.
  • communicate with different men (do not exclude communication with your ex’s friends).

Believe me: thanks to word of mouth, information will reach the recipient very quickly.

How to make a friend jealous

If you are friends, but want more - go for it!

  • Bring to his attention that you can be liked not only as a girlfriend, but also as a woman, and the signs of attention shown to you by other guys will only help.
  • Hint that you want to flirt and are looking for a potential suitor.
  • Report the appearance of a boyfriend and ask for advice on what to do. Watch your friend’s reaction, because it may turn out that he himself would not mind taking your boyfriend’s vacant place.

How to make a womanizer jealous

Making a womanizer fall in love with you is quite difficult. Such men like the process of the game itself, and when the result is achieved, they lose interest in the girl.

© Sergey Yesenin
You need to act methodically and calmly with him!

  • Never show your jealousy to a womanizer.
  • Keep him at a distance.
  • Do not under any circumstances confess your feelings to him.
  • The guy must think that you like someone else.
  • Be unpredictable.
  • Allow him to approach you in doses.
  • Do not call when he is meeting with friends, but rather spend this time with your girlfriends.
  • Do not put pressure on a man and do not limit his freedom.

How to use jealousy to benefit your relationship

It has been noticed that people quickly get used to good things. And no matter how wonderful your partner is, sooner or later saturation comes. And neither beauty, nor a golden character, nor the ability to perfectly cook and present oneself can save you here. The habit cools the hottest feelings, especially in men. This is often not the partner's fault. Boredom is born in habit, and the only escape from routine is to find some kind of entertainment. Many, without thinking twice, start an affair on the side, believing that their old union is mired in everyday life, inertia and melancholy.

Feeling jealousy is one of the most effective ways to arouse strong emotions. For this reason, such a powerful stimulus should be used with maximum tact, so as not to personally make a loved one suffer. Jealousy for good is strong in that it is used with good intentions, to strengthen relationships, and not for the purpose of destroying them and infringing on the self-esteem of the chosen one.

Experienced intriguers know how to make a man jealous to the point of madness, so that he passionately proves his worth on the love bed, giving the woman unforgettable moments of intimacy. An attempt to defeat an imaginary competitor and rampant passions give a new impetus, and both partners receive vivid sexual sensations.

Psychologists have compiled a short list of recommendations on how to refresh your feelings with the help of jealousy:

  • Maintain your independence and individuality.

A common situation is when a woman is obsessed with her partner, completely forgetting about herself, her personality, problems, desires and hobbies, thereby losing any remaining interest in her person. It is very difficult to make a gentleman jealous in such a situation, and incredible efforts are required to become desirable and attractive in his eyes.

  • Don't become predictable.

One of the fatal mistakes of enthusiastic ladies is to reveal intimate details of previous novels to a new object of adoration. Mystery and evasive hints will much more ignite the fire of jealousy in a fan, while the lack of secrets and excessive openness of the soul will quickly become boring.

How to make a man jealous if you know his zodiac sign

Taurus - reacts furiously to deception on the part of the chosen one. If he has direct evidence of this, then there will be no forgiveness. The absence of words of recognition may cause distrust in him. A jealous state can be awakened by attention shown to another man.

Geminis do not like competition. It is enough just to hint that your new acquaintance is superior to him in some way, and the Gemini man will begin to actively prove the opposite, surrounding him with attention and care.

Leos are quick-tempered and jealous by nature, so any rash action can provoke jealousy in their lover. Just simple coquetry with his rival is enough, and the lion will already have a plan for revenge, as a consequence of the response to the unworthy behavior of his beloved.

Cancer is a very loyal and loving sign. They are very emotional, so an innocent story about how an old friend invited him somewhere will make him move. They are very emotional and do not hide their feelings.

Sagittarius - will not be jealous for any reason. They themselves are fickle and look at everything with optimism and ease. However, public opinion is very important to them. A subtle hint that the relationship is going downhill and someone is contributing to this will force him to act.

Libras do not like omissions, hints and delays. As soon as a potential competitor appears on their horizon, they experience a shake-up.

Capricorn - cannot tolerate frivolous behavior. Light flirting, buying clothes, avoiding household chores will make him indignant. Any change in the partner’s behavior will start sounding the alarm as a Capricorn.

Virgo will not be able to ignore the obvious signs of attention from his chosen one addressed to another person: bright cosmetics, a short dress.

Pisces is a sensual sign. Such men are insecure and do not tolerate ridicule and comments. Their calm will easily be disturbed by coquetry or praise from a competitor from the lips of their beloved.

Scorpio is so confident in his soul mate that it will not be easy to achieve the desired jealousy. They will suffer not from physical betrayal, but from moral betrayal. Scorpio cannot forgive deception for a long time, and it is very difficult to regain his trust.

Aries is a temperamental and jealous sign. He will become furious if he notices even the slightest flirtation of his beloved with another person. Only he should possess a woman.

Aquarius – won’t make a mountain of them. It will be enough for the chosen one to spend a lot of time with her childhood friend for Aquarius to be wary.

What to avoid

The guy is jealous of his girlfriend


When arousing jealousy in a man, it is important not to do it “for show” and so that he can guess that this is your trick.
If he guesses, it’s a disaster, you lose. Distance and cooling on his part are guaranteed. It’s not for nothing that jealousy is called a dangerous weapon; it’s akin to poison: in the right dose it’s medicine, a little more than what’s allowed is already poison. Try to act in accordance with the context of the setting and communication, without causing strong contrast, try to appear sincere and spontaneous, and you will succeed.

Boundaries of what is permitted

If you're in a relationship, hugging others in front of your loved one is not a good idea, to put it mildly.
If you are at the stage of “playing with your eyes” and haven’t even really talked yet, such obvious interest from other men will certainly arouse the interest and jealousy of the object. In the first case, you will get burning, evil jealousy and a completely justified cooling of your partner. Plus, most likely, they will no longer trust you. The situations seem to be the same, but the results are so different! It's all about the context of the situation and the limits of what is permitted for your partner. If he is a Casanova, a public kiss can ignite attraction and refresh the relationship; if he is a calm, “family” guy, even light flirting can be the reason for separation.

Kvartina Daria · 07 Sep, 2018

How to tell if a guy is jealous

A woman will feel when a man is jealous, no matter how hard he tries to veil his emotions.

  • He will be able to get to the SMS and read all the messages of the chosen one on social networks.
  • He shows interest in her work and affairs.
  • The guy demonstrates a quick temper, often gets offended or withdraws into himself.
  • He invites you to the cinema, greets you from work.
  • He asks about his friends.

The most important thing is to be light and relaxed, learn to play the most dangerous game called “love” and then you can win a well-deserved victory.

Technique for inducing jealousy “Secret suitor”

There are several proven ways to manipulate a man using jealousy so that he is afraid of losing you (psychology).

Consider the “Secret Suitor” technique.

Change your appearance: let the changes affect your hair, outfits, makeup, manicure. When your mother or friends call, your voice when talking to them should be quiet and mysterious, as if a man is calling.

Don't forget to smile while talking. Bring home bouquets of flowers. Go to movie theaters without your spouse's company. If you receive SMS messages, read them with a gentle smile, and then erase them immediately.

Even when responding to a business email, act mysterious as if you are not communicating about work matters. Don't let your husband look at your laptop monitor.

If you use phone calls to induce jealousy, play the mystery admirer game only when your mom or friend calls.

When a man calls - a friend or colleague - do not answer the call so that you do not have to explain to your husband who it is and why he is calling. When buying yourself a bouquet, limit yourself to small and simple daisies.

Such flowers look like a simple sign of attention, while huge bouquets of roses and expensive gifts supposedly from a fan will look as if you are actually cheating on your partner.

What jealousy can lead to - negative consequences

It's not worth joking with such a destructive feeling. A jealous person is in constant tension, which causes:

Jealousy is like cheap wine, which over the years turns into vinegar and corrodes even the strongest love ©

  • migraine attacks,
  • sudden changes in pressure;
  • increase in body temperature.

The longer a stressful state accompanies a man, the worse his health will be. This can lead to the formation of chronic diseases: obesity, problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Also, a person in an attack can get out of control and do a lot of different things.

  • Remember, cheating on one spouse leads to cheating on the other.
  • Jealousy causes aggression, which can even lead to criminal actions in the state of passion of the spouse.
  • Spouses will eventually get tired of endless insults, reproaches, surveillance, tears and scandals. Relationships from such an unbearable life deteriorate, which inevitably leads to a breakup.
  • If you have children, try to protect them from the manifestation of negative emotions on the part of your husband. They react very poorly to parental quarrels, which is accompanied by acute neurotic reactions and a disturbance in their psychological state.

To avoid trouble, it is necessary to build relationships correctly, and not resort to extremes.

“Novel at Work” technique

Change your appearance, become more sexy and charming. Learn new makeup techniques. Stay late at work and return home in the best mood. Don't bring home-cooked lunches to work.

When your man calls, do not answer his call immediately; during the conversation, pretend that you are busy. Sometimes you can laugh easily and naturally, covering the phone with your hand so that your husband thinks that there is someone next to you.

But take note that appearing with a new, unusual and bright appearance will not leave your colleagues indifferent. Suspicions and gossip will begin in the team, you yourself will be surprised to find out what they say behind your back.

Gossipers can convey false information to your spouse at the first opportunity, for example, when he arrives at work or when you come to a corporate party together. Then not the most pleasant explanations and excuses await you, although there is no guilt. Therefore, it is better not to include people from work in such entertainment.

How should a woman act so that her husband is afraid of losing her?

Often, the challenge of jealousy is caused by a woman’s desire to achieve respect and attention from a man, so the wife begins to actively flirt with members of the opposite sex, hoping that her husband will become jealous and live in constant fear of losing her.

And indeed, sometimes it works. However, it is important to understand that this kind of action can cause an effect that is exactly the opposite of what was expected. Unlike women, men rarely forgive infidelity, and if they do, they remember it all their lives. In this situation, it is difficult to count on respect from your husband.

To create fear in a man of losing his wife, you need to act wiser. For example, come home with a gorgeous bouquet and honestly admit that you bought it yourself. In this case, the husband will feel ashamed, and at the same time doubts will settle in his soul. One way or another, he will think about the fact that he could lose you.

Is it worth it? Advice from psychologists ↑

Jealousy is a complex feeling, tinged with negativity and irritation, that brings a person pain and disappointment, capable of poisoning not only today, but the rest of his life, ruining relationships with loved ones and losing them forever.

Think about it, do you want to force your loved one to experience this whole range of feelings and experience many unpleasant moments? If yes, experiment, but don’t expect that your current relationship will change for the better overnight and the guy will be inflamed with unearthly love, everything can turn out exactly the opposite.

Video: How to make a guy jealous

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Why make your own husband nervous?

There are different stages in a long-term relationship. The excitement of the conqueror, who carried tons of candy and bouquets, is gradually replaced by the indifference of the owner. “Where will she go!” - sometimes such a phrase is even pronounced out loud.

Women trick men into jealousy because:

  • They want to show that they are in demand . Has the man begun to take the relationship for granted? Doesn't appreciate his companion, doesn't respect her feelings? Did you put all the housekeeping responsibilities on the lady and began to reproach her for her shabby appearance? Practice shows: an “injection of jealousy” will solve all these problems at once.
  • They don't get enough attention. Is the relationship stagnant? Are the two accustomed to each other and don’t want to make an impression once again? Is there not enough movement in the couple? A little jealousy and the fire of love burns again!

Anya, 27 years old:

“I’m not a supporter of such methods, it just happened that way. A year after the wedding, the husband began to cool down. All my free time is with friends, holidays are at work. He ignored my attempts to somehow organize leisure time.

He came in the evening cheerful and drunk, and I met him tired and angry.

Because all my time after work was spent on supermarkets, cooking and pottering around the house. It was a shame when I cooked for Jamie Oliver for three hours, and he came and silently fell asleep.

We quarreled once and I played intrigue for fun: I changed the passwords and started leaving in the evenings. Magic! In a couple of weeks the man was transformed! Home on time, flowers on schedule! The result has been holding for a couple of years now.”

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