How to make a husband jealous and afraid of losing his wife - advice from a psychologist and men


Indifference and lack of initiative of a man in the family appear due to loss of interest in his woman. Household responsibilities, routine everyday life, quarrels and misunderstandings - all these factors influence the formation of a prejudiced attitude and the loss of the former spark. Psychologists say that you can add color to any relationship if you use some influence techniques and advice. Making someone jealous is an effective manipulation that will help awaken interest in your wife.

How does a man's jealousy manifest itself?

Many women are interested in the question of how to make their husband jealous, because they tend to “cool down.” The confidence that the wife will not go anywhere, loves forever and recklessly, settles very thoroughly in her husband. Because of this, he stops paying her due attention, spends little time, and stops caring. A woman can draw her lover’s attention to herself and make her husband jealous.

Psychologists say that relationships should undergo an emotional shake-up from time to time. Many women are afraid to provoke their significant other, thinking that this will lead to disastrous consequences. At the same time, psychologists argue that, on the contrary, a feeling of jealousy in a loved one provokes better feelings, pushes to action and, like a hand, removes indifference. So, the main tips on how to make your husband jealous include the following:

  • Ignore, because often other halves get used to the increased attention of a woman. Missing a couple of his calls by accident will be a great start to jealousy.
  • Make up brightly and look good, so that the jealous person will think that his wife is trying for someone else.
  • Try to always look beautiful, because your loved one gets used to the everyday images of a woman and stops seeing “something unattainable” in her.
  • Behave detachedly, sometimes distance helps, it’s a good idea to go on vacation for a couple of days.

The loved one should awaken a sense of ownership, and not indifference and jealousy. This will be a sign that the couple is on the right track and the marriage is saved. You can understand that your loved one has taken the bait by the following actions:

  • offended by you;
  • stopped talking;
  • forbade anyone to dress brightly, wear makeup, or even leave the house.

Psychologist's advice

During my observations, I saw and heard a lot. One thing I know for sure is that jealousy always arises in relationships between people, no matter how you talk about a happy family life.

This is explained very simply, we are all human and we all have feelings that we use in certain situations. In fact, advice is not enough here, sometimes in serious cases, such as chronic inappropriate jealousy towards everything moving and not moving.

Yes, this happens too! Sometimes women make their beloved men jealous for no apparent reason, simply because they so wanted to tickle their nerves.

But men are more pragmatic in this regard; they believe that the woman will get mad and calm down, so they do not pay attention to their bad behavior.

But women are offended by this and they begin to try again and again, and in the end it turns into a serious family discord, which in 65% ends in divorce and division of property.

For many couples who are for healthy competition, on the contrary, a drop of jealousy in a relationship contributes to a surge of new positive emotions. Especially if both spouses are so harmonious and complete within themselves, then jealousy will benefit them, it will be similar to the marriage games of newlyweds.

In fact, there are many opinions and practices on jealousy in relationships, but one thing is true - jealousy can be both positive and negative.

How to make a man jealous

Let's leave theoretical advice aside. It’s worth resorting to specific “tricks” that will make your husband jealous:

  • Buy a beautiful bouquet and bring it home. When your loved one asks who the flowers are from, say that you don’t understand what’s going on. The thought that a wife has an admirer will not leave her husband indifferent.
  • Talk about your new colleague, even if you don't have one. Casually drop the phrase that the guy is not married, this will make your loved one nervous and jealous.
  • When watching a film, say what you like about the actor and as an actress, you would be willing to do anything for him. Often, other halves have a strong sense of ownership, and they do not want to share their woman with anyone.

Another way is to plot with a friend. Ask her to call from an unfamiliar number. Leave the phone near your loved one so that he can see the unknown number. An unclear conversation, like: “I don’t feel comfortable talking right now,” will make your other half nervous. If we are talking about more serious things, for example, your loved one has indicated the intention of leaving the family, try to appear in the company of mutual friends with a friend or any guy you know, so that your loved one learns about the action from friends. This method will encourage jealousy and help you get your spouse back.

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Which men shouldn't be joked with?

There are categories of men for whom treatment with jealousy is contraindicated. Possible complications are divorce, separation and severe conflicts.

No need to torment you with hints:

  • Toxic husbands, abusers . There is no need to joke with people prone to moral or physical violence. They are not the type to figure out whether there is a real reason for jealousy or not. There are men who cannot control themselves. They can hit, restrict freedom, humiliate, disgrace. You can't play jealousy with them, it's dangerous. It is more practical not to have relationships with such types at all.
  • Men of crystal honesty. Do you know that your knight is very principled? At 17, was he already planning to be together until old age? Did you speak disapprovingly of your friends walking? Was he cheated on in a previous relationship? Here it is better to return passion in other ways: travel, moving, a psychologist, children... Anything, but not the collapse of ideals!

How to make your husband jealous

Men do not like riddles and the thought that a woman is hiding something. Any intrigues, incomprehensible conversations, unfamiliar young people suddenly appearing in the environment will make your loved one nervous. So, how to make someone jealous? The main thing is to do it without pretending. You don’t need to immediately implement all the advice in one day. You need to start gradually so that the husband thinks that his wife is really changing. It is impossible for a jealous person to immediately guess the idea.

Be at home less often, spoil yourself less with prepared delicacies. Such care becomes boring, and its absence begins to lead to different thoughts. Try to easily flirt with an unmarried friend at a party. Don’t overdo it, light flirting in the form of phrases: “you’re so caring,” “how funny you are,” “why are you still alone” will alert you and attract your husband’s attention.


There are men who need to constantly feel jealous. And while he is jealous of you, he is with you. But as soon as he stops being jealous, you become uninteresting to him.

Some men, on the contrary, suffer greatly from this harmful feeling. And if you go too far, he will simply leave.

If you decide to play the “jealous of me” game, then be prepared for possible unpleasant consequences. After all, a man can also spend time with others for show. Just to make my wife jealous. Daria Sosenkova

How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife

Every woman needs to know how to make her husband jealous and afraid of losing, because this will improve the relationship between spouses. A jealous person will only love his other half more, and this effect can be achieved in the following ways:

  1. Do not control your loved one, do not demand detailed reports about the past day, let him tell himself what he considers necessary.
  2. Share hobbies. There is no need to brush it off when your husband talks about his favorite car, fishing, etc. If a woman listens, then nothing will happen to her, and her beloved will be pleased.
  3. Don't spend 24 hours a day together. Taking a break from each other is important for a relationship.

Do not show jealousy towards your husband, because this will make him think that he is interesting to other women. Don’t insist that the guy do something you don’t like, don’t try to “bend him to suit you.” All this kills the husband’s ego and at every opportunity he will try to get away from his wife’s total control, and someday he will want to leave altogether. A moderately attentive, understanding woman - anyone will be jealous and afraid of losing her.

When can you make a man jealous?

Jealousy is a rather dangerous and unpredictable feeling. In some circumstances, it can rekindle relationships with renewed vigor, and in others, it can completely destroy them. So in what cases would it be appropriate to make a man jealous?

  • The relationship is in a period of “stagnation” . Have you been dating for a long time, but he is in no hurry to propose to you? In this case, jealousy may push him to want to take your relationship to the next level.
  • The man walks to the left . Even a loving partner can have an affair on the side. At the same time, he may not even imagine that you may have the same connection. By causing jealousy in such a situation, a woman makes her partner understand how cheating destroys relationships. After this, as a rule, such love relationships end.
  • The feelings are no longer the same . Unfortunately, over time, passion subsides in many couples. If you realize that the relationship has cooled, you can rekindle your lover’s interest and feelings of jealousy.
  • He left for someone else . In this situation, seeing you with a new gentleman (rival), the former lover may again show interest, notice those qualities that he stopped appreciating long ago and, most likely, will try to win you again.


Men like to repeat that they are alpha males, hunters, conquerors and masters of this life. There is some truth in this. Therefore, play this entertaining game with him: arrange something like a hunt for him, where you are the trophy. Your actions are simple: flirt in front of him with other representatives of the stronger sex, talk about them, admire other people's achievements and appearance. Believe me, even the coldest spouse will perk up. He will look at you with different eyes, afraid that he might lose you forever.

And vice versa. Remain indifferent to his flirting - this will hurt the man and give him reason to think. When thinking about what to do to make your husband afraid of losing his wife, remember: when was the last time you read a book? Self-development is the hobby that is worth betting on. Perhaps your husband stopped paying attention because of a banal reason: he is not interested in you. Therefore, become new - find unusual activities to your liking, interesting hobbies, read a lot, be knowledgeable in various issues and learn to speak on any topic.

Why isn't he jealous?

Sometimes methods do not bring the desired result. The partner continues to live by his own interests. The main reasons for indifference are as follows:

  1. Hysterics. Sometimes girls forget that guys are people too. You shouldn’t constantly snap at them and show character. This behavior can push you away and make you withdraw into yourself.
  2. Constant control. People need periodic relief and solitude. Everyone should have time only for themselves. If a wife constantly monitors and controls any movement of her husband, this destroys morally. The result is quarrels and hatred.
  3. Demandingness. Everyone wants a prince on a white horse. Every girl has a list of criteria for an ideal man. You shouldn't abuse it. People don't change, so trying to make your partner fit you is a losing strategy.

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