Intelligence: what it is, types, classification and levels in human psychology

People often wonder what human intelligence is and how it relates to psychology. Therefore, in this article I will explain in detail what is meant by this term.

This is a complex of abilities to learn, understand, solve complex issues and find a way out of difficult situations, as well as the ability to think. Society greatly respects this quality and recognizes its value, but does not always characterize it correctly. For many, the traits of an intellectual are encyclopedic knowledge and excellent memory. In fact, they are associated with erudition.

Definition of Intelligence

It represents something of a taste for ideas. The chain is as follows: thinking processes the life experience we acquire and accumulates knowledge, with their help new ideas, discoveries, inventions, and innovations are born. This is a thought process that is impossible without abilities. Some are given more of them, some have less. This is human intelligence. If its level is low, there will be little benefit from knowledge. Readiness and awareness are just tools that help it manifest itself. Having a lot of knowledge without the ability to use it is the same as playing the violin without talent.

What characterize intellectual skills:

  • Memory;
  • skills of analysis, structuring information and forecasting;
  • logic;
  • attentiveness;
  • zeal;
  • reproduction;
  • flexibility, depth, inquisitiveness of mind;
  • curiosity.

Coefficient and methods for determining it

Intelligence quotient is called IQ. With its help, scientists determine the degree of development of a person’s mental abilities. In rare situations, IQ tests are used to compare intelligence between humans and animals. Researchers were able to determine the IQ of even an earthworm.

IQ is determined by conducting highly specialized tests. With their help, you can find out various factors:

  1. Absence or presence of mental disorders, pathologies.
  2. Calculate the “intellectual age” of the individual, which is compared with biological age.
  3. Level of development of mental abilities.

Creating an IQ test is difficult. This is usually carried out by a team of experienced psychologists together with scientists from other fields.


Until now, there is no unified classification of intelligence. Only one scientist, Howard Gardner, put forward the theory of 8 varieties:

  1. Spatial, most developed among drivers and designers. Characterizes the ability to navigate the terrain. If you are having difficulty building a route, this is what you need to develop. This can be done by solving problems with finding a way out, painting and sculpting, and tracking the movement of objects.
  2. Kinesthetic, responsible for the ability to use one’s own body, dexterity, and coordination. Those who have it developed dance and work well. Sports, yoga, and physical activity will help in its development.
  3. Musical, gives its owners a sense of rhythm, hearing and understanding. The more a person immerses himself in music, dancing, listening, singing, the more he will improve this type of intelligence.
  4. Linguistic, responsible for written and oral speech, develops when studying foreign languages, reading, communicating with people.
  5. Logical, allows you to feel like a fish in water among symbols, signs and diagrams. Will be an excellent companion for a scientist and inventor. To improve logic, you need to solve problems, puzzles and puzzles, and build chains.
  6. Interpersonal, also known as social, is close to empathy. This is the ability to feel and understand people, ease in building relationships, sociability and communication. It is important for creating a family and forming friendships. He is trained at seminars, trainings, and group games.
  7. Emotional is needed to understand yourself, to live in harmony with your inner world. It is especially difficult to develop, therefore it requires the use of spiritual practices: meditation, purification, reflection.
  8. Naturalistic is associated with worldview, natural phenomena, and physical laws.

Any type of intelligence in psychology is based on the development of personality traits and determines its individuality.

Types of intelligence (according to G. Gardner)

Attempts to create a classification of intelligence have been made since the middle of the 20th century, when it became clear that mental abilities differ qualitatively, and it is impossible to cut everyone with the same brush. There are many classifications, but the most popular in psychology is the theory of Howard Gardner, who identified 8 types (or types) of intelligence.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

It is associated with logical thinking and mathematical abilities. It is logic that has long been considered the basis of mental abilities in general, and it determines the various qualities of intelligence:

  • the ability to think in an orderly manner and build hierarchical structures of concepts;
  • the ability to operate with numbers and give a quantitative assessment of phenomena;
  • the presence of deductive and inductive thinking;
  • mastery of basic mental operations within the framework of formal logic: analysis, comparison, generalization, synthesis;
  • ability to work with databases, systematize and structure information;
  • understanding of graphs, diagrams and tables.

Those who have a high level of logical-magical intelligence achieve success in the exact sciences, in design, where abstract and logical thinking is required. Most standard intelligence tests primarily assess logical abilities.

Verbal-linguistic intelligence

Verbal abilities, or the ability to understand and convey information in speech form, play a huge role in a person’s life. And the mental development of a child is directly related to speech acquisition. Back in the 19th century, it was noticed that deaf and mute people who were not taught a special language had the same level of intelligence as a 3-4 year old child.

Linguistic intelligence requires the presence of the following qualities:

  • the ability to meaningfully perceive and analyze speech sounds and their combinations;
  • the ability to compose speech messages in accordance with the norms and requirements of the language;
  • mastery of written language, the ability to write coherent, logical texts, including literary, journalistic and scientific ones;
  • the ability to correctly structure your speech in accordance with a specific situation: follow the rules of speech etiquette, conduct a conversation, dialogue, monologue, discussion.

To one degree or another, all mentally competent, healthy people have verbal intelligence. However, its level can vary greatly depending on the activity of the speech center in the brain, on verbal abilities and on speech skills acquired not only in childhood, but also in older age. Linguistic intelligence is very dynamic and develops well. True, if for some reason a child has not acquired basic speech skills until the age of 3-4, then this will subsequently have a bad effect not only on verbal intelligence, but also on the general level of mental abilities.

Visual-spatial intelligence

In a broad sense, this is the ability to navigate in space, perceive and evaluate the shape and size of surrounding objects and their distance from each other. But this ability includes another important aspect - it involves the development of imaginative thinking and everything connected with it:

  • the ability to create, capture images at the level of consciousness and store them in memory;
  • developed imagination;
  • the ability to embody images in various forms: drawing, sculpture, design, diagram, etc.

This type of intelligence presupposes the ability to analyze what is seen and draw conclusions based on visual information. If we consider that a person receives up to 80% of all information from the outside world in the form of visual images, it becomes clear how important this type of intelligence is.

Naturalistic intelligence

Man is part of the physical world. His existence and well-being largely depends on the ability to analyze the events taking place in this world. The ability to quickly assess the situation, to determine by the smallest signs the approach of a natural disaster or natural disaster, to distinguish edible from inedible, enemy from prey - all this is naturalistic intelligence. And it played a huge role not only in adaptation, but also in human evolution.

Currently, a high level of naturalistic intelligence ensures success not only in such areas as agriculture, animal breeding and geology, but also in the natural sciences in general: biology, physics, chemistry, etc.

Interpersonal or interpersonal intelligence

We are not only part of the natural world, but also part of society. Therefore, our success and even often our very existence depend on the quality of communication with other people. Interpersonal intelligence includes the following personality traits:

  • the ability to build interaction with other people;
  • mastery of verbal and non-verbal communication;
  • the ability to correctly perceive and understand another person (social perception);
  • ability to work in a team, report and lead;
  • organizational skills.

The level of development of interpersonal intelligence largely determines a person’s status in society and his leadership qualities. This type of mental ability determines who you will become: a leader or a follower, and whether you can make a career in the social sphere, for example, in management, politics, etc.

Intrapersonal (intrapersonal) intelligence

This type of mental ability is associated with self-awareness and includes qualities that are very important for a person:

  • the ability to immerse yourself in your inner world, analyze your feelings, thoughts, actions;
  • a tendency to reflection as an assessment of one’s actions through the prism of moral norms and traditions of society;
  • readiness for solitude and even the need for it as an important condition for creativity and self-improvement;
  • the ability to form self-esteem and its adequate perception, understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses, shortcomings and advantages.

Intrapersonal intelligence involves the activity of a higher level of consciousness, which is why it is sometimes called spiritual intelligence. Perhaps this type of thinking ability was formed at a late stage of human evolution, and it is in it that the personality manifests itself as a higher spiritual being.

Musical-rhythmic intelligence

Human mental abilities presuppose the ability to analyze not only the sounds of speech, but also the sounds of music, an understanding of melody and a sense of rhythm. Such a type of intelligence as musical-rhythmic intelligence is usually not given serious importance. And indeed, without the ability to deeply analyze a piece of music, it is quite possible to live and even be considered a highly intelligent person.

However, there are people for whom this type of intelligence occupies an important place in the complex of mental abilities. These include not only musicians and singers, but also actors, teachers, and speakers. After all, the ability to perceive and transmit melody directly affects the intonation of speech. Musical intelligence includes the following qualities:

  • the ability to analyze music, including melody, rhythm, timbre, tempo, etc.;
  • the ability to reproduce a melody by ear;
  • assessment of the emotional character and intonation of music;
  • distinguishing the sound features of different musical instruments and different voice timbres (bass, baritone, soprano, tenor, etc.);
  • the ability to give speech a bright intonation coloring.

Despite the seeming insignificance of this type of intelligence, scientists have proven that musical abilities in our distant ancestors were formed earlier than verbal ones. And the point here is not only in understanding music, but also in the fact that for a long time communication was based not on articulate sounds, but on musical intonation, conveying various feelings and states.

And even today, musical-rhythmic intelligence is necessary to give expressiveness to speech, to be able to use the vocal capabilities of the voice in verbal communication: to convince, persuade, admire, be indignant, doubt, etc.

Kinesthetic (tactile or bodily) intelligence

This is the knowledge and understanding of reality through sensations, touches, movements. The need to feel and understand your body is required not only in sports, but also in many types of objective activities. The high level of this type of intelligence is manifested in the work of talented sculptors, woodcarvers, virtuoso engravers and blacksmiths. Without it, we cannot master the handicrafts we are accustomed to, we cannot learn how to knit and embroider well, or work with clay or decorative glass.

When a person complains that his “hands are growing in the wrong place,” he means underdeveloped kinesthetic intelligence. And these mental abilities begin to form in early childhood. We can say that this is the first type of intelligence that develops in babies. That is why child psychologists attach such great importance to the development of fine motor skills of the hand and, in general, the skin sensitivity of children.


The processes in our head are so complex and diverse that they are not subject to structuring according to several criteria. Comparing a talented mathematician with a brilliant composer is difficult and unproductive.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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J.P. Guilford presented a three-dimensional cubic model in which he identified 120 mental abilities (memory, analysis, assessment, expression of thoughts, etc.) and structured them into three components:

  1. Content (what we think about).
  2. Operation (as we think).
  3. Result (what the process leads to).

Some people are able to quickly draw conclusions and make decisions, others are close to flashes of insight with an instant understanding of the essence (remember Archimedes with his “eureka”), others are fixated on the assumption that came first. An intellectually developed person can live happily all his life, while thinking haphazardly and impulsively, without going beyond standards and stereotypes.


In some cases, when a person exhibits high intellectual activity in creative activity, it may be accompanied by what, based on certain characteristics, is perceived as genius.

If we understand the meaning of the mechanisms that form the basis of the psyche and determine intellectual potential, as well as the essence of this potential itself, we can talk about an extreme state of intellectual creativity, i.e. about genius. As a rule, genius is the degree of intellectual potential that contributes to the creation of extraordinary and particularly outstanding creative results.

The state of genius is distinguished by its characteristics of mental as well as physiological organization. And these characteristics are such that without painstaking and quite serious work, you simply shouldn’t expect any brilliant ideas and results. Among these characteristics are:

  • The required level of energy and energy, depending, among other things, on the characteristics of blood movement through the vessels, metabolism and ventilation of the lungs. If they do not meet certain parameters, the human body will not have the opportunity to fully develop creative skills.
  • Regardless of the level of energy and energy, a person must have a motivating force - something that will constantly push him to action and force him to stick to the chosen direction. Otherwise, a person will not even lift a finger, because he will not have any goal.

If these two characteristics are present, and their combination turns out to be suitable, a person becomes dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, which requires conscious volitional efforts to change. And when the understanding of a particular situation accumulates and reaches a critical point, that same insight occurs, called genius. If a person lies on the couch and looks at the ceiling, he better not count on any revelations.

What is genius? First of all, this is a constant stay in the process of comprehending some creative idea, incessant brain activity that prevails over everything else. It does not stop even when a person is sleeping, because it is of such great importance to him that it receives nourishment from most existing areas of perception.

This activity does not appear on its own or out of nowhere. This is a consequence of painstaking study and thinking about a certain problem or situation that plays the most important, almost the main role in a person’s life (one of such situations may be a state of love, when it is impossible to think about anything else).

The conclusion follows from this: in order to do truly brilliant things, it is not at all necessary to be a natural genius or to inherit some genetic traits from your ancestors. The state of genius can be achieved artificially by “getting sick” with something completely and irrevocably. This “disease” activates maximum intellectual potential, thereby leading to a state of creative genius.

We are deeply convinced that every person should develop thinking and intelligence. This should not be influenced by the environment, circumstances, or any other reasons. The only thing that should have an impact is a sincere desire to develop, become better and smarter. We wish you to have this desire, never stop at anything and, of course, collect as much information as possible about the work of intelligence and its features.

Let our article serve as another coin to your knowledge bank. We sincerely wish you good luck and achieving new heights!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Erudition and intelligence: why they only work together
  • General Intelligence Factor
  • To develop or to degrade?
  • Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  • Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory
  • Intelligence and its development: several recommendations
  • How to become smarter: 4 types of intelligence according to Stephen Covey
  • What You May Not Know About Intelligence
  • Deep Learning: What is the essence of the deep learning method?
  • Wechsler test

Key words: 1LLL, 1Cognitive science

Main function

The value of mental abilities is that they help you think productively. Thanks to them people:

  • self-realization and self-affirmation;
  • achieve success and demonstrate talent;
  • master new skills and gain knowledge;
  • occupy a position in society.

The list can be continued by the fact that intelligence and insight from ancient times to the present day help to survive, get settled, start a family and raise children. Therefore, the main thing for which they are responsible is the ability to integrate into society, adapt and find their place, and to do this profitably and quickly. The mind protects us from dangers. Levels of intelligence in psychology are divided into:

  • Short. People in this category are weak and dependent, passive and submissive. They definitely need care and support, the world around them seems complex and aggressive, and the manifestation of initiative and their own talents is meaningless and time-consuming.
  • Average. Characteristic of those who have good mental abilities, independence and activity. They easily adapt to society, are not afraid of everyday problems, apply their knowledge and skills, find a social circle and the opportunity to express themselves.
  • High. A special caste of “revolutionaries and wizards”, which is above adapting to the world. It is easier and clearer for them to change their environment to suit themselves than to change their own values. Of course, they are a minority.

What factors influence mental abilities?

All people have different levels of intelligence. Among us there are stupid individuals, people with average intellectual abilities, intellectuals. A separate group of people are mentally retarded individuals with various diseases and developmental defects.

Factors that influence the development of intelligence:

  1. Genetics.
  2. Impact of the external environment. This is a collective definition that includes the social standard of living of the family, character, methods of upbringing, level of education of parents, availability of education in public institutions (kindergartens, schools).
  3. Nutrition. For active work and development, the brain needs to constantly receive a certain amount of nutrients.
  4. Influence of peers, friends.

When conducting research, scientists also identified other factors - the relationship of parents, the size of the house, its cost, the salary of each family member, and income for 1 year.

Individual characteristics

The traditional concept in psychology distinguishes the classification into three types of intelligence:

  1. Innate, which cannot be learned and instilled.
  2. Social-behavioral, which can be traced in actions and statements
  3. Assessable, it is measurable through psychological tests.

People differ not only in the presence of abilities, but also in their qualitative characteristics, a set that is characteristic of the individual. It is impossible to say unequivocally that a talented artist will be the same in dancing. But the fact that differences in the level of mental activity are noticeable almost from birth is possible.

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If a child shows curiosity about the world around him, causes a lot of trouble by unwinding toilet paper, knocking over food, or dragging a domestic cat by the tail - rest assured, this is a sign of high intelligence. But the quiet one, with whom, according to the parents, they were lucky, is unlikely to stand out with a high level of IQ. To evaluate it correctly, assessment techniques are used in the form of tests with different tasks for different age categories.

What does intellectual level depend on?

We receive a certain set of qualities from birth, by inheritance. It is impossible to influence them. But we are talking about only half of the skills. The other is acquired during growing up and depends not only on natural data: the mobility of neurons, reaction speed, the nature of the nervous system, but also on the social environment in which the personality develops.

The emotional connection between the child and mother is of particular importance for the development of mental abilities. Children who are surrounded by love, affection and care show better results on intelligence assessment tests.

Age differences

Measuring intelligence in the same person at different ages will give interrelated results. That is, if a child at 5 years old was distinguished by intelligence and intelligence, indicators of brain activity. most likely to remain high at 20 and 40 years of age. However, a 100% guarantee cannot be given.

For example, Pascal, being 13 years old, participated in meetings of the academic council on mathematics, and Einstein at the age of 15 was expelled from school for poor performance.

Comparing the indicators of different age groups, we will see certain patterns:

  • the coefficient increases until the age of 17-18, slowing down during transition periods when the brain is “busy” solving other issues;
  • after 20 years, development slows down significantly;
  • logical, analytical and arithmetic potential is revealed by the age of 30;
  • medicine is easier at the age of 40-45, psychology after 50;
  • All years are submissive to art; researchers have not established restrictions.

An interesting fact is that there is no obligatory regression of intellectual activity. Of course, in older people, physiological processes affecting the cerebral cortex are disrupted, but a person gains important life experience that helps him apply the knowledge that he has accumulated.

Gender differences

Although the stereotype about the huge difference in mental abilities of the stronger and weaker sex is constantly discussed in society, no one has yet been able to scientifically substantiate the existence of an “intellectual gap.” Indeed, the average level of intelligence is approximately the same for men and women. The difference is observed in the following aspects:

  • girls under 15 develop much faster than boys;
  • Males are better able to shine with mathematical talents, while women are distinguished by the development of speech, emotional activity and creative skills;
  • The priority of the fair half is non-standard thinking.

History of the study

The question of studying intellectual abilities arose especially acutely for scientists in the 19th century. By 1905, French scientists T. Simon and A. Binet were able to develop the first tests that were designed to assess the level of mental abilities in children aged 3–13 years. The creators of the texts themselves considered intelligence as a level of development of mental health inherent in a certain age. The assessment was based on the number of correct answers and their ratio to errors.

The next breakthrough in this area occurred in 1912. Then the German psychologist W. Stern proposed making assessments of the level of mental development by calculating the IQ. He called them the relationship between the chronological and mental age of the child.

The teachings of V. Stern were continued by L. Theremin. He adapted the proposed coefficient for US residents, brought it under the Binet-Simon scale, for which he came up with some changes to modify it. Thanks to the work of L. Theremin, a new scale for assessing intelligence was developed.

The first full-fledged IQ test was proposed by D. Wexler. He proposed a detailed classification of levels of development of mental abilities, which was based on the frequency of occurrence of the indicator:

  • intellectual decline - up to 69;
  • borderline level - from 70 to 79;
  • reduced rate - from 80 to 89;
  • average level - from 90 to 109;
  • a good indicator is from 110 to 119;
  • high level - from 120 to 129;
  • very high level - over 130.

Over time, the scale was refined and changed depending on current realities. More informative tests were compiled for it.


Intelligence studies are carried out on the basis of various methods and techniques. All of them are based on two principles: testing and experimentation. For example, logical thinking and pattern identification skills are revealed using Raven's progressive matrices. Amthauer tests specialize in orientation in professional activities. Both the first and second technologies are developed for people of different ages. To evaluate a child, the Goodenough-Harris method is suitable, which gives an assessment based on a child’s drawing. All these developments are decades old, they are unified and give average readings.

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  1. Stimulating and productive. The mental activity of an individual depends on the manifestations of external factors. At this level, intellectual activity is limited to the path initially found or set by someone. A person can solve problems, but they are not connected.
  2. Heuristic level. Spontaneous cognitive activity, with the help of which various patterns are discovered. At this level, a person can create a single picture from disparate problems and phenomena, find commonality in them in order to identify unknown patterns.
  3. Creative. This is the highest level of intellectual activity. Finding connections in different phenomena becomes a big problem that requires deep analysis to establish the essence of things.

Recommendations for increasing the coefficient

5 practical tips for training your brain activity and increasing your IQ that you can use every day:

  1. Challenge your brain, solve math problems, learn foreign languages, learn to play a musical instrument.
  2. Talk to educated people. By having a conversation and understanding the way smart people think, you will benefit for yourself.
  3. Play computer games that require strategy development and train your reactions.
  4. Read books, it develops vocabulary and erudition.
  5. Play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Development methods

It is possible to develop intelligence, but for this you need to regularly try, not stop at the results achieved, and engage in self-improvement. There are different methods for developing intelligence in children and adults.

In children

The following will help in developing intellectual abilities:

  1. Daily walks in the fresh air.
  2. Formation of a clear daily routine, in which there will be enough time for sleep, rest, learning, and active games.
  3. Shared reading, best done before bed.
  4. Lack of a rigid mentality, development of a system of praise for achievements.
  5. Setting daily tasks and distributing them according to importance.

The development of a child’s intellectual abilities depends on the upbringing of parents and teachers at school. When using teaching methods, you need to reduce them to play. This makes it easier to interest the child and make the learning process simple and fun. Otherwise, he may develop hatred for the educational process, which will lead to problems in the future.

In adults

To develop intelligence you need:

  1. Play chess, checkers, solve crosswords, logic problems.
  2. Read every day. It is not necessary to choose scientific literature. It is better that these are works of art that evoke pleasant feelings when read.
  3. Sleep at least 8 hours per day. Eat properly. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Develop knowledge in areas of interest.
  5. Train your memory every day. It is necessary to remember the first and last names of friends and their mobile numbers. You can memorize one verse every week.
  6. Spend time thinking about complex issues and life situations. Try to come up with different ways to solve the problem.
  7. Do math regularly.
  8. Set aside free time to learn to play a musical instrument.
  9. Learn to think outside the box. In different life situations there is no need to look at others. It is recommended to develop your own approaches.
  10. Start studying foreign languages. This will help develop mental abilities and will be useful in your career.
  11. Make up different stories. It's better to write them down on a piece of paper.

We must not forget about a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to go in for sports, and if this is not possible, do daily exercises and walk outside in the evenings.

Intelligence is the ability to use one’s own potential for adaptation, survival, and development in the conditions of the surrounding world. Various factors influence the level of mental abilities. If it remains at a low level, it can be developed to a normal level and even higher. It is important to choose appropriate methods and not stop in self-development.

Emotional intellect

The concept of IQ includes the ability to distinguish between emotions, understand what motivates other people, what they want, what they strive for and what they achieve. It is he who helps manage his own and other people’s feelings to achieve goals.

Our mind can be roughly divided into two halves: rational, which is responsible for cognition, thoughts, conclusions, and impulsive, devoid of logic, but no less influential. Ideally, we should balance and make friends between these parts.

The IQ component is character. Emotional appearance includes skills:

  • believe in yourself;
  • sympathize;
  • control emotions;
  • be able to distract yourself from unpleasant experiences;
  • strive for a goal;
  • find motivation.

Primary intellectual abilities

According to psychologist Louis Thurstone, there are seven "primary intellectual abilities" that determine a person's intelligence: verbal comprehension, verbal fluency, numerical, spatial and inductive perception, perceptual speed and associative memory.

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Social intelligence

It helps to correctly interpret the behavior of others and build relationships between people. The better it is developed, the more adapted you are to life in society. If this part of mental activity is highly developed, it will not be difficult for you to predict the reaction of your interlocutor or immediately make a judgment about someone without thinking for a minute. It is more a gift of accommodation than of deep and thoughtful understanding.

Characteristics of intelligence and related abilities

The developed thinking of Homo sapiens allowed him to separate from the rest of the animal world and take a dominant position on the entire planet. It is worth noting that the influence of a person’s intelligence absolutely extends beyond his own life, that is, it has a posthumous influence on the existence of future generations. Of course, this quality must be equally combined with other abilities of the individual, otherwise it will not have such significant significance, for example, without the skills of cognition, learning and logical thinking. It is also required to be able to analyze information for its subsequent systematization, classify the applicability of data in various respects, find certain connections, differences, and patterns, as well as associate the information received with any other and similar ones.

In total, we can distinguish seven main parameters by which the level of intelligence development of a particular person can be characterized.

  1. Breadth of thinking. It refers to the ability of an individual to cover the issue under consideration completely without losing the original input data about it. This parameter also includes the ability to see the variability of the solution to a specific task.
  2. Curiosity. A person’s desire for a comprehensive knowledge of a particular phenomenon he is studying in certain essential respects. Without the development of this quality, any cognitive activity in itself becomes difficult.
  3. Critical thinking. A necessary skill for strictly assessing the results of one’s own intellectual activity. It is expressed in the ability to subject one’s judgments to critical evaluation, discard wrong decisions, and stop performing unnecessary actions if they are inconsistent with the task at hand.
  4. Depth of mind. The main purpose of this characteristic is the ability to separate the main from the secondary, significant from everything else, and also to distinguish between the concepts of necessary and accidental.
  5. Evidence of thinking. A fairly significant trait, thanks to which a person is able to find the right facts, patterns and arguments at the right moment that could convince other people of the correctness of the individual’s conclusions and judgments.
  6. Logical thinking. The ability to arrange all facts and judgments in a certain strict sequence, take into account all aspects and characteristics of the object under consideration, and trace every possible relationship.
  7. Mobility and flexibility of the mind. The ability to make the widest use of existing experience, operational research and establishment of connections and relationships between new subjects, as well as the ability to overcome stereotyped and stereotyped thinking.

"The Origin of Human Personality and Intelligence"

This name was given to a book by Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov, very popular among the masses, who is a member of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists, as well as a director, writer and screenwriter.

In this work, the author raises the question of what human intelligence is and offers detailed interpretations of the concepts of mind, consciousness, personality and thinking. Nevzorov’s work is based on research from classical schools of neurophysiology, and the natural scientific interpretation of all processes occurring in the brain or in any mammal is taken into account.

The book “The Origin of Personality and Human Intelligence” examines in detail questions about the thinking of individual individuals. The author himself adds that this work reflects the experience of generalizing data from classical neurophysiology.

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