Prevention of stress and development of stress resistance

Stress is an integral part of modern life, and today its influence and consequences, despite the development of society, technology, science and other things, have not decreased at all compared to the past, although it would seem that it should be different (interesting statistics on stress and a lot of interesting data we discussed in the article “Resistance to stress. How to remain calm and productive”).

Yes, now we no longer need to worry about food and survival, as it was in ancient times, but some worries have been replaced by others: now we worry about earnings, careers, economics, politics, social security, crime, terrorism and other things inherent in to the present time.

Even if we don’t talk about global pressure, pressure surrounds us on an everyday level: work troubles, misunderstandings in the family, relationship problems, exams, illnesses, etc. – all this negatively affects the physical and psychological state of a person. That is why the pressing question arises: is it possible to somehow protect ourselves from stress and how to deal with it?

There is a way out - to prevent stress and develop a specific quality - stress resistance. Our article today is devoted to these two topics, and it would be very useful to start the conversation with the theory of stress developed by the founder of the doctrine of stress, the Canadian researcher Hans Selye.

Another way is to take the online program “Mental Self-Regulation” and learn to cope with stress at work and school, difficult relationships in a team, anxiety and fear of important events, apathy, difficulty taking the first step and procrastination.

Briefly about Hans Selye's theory of stress

The concept of “stress” comes from the French word “estresse”, meaning “depressed” or “depressed”. This term refers to a state of increased mental or physical stress that appears under the influence of some stress factor.

The Canadian pathologist and endocrinologist Hans Selye was the first to seriously study the phenomenon of stress, and his research led to the creation of the theory of stress. The scientist believed that when the body is faced with such factors as danger, fear, pain, cold, high physical activity, emotional shock, etc., special protective mechanisms are activated, and this is not only a response to external irritation, not only a defensive reaction, but also the same type of physiological process.

This process is a complete mobilization of the body’s resources, allowing it to adapt to unexpected situations. And the body spends a huge amount of energy and strength on it, which is accompanied by great stress.

Studying stress and its characteristics, Hans Selye put forward a hypothesis according to which the human body ages due to the fact that it is affected by the total set of stresses that it has had to endure throughout its life. Any stress (and especially traumatic stress) leads to irreversible changes in the chemical balance of the body. And these mechanisms trigger the aging process of cells, and also negatively affect the body systems and the brain.

We will not delve further into Selye’s theory, but will only say that ultimately the researcher came to the conclusion that if a person wants to be healthy and wants to prolong his life, he must engage in stress prevention.

Stages of stress

Since stress of any origin has only one mechanism of occurrence: hormonal, the reaction to the release of hormones into the blood is the same in all people. There are three main stages of stress:

  1. Anxiety stage. It begins when danger arises, when the body is influenced by the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones contribute to the fact that the functioning of the immune system sharply decreases, food stops being absorbed, and appetite disappears. At this stage, if the situation is resolved naturally, that is, the person runs away, fights, or otherwise engages in physical activity, the effect of stress on the body is minimal. Provided that the situation is not resolved and is excessively strong, the body either moves to the next stage or depletes its reserves.
  2. Resistance stage. Overcoming stress is the task of any healthy organism, and the second stage of resistance mobilizes physiological and mental resources. The body's adaptive capabilities allow it to cope with negative factors, while anxiety, aggression and excitability are reduced to normal limits. But if the stress continues, then the next stage begins.
  3. Exhaustion stage. When the body's adaptive and mobilization resources are exhausted, the stage of exhaustion begins. It is characterized by the occurrence of somatic diseases and mental disorders.

Stress Prevention

Stress can be considered a disease, and like any disease, it is much easier to prevent than to treat. For this reason, it is important to understand how stress is prevented, which means that you need to learn how to get rid of negative emotions in a timely manner and eliminate psychological and physical fatigue. To do this, you should use several methods of effective prevention:

  • Rest. Systematic rest is of great importance for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, even if you are very busy, you need to find time to relax. At the same time, you need to rest not only physically, but also psychologically. Ways to relax include things like reading, walking, watching movies, chatting with friends, creativity, trips to nature, hiking, etc. You can find a lot of activities, but any of them will lift your spirits and allow you to relax.
  • Full sleep. Another way to prevent stress is healthy sleep. The stress resistance of a person who gets enough sleep is much higher than that of someone who sleeps little. To be in good shape, a person needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day. It is also advisable to go to bed at approximately the same time, do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, and do not drink coffee, tea or alcohol before bed. It is useful to take a walk before going to bed or at least breathe fresh air for about ten minutes, for example, standing on the balcony. Do not forget to ventilate the room where you sleep at night and monitor the temperature - you should not be hot or cold.
  • Proper nutrition. As you know, stress causes many disruptions in the body, so it is important to eat well. Nutrition must be balanced so that the body receives the required amount of vitamins and microelements. In addition, proper nutrition increases stamina and physical strength, and also improves immunity. Naturally, stress resistance indicators increase significantly.
  • Physical exercise. Sports and physical labor are a great way to prevent stress, because they release excess energy. Anyone can choose an activity to their liking and in accordance with their capabilities: boxing, swimming, dancing, mountaineering, rock climbing, football, etc. By the way, dancing is recommended for women - it strengthens the body, develops flexibility, reveals femininity and sexuality, and this serves as an additional factor that reduces the impact of stress, plus increases self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Massage. If massage sessions are done regularly, they will have a very beneficial effect on the body, relieve tension and fatigue, and relax physically and emotionally. In fact, massage is a real anti-stress therapy, and you don’t have to go to professional massage therapists - in the evenings someone from your family can give you a massage.
  • Water procedures. Water is not only a source of life, but also a unique substance that has a beneficial effect on the body and relieves psycho-emotional stress. Take relaxing baths, go to the pool and sauna, swim in the sea, lake or river. Do this consciously - and you will be surprised when you begin to notice that water “washes away” all anxieties, doubts, worries, negative emotions and fatigue.

By supplementing your life with these methods of stress prevention (it is better to use everything described), you will greatly reduce the risk of its development, become more resilient physically and psychologically, begin to perceive current events more calmly, and cope better with difficulties and problems. In addition to these, you can use a few more useful recommendations:

  • Change your attitude towards problems and failures. Don’t focus on the negative, break down difficulties into their component tasks, which are much easier to solve. Solve problems as they arise, plan, don’t overload yourself with tons of things to do, and get rid of multitasking.
  • Transform your thinking. Develop positive thinking, look for positive moments in everything that happens. Work on your sense of humor, learn to look at the world around you with a smile and laugh at yourself. All this will make you stronger and make your life easier and more interesting.
  • Learn switching techniques. Learn to manage your attention, consciously shift its focus from one thing to another. Switch from problems, resorting to the help of other people, partially relieving yourself of responsibility. Change your environment often and get distracted.
  • Master meditation. There are many meditation practices that are suitable for any person and can be successfully integrated into modern life. Even a few sessions of meditation will help you better deal with external pressure, relieve internal tension, relax and calm your mind.
  • Travel. Visiting different places, cities and countries broadens your horizons, gives you new impressions and emotions, and enriches your life experience. But traveling also makes you feel a sense of real life, and this in turn leads to positive thoughts, raising your vitality and mood.
  • Minimize stressors. It is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate all sources of pressure (by the way, we wrote about this in the article “Important information about stress”), but they can be reduced. Do not communicate with those who cause negativity, remember failures and bad events less often, and do not worry about what has not yet happened. And most importantly, keep track of where your energy is spent and don’t waste it.

If you put into practice everything we've talked about, it will be very difficult for stress to throw you off track. But, of course, some events will certainly affect you and make you experience stress. Therefore, you need to develop stress resistance in yourself in order to always be able to accept the blows of fate with your head held high and a confident look ahead.

What else will help you become stronger?

Here we want to say just three things that should definitely be taken into account by anyone who wants to become more stress-resistant and less susceptible to stress factors.

First, learn from your past experiences and learn from mistakes. Analyze the events that happened to understand in which situations you were less effective and in which you were more effective, which strategies and actions helped you achieve success and solve problems, and which only went to your detriment.

Secondly, develop flexibility and strive for balance in stressful situations. Don't allow yourself to go to extremes and give in to negative emotions. If they exist, they must be compensated with positivity. Also remember that active actions and work should be replaced by rest and recuperation.

Balance also suggests that while relying on the support and help of others, one should never forget to rely on oneself. Do not abuse the help of your family and friends, learn to help yourself.

And thirdly, do not neglect additional sources of support. This includes various self-help groups, where people with similar difficulties and problems gather, as well as forums. Feel free to share your experiences, emotions and ideas with people, accept help and offer it yourself.

Read books, blogs and articles by people who have learned to successfully cope with difficulties in life, including those just like yours. Today there is the Internet, where you can find information on absolutely any topic. Believe me, even a few lines about what is close to you will give you confidence, because you will understand that you are not alone.

And finally, one more thing: many people are quite capable, on their own and with the help of the methods discussed in our article, to overcome stress and develop stress resistance. But there are also those who encounter difficulties on such a difficult path, cannot achieve progress, and are not able to move forward on their own.

In such situations, it would not be superfluous to contact an experienced specialist, for example, a psychologist. Professionals have extensive experience in developing individual strategies for people experiencing stress problems. And the only condition for success here is to find a really good mentor.

But still, we are of the opinion that in most cases a person is able to carry out effective and high-quality work on himself. You can find a million examples of people who, as they say, made themselves. And the only thing that distinguishes you from them is that they did it, and you haven’t yet.

Learn to cope with everything life throws at you on your own. This alone can take you to a completely different level of personal development. And the more often you remember this, the stronger you will become. We are confident that you will succeed, and we sincerely hope that a piece of this confidence has rubbed off on you.

Keep your head up and move forward boldly! We wish you good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Stress: is there any benefit from it and how to get it?
  • Impact of stress on quality of life
  • Stress while studying: causes and prevention
  • Stress and psychology: how they are connected
  • Uncontrolled aggression, self-isolation and inaction: the influence of the body's physiological response on human behavior
  • Stress Diary
  • Ways to relieve stress
  • Workplace stress and stress management
  • How to cope with stress
  • Coping strategies as a way to deal with stress

Key words:1Psychoregulation

Healthcare of Mogilev



Stress is a general tension in the body that occurs under the influence of an extreme irritant (stressor). Stress is called the disease of the 20th and 21st centuries. Modern medicine claims that the main cause of all diseases is stress. It is extremely harmful to health; constant exposure to stress can cause serious diseases such as cancer, hypertension and various cardiovascular diseases. To protect yourself from such consequences, you need to learn to manage stress, relax, and relieve tension. You need to learn to recognize the signs of stress and its symptoms in yourself. And then, by acting correctly, you can prevent the occurrence of the disease.


They are divided into three categories:

  • physical ( insomnia, chest pain, abdominal pain, back pain, high blood pressure, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, tics, chronic fatigue, nausea, frequent colds, etc.);
  • emotional (excessive aggressiveness, increased excitability, depression, impulsive behavior, memory and concentration problems, hysterics, nightmares, panic, irritability, frequent tearfulness, etc.);
  • behavioral (alcohol abuse, constant search for various diseases, loss of interest in one’s appearance, the habit of biting and biting nails, stamping one’s foot or tapping one’s finger, heavy smoking, etc.);

Many of the conditions listed above are minor irritants at first, but become worse over time and can lead to serious illnesses under stress. By learning to perceive even weak signals from our own body, we can help ourselves better understand the sources of stress, prevent the appearance of serious symptoms and make it easier for ourselves to deal with stressful conditions.


Any stressful situation can become the main cause of mental and emotional disorders. However, mental disorders develop under the influence of a whole range of conditions, and it would be an exaggeration to attribute all problems of this kind only to stress. But there is no doubt that our state of mind and its stability are strongly influenced by our reaction to stress. The consequences of stress can be: a feeling of emptiness;

  • depression;
  • suicide;
  • schizophrenia;
  • sexual disorders;
  • neuroses;
  • physical pain, etc.


Almost any work situation can be a potential source of stress. How intense it will be and lead to serious stress symptoms depends on our perception. In addition to the “stress-prone” professions themselves, which initially involve stress, there are stressful situations in any job. Here are the most common ones:

  • disorganization and, as a result, incorrect distribution of time, lack of time to complete some tasks, haste;
  • conflict with your boss or colleagues;
  • insufficient qualifications;
  • feeling overloaded with work, fatigue;
  • too high or too low responsibility;
  • boredom, etc.

We must remember that if we are unable to bring our expectations as close as possible to the actual state of affairs, they, as a rule, will never be justified. Thus, by constantly receiving negative emotions, we train ourselves to perceive everything in a negative light. A habit of recording negative feelings is developed. Its consequence is devastation syndrome - a condition when a person completely loses interest in his work. As a result of this syndrome, a person often experiences moral and physical exhaustion, complete indifference to work and moves away from colleagues. Burnout is not stress, but rather the result of long-term exposure to stressful work conditions. Those who deal with people on a daily basis are especially susceptible to devastation. The “at-risk group” consists of three professional areas: healthcare, law enforcement and education. The devastation of the teacher is especially dangerous, since it affects directly the children, their attitude towards school, towards the learning process.


  • Observe and establish what exactly causes the symptoms mentioned earlier (at what time, what precedes them, etc., you can keep a diary, at least for a week).
  • Having made the correct conclusion - why are you so often irritated, are you haunted by nightmares, etc. - you can try to change something in your life (sort out relationships, change your work schedule, etc.).

In addition to the above, there are other ways to get out of stressful conditions: psychological self-regulation, using aromatherapy and oriental techniques to maintain peace of mind, recharging with positive energy from plants and pets.


It often happens that stress is caused by the discrepancy between expectations and reality. The thing to remember here is that there is no perfect job. First of all, we need to realize that sometimes our demands are too high. By making your expectations more reasonable, you can more easily adapt to your current situation. That is, if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it. Having realized the reality and realizing that expectations may never come true or will not come true right away, instead of becoming depressed, try to adapt to reality.

You can reduce teaching stress by:

  • Do not stop self-education, improve your professional skills.
  • Be sure to plan your time so that you have the opportunity to go to the theater, to exhibitions, and constantly keep abreast of the latest news.
  • Plan periods of rest, at least short-term.
  • Be aware of new ideas. Using the same materials year after year inevitably leads to boredom and emptiness.
  • Learn to plan your time. It is necessary that work does not consume all your time. Having the opportunity to be distracted, you will feel a surge of interest in your work.


  • More communication with colleagues and friends. Exchanging opinions, communicating and sharing feelings with others is a unique way to relieve stress.
  • Outside of work, try not to talk about work.
  • Find someone in your environment or among your friends who is really going through a very difficult emotional situation at the moment. Compare your situation with his. Find several positive remedies in your situation (you can use a situation from your past - “it can be worse”).
  • It is necessary to try to find something positive in every stressful situation. Imagine the positive results of what is happening, without focusing on the negative ones.


  • Relaxation - relaxation of the body (auto-training). Relieving muscle tension, and then psychological (using melodies for relaxation, etc.).
  • Proper nutrition . Against the background of nervous and physical overload, the lack of some vital nutritional components sometimes becomes the very reason that aggravates the stressful state, and in some cases is even a direct impetus for its occurrence.
  • Discharge using eastern methods (proper breathing techniques, some yoga exercises, massage, etc.).
  • The splash of water and the fragrance of oils (baths, saunas, contrast showers, hardening, aromatherapy - herbal bath products, the use of essential oils, etc.).
  • Medicinal infusions.
  • The surrounding nature as a source of positive and negative energy (use of bioenergy of the surrounding world - planets, plants, animals).
  • Color therapy (the color scheme of the interior may not be in harmony with our emotional and mental state).
  • Switching to other activities (hobbies, etc.).
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