A state of severe emotional stress and tension

In modern reality, people often have to experience stress. Sometimes it happens that some unforeseen event ruins all plans and forces you to plunge into anxious thoughts about your future. At the same time, the immediate prospects do not seem rosy, but, on the contrary, fade into a large number of bright negative emotions. Constant worries about certain events create emotional stress. It, in turn, affects both physical well-being and mental state. At the same time, the desire to act, make plans, or do anything at all may disappear.

What is emotional stress and how does it affect your health?

When you are in a constant state of emotional stress, it can be especially painful and challenging, and can have more severe consequences than other forms of stress. Part of the reason is that normal stress management measures, such as thinking carefully about the reasons that led to an uncontrollable emotional reaction, can only make the situation worse, whereas in a “normal” state of stress this may work perfectly. A professional psychologist is best suited to overcome such a period. But in this article we will also talk about what you can do yourself to deal with the consequences and prevention.

Important Stress leaves a heavy toll on our daily lives and creates strong emotional reactions because our relationships with others (which may be triggers for emotional stress) directly affect our lives—for better or for worse. Healthy relationships provide not only joy in good times, but also resources to help in times of need, added stability in times of anxiety, and even longevity and good health in old age.

However, conflictual relationships and “enemies” worsen tension and can even lead to serious physical consequences. However, relationships are not the only stressor. Financial crises, an unpleasant work environment, health conditions or a variety of other stressors can cause such a psychological shock that sometimes we are driven to unhealthy behavior in order to overcome the shock and cope with the consequences, especially when everything seems hopeless.

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of coping with stress is the feeling of being unable to control what is happening. The feeling of loss of control is one of the most severe and difficult for a person to accept, and in itself is a source of severe stress. But, if we find it difficult or impossible to change/eliminate the cause of stress, we can always work on our attitude and reaction to it, and get help along the way if necessary.

Here are some strategies you can use to help you overcome negative consequences.

Causes of emotional stress

Stress can be caused by both sudden and ongoing negative events in a person’s life. If a tragedy occurs, or, conversely, a person has been a prisoner of a difficult situation for a long time without the opportunity to rest or switch attention from the traumatic situation, a kind of “mental burnout” may occur.

At the same time, the source of serious emotional stress can be both real traumatic events and a person’s excessively negative perception of various, for most people, events that are not something serious. In this case, the risk group will be people with an easily excitable psyche, suspicious, rigid, and unable to switch.

Specific causes of emotional stress for most people:

  • death or serious illness of a loved one
  • disaster
  • war
  • job loss
  • serious illness
  • divorce
  • change of residence
  • loss of source of income
  • breaking up with a loved one

Signs of emotional stress

The concept of emotional stress was first introduced by the physiologist Hans Selye in 1936. By this, he meant a reaction unusual for the body in response to any adverse impact as a way of adapting to changed conditions. Due to the influence of stimuli (stressors), the body's adaptation mechanisms are in tension. The adaptation process itself has three main stages of development - anxiety, resistance and exhaustion.

Signs of emotional stress will appear in different people to varying degrees of severity.

  • Increased irritability
  • Tearfulness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Change in breathing rate
  • Loss of control over your reactions and behavior
  • Anxiety
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Sudden jumps in blood pressure
  • Feeling of fear, feeling of despair
  • Weakness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Muscle tension (clamps)
  • Feeling short of air
  • Constantly feeling tired
  • Headache and muscle pain
  • Increase or, conversely, decrease in body temperature
  • Changes in sleep patterns—drowsiness or insomnia
  • Changes in appetite
  • Depersonalization - the feeling of being outside the body

Symptoms of experiencing emotional stress in an adult

  1. Feeling of endless tasks, difficulties in distinguishing between time for work and time for rest.
  2. Loss of interest in other people, a feeling of irritation with them and a simultaneous fear of solitude, fear of loneliness.
  3. Ready to “explode” at any moment.
  4. The feeling that I don’t “trust” anyone, the feeling of hostility in the world around me.
  5. Loss of the ability to laugh, lack of a sense of humor, inability to express positive emotions.
  6. Decreased concentration, memory problems, rigidity of thinking, inability to be creative, create new ideas and images.
  7. Fear of the future, constant expectation of failure, a “rainy day,” a feeling of personal inadequacy.
  8. Fear of showing true emotions, feelings, thoughts, fear of being misunderstood.
  9. A feeling of one’s own unattractiveness, a feeling of shame for one’s appearance.
  10. Fear of getting sick.
  11. Constant feeling of guilt.
  12. Loss of interest in life.

If you find yourself with three or more of the above signs, it’s time to think about your own well-being.

Reflect on the symptoms indicated: are there any typical situations after which such feelings arise. Does your lifestyle meet your expectations and needs? Do you often allow yourself to rest? And is there any increased emotional and intellectual stress in your life?

Or maybe it’s time to take your stress tolerance more seriously?

For those who want to change their emotional life for the better, I wrote the book “How to Allow Yourself to Strong Experiences, Emotions and Feelings Without Destroying Yourself and Others.”

Relief and prevention of emotional tension and stress

Fortunately, although you can't always influence the stressor, you can reduce the intense tension you feel and the damage that stress causes. Here are some exercises that you can introduce into your daily life to effectively cope with difficult times. This is also a good prevention of possible stressors:

5 Ways to Cope with Emotional Tension and Emotional Stress

  • Practice mindfulness

    . When we experience emotional stress, it also often feels like physical stress: a heavy feeling in your chest, an unsettled feeling in your stomach, a dull headache, you feel drained, literally empty. While people usually try to distance themselves from these feelings, but this only serves to increase tension, it is actually quite helpful to go deeper into the experience and use mindfulness to help you notice where exactly these emotional reactions are felt physically.

    But at the same time, it is very important not to get emotionally involved in the experience, to observe yourself as if from the outside, without judgment, otherwise, immersion in the problem will not bring relief, but will aggravate stress. When you learn to be aware and not emotionally experience the situation, you will notice how stress weakens, the causes of stress cease to take over you entirely, become manageable and solvable, and this is also a good prevention for the future.

  • Take a break

    . This is another way to prevent and relieve severe stress. It is believed, and not unreasonably, that if we do not express all the emotions we experience (or at least the strongest ones), then they manifest themselves in other ways. Yes, it's true: studying and tracking our emotional states is useful in order to learn from what emotions are trying to say, and unhealthy ways of coping with stress, including trying to ignore emotional stress, can lead to other, more serious problems. but in no way to remove it.

    However, it has also been found that distracting oneself from emotional (and, by the way, physical) pain through emotionally healthy practices - such as watching a good movie, fun activities with friends, or solving an interesting, important mental task - can reduce emotional pain and help relieve stress. factors and a feeling of improvement.

  • Book some time to worry

    . If you find that mindfulness and trying to distract yourself in healthy ways are not working, and thoughts about a stressful situation are constantly overwhelming you, schedule some time, such as an hour a day, to fully absorb and think about the current emotional situation. This will help in relieving stress.

    Perhaps when you allow yourself to fully think about your situation, and think about all the possible solutions, come up with hypothetical possibilities and ways out of the current situation, reproduce strong reactions, or otherwise allow yourself to become fully immersed in the problem, you will feel an emotional urge to do something something that will help resolve the situation.

    This is great self-help. In order not to pricelessly ruminate, simply stressing yourself out, but to actually help, try journaling - it is a great technique to try, especially if you do it as an exploration of the inner emotional world and the potential for solution. You can spend this hour talking with your loved one about this emotional issue if you wish. And after the planned time has passed, be distracted by something else and stop spinning thoughts in your head. This technique for dealing with emotional stress works well for two reasons:

      If you truly have an obsessional urge, this technique will satisfy that urge in a limited context.
  • You may feel more relaxed throughout the day because you know there will be time later to focus on your emotional pain point.
  • Meditation practice

    . Meditation greatly helps to be aware, to feel the moment “here and now” and, as a result, not to be influenced by stress factors, and any emotional tension that lasts for any long time definitely falls into the category of stressors that meditation helps with. The practice allows you to take a break from thinking by actively redirecting your thoughts, and provides experience in choosing thoughts that can help relieve stress in the long term. Try some meditation techniques today.

  • Talk to a therapist

    . If you find that your stress levels are interfering with your daily activities or threatening your well-being, you may want to see a therapist for help dealing with your emotional problems. It is best to use one of the online services, such as Helppoint, to find a psychologist or psychotherapist.

    Here you can choose a trusted specialist according to your request and solve your problem with his help, completely immersing yourself in yourself, without the risk of getting stuck in a stressful situation even deeper. Whatever the trigger for extreme stress, you can work to reduce it, manage it, prevent future troubles, and feel better in the process without losing the “important messages” that emotions bring.

The information presented in this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional advice from a physician. If you find signs of emotional stress, consult a specialist!

Author: Editorial staff of the Help-Point.net portal

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Psycho-emotional stress (recommendations for parents)

MBOU "Aginsk Secondary School No. 1"

Psycho-emotional stress

(recommendations for parents)

Educational psychologist:

Vasilevskaya S.N.

Psycho-emotional stress

– these are negative emotional states that are associated with unmet needs. How does psycho-emotional stress manifest itself? The body reacts to an emotional stimulus with muscle contraction. Scientists have found that the stress that a person most often experiences can be “read” from his muscles. Muscle tension contributes to the deterioration of a person’s general condition. Prevention of psycho-emotional stress is healthy sleep, proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, and hardening.

Dear parents, watching your child, you may notice

signs of psycho-emotional stress.

1. Difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep.

2. Fatigue after an activity that did not tire the child until recently.

3. Unreasonable touchiness, tearfulness or, conversely, increased aggressiveness.

4. Absent-mindedness, inattention.

5. Restlessness, restlessness.

6. Lack of self-confidence, which is expressed in the fact that the child increasingly seeks approval from adults and literally clings to them.

7. Showing stubbornness.

8. Constantly sucks a finger, chews something, eats too greedily, indiscriminately, while swallowing food

(or vice versa, there is a persistent loss of appetite).

9. Fear of contacts, desire for privacy, refusal to participate in peer games.

10. Playing with the genitals.

11. Shoulder twitching, head shaking, trembling.

12. Loss of body weight or, on the contrary, the manifestation of symptoms of obesity.

13. Increased anxiety.

14. Daytime and nighttime urinary incontinence, which was not previously observed.

If you notice at least half of the above signs, then this may indicate that the child is in a state of psycho-emotional stress, but only if they have not been observed before. Psycho-emotional stress deprives a child of a natural state of joy for his age and leads to neuroses.

It is necessary to reduce the load on the nervous system: temporarily stop going to the circus, the theater, visiting and other crowded and noisy places, and reduce watching television. Before bed, you can give your baby a relaxing massage, listen together to quiet melodic music, a disc with recordings of the sound of the sea or the sound of rain, remember all the joys of the past day, and plan what you can do tomorrow. Examples of exercises that are necessary to relieve psycho-emotional stress, both for children and parents.

Exercises to reduce psycho-emotional stress

Exercise Purpose and course of the exercise
1 "Kicking."

Author Chistyakova M. M.

Promotes emotional release and relieves muscle tension.

The child lies on his back on the carpet. Legs spread freely. Slowly he begins to kick, touching the floor with his entire leg. The legs alternate and rise high. The strength and speed of kicking gradually increases. For each kick, the child says “no,” increasing the intensity of the kick.

2 Exercise "Icicle". Squeeze your hands as much as possible while inhaling (as if you are squeezing an icicle very, very tightly), unclench your hands as you exhale (a feeling of slight warmth).
3 "Cam". promotes awareness of effective forms of behavior, displacement of aggression and muscle relaxation.

Give your child some small toy or candy in his hand and ask him to clench his fist tightly. Let him keep his fist clenched, and when he opens it, his hand will relax, and there will be a beautiful toy on his palm.

4 “Pull.” Extend your arms to the opposite wall while inhaling (as if you want to reach something), lower your arms - while exhaling
5 Bobo doll. Promotes emotional release and relieves muscle tension.

The child's emotional stress accumulates gradually, and when he manages to throw it out, he again becomes calm and balanced. If a child is given the opportunity to release tension on some object, some of the problems associated with it will 7

behavior will be resolved. For this purpose, a special “Bobo” doll is used. It’s easy to make it yourself, for example, from a pillow: sew arms and legs made of fabric to an old pillow, make a “face” - the doll is ready. You can make it denser by filling a thick cover with sand or cotton wool. A child can calmly hit and kick such a doll, venting on it the negative feelings that have accumulated during the day. Having painlessly released psycho-emotional stress, the child becomes calmer in everyday life.

Sometimes even an adult wants to kick such a doll. Do not hesitate to do this, and you will see for yourself how quickly negative, aggressive feelings pass.

6 "Butterfly". Bring your shoulder blades together as you inhale (as if a butterfly has folded its wings), and as you exhale, spread your shoulder blades (the butterfly has spread its wings).
7 "Future Champions"

Author Kryazheva N. L.

This game allows the child to express his aggressive tendencies, his “fist energy” in a playful form on an inanimate object.

Many children want to become great athletes, world and Olympic champions in the future. To do this you need to train a lot. For example, small boxers need to have a good punch. Invite the children to “work out” it. To do this, you will need something large and soft: a pillow, a sofa ottoman, a feather bed, etc. The future boxer hits this pillow with all his might, trying to make the blow as strong and accurate as possible.

8 "Turtle". Raise your shoulders to your ears as you inhale (hiding your head like a turtle’s shell), while exhaling, lower your shoulders and relax (like a turtle, you stick your head out of the shell).
9 "Release of Anger"

Author Rudestam K


relieving psycho-emotional stress.

The child stands facing the object on which aggression will be taken out (a bed, a soft chair or a pile of pillows). He hits this object. The blows should be strong, but delivered with a relaxed hand. They can be applied with a plastic beater, badminton racket, hand or baseball bat. The whole body is involved in striking, and you can shout out any words expressing feelings of anger.

10 "Heels." Pull your toes towards your knees as much as possible (show your heels), and while exhaling, lower them.
11 "Kitty" Relieving emotional stress. The exercise is performed on the carpet. A fairy tale is invented about a cat basking in the sun, stretching, scratching the rug, washing itself, etc. The child performs movements pretending to be a kitten.
12 "Socks." Pull your heels towards your calf muscles as you inhale (pull your toes out), while exhaling, relax your legs and lower them.
13 "Ant" Imagine that an ant has crawled onto your toes. Pull your toes towards you with force. The legs are straight and tense. Listen to which finger the ant is sitting on, hold your breath. Throw the ant off its legs and exhale. Toes down, feet to the sides, legs relaxed, resting.” (Repeat several times.)
14 "Kinder Surprise" relieving emotional stress. Promotes awareness of effective behaviors and muscle relaxation. “Imagine that you have a small, helpless animal in your hands. Stretch out your palms. Take it in your palms, warm it, fold your palms, hide the animal in them, breathe on it, warming it with your breath, put your palms to your chest, give it your affection, kindness.”
15 "Byaka - Buka." Wrinkle your forehead, nose, bring your eyes together as you inhale, and as you exhale, return to the opposite position.
16 "Balls" relieving emotional stress. Promotes muscle relaxation.

The child and parent stand, lift imaginary balls from small to large from the floor, and depict their heaviness.

17 “Go away, anger, go away!” relieving emotional stress. Promotes muscle relaxation.

The players lie down on the carpet in a circle. Closing their eyes, they begin to kick the floor with all their might and shout: “Go away, anger, go away!” The exercise time is 3 minutes. Then the child and adult lie down in the “star” position, lie quietly, listening to music.

18 "Pinocchio." . While inhaling, smile as wide as possible (Pinocchio’s smile), while exhaling, make your lips a tube and exhale the air with the sounds: “Oo-ty-ty-ty-ty-ty.”
19 "Tender chalk" The game helps relieve muscle tension and develop tactile sensations. Contents: It is good fun to draw or write various pictures or letters on each other’s backs, and then guess what was depicted. This game is liked by many children, but, unfortunately, it is not very suitable for anxious boys and girls, because, trying to unravel the ideas of their partner in the game, they can worry and worry, as a result of which they strain their muscles more and more. Therefore, we offer a modification of this game. The adult says the following to the child: “You and I will draw on each other’s backs. What do you want me to draw now? Sun? Fine". And with a soft touch of his fingers he depicts the outline of the sun. "It seems? How would you draw on my back or arm? Do you want me to draw you a sun with “gentle” chalk?” And an adult draws, barely touching the surface of the body. “Do you feel good when I draw like this? Now would you like a squirrel or a fox to draw the sun with their “affectionate” tail? Do you want me to draw another sun, or moon, or something else? After finishing the game, the adult “erases” everything he has drawn with gentle hand movements, while lightly massaging the back or other part of the body.
20 "Fight" This exercise helps to relax the muscles of the lower face and hands.

Content: Imagine that you and a friend had a fight. A fight is about to start. Take a deep breath and clench your teeth tightly. Clench your fists as tightly as possible, pressing your fingers into your palms until it hurts. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Think about it: maybe it’s not worth fighting? Exhale and relax. Hooray! The troubles are over! Shake your hands. Did you feel relieved?

21 "Brave Doll" The game helps relieve muscle tension in the arms and increase the child’s confidence. Contents: The child is given a small doll or other toy and is told that the doll is afraid to ride on the swing. Our task is to teach her to be brave. First, the child, imitating the movement of a swing, slightly shakes his hand, gradually increasing the amplitude of movements (movements can be in different directions), then the adult asks the child whether the doll has become brave, if not, then you can tell her what she should do in order to overcome your fear. Then the game can be continued again.
22 "Play the Hero" The game helps to relax the facial muscles. Content: An adult invites the child to remember various heroes of his favorite fairy tales. Then he asks the child to answer the following questions: “Which of these heroes is the kindest? And who is the evilest? Who's the funniest? Who's the saddest? What other heroes do you know (surprised, frightened, etc.)?” Then the child draws all the named characters on a piece of paper. After this, the adult says: “I’ll now try to make a wish for one of these heroes and show you what he looks like. And you guess who it is.” The adult makes a cheerful expression on his face. The child guesses which of the drawn characters is like this. Then the child imitates the facial expression of any character, and the adult guesses who it is. This game can be recommended for anxious children and their anxious parents. Dear parents, remember: psycho-emotional stress is one of the characteristics of a person’s mental state. If a parent is often in a state of nervous tension, then he involuntarily transfers this tension to his child. Therefore, we recommend that you monitor your internal state, take care of your vacation on time, plan a vacation with your child and understand the importance of these events.

Rules of conduct for parents

1. If a child is afraid of the dark and sleeps alone, do not lock him in the room “to get used to it.” You will scare the child even more. The consequences of such “hardening” are sad: neuroses, stuttering, developmental disabilities.

2. A calm emotional climate in the family is the prevention of fears. Unfortunately, not all parents understand how fragile the child’s psyche is. Anything can be explained calmly!

3. Take children’s fears seriously, these are not just whims, especially since you cannot scold and punish children for “cowardice.” After all, fear is a dangerous human emotion.

4. Constantly reassure your child that he is completely safe, especially when you, the parent, are next to him. The child must believe and trust you.

5. Discuss his fears with your child. The main task of parents is to understand what exactly worries the child and what caused the fear. The baby will definitely learn to cope with his fears on his own, but this will not happen without your parental help.

Try to distract your child. For example, when a child begins to panic, distract him by observing something (for example, look out the window). Talk to your child more!

Support your child, but don't be led. For example, if a child is afraid of fire, you can not turn on the gas stove in his presence; such indulgence will calm the baby, but will not relieve him of fear.

Dear parents, we are confident that the information we have prepared for you will help you overcome fears in your children. The most important thing for a parent is not to be a bystander at a time when the child needs help and support. Always act - the one who does nothing is not mistaken. Analysis of error is wisdom.

Portrait of an insecure child

A child who is insecure, feeling very unhappy, can be timid, embittered, whiny, as well as restless, irritable, and non-communicative. His self-doubt manifests itself either in the extreme determination of his actions to achieve some positive result, or, conversely, in complete lack of will. He is capable of suffering from constant fear that he will be punished, rejected, driven away, or sent somewhere. He may develop obsessive nervous habits - he will begin to suck his finger, bite his nails, frequently wet the bed, and make involuntary spasmodic movements. He can constantly quarrel with his comrades and cling to his mother’s skirt, even in some ways giving the impression of a child with delayed development.

Tips for parents to help their child become confident in a social environment

1. Encourage eye contact.

When talking to your child, repeat: “Look at me,” “Look into my eyes,” or “I want to see your eyes.” As a result of consciously reinforcing this skill and regularly building appropriate behavior patterns, your child will soon begin to look into the eyes of the interlocutor.

2. Teach your child to start and end a conversation.

Together with your child, make a list of phrases that are easy to use to start a conversation with different groups of people, for example, what he could say to someone he knows; to an adult whom he has not met before; a friend whom he had not seen for some time; a new student in the class; a child with whom he would like to play on the playground. Then, changing roles, rehearse the conversation until the child can use these phrases freely and independently.

3. Training communication skills with younger children


Experts recommend pairing shy older children with a younger sibling, cousin, neighbor's child, or your friend's child for short playdates. Working as a babysitter is a great opportunity for shy children to practice social skills: starting a conversation, making eye contact with things the child is embarrassed to do with their peers.

4. Create conditions for playing in pairs.

Pair play dates are the best way to develop social confidence. In this case, your child invites one of his friends to spend a couple of hours with him to get to know each other better and practice his friendship skills. Offer children a light snack and try to keep disruption to a minimum; the presence of brothers and sisters should be excluded, television should not be included in the list of games.

If you want your shy child to become more confident, teach him to stand up for his own opinion. And not somewhere out there, away from home, but first of all here, in your apartment, in conversations and arguments with you. Of course, without rudeness and rudeness, but you also don’t get angry when you encounter disagreement. An important addition to what has been said: in order to teach a child to defend his own opinion, you first need to take an interest in this opinion. And be sure to give him the opportunity to say “no” in situations in which he has a choice.

Teach your child to accept other people’s jokes normally, and you and your child will learn some children’s anecdote or joke. After all, humor and a smile are an excellent remedy in difficult situations.

Teach your child to have positive self-esteem.

Practice together in front of the mirror to say such miraculous phrases as: “I am brave”, “I am confident”, etc. For example, it will perfectly lift your spirits when in the morning, sleepy, unwashed and unkempt, looking in the mirror with a smile, you seriously say in chorus: “How beautiful we are!” (for mother and daughter).

Help your child, because self-confidence is trained gradually. Soon your child will no longer be afraid to approach other children or ask to play, and will boldly express his opinion and defend his point of view. And this will be your merit.

We wish you and your child success

Games for tension and relaxation of arm muscles:

1. Games with “bumps” (to tense and relax the arm muscles).

The cones are broken into small pieces. Throw them to the sides and drop your arms along your body - your arms are resting. Perform 2-3 times.

2. Games with “ants” (to tense and relax the leg muscles).

3. Game “Sun and Cloud” (for tension and relaxation of the torso muscles).

Psycho-gymnastic studies by M.I. Chistyakova

adapted to older preschool age, dedicated to a specific section of psychomotor skills. They are aimed both at developing imagination and at relieving emotional tension. Exercises such as: “Arrange posts”, “Listen to the command” will help calm excited children. The sketches “Barbell”, “Icicle”, “Humpty Dumpty”, “Lazy People Competition” and others will help you relax your muscles.

Elements of self-massage

, including a combination of elements of acupressure with stroking, rubbing, and light tapping, help relax muscles and relieve emotional stress in preschool children with speech disorders.


- an effective method of relieving emotional stress. Research by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V.D. Ilyichev has proven that birdsong brings into balance all the processes occurring in the human body.

Passive forms of music therapy

according to I.R. Tarkhanov, M.Ya. Mudrova will be helped to establish emotional contact with children, relieve muscle tension and emotional stress before bed, during awakening, as well as in the process of speech activity.

After doll therapy

, based on the process of identifying a child with a kind, fearless hero, children experience relief and relief from emotional stress.

Painting with fingers has a beneficial effect on the child’s condition

since it calms and relaxes, it allows you to reveal the child’s inner world and use colors to track the emotional state. After all, the palette of colors mixes, shimmers and spills like feelings.

Working with clay

, the so-called clay therapy, leaves pleasant tactile sensations, helps to relax, and relieves emotional tension. When working with clay, you can perform the following tasks:

1. Close your eyes and feel a piece of clay, make friends with it.

What is it like: cold, warm, wet, dry?

2. Squeeze and smooth the clay with your fingers, using the back of your hand.

3. Pierce the clay and slap it;

4. Tear off a piece and make a snake, and now squeeze the piece.

Sand games

, sand therapy - stabilize the emotional state of the child.

fairy tale therapy in working with children.

– treatment with fairy tales, in which a joint discovery of the child’s inner world occurs with the child. A fairy tale will help children both become active and relax.

Thus, all of the above technologies and techniques make it possible to relieve emotional stress in preschool children, and are also aimed at ensuring emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and in the family.

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