Atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes on MRI scans
Why does brain cells die and what are the consequences of atrophy?
Magnetic resonance imaging is recognized as one of the most informative neuroimaging research methods. During the procedure you receive
Amentia - Summer
Amentia - confusion of consciousness, fraught with loss of oneself and the world around
Doctors at the Leto Mental Health Center provide assistance to patients diagnosed with amentia. In area
Tranquilizers, sleeping pills - Summer
Mental disorder in the family: how to help a loved one
Borderline personality disorder (abbreviated as BPD) is a rather rare mental disorder, characteristic of all
What does bore mean? Signs of boredom in people and how to get rid of them
A bore is a person who dwells long and persistently on one topic in a conversation,
Teenage substance abuse
The main signs of substance abuse. How to recognize a substance abuser
Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
Depressive disorder. Treatment of depression in Moscow
Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
Residual organic damage to the central nervous system: causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis
Organic damage to the central nervous system (CNS) is a diagnosis that indicates that
Causes of burning in the head
Localization and causes of headaches in various areas
The appearance of signs of a burning sensation in the head clearly indicates the passage of a pathological process in the body. Burning
Monster under the bed, “Casper” in the closet, night, darkness, fear... Nyctophobia and scotophobia, like an echo of primitiveness
The so-called “ancestral memory” makes people afraid of the dark. Firstly, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, since
Dependency syndrome - treatment in Moscow
How to get rid of psychological dependence on a person?
Medical information is reliable Checked by Eremin Alexey Valentinovich Irresistible craving for psychoactive substances is called syndrome
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