Classification of variants of arteries and variants of the arterial circle of the human brain
The role of venous circulation disorders in the origin and course of vascular diseases of the brain for a long time
Take care of your vessels! How not to miss vascular diseases of the brain?
According to statistics, vascular diseases of the brain account for about 42% of all abnormalities
Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder
Severe neurosis and asthenic neurasthenia Reactive severe asthenia can occur with pronounced neuroses. Disease
Myopathy: causes of the disease, how to treat and identify symptoms
This term unites a group of chronic neuromuscular diseases accompanied by primary muscle damage. Progressive muscular dystrophies
Carpal tunnel syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention
Radial neuritis - what is it? The radial nerve runs along the back of the humerus,
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Pharmacological action Glycine is a substance that is a non-essential amino acid. Under her influence they become more
Damage to the cerebellum, what is the cerebellum and how does rehabilitation work for damage to the cerebellum?
The Cerebellum and Mental Disorders The cerebellum has long been studied exclusively for its role in
Childhood absence epilepsy, causes of absence seizures, forms of childhood epilepsy
Authors: Mukhin K.Yu., Petrukhin A.S. Part 1: Introduction Definition, classification of epilepsy Idiopathic generalized epilepsy
Fanaticism: what is it, signs, examples, reasons, disadvantages
Fanaticism is an extreme degree of human commitment to any concepts, ideas or beliefs, manifested in
Narcolepsy: modern ideas about pathophysiology and treatment methods
Narcolepsy is a disease of the central nervous system resulting in sleep disorder, which is characterized by
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