They tell me that I'm ugly: advice, help, consultation with psychologists

Beauty is perceived differently by each person. The influence is exerted by established standards of society and stereotypes fixed in people's memory. It's no wonder that every woman wants to be attractive and beautiful. However, more than 80% of girls are unhappy with their appearance. What is the reason? What to do if you don't like your appearance? And how to love yourself?

I'm scary and I don't like myself

I consider myself ugly, what should I do?

Once Coco Chanel, who is now considered a style icon, Fr. Even in those days, there were many ways to highlight your best sides and de-emphasize your shortcomings. Nowadays, the fair sex has many opportunities to improve their appearance.

Realize that if you are ugly, it is your choice. Do you want to receive more compliments and love your reflection in the mirror? So we need to act! Determine what features you are dissatisfied with, make a plan with points in which you describe how you can correct this or that problem. Now that you have this plan in place, get to work!

Complexes or imperfect appearance

In fact, your lack of confidence in your own appearance may just be a complex that someone once instilled in you. They pointed out some “flaw” to you and you believed it.

Many of your “imperfections” that you are embarrassed about may not be noticed at all by people or not considered as such. Such self-doubt indicates low self-esteem, and a visit to a psychologist can normalize the situation.

Probably, many have heard stories about stars who, having a beautiful appearance, were dissatisfied with themselves or had complexes about their fading youth, going under the knife of a plastic surgeon. As a result, the appearance, which seemed standard to millions of people, was simply ruined. Such celebrities include Renee Zellweger, Lara Flynn Boyle, Melanie Griffith, Meg Ryan and many others. Surely, these women decided to undergo surgery, ceasing to consider themselves beautiful. Look at the photos of these actresses before plastic surgery, and see that their claims to themselves were very far-fetched.

Where to begin?

Following self-love comes an important factor - self-development. And it should be both external and internal. We all know very well that appearance gives advantages only in the first meetings. If in the future it turns out that the girl is just a beautiful dummy, few people will want to continue building a serious relationship with her.

If a person is told that he is ugly, there is no need to despair. Now your task is to analyze yourself, your appearance, in order to learn how to emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. Confident people charge everyone around them with this confidence. Height, weight and eye color are absolutely unimportant when there is something special, something attractive about a person.

How to understand that you are a beautiful girl

One of the main criteria in this matter is the compliments of others. If people periodically note the advantages of your appearance, then apparently you are really beautiful.

There are simply no specific beauty templates. The ideal changes every decade, and every culture has completely different ideas about female beauty.

However, note that beauty does not always translate into charisma, charm, sexuality or intelligence. It’s great if you have undeniable external and internal advantages, but if you are deprived of physical beauty, you can be no less successful in all areas of life than written beauties.

Surely, you have often heard stories about how men leave their beautiful wives for seemingly completely inconspicuous people. Many people ask the question: “What did he find in her?”, but when you watch such women in person, everything becomes obvious - they are so charming, smart, sexy and attractive that external “ordinariness” ceases to be so.

And this effect happens quite often. You may hear about some woman that he is very beautiful, but when you see her at the first second, you don’t understand everyone’s admiration. Once you start observing such a woman, you suddenly also begin to notice her beauty. It's all about charm - you're not born with it, but actively develop it.

How to love yourself if I'm fat

If excess weight really upsets you, then there is only one way out - to get rid of it. You may think that you are already doing everything possible, but the hated kilograms remain in place. This means that this is not true and you are not doing your best, in other words, you are not trying hard enough.

Girls who cannot lose weight are either not motivated enough or have health problems. To exclude the second option, get examined by an endocrinologist, nutritionist, or gastroenterologist.

Set yourself a deadline within which you need to lose weight. For example, you can read stories of girls who got rid of personal weight. There are many groups in this area on VK, where you can see the “Before” and “After” results, and make sure that with the right degree of desire and perseverance, you can also achieve the desired forms.

What should I do if I have an ugly face (long nose, bad skin, small breasts)

Many believe that at least 50 percent of beauty consists of other qualities - not the nose or breasts. If you have well-groomed hair, clear skin, healthy teeth and a slim body, then you can at least be considered a pretty girl or woman. All of these points are quite achievable if you really want it.

There are several large sites on the Internet where girls leave detailed reviews with photographs about how they managed to grow their hair or bring it to its ideal condition. There you will also find information about skin care, sports activities and healthy diets.

There is also a lot of information on the Internet on how to visually smooth out certain imperfections.

Plastic surgery is the solution

If this is not enough for you, and some part of the body or face is seriously poisoning your life, it seems that it is time to think about surgical intervention. Many women, for example, having undergone rhinoplasty, admit that they really regret that they did not take this step earlier. Contact a specialist and find out his opinion - is surgery really necessary for you?

Consider possible risks. If plastic surgery is your only option, then choose your clinic carefully. Look for real reviews, try to get in touch with the institution’s clients through a social network, asking them about all the “pitfalls” of the operation. Often, such interventions are not cheap, and if you do not have the required amount, then this is not a reason to be upset. Many clinics perform the operation on credit, “splitting” the payment into several payments.

I don't like my height - I'm too tall or short

Whatever your height, look for the positives in it. Tall and short stature are good in their own way. Tall girls often envy their miniature friends, and they, on the contrary, are dissatisfied with their diminutiveness, dreaming of adding more than a dozen centimeters to their height.

To make it easier to gain self-confidence, find information about celebrities who are about the same height as you. They often look great and don't seem to have any self-esteem problems at all. See what these stars wear, what style and hairstyles they prefer, and try to get closer to these canons.

Reasons for dissatisfaction with your appearance

It is noteworthy that plain girls think that they are beautiful, and sweet and pretty women oppress themselves as if they are ugly. But what is the reason for dissatisfaction with oneself?

  1. Comparing your appearance with world stars. You should not evaluate yourself by the standards of other women. Believe me, there will always be someone more beautiful or slimmer than you. And constant comparisons will only make you depressed or despondent.
  2. Children's complexes. What we have encountered in the past greatly affects our character and actions in the future. If in kindergarten or school we were ridiculed for having an ugly nose or crooked teeth, then in adulthood you will continue to doubt your own beauty. Even if the problem no longer exists, children’s complexes affect lower self-esteem and behavior in the team.
  3. Inadequate assessment of one's appearance. Women are so eager to be beautiful that they become obsessed with such thoughts! As a result, they cannot evaluate themselves objectively. It's like a distorting mirror that changes reality.

Just imagine, 45% of underweight women consider themselves fat and ugly!

  1. Symptoms of anorexia. Although women think that it is impossible or extremely difficult to get sick, this is a misconception. Anorexia happens suddenly when a girl, having lost a couple of kilograms, is still dissatisfied with her appearance. Then she loses more weight, and more... until she becomes a victim of anorexia.
  2. Distorted understanding of beauty. Even if nature has not endowed you with expressive facial features or a slender figure, you should not think that you are unattractive in appearance. Remember that true beauty is the inner essence of a person, and appearance is just a shell.

Strive for inner beauty, because its absence cannot be hidden with a fashionable dress or eyelash extensions.

How to live as an ugly woman

What to do to love yourself

Realize that there is no other you in the world and that’s great! Perhaps your appearance really does have some shortcomings, but why did you decide that they deserve more attention than your advantages?

Pay attention to your strengths, highlight them, and focus on them. Behave confidently, and this will have a positive effect on the attitude of others. Probably, many girls have noticed this phenomenon: a girl who is ugly in your opinion behaves confidently and even a little defiantly, and at the same time she has a wonderful personal life, and many fans seek her attention. Self-confidence sometimes attracts much more than external beauty.

Tricks of makeup and transformation using clothes

There are many videos on the Internet that clearly demonstrate how even the most homely person can turn into a model from the cover of a magazine after applying makeup correctly. Now there are many techniques, affordable cosmetic products and salon treatments that can significantly change your appearance for the better. Watch some video tutorials and you will see that these skills are not difficult to master!

Clothing, like makeup, is designed not only to hide nudity from others and to escape the cold, but also to draw attention to your winning sides, highlight your skin tone, visually enhance hair color, add or hide volumes in the right areas. places and the like.

Determine your color type using numerous tables on the Internet and read which shades will suit you. It is quite possible that previously, for some reason, you avoided, for example, the color pink, without even suspecting that combinations with it were most suitable for you.

Conforming to imposed ideals is absurd

Ideals, as a rule, are generated by society: news feeds, magazine covers and newfangled films.
Moreover, the trick was picked up instantly: before Emma Watson had time to post new photos, a crowd of fans ran to get the same haircut; before the blogger had time to publish a video with the stages of growing a fashionable beard, the guys immediately stopped shaving - regardless of whether luxurious growth suits them or No. I see a beard, but I don’t see a philosopher

(lat. Barbam video, sed philosophum non video).

Latin aphorism

And we believe that following the currents will make us cooler and raise us in the eyes of others. Of course, the assessment of friends and subscribers is important. Then we look in the mirror and think: yes, I'm cool, damn it. It’s a pity that as we become more modern, we begin to look down on others. And many, whose self-esteem is in a state of swing, immediately fall into depression: they say, I don’t fit into the new framework.

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