Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease: similarities and differences
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are two of the most common neurodegenerative pathologies affecting older people. IN
In a healthy body healthy mind. Psychosomatics - what is it?
Modern society is susceptible to many mental pathologies, among which nervous food disorders represent a separate group
Paranoid psychosis - Summer
On special delusional psychoses of late age (paranoid housing)
Paranoid psychosis is distinguished by clearly formed, systematized delusions, which are accompanied by completely logical (for the patient’s consciousness)
What does MRI of the brain show, indications and contraindications
MRI of the brain is a new, highly accurate diagnostic method based on obtaining layer-by-layer sections
What is empathy and how to develop it: a detailed guide + real-life examples
Hi all!
Structural changes in the brain during hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system in newborns of different gestational ages. Comparison of echographic picture with data
A stroke is a sudden disruption of cerebral circulation. Just a few years ago, this disease threatened as
Twinkle in the eyes
Flickering in the eyes: causes and methods of treating scotoma
Positive scotomas are rays, glare or flashes of light noticed by the patient in the absence of optical phenomena.
the girl is jealous
How to understand that they envy you or is it all about female envy
Envy is a sin in many spiritual traditions. She is believed to be the root of evil in
Back pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade
Pain under the right shoulder blade from the back: causes
This condition was first described by Thompson and Kopell in 1959. Damage to the suprascapular nerve
No atherosclerosis and varicose veins: how to avoid problems with blood vessels
Vascular problems occur in most of the population over the age of 40. They
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