Daily headache: causes, diagnosis
Author: Amelicheva Alena Aleksandrovna medical editor Headache is one of the most common types
How to forget your ex-husband
How to forget your ex-husband
Hi all! Divorce is a very difficult and painful event for every woman, even for those
It should be like this: what is morality and how does it change over time?
Morality is a set of standards that allow people to live together in groups is
Impaired gait initiation in progressive supranuclear palsy
Progressive supranuclear palsy Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP or Stiel-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome - sometimes called
When a person is dissatisfied with everything and criticizes everything, what does this mean?
When a person is dissatisfied with everything and criticizes everything, what does this mean?
Loss of Values ​​Sometimes we think we know how to behave in a particular situation.
Dysthymia - what is it and how does it differ from depression, methods of treatment
Dysthymia is a type of depression that is characterized by persistent mood disturbances. In that
married woman
How to forget an ex-lover for a married woman and love her husband (Psychology)
Hi all. When passion cools, physical attraction passes, secret relationships with another man can
Brain diseases
What diseases can a headache be a symptom of?
The brain is the main organ of the central nervous system. It consists of more than 35
what is resocialization
What is resocialization? How does the process of personality resocialization work?
The concept of “socialization” consists of many different structures on the basis of which the process of integration into
Go for prevention: dementia as a preventable disease
Inexorable age often leads an elderly person to live independently and cope with everyday life.
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