This is a waste of time, according to lazy people. What does a person get when he begins to devote time to self-development and tries to understand himself?

  • September 26, 2019
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Nechitailo Oksana

Do people who are constantly late annoy you? For example, you are sitting at a planning meeting, and then a breathless employee stumbles in, clumsily mumbles an apology and plops down in his seat. Naturally, the work environment has been disrupted. Everyone pays attention to the latecomer and listens to him “there are traffic jams in the subway today.” In short, people who are constantly late cause quite expected irritation. But there are also those who always arrive on time. A person who is able to manage his time commands respect.

You find meaning in life

When a person takes the path of self-development, his life is filled with meaning. People come into this world to learn and develop. If someone refuses to work on himself, then, in accordance with the law of evolution, this means that his program has been completed, that is, life has come to an end. A person no longer has a reason to live, and this leads him to stagnation. In this state he cannot feel happy.

It is in continuous development, setting and achieving goals that the meaning of life lies. A person who is constantly moving forward feels happy and alive.

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You are responsible for your time.

Don't blame others for your lateness. There are situations when you objectively cannot do anything, but they do not occur too often (if you think otherwise, I advise you to read this article again). In most situations, you are the culprit for being late, so I advise you to give yourself feedback in cases of lateness so as not to repeat mistakes next time.

If you follow these 10 points, then most likely you will not have problems with being late. Learn to be on time, practice and your punctuality will be envied and respected.

Tags: discipline, personal psychology, time, psychology of communication, tardiness, punctuality

You become the best version of yourself

A person who chooses the path of self-development changes for the better every day. He acquires new skills, he discovers amazing abilities and talents. He is always one step ahead of himself yesterday.

Changes affect not only himself, but also the space that surrounds him. He has the resources and energy to improve every area of ​​his life. His improved version has a better chance of achieving the goals he set for himself.

You increase your self-esteem

When a person begins to engage in self-development, he becomes aware of how much he can achieve. He learns that hard work on oneself allows one to win one victory after another. His horizons broaden, he learns useful skills and discovers new talents. This allows him to become more successful in work, school, personal life and other important areas.

When a person is successful, he always has a reason to be proud of himself. Those around him also begin to notice that he is getting better and better. A person is constantly praised and given compliments. This inevitably leads to his self-esteem growing. Self-confidence, in turn, pushes him to win new victories and set new goals for himself.

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What is punctuality?

Punctuality is the ability to manage time wisely and responsibly approach each task assigned to oneself, meeting deadlines. He always fulfills any promises and contracts at a strictly appointed time. Usually punctual people are far-sighted and prudent. They calculate time with a small margin, which allows them to adequately respond to abruptly changing plans, canceled meetings, traffic jams and other time-consuming events.

From a psychological point of view, punctuality is determined by such character traits as discipline, self-organization and self-esteem. Only truly punctual individuals can boast that they are in complete control of their lives.

A punctual person is a real pedant in matters of meeting deadlines. For most people, it is normal for them to communicate in advance that they will not be able to deliver as promised or be on time for a meeting. Punctual people try at all costs not to miss deadlines, because for them it is important that everything happens to the minute. They value other people's time and do not like to waste their own.

Punctuality is a very useful personality quality that is quickly noticed and always appreciated by others. If a person is punctual, others trust his words more and generally perceive him more positively. They know that he will always keep his promises and will not call at the last minute to cancel shared plans. And any person is pleased when he is treated with respect and his time is highly valued.

You open up new possibilities

A person who gets stuck in one state, refuses self-development and work on himself, is unlikely to achieve anything in life. He seems to inform the Universe that he doesn’t need anything, he has already achieved everything he wanted. Such people like to speculate that someone else is always lucky, and not them, but do nothing to change the situation.

New opportunities open only to those who are ready to discover them. People who agree to constantly work on themselves will not miss the chance to improve their lives. They are the ones who constantly discover new opportunities for themselves.

For example, a person could become a talented artist, writer, composer, etc. if he knew that he had abilities in a certain area. However, if he refuses self-development, he will never know about it. He risks devoting his whole life to work that does not suit him and does not like.

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How to fix yourself

You need to learn to control your time, plan your day correctly

Let's look at what to do in a situation where you are constantly late everywhere.

  1. Make it a habit to prepare in advance for an important event. If you need to go to work or school in the morning, pack all the necessary things in the evening and prepare your clothes. If you have a date in the evening, prepare yourself for it in advance. You can think in advance about what to wear, what shoes to wear, what perfume to use.
  2. Train yourself to write down what you do. Why is this necessary? If you can describe your everyday actions, analyze them, you will see what exactly you are doing wrong, for what reasons you are constantly late. For example, a lot of time is spent trying on clothes before meeting friends; When getting ready for school, you spend time scrolling through your news feed on a social network. Having identified unnecessary actions that you can refuse, eliminate them from your life to get rid of unpunctuality.
  3. Keep a diary in which you note your achievements. Finally, you managed to show up on time for a date, managed to arrive at work earlier than other colleagues - write about this in your diary. You need to note each manifestation of punctuality in it; over time, you will be able to see how your list is filled, and the desire to arrive on time will increase.
  4. Plan ahead. Some people are late due to unforeseen circumstances. However, you should not think that they justify you. A sane adult must think through all the moves, take into account possible obstacles, and calculate additional time.
  5. Praise yourself. If you manage to arrive on time, treat yourself to some “delicious food”. If you are late, punish yourself by introducing “penalties.” Using the carrot and stick method, you will be able to look at your problem differently.
  6. Figure out what things in your life consume a lot of time. Perhaps you often play computer games or watch a lot of TV. This is wasted time.
  7. Learn to prioritize correctly. Think about how important it is for you to arrive on time, to look good in the eyes of your employees, or are you more interested in reading a book for an extra ten minutes?
  8. Learn to plan your day correctly. Clearly calculate the time for performing certain actions, exercise, breakfast, work, hobbies and more.
  9. If you don’t know how to refuse people, the best solution to the problem is to memorize standard remarks that will allow you to avoid performing additional duties without offending those asking: “I would like to help you, but I’m in a hurry” or “I have a meeting in just half an hour.” There is no free time anymore, but tomorrow I could help.”
  10. Determine what consequences may befall you if you are late. For example, a child who is late for class is one thing, but an adult who is late for his plane is quite another. A person who does not arrive at work on time may be fired.

Now you know if an employee is late, what are the reasons for such behavior. If you yourself are regularly delayed, start correcting yourself. Understand that such behavior can lead to consequences when communicating with colleagues, classmates, or your beloved partner. Remember the benefits of punctuality.

You keep up with the times

Many people believe that to achieve success it is enough to get an education and find a good job. When they complete this program, they allow themselves to stop. They stop changing, developing, learning something new. However, these people forget that the world does not stand still. Our lives are constantly changing, our environment of activity and living environment is changing.

If a person wants to succeed, he must at least keep up with the times, and ideally ahead of them. Only in this way will he be able to withstand competition - at work, in business, in everyday life. Anyone who does not know how to adapt to changing conditions will never be able to climb to the top.

Hell of a perfectionist

If an ordinary person looks at photographs of the “hell of a perfectionist,” he may not notice anything, or some obvious disharmony will slightly hurt the eye. But for a perfectionist, this is truly a nightmare.

Causes of perfectionism

Perfectionism develops from early childhood. If parents show love and praise to a child only during his successes, then most likely he will grow up to be a perfectionist. At school, such children are afraid of getting a bad grade, as this may cause parental disapproval. Sometimes even a B can instill horror in them, which is why perfectionism is often called the “excellent student syndrome.”

As a rule, men are more at risk of becoming a perfectionist, since high expectations are placed on them from childhood. A man is the future head of the family, which means he is responsible for his wife and children. Therefore, from childhood, the stronger sex becomes demanding of itself and others.

But sometimes women put an unbearable burden on their fragile shoulders and try to be perfect in all areas of life: family, career, appearance, etc. This often happens because of movies and magazines. After looking at beautiful images, a woman has a dream to live up to these ideals in everything. But in real life, unlike on television, it is impossible to be perfect in everything.

You control your life

A person who pays enough attention to self-development learns to understand himself. He begins to separate his real desires, dreams and goals from those scenarios that were imposed on him by other people. Those around him can no longer manipulate him or use him for their own purposes. A person begins to live the way he likes, and this increases his level of happiness.

For example, many people choose a profession not according to the dictates of their hearts, but based on the opinions of their parents, relatives, and friends. It is self-development that will help them realize what they themselves want to do. They will finally have a plan that will allow them to change their lives for the better.

You learn to value your time

Many people complain that they don't have enough time to do important things. However, they waste hours and minutes that could be spent more productively on empty and useless activities.

When a person begins to engage in self-development, he stops wasting time. He has a desire to devote his free minutes to an activity that will truly benefit him.

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