The main symptoms of depression in adolescents 17-18 years old: how to recognize and help a child?

Age-related crises represent natural changes in the human psyche depending on the stage of development. They manifest themselves in changes in worldview, the nature of the reaction to familiar things and the basic line of behavior.

At each age, a person performs certain social roles and tasks. With age they also change, which can cause a crisis.

L. Vygotsky, a Soviet psychologist who studied the cognitive development of a child, defined a crisis as a turning point in the normal course of mental development, when changes in the personality structure accumulate, age-related neoplasms appear and lead to sharp shifts in development.

L. Vygotsky called a new formation a qualitatively new type of personality and human interaction with reality, which was absent as a whole at the previous stages of its development. At each age stage, he identified a central neoplasm, which characterizes the restructuring of a person’s entire personality on a new basis, and private neoplasms related to individual aspects of the personality.

Also, a person’s needs and motivations change, which shape their behavior.

According to L. Vygotsky, it is possible to determine the signs of “normal childhood development” and stable stages. Normal development begins at the time of birth and ends at age 17.

Any transition period is accompanied by a stress reaction of the body, against the background of which increased personal irritability develops from misunderstanding and lack of adaptation. This is considered normal. But if the social environment exerts pressure and does not contribute to a smooth passage of the transition stage, then the crisis may drag on or transform into more serious conditions.

Causes and risk factors

Psychiatrists note that depression in adolescents 17–18 years old can develop against the background of specific age-related changes. These factors include the crisis of adolescence, hormonal instability, psychophysical and emotional overload - and under the influence of the same factors that cause depression in adulthood:

  • injuries;
  • intoxication;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • psychotrauma;
  • severe or chronic somatic diseases;
  • organic disorders;
  • neuroses;
  • other mental disorders;
  • stress.

Causes of stress in schoolchildren aged 17–18 years:

  • choosing a university and admission;
  • passing the Unified State Exam;
  • moving to another city (often associated with further education);
  • conflicts in relationships between parents;
  • fear of a new life;
  • fear of a new team;
  • problems in your personal life (unrequited love, painful separation);
  • early pregnancy;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • internal conflict, for example, self-perception as an adult combined with awareness of dependence on parents, lack of experience and knowledge for independent living, etc.

The risk group includes both boys and girls, children from any family . Particularly vulnerable are adolescents who do not have support in the family or among peers, as well as adolescents from disadvantaged families (low-income, with a destructive parenting style, with addictions in the family).

Note! Depression is twice as common among teenage girls as it is among boys.

Crisis of the meaning of life

It is interesting that many people during the period of personal development often wonder about the meaning of life. Boys and girls are trying to understand the purpose of their “I”, its role in society, therefore they involuntarily show interest in psychology, self-knowledge, and esotericism. If there are not enough internal reserves and a person is spiritually poor, then he slides to the bottom. Often young people become alcoholics and drug addicts when they cannot overcome the crisis of the meaning of life. Some teenagers form groups and create their own subcultures, thus protesting against the depersonalization of adult life. Unfortunately, there are those who go too far and decide to commit suicide. But such an action is not a way out of the situation, but only a manifestation of cowardice.

Author: psychologist Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

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What types of disorders are people prone to at this age?

Reactive depression, that is, a disorder caused by the influence of external factors, is more common. These factors include:

  • overwork;
  • problems in the family or relationships with peers;
  • learning difficulties;
  • search for the meaning of life.

In most cases, depression in older schoolchildren is mild. This means that she is hiding behind the masks of other disorders, diseases, problems.

For example, parents may struggle with a young man’s aggressiveness and not even realize that this is a mask for depression. Apathy, hypochondria, deviation, disorientation are common masks for depression in adolescents.

According to research by N.A. Mazaeva, N.E. Kravchenko and E.I. Ivanova, moderate depressive episodes are more common .

In 10% of cases they are preceded by affective instability (1–2 years). A disorder of this type and at this age is characterized by a protracted course (from six months).

Important! Depression at 17–18 years of age is highly treatable. According to WHO, 80% of adolescents successfully overcome depression and do not experience its consequences or complications. However, the prognosis largely depends on the early initiation of treatment.

Trouble for the obedient

Many young people, accustomed to being exemplary children and students, practically do not change after coming of age. They continue to be good boys and carefully fulfill social requirements. It seems to them that if they do everything well and on time, then their life will be easy, calm, and familiar. As a rule, such young men and women succeed in further studies at universities and colleges, but at the same time they are often perceived by their classmates as “nerds” and nerds who are not liked.

But lazy people and partygoers who prefer fun parties to studying feel at ease in society. They hone their communication skills at different parties, make useful connections, which allows them to become more successful in the future. Unfortunately, former excellent students break down faster than poor students when they come face to face with real life. They develop skills that allow them to behave correctly and be liked by society. Very often, such people become victims of office intrigue, because they do not know how to get out of difficult situations and put presumptuous colleagues in their place.

Signs of emotional instability

Signs and symptoms of depression at 17–18 years old:

  • irritability;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • inattention;
  • reduced performance;
  • inappropriate emotional reactions (isolation, screaming, crying);
  • painful reaction to criticism;
  • withdrawal;
  • problems with studies;
  • alternation of apathy and anxiety (the first intensifies in the morning, the second in the evening);
  • mood swings;
  • change in appetite;
  • loss of interest in previous hobbies;
  • tendency to self-flagellation (patients scold themselves for weakness of will, accuse themselves of lack of concentration);
  • tendency to self-aggression (self-punishment, self-harm);
  • leaving home;
  • risky and dangerous, antisocial behavior.

A sign that is difficult to miss is indifference to the Unified State Exam, entrance exams, and studies . You can hear such phrases from a teenager: “Why do I need all this!”, “I won’t go on studying,” “Well, I won’t pass and I won’t pass, I don’t care.”

Some teenagers feel guilty before their parents, for example, if, due to absent-mindedness, they were unable to pass the Unified State Exam with the required score and enroll where they planned.

An example of the course of depression in a 17-year-old girl (according to her mother): “She lies flat on the bed, does not eat, listens to music and cries, skips school, is reluctant to communicate.”

An example of an 18-year-old girl with suspected depression: “I used to be the life of the party, radiated positivity, endured all difficulties with steadfastness and humor, was fond of many hobbies, and was a versatile person.

I broke down after my loved one cheated on me with my best friend. Now I’m suffering from anxiety and sleep problems, I can’t find my place in the world.”

Note! If in younger adolescents the somatic symptoms of depression come to the fore, then in older adolescents the psychological symptoms come to the fore.


High anxiety and the impact of frequent stressful situations on the fragile teenage psyche often result in dire consequences for health. Against the background of constant worries, when the child does not feel support from the outside, the following may occur:

  • psychosomatic disorders: increased or, conversely, too low body temperature, asthenia, headaches, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, skin rashes;
  • neuroses, psychoses, obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • sleep disturbances, including sleep apnea;
  • panic attacks, phobias;
  • tendency to hysteria;
  • social maladjustment;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (gastritis, neurodermatitis, allergies);
  • alcoholism and drug addiction, gaming addiction;
  • suicide.

The age crisis of 17 years is often complicated by the fact that parents themselves experience stress against the background of exams and the admission of children. In this state, they often need outside help themselves. So family consultations with a psychologist should not be neglected in such situations.

Tests to identify

To diagnose depression at 17-18 years of age, use the Beck Depression Inventory for High School-Age Adolescents.
Another test is the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Suitable for older teenagers and adults .

The test results cannot be used as a basis for making a diagnosis.

However, if the technique determines the presence of a disorder, then this is another reason to contact a clinical psychologist as soon as possible.


The social situation of youth development is an active search for oneself and one’s place in life. The leading type of activity is educational and professional (in early adolescence) and professional self-determination (in late adolescence). The leading need is social and professional self-realization. This is the stage of self-determination, practical self-realization, and finding one’s place in society.

During this period, active intellectual and personal development occurs. Abstract-logical thinking, motivational-need, and intellectual-cognitive spheres predominate. Self-awareness and moral intelligence are actively developing. At the age of 17-21, a person thinks deductively and hypothetically, analyzes, compares, differentiates, evaluates himself and other people. Value-semantic self-regulation of behavior develops. The young man is constantly thinking about something, doubting, thinking. Control and evaluation of actions interfere with active activity, which can result in indecision.

By the end of the age period under consideration, if its completion is favorable, the following neoplasms are noted:

  • the need and readiness for personal and professional self-determination;
  • life plans;
  • sustainable self-awareness;
  • identity;
  • value orientations;
  • worldview;
  • internal role position of a man or woman.

Young people tend to strive to interact and collaborate with peers and adults from a position of “equals.” They feel the need for informal and confidential communication with parents, friendship and love with peers.

Where to go for help?

Three specialists treat depression in older adolescents:

  • clinical psychologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • psychiatrist.

It is better to contact a children's expert who specializes in this age group. If you cannot find a suitable doctor, then you should choose a psychiatrist who specializes in depression in adults.

If the main method in treating depression in children is art therapy, then when working with older teenagers it is conversation. Art therapy can be used as an aid.

Conversations take place in the context of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy . The goal of the work is to identify destructive attitudes and beliefs and replace them with positive attitudes, to work through traumas. In addition, family and group psychotherapy is indicated.

Attention! Depending on the type of depression and the severity of the client's condition, medications may be prescribed. If the doctor determines that the teenager is dangerous to himself and to other people, he will be sent to hospital treatment.

Examples of reasons for this: suicide attempts, self-harm, aggression towards other people.

If you do not yet have the opportunity to seek help from a private specialist or a clinic at your place of residence, then use psychological assistance services (all anonymously, confidentially and free):

  1. 8-800-2000-122 – helpline for children, teenagers and their parents . More details on the official website.
  2. “Help is Near” – psychological assistance for children and adolescents. Online chat with a psychologist or correspondence by mail, useful articles and links to other resources.
  3. “Your Territory” – support for teenagers and young people under 23 years of age. Help is provided via online chat or by mail.
  4. "I am a parent" – a site for parents and children where you can consult with a psychologist and specialist in teenage career guidance.

    You can also find a psychological center in your city through the website to personally seek help.

    And here you will find a lot of useful materials and answers from a psychologist to questions from other parents.

According to WHO, suicide is the third leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 19 years. Don’t let the situation get to this point – seek help.

Important! Until the age of 18, psychotherapist sessions are carried out in the presence of the child’s parent or alone (doctor and teenager), but with the permission of the parent.

Knowledge or communication skills?

Which option to choose in order to have success in life and not experience serious difficulties during the formation period? Knowledge is very necessary, because without it a person is spiritually poor, ignorant and rude. But you can’t devote your entire life to constant learning. As practice shows, eternal excellent students are often unhappy in life. They are not able to adapt to the realities of the world around them and in the event of any force majeure situations they simply get lost.

But people with well-developed communication skills successfully solve many problems and are able to find a common language with almost everyone. They masterfully play the right roles at the right time, so they can more easily endure the crisis of development emotionally.

To enable and actively work social reflection, it is worth devoting more time not to cramming the next textbook, but to relationships and communication. According to psychologists, at the age of 18–25 years, love has the most favorable effect on a person. He has to leave his comfort zone, talk, acquire new skills and abilities in order to be close to the object of his desire.

What should parents do: advice from a psychologist

What parents should do:

  • Offer professional help. If the child refuses to go to a specialist, then give him the contacts of anonymous help services.

    Unobtrusively suggest: “If you want to talk to someone, they will help you here.”

  • Offer your support . Say that you are willing to listen and help in any way you can.
  • Stay close . Your willingness to help should be felt not only in words, but also in deeds.
  • Believe the child . No matter what terrible things he says (“I want to die,” “I was raped”), believe it. And then understand the essence of the situation.
  • Help your teenager find his place in the world. Teach him to realize himself using socially approved methods, help the teenager understand and realize his potential.

    For example, a teenager can find himself in sports. This is not only an exciting hobby, but also a tool for maintaining mental and physical health. Sport helps fight stress much better than alcohol.

  • Listen to the young man’s opinion, involve him in social life . Find a joint hobby, help meet friends.

What not to do (this does not help, but harms the teenager’s condition):

  • ridicule the teenager and brush aside his problems (“Well, yes, of course, depression. You are lazy, not depressed,” “What kind of fashion do you have, inventing diagnoses for yourself”);
  • ignore his requests for help and a visit to a psychologist;
  • load yourself with work and study so that “you don’t fill your head with nonsense”;
  • punish for aggression or other unwanted behavior, absent-mindedness.

It is also important not to become infected with the teenager’s condition.
Experts at Northwestern University in Illinois have determined that many parents cannot remain indifferent when they hear about a teenager's experiences or see his anxiety - they live it inside themselves. Some parents even become depressed themselves.

Important! It is unacceptable to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication! If you suspect depression, consult a psychiatrist immediately!

Impact of events on the course of the crisis stage

The development of a crisis is provoked by such life phenomena as:

  • factor of material and financial stability;
  • lack of time for rest and “me time”;
  • troubles in family relationships;
  • dissatisfaction with social status;
  • lack of family affection;
  • problems in interaction with the opposite sex;
  • abnormal study or work conditions.

A stable internal desire for self-improvement brings this period closer due to the fact that a person’s physical and psychological ages do not coincide.

In addition, factors provoking a crisis include deteriorating health conditions, political instability in the country, a sharp change in the usual lifestyle, social pressure and increased demands and expectations.

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