Signs of alcoholism: how to distinguish an alcoholic from a drinker. 4 stages of alcoholism

The signs of alcohol dependence are well studied and are no secret.

We tried to briefly describe all the signs of alcohol dependence and answer basic questions.

How can you tell if a person just likes to drink or if he has signs of alcohol addiction? Is there a line between drinking alcohol “for recreation” and alcohol addiction?

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What is alcoholism and alcohol dependence?

Alcoholism is a disease that was first described in the 19th century by scientist Mangus Guse from Sweden.
However, the attitude towards the disease in Russia was ambiguous until the present century. Alcohol dependence was considered a bad habit that did not need to be treated, then - a mental disorder that could only be treated with medication by prescribing the patient heavy psychotropic drugs. Today WHO defines the disease as follows:

“Alcoholism is a set of somatic, cognitive and behavioral changes in which ethyl alcohol begins to occupy an important place in a person’s worldview.”

The pathology is included in the ICD-10 list and is an officially recognized mental disorder.

Change your social circle

Alcohol addiction is a social problem. To solve it, a radical revision of lifestyle, social circle, guidelines and values ​​is often required. Often, in order to cope with pathological cravings, it is necessary to seriously restructure your entire lifestyle: find a new job and hobbies, change your environment and marital status, form a dream and look for ways to achieve it. Changing your focus on communicating with people who adhere to a sober lifestyle helps reduce the likelihood of a relapse.

Etiology of alcoholism

The nature of ethanol addiction has not yet been fully studied. There are several hypotheses that do not contradict each other. Scientists call alcoholism a polymorphic disease: for some, one factor is enough to become dependent, while others will remain free from cravings for alcohol despite several reasons.

Painful attachment is formed during use. It is impossible to become addicted by abstaining from alcohol. At the same time, a person can become an alcoholic without having predisposing factors, but by drinking often and a lot.

The Ministry of Health, in clinical recommendations for narcologists, identifies the following reasons for the formation of addiction:

  • genetic;
  • social (influence of environment);
  • personal (influence of character, temperament).

Genetic causes are being actively researched nowadays. Scientists are studying the influence of genes on the amount of enzymes produced by the liver to break down ethyl alcohol. If a person tolerates intoxication well and does not experience post-intoxication, his risk of becoming dependent is much higher.

Genes involved in the regulation of self-control are also being studied.

Human behavior depends on the functioning of his neurotransmitter system. Dopamine, which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure, can become a provocateur of illness.

The DRD3 gene encodes D3 type dopamine receptors. In potential alcoholics, the receptors work more intensely. And with an increase in dopamine during intoxication, there is a strong release of beta-endorphin, which is responsible for pleasant sensations.

Carriers of the DRD4 gene also affect D4 receptors. People become alcoholics in company, and drinking alcohol alone does not bring pleasure.

A person inherits the characteristics of the serotonin and GABA systems. They determine behavior during intoxication and withdrawal. This also influences the formation of addiction.

Physical dependence on alcohol

Ethanol dissolves and penetrates the brain. By contacting the receptors of the nervous system, it causes a change in state, so an intoxicated person feels euphoria, relaxation, and a surge of strength.

With regular alcohol intoxication, the body is forced to defend itself. It integrates alcohol into metabolic processes. This forms the second stage of addiction, and giving up alcohol leads to severe withdrawal syndrome, which is accompanied by:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • imbalance of the autonomic system;
  • acute mental disorders.

Withdrawal syndrome or abstinence is an addictive state that causes an acute craving for ethanol and a sharp deterioration in well-being when quitting alcohol.

Alcohol dependence manifests itself in binge drinking and complications. Treatment often begins at the stage of physical dependence. When it is difficult for the patient’s loved ones to ignore the problem, and for the addict himself to deny it.


  1. Alcoholics: who are they 1.1 Psychological problems in alcoholics 1.2 Physical disorders characteristic of an alcoholic 1.3 An alcoholic and his social status
  2. The main differences between an alcoholic and someone who simply drinks
  3. Treatment of alcoholics

The generally accepted definition of an alcoholic is a person dependent on alcohol. Medicine recognizes people who have fallen under the influence of intoxicating drinks as sick.
Since the processes occurring in the body as a result of exposure to ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products cannot be controlled by the victim. All changes at the mental and physiological level, formed against the background of abuse, are abnormal and manifest themselves individually in each person. Moreover, not all addicts drink strong alcohol; there are also beer alcoholics. And the course and severity of the disease depends on the characteristics of the body, age, gender and intensity of drinking.

Psychological dependence on alcohol

In modern narcology, the main attention is paid to the psychological aspect of alcoholism. Abstinence (hangover, withdrawal syndrome) and disorders of the neurotransmitter system are corrected with medication. And changing the behavioral patterns formed by an alcoholic requires time and hard work on oneself.

The basis of any addiction is psychological problems. Depression and anxiety, dissatisfaction with life and feelings of uncertainty force a person to look for a source of good emotional well-being from the outside. This source is not always alcohol and drugs. The objects of addiction are gambling and computer games, overeating, impulsive purchases, and extreme hobbies.

Addiction changes the personality of the patient. Human thoughts, emotions and behavior are the result of formed neural connections. The brain strives to conserve energy, therefore it creates stable “rails” along which consciousness moves. Most of the time a person acts automatically.

By moving the light switch from one place to another. The hand will reach to the previous place on the wall. Not finding it, a person will experience anxiety and irritation. This phenomenon was described by scientists Pavlov (dynamic stereotype) and Ukhtomsky (dominant principle).

An alcoholic develops patterns that push him into a bad habit. He drinks unconsciously. Control over actions goes away.

The main part of the alcohol treatment program is rehabilitation. Together with psychologists, consultants and addictologists, the patient destroys destructive neural connections and gradually forms new ones.

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  1. Shugaev, Ilya Viktorovich. Alcoholic in the family [Text]: how can loved ones help / Archpriest Ilya Shugaev, Ekaterina Savina. – Moscow: [b. i.], 2021. – 182 pp.; 20 cm. – (Series “The ABC of Mercy”: methodological and reference manuals).; ISBN 978-5-91173-532-6: 1000 copies.
  2. Rybakov, Fedor Egorovich. Principles of modern treatment of alcoholics: Dokl. 8 and 9 Pies. Congress of Russian doctors / F.E. Rybakov, priv.-assoc. Moscow un-ta. – Moscow: typo-lit. V. Richter, 1995. – [4], 46, [1] p.; 27.
  3. Merinov, Alexey Vladimirovich. If there is an alcoholic at home... [Text]: or just about difficult things: [16+] / A.V. Merinov. – Moscow: AST, print. 2016. – 222, [2] p. : color ill.; 21 cm; ISBN 978-5-17-094203-9: 1000 copies.

Who is an alcoholic: motives for drinking

An alcohol addict is a person with signs of dependence who experiences a pathological craving for alcoholic beverages.

At the same time, attraction can be disguised under different motives.

Pleasure is a hedonistic motive.

If alcohol intoxication causes pronounced euphoria, a person strives to obtain pleasant sensations. He claims that “there are few pleasures in life” or “there is no point in limiting yourself.”

This motive has neurophysiological reasons. In 1952, an experiment was carried out with the implantation of an electrode into the brain of rats. Through it, the pleasure center could be stimulated by pressing the pedal. The rats forgot about sleep, food and reproduction. They pressed the pedal until they died.

Relaxation is an ataractic motive.

Alcoholics who suffer from anxiety abuse alcohol to achieve relaxation. The addict justifies the illness with a stressful life, objective problems, and great responsibility. At the same time, alcoholism worsens anxiety over time, so the dose of alcohol is constantly increasing.

Demonstration of a certain lifestyle is a pseudo-cultural motive.

The addict consumes large doses of expensive and high-quality alcohol, considering himself a connoisseur. He attends sommelier courses, is interested in the history of wines and the technology of their creation, and also makes other attempts to “legalize” the consumption of alcohol.

Improving well-being is a vital motive.

This category includes drinking alcohol to increase appetite, prevent colds, disinfect the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Regardless of the motives used by the patient, he is addicted when drinking alcohol has a specific purpose - to affect his well-being and emotional state.

Signs of alcoholism at 3 clinical stages

There are 3 stages in the development of alcohol dependence. The clinical picture and symptoms depend on the stage.

The first stage is characterized by:

  • finding a reason to drink;
  • minor memory loss after sobering up;
  • showing interest when mentioning alcohol – Zavilyansky syndrome.

The stage can last for years. In rare cases, alcoholism develops to stage II in 1-2 years (more often in adolescents and people over 65 years of age).

At the second stage there are:

  • increased tolerance to ethanol;
  • the appearance of withdrawal symptoms and binge drinking;
  • isolated somatic and mental complications.

The patient's personality gradually changes: he becomes withdrawn or aggressive. The sense of humor often changes: jokes become flat and vulgar.

At the third stage occurs:

  • decreased tolerance;
  • severe complications;
  • personality degradation.

The terminal stage of alcohol dependence is often accompanied by dementia, which complicates the prognosis and complicates treatment.

This system of stages was adopted in Russia in 1973 according to the description of Portnov and Pyatnitskaya. There are other classifications, but the order of appearance of certain symptoms coincides with this system.

Familiarize yourself with the disruption process

To begin an effective fight against alcohol addiction, you need to become familiar with the process of relapse and the peculiarities of its course. This will help you recognize the problem in a timely manner and maintain sobriety. Lack of knowledge leads to a misunderstanding of the situation and leads to a return to drinking. Competent support and professional advice during this period acquire special significance for a person entering the struggle for sobriety.

Among the obvious harbingers of a breakdown are:

  • the appearance of a feeling of hopelessness;
  • negative thoughts and decadent thinking;
  • breathing problems;
  • irritability and sensitivity to loud noises;
  • pain and burning of the eyes;
  • spasms and pain in the chest and heart area.

The severity and characteristics of symptoms are often individual in nature, which forces a person to be more attentive to his body. Only vigilance will help prevent a return to alcohol.

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Diagnosis of alcoholism - how is the diagnosis made?

According to WHO diagnostic recommendations, a person with addiction must have repeatedly experienced:

  • withdrawal;
  • development of tolerance;
  • strong craving for alcohol;
  • ignoring the dangers of habit;
  • loss of self-control when drinking alcohol;
  • changes in behavior when drunk and sober.

The diagnosis is made based on a history examination. Laboratory, functional and instrumental studies are carried out to assess the condition of the body and identify complications associated with alcohol consumption.

A specific test for identifying addiction is CDT - a marker of chronic alcohol load. Normally, transferrin protein is present in the blood in the form of tetrasialotransferrin, but in an alcoholic, the analysis will show other transferrin isoforms. False-positive results occur when taking alcohol or antidepressants 1.5-2 days before the test.

Types of alcoholism

The clinical picture of ethyl addiction is not the same. It depends on the age and gender of the patient, motives for drinking and even the strength of the alcohol.

Domestic alcoholism - it all begins with it

Another name for the prodromal (preceding) stage, at which a person is not yet formally an alcoholic, but already drinks regularly, for example, in company. The condition can develop into true addiction, but with an effort of will a person is still able to stop drinking without the help of a doctor.

Vodka alcoholism

Dependence on strong drinks, more often vodka. It develops more rapidly than beer addiction, but has pronounced clinical signs, so the patient has a chance of getting to a narcologist in a timely manner. The downside of vodka alcoholism is the risk of consuming low-quality products and severe poisoning.

Female alcoholism

The mechanism of development of alcohol dependence in women is identical to the male pattern of the disease. But the causes of the disease are more often social and psychological reasons than genetic ones. Women are less likely to experience addiction due to reduced production of alcohol-breaking enzymes and poor tolerance to alcohol. However, over the past 30 years, female addiction statistics have increased dramatically.

Beer alcoholism

A common form of addiction among young people is unfairly considered harmless. The patient drinks liters of beer, so the total amount of ethanol entering the blood does not differ from the degree of intoxication of a vodka alcoholic. Due to the gradual entry of alcohol into the digestive system, signs of poisoning are mild. Therefore, addicts refuse to see a narcologist.

Social alcoholism

Not all alcohol addicts are antisocial individuals. Successful people with high incomes and education levels also fall victim to the disease. At an early stage, they continue to observe standards of decency, so it is difficult to recognize them as alcoholics. But the disease inevitably leads to personality degradation, changes in appearance and loss of reputation over time.

Teenage alcoholism

Addiction in minors progresses quickly. However, recovery with the right approach and timely consultation with a doctor occurs faster. A feature of addiction is the use of low-quality surrogate drinks, which cause severe poisoning and toxic damage to internal organs and the nervous system.

Chronic alcoholism

Chronic alcoholism is the constant use of alcohol when a person is continuously in the acute stage. Unlike a binge addict, who can go without alcohol for several weeks, months and even years, he drinks every day.

There is also a classification of alcoholism based on frequency of use:

  • alpha alcoholism - drinking ethanol in small doses daily;
  • beta alcoholism – drinking alcohol regularly;
  • gamma alcoholism - drinking alcohol rarely, but in large quantities.

The study of subtypes of the disease is not applied, but theoretical: scientists study statistics, draw up preventive and clinical recommendations, etc.

Complications and physical consequences of alcoholism

Nervous system – impaired cognitive functions, loss of social skills, decreased performance.

Cardiovascular system – decreased vascular tone, cardiac arrhythmia. Risk of stroke and thromboembolism.

The respiratory system is a lung disease associated with disruption of other body systems.

Digestive system – pathologies of the stomach, pancreas, liver. Internal bleeding.

Genitourinary system – impotence, infertility and the risk of having children with genetic pathologies. Decreased filtration capacity of the kidneys.

Immune system – development of autoimmune aggression on internal organs, decreased protective ability against antigens.

The list of pathologies developing in ethyl addicts cannot be given in full, since the organ is a single system, chronic intoxication of which can cause any consequences.

Prevention of alcohol use

Prevention of alcoholism is a set of measures designed to:

  • those who have never experienced addiction - primary prevention;
  • those who already suffer from addiction – secondary prevention;
  • those who have undergone treatment for alcoholism - tertiary prevention.

Reducing the number of addicts is a task set by WHO and the Ministry of Health. In Russia, progress was made with the emergence of accessible anonymous help, as well as restrictions on advertising of alcohol in the media and the time of its sale.

Don't limit yourself forever

Life attitudes play an important role in the fight against any disease. Alcoholism is no exception in this matter. To achieve success, it is important to properly motivate your own consciousness. You shouldn’t think in global categories - that’s it, I’m an alcoholic and this is forever. Such thoughts create fear and aggravate depression, which already depresses the body. It is important not to limit yourself to attitudes and not to be afraid of the future. Everything can be fixed; addiction can be overcome. After recovery, there is a risk of returning to the alcoholic past, but it will clearly be less if you manage to take control of the situation and reduce the level of internal pressure.

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