How to determine if a girl is in love: signs and stages of feeling

A girl in love can masterfully hide her feelings, even if they are strong. And men who want to start a relationship are at a loss as to whether the woman they like will reciprocate. According to the observations of psychologists, there are certain signs of falling in love among girls. Knowing these signs will help the stronger sex gain determination and take the first step.

How does a girl in love act?

How to find out if a girl loves you, psychology helps - behavior betrays even the most secretive and modest.

Falling in love makes a girl dreamy and sentimental.

She cannot think about anything other than the man she likes and becomes indifferent to everything that happens around her. The most important thing for her becomes her inner world. The girl's behavior changes, she is prone to rash actions and has a desire to be liked. The girl begins to take care of herself, attach importance to her clothes, her gait and look change. When she meets her lover, she is embarrassed.

A girl in love begins to be interested in a man's hobbies and love everything he does. She often gets nervous and becomes dependent on his opinion. She wants to please her beloved, take care of him, give him pleasant moments and write and call him as often as possible. The girl is sincerely concerned about the well-being of her chosen one. In her fantasies, she creates a family with him, gives birth to children, and arranges her life.

A woman's love, as a rule, lasts for several years, but may well end after two or three meetings.

Its duration is influenced by a number of specific reasons. It is very important when a girl loves and knows that she is also loved. In this case, she will forgive her partner for any mistakes, take care of him and the children, and provide home comfort. If the chosen one betrays her or is indifferent to her, the girl will begin to waste away, and a threat will hang over the relationship.

Ability to resolve conflicts.

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A relationship in which love arises is not a stage. There is no place for dramas, overblown tragedies, or acting skills. If such a couple has a problem, she prefers to solve everything peacefully. Peaceful means without throwing knives and plates, playing games of silence, visiting parents, throwing things over the balcony and screams that only the deaf cannot hear.

These partners will resolve conflicts through conversations, attempts to understand each other, and find a common mutually beneficial solution.

Another fact: the prerequisites for quarrels are inevitable . Two people, different in character, upbringing, views, trying to share housing, everyday life, will sometimes encounter differences and misunderstandings. This is fine. If there are no disagreements at all in a relationship, this means that people hush up their dissatisfaction or live not with the partner himself, but with invented fantasies about him.

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Stages of falling in love in girls

Falling in love comes suddenly. Planning for it is as unrealistic as feeling sincere joy or sadness. Chemistry, magic, intuition - this is how they speak about this feeling. Conventionally, when girls fall in love, there are three stages:

  1. Flash. The surging feeling is still hard to wrap my head around and evokes many conflicting emotions.
  2. Awareness. Feelings become concrete, and the girl begins to show sympathy.
  3. Euphoria. In the case of reciprocity, the girl is in bliss, which gradually turns into addiction. If there is no response from the partner, a loss of strength occurs and depression develops.

The state of falling in love does not disappear without a trace; it is the basis of relationships, in the development of which there are 7 stages:

  1. Love. A dangerous stage characterized by loss of critical thinking. The girl is under the spell of her partner, fascinated by his signs of attention and emotions from spending time together. For her, her beloved is ideal; she categorically does not notice his shortcomings. According to psychologists, lovers see in each other those whom they themselves have invented, and practically do not know each other for real.
  2. Becoming. Harsh everyday life sets in, romance turns into routine. Common sense returns, helping the girl to really evaluate her chosen one. This stage serves as a boundary for couples at which they break up, having had enough of each other, or maintain the relationship after creating a couple.
  3. Negation. Not all lovers are able to bypass this stage. The partner’s shortcomings became very noticeable, and the advantages palpably faded. The girl tries to change the habits and manners of her beloved, running into his stiff resistance. Quarrels and scandals are inevitable.
  4. Peace and humility. The stage of realizing that the beloved is a separate person with his own character.
  5. Partnership and service. Thinking at the previous stages only about satisfying their interests, the partners finally came to the readiness to interact and submit to each other.
  6. Friendly relations. The girl becomes a true friend to her partner and stops acting like a woman in love.
  7. Tough love. Passions and emotions stopped boiling over. Relations became calm and measured.

Signs of passion and sympathy: how to recognize them?

You can recognize a great feeling or a fleeting hobby by many signs: these are words through correspondence and non-verbal signals. External signs will help you notice hidden sympathy or love, and will also tell you about the secret passion of both teenagers and the boss.

Many guys also want to know the secrets of female love. Advice from profilers will help you understand your lover's physical signals. Unconscious manifestations of favor one way or another reveal true motives and thoughts. Thanks to them, you can understand whether they perceive you only as a friend or whether the sympathy is mutual. It is important not only to notice the real feelings of the person you care about, but also to be able to recognize the first signs of such a sweet illness in yourself. It’s not for nothing that they say that love at first sight saves time. If a pickup truck is needed purely for flirting and frivolous romance, then true mutual love will turn your life with your loved one into a holiday.

How a girl in love reveals herself

There are quite a lot of signs that will tell you how to understand that a girl loves you. They are divided into verbal (behavior, emotions, conversations) and non-verbal (gestures, gaze, facial expression).


A girl in a state of love is prone to coquetry. She secretly watches the man she likes, but when she meets his gaze, she immediately looks away. She is amused by his jokes, she is responsive to his requests and easily makes contact, trying to attract his attention.

She will easily exchange communication with her friends for a conversation with her chosen one. While talking with him, he will straighten his hair, gesticulate, show his wrists and in every possible way try to violate the personal space of the object of sympathy.

If the object of desire falls out of sight of the lover for some time, she will be interested in him from her friends and “monitor” his pages on social networks.

The girl will react very jealously to the most insignificant signs of attention shown to other ladies. Jealousy will also manifest itself towards friends, family and all those with whom the man spends a lot of time.

In an attempt to win sympathy and demonstrate how significant the young man is to her, she will surround him with care, give him hints, help and give gifts for no reason.

Her behavior will change dramatically: over the course of an hour, joy will repeatedly give way to despondency, and vice versa. After communicating with her lover, the girl will not be herself with happiness, and in the absence of contact with him, she will fall into depression. To attract his attention, a lover can change her habits.

Sometimes a girl begins to behave extremely strangely and illogically: she becomes rude, rude, laughs deliberately loudly, sometimes ignores the man, sometimes flirts with him, often catches his eye and constantly asks for help.


A woman’s gaze in love is distinguished by a certain mystery and inner glow. He can be very intrusive due to the lady’s inability to control emotions. Sometimes she simply does not notice how closely she is looking at the object of her sympathy.

The girl looks at the man she likes without taking her eyes off for more than 7 seconds, trying to catch all his movements. If suddenly their gazes intersect, she averts her eyes and feigns indifference. Due to the large amount of adrenaline, her pupils are dilated. At first, looking at her lover, the girl blushes and turns pale due to the whole range of feelings overwhelming her.

Sign language

It is typical for girls to express emotions through body language and hints. They do not admit their feelings first because of the fear of being rejected. In addition to behavior and looks, there are other signs of a girl in love.

Access to personal space. A girl will never let a person close to her who is unfamiliar and unattractive. If she gives the go-ahead for intrusion into her personal zone, it means that the man is pleasant to her.

Attempts to touch. The lover herself is looking for a reason to touch the object of sympathy, sit next to him, take his hand, whisper something in his ear. During communication, she can touch his shoulder, straighten his hair or tie.

Coquetry and flirting. The lady unconsciously straightens her hair or clothes, twirls a curl around her finger, or moves her leg. Her facial expressions are animated, her lips are touched in a smile, her gaze is playful.

“Mirroring” behavior. It is common for a girl in love to intuitively copy the manner of communication, gestures and facial expressions of the man she likes.

Interest in social networks. The girl likes all the photos of the young man and does not miss the opportunity to write something to him. He responds to his messages quickly and emotionally.

The girl's posture and participation in conversation. In a conversation, the lover tries to lean towards her chosen one. She is always turned towards him. Moreover, the toe of her foot, placed on the other leg, is also directed towards the object of sympathy. If a girl was previously withdrawn and silent, but now she is active in conversations, her interest in a man is obvious.

He teases and licks his lips. An interested girl, while communicating, lightly licks her lips, often giggles, teases and offends her interlocutor out of the blue.

Love and its manifestations

There are other signs by which lovers can be recognized. And the first of them is a constant desire to hold your other half’s hand, as if subconsciously afraid of losing it. Sometimes love arises suddenly, taking us on an exciting journey in a powerful cycle, and then we have no time to doubt and look for signs of love. But more common is unhurried love, which matures gradually. She needs time to get stronger. Swift has the ability to be born quickly, but it also passes no less quickly. But hard-won, slow love has a very high chance of a successful marriage.

When doubts arise inside whether this person will really be a worthy life partner, he begins to analyze his relationship and look for signs of love in himself and the chosen one. The assets of a future union include such important human feelings as trust, passion, recognition, the joy of being together, while the liabilities include the fear of being rejected, the fear of future responsibility to another person and dependence on him, the fear that both are not ready for this a serious step like marriage. If you have such doubts, you should pay attention to nonverbal signs of love. We will consider them further

Married girl in love

Often, husbands are very restrained in their feelings and do not show excessive emotionality, while they do not know how to understand that a woman is in love, they want to know if their spouse has cooled off towards them. This can be determined by the following signs:

  • when communicating with other men, he does not flirt and keeps himself within the bounds of etiquette, without showing the slightest interest in them and without provoking jealousy;
  • she worries about her husband’s health, strives to please him, creates comfort and coziness at home;
  • shows care, supports her husband, shares his victories and defeats with him;
  • plans evenings and weekends together;
  • accepts her spouse completely, with all his shortcomings, and is willing to compromise in case of disputes;
  • She completely trusts her husband and is honest with him.

If your wife is increasingly cold, she has begun to avoid sex and behave secretly, most likely she has fallen in love with another man. There may also be reasons for this:

  • excessive freedom when everyone has their own life;
  • the relationship had become obsolete - the wife tried to support them, but the husband was indifferent to this;
  • feelings have faded due to regular quarrels, the couple is looking for an outlet on the side.

You can understand whether your wife has an affair on the side by the following signs:

  • she is always in high spirits, despite disagreements with her husband;
  • the woman became absent-minded and dreamy, the smile never left her face;
  • her phone is always with her, all social media pages are closed;
  • She began to take better care of herself, and ignores her husband’s compliments.

Mood: serotonin*

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter - one of the substances that is a chemical transmitter of impulses between nerve cells in the human brain.

This substance increases muscle tone and increases physical activity. Serotonin improves mood, and its deficiency causes depression.

Serotonin production is promoted by carbohydrate foods such as bread, bananas, chocolate, table sugar or fructose. This indirectly confirms the prevailing assertion in society that people with a sweet tooth, as well as overweight people, are kinder than thin people.

Signs that your ex-girlfriend still loves you

If a girl’s feelings have not yet cooled down, she will always try to maintain contact with her ex-partner, appearing on his social networks, tracking life events and being interested in affairs through acquaintances. She will be jealous and at the same time defiantly post her “happy” photos online.

He will look for an excuse to meet and ask for help.

She will always “accidentally” find herself in those places that her ex visits, trying to unobtrusively remind her of herself. She will complain to mutual friends about how she regrets the breakup and how bad she feels alone, hoping that the information will reach the recipient.

She won’t be stopped late to call and talk about their past together and the reasons for the breakup, especially if she drank a couple of glasses of wine.

In the end, the girl can openly say that she misses her and wants to get back into the relationship.


Duration of the relationship.

Love is clearly not a feeling that arises in a couple of days. To say “I love” with confidence, you will first have to thoroughly study the person next to you. See how angry he gets, sad, what he does when he’s bored, who he calls first to share his joy. Right down to what dreams he has and what brand of toothbrush he prefers.

Only when many joyful and not so joyful situations have been experienced together, the strengths and weaknesses of the individual have been identified, can one think seriously about the cherished three-word phrase. Everything else up to this point is part of the imagination, which will evaporate as soon as life presents a serious test.

Changes in appearance

If a woman is in love, her image changes, she tries to look better - these are the main signs. The appearance of a girl in love changes due to internal changes: a sparkle appears in the eyes, a pleasant smile, facial features become softer. A woman in love often has her head in the clouds, her muscles relax, and her face becomes friendly.

A girl can change her clothing style and wear dresses more often, even if she previously preferred jeans. Suddenly you may have a desire to change your hairstyle or hair color, or do makeup. All this in order to win the attention of the object of sympathy.

In the presence of a man, the fair sex wants to look perfect, sometimes this goes beyond the bounds of reason. She can go overboard with cosmetics and jewelry, and wear high-heeled shoes where this is not appropriate.

Note! Often girls in love attract the attention of not only the object of their affection, but also other men. The lover radiates warmth, her movements become light, one gets the impression that she loves everything around her. It is this state that attracts the opposite sex; another man may like her.

An adequate view of the future together.

“It’s too early to think about general plans. First I’ll get to know him/her - then we’ll see” - sympathy .

“We will have the best house, on weekends we will always have lunch in a cafe, and everything will be fine with us” - falling in love .

“It’s better for us to take out a mortgage for an apartment in district N. Our income is stable, the amount of the contribution has been discussed. We’ll have to work, but we’ll get through it together” - love .

The future for a loving couple looks not only like shared joys, but also like an obstacle course that partners will overcome together in order to achieve a better result. They do not build castles in the air, but take a sober look at everyday, financial, and family issues.

Their decisions are made jointly based on an analysis of the current situation and a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of a particular case.


Lovers give each other gifts, say sweet words, pay attention, because they expect all this in return. Moreover, it must be done to the same extent as they gave. And not a gift/word/look less. And some require return payments with interest, taxes, receipts, reports, in-depth audit, and other creditor things.

  • “I do so much for you, change, sacrifice, and you... Oh, you ungrateful one!”
  • “Do you remember how a year ago I... (sacrificial act) for you? And you can’t even do such a small thing for me!”
  • “I think this: if I try for you, you must also try to please me.”

Those who love give their warmth, care, attention, arrange surprises without “putting on the counter.” “I give you this because I want to please you, make you happy” - the logic of someone who understands the true meaning of love.

Stability of feelings.

How do quarrels with parents most often occur?

“I was offended, I feel bad, but I still love my mom and dad. If they suddenly get into trouble, I will come to the rescue, despite all the disagreements.”

How do quarrels happen between lovers who have recently found each other?

“Should we break up? What if this is not my person? Do I even need it? If he starts asking for help now, I’ll proudly turn around and leave. Let him get out on his own!”

Can you feel the difference? Love is a stable phenomenon. It doesn't go away, it doesn't diminish because of a few disagreements or problems. What disappears after the first difficulties is just a temporary hormonal surge, and not deep intimacy.

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Relationships between loving partners do not stand still. They are looking for new and better ways to cope with life's challenges, spend time together, and express feelings in different ways.

Moreover, love experiences do not overshadow other areas of life.

Are you familiar with the situation when a person’s thoughts are so occupied that it makes it impossible to work? Or communicate with friends for a long time without mentioning your object of adoration with or without reason? Or devote time to your own hobbies, not imagining how great it would be to do the same thing, but together?

This is love. It clouds your mind, distracts you from your work, and creates the impression that everything else doesn’t matter. And this is a mistake. Because all areas are equally significant. And it is true love that understands and accepts this fact.

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