Auditory: who is he, 7 main signs, characteristics

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

The world around us is diverse. Sight, hearing, smell and other analyzers help to recognize it. Depending on which channel of perception predominates, a person may belong to one of the psychotypes. The least numerous of them are auditory people, who trust their ears more than other senses. In a world where vision and tactility predominate, such a “choice” looks strange. What caused the appearance of this psychotype? Why didn't auditory learners disappear during human evolution? Do they have any advantages? Let's figure it out.

Who is an audio person?

An auditory person is a person who prefers to experience the world through hearing. He also has vision, touch and smell, but it is his ears that he trusts most. Famous composers, singers and musicians are prominent representatives of this type of perception. But they don't occur that often. It is believed that pure auditory people are the rarest psychotype (approximately 5-7% of the total number of people), because vision and skin provide much more information about the surrounding reality. It would seem that, in evolutionary terms, it is much more advantageous to be born a visual or kinesthetic person. But not everything is so simple, otherwise there would be no auditory classes a long time ago.

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The fact is that sound is not as simple as it might seem. By their nature, they are vibrations that permeate space. In fact, we are talking about the fundamental basis of the universe, which is much older than the first molecules and atoms. Being an auditory learner is much more profitable than it seems. People are willing to pay huge amounts of money for the opportunity to attend a concert and enjoy beautiful music or singing. And only those units that provide this service can earn good money. The fortune of famous performers is measured in tens of millions of dollars. A good reason to develop your hearing and vocal abilities.

Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital in the learning process

If you study a lot, go to courses, trainings, read, then understanding your own type of perception will help you organize your own learning process with maximum benefit.


The basis of their learning is visual information. For visual people, hearing and vision form a single whole, therefore, if such a person only heard the material (but did not see), then with a high degree of probability the information will be quickly forgotten. Visual learners instantly absorb all visual information, so it is most beneficial to use all methods and techniques for visually presenting the material:

  • mind maps
  • scheme
  • graphs
  • illustrations
  • photos
  • demonstration models
  • experiments, experiments

Visual learners learn best through visual examples, where they see the material they are learning in real time. Primary memory is visual. They remember well the location of objects, paths, roads, and are well oriented in space. Some noise is not critical for a visual learner; he can concentrate in an environment of some noise and successfully study the material.

Visual learners perceive text information well and are able to quickly learn speed reading.


Uses the auditory perception channel as a trigger. Inner speech is moderately developed. They perceive lectures, music, conversations, and dialogues well. They clearly and effectively maintain the line of conversation and conversation; often it is during the conversation that they grasp the meaning of the material being studied. Silence is necessary when concentrating. If you are an auditory learner, then be sure to listen to lecture material and audio courses. Learn together with others, discussing the topic being studied, thinking out loud about the problem.


Receives information through actions and movements. He remembers any actions and practical exercises well. He perceives all information best through practical exercises and experiments, where he tests the information received with his own hands in practice. Information of a practical nature is especially well perceived: what moves and how, where to click.

It is important for kinaesthetic learners to feel, touch, smell, taste and fully experience the subject being studied. People of this type are very active, love and enjoy working. And they don’t like inaction. It is for kinesthetic learners that the saying “Movement is life” has a special meaning. It is very difficult for kinaesthetic people to maintain focus, they are easily distracted, it is difficult for them to sit still for a long time, or to do routine work.


They are well trained in all sciences that have strict logic and consistency: mathematics, physics, mechanics, technology. Such people often work in areas where there is a lot of research, mathematical and static processing, and programming. The main thing for digital is to understand the logic and connections in the material, to organize what is being studied into a system with clear cause-and-effect relationships. Therefore, during your studies, try to build the logic of the entire topic being studied. For this you can use:

  • scheme
  • mind maps
  • compressed plans
  • Personally compiled thesauri

Why do auditory people appear?

In contrast to logical discretes that are formed in the process of upbringing, or as a result of emotional trauma, other psychotypes are most likely associated with a certain genetic predisposition. It is believed that all children are kinesthetic at birth, experiencing the world tactilely and with the help of taste buds. That's why they put everything in their mouth or at least try to feel it. Then specialization begins. The child either remains a kinesthetic learner or “chooses” the path of a visual or auditory learner.

If the visual analyzer receives more activity, the person becomes visual, but if the auditory one dominates, an auditory person appears. Why is this happening? Apparently, these are echoes of thousands of years of evolution, which honed the species Homo sapiens, leaving the fittest. Apparently, in those days it was more profitable for someone to perceive the world by ear. Over generations, their genes are passed on to auditory people. Others were more helped by vision and imaginative thinking, which is especially well developed among visual learners. Kinesthetics get their own set of genes. Well, discretes generally cause controversy among scientists.

It should also be understood that pure psychotypes are rare. As a rule, people combine different analyzers. For example, an auditory person shows a tendency towards visual perception, and a visual student trusts his ears. But sometimes combinations of genes and environmental factors contribute to the appearance of accentuation, that is, a pronounced auditory psychotype. As a rule, such a person finds himself in music or vocals.

Types of people according to the way they perceive information

Photo by Lisa: Pexels
Since then, this topic has been studied by scientists and various specialists, who have come to the conclusion that there are four types of information perception. These are visual, kinesthetic, auditory and discrete.

Each of them has its own differences, and if you know them, you can make it much easier for yourself to carry out tasks in life. In this article we will consider a person with perception - auditory. This type perceives information through sounds, or rather through hearing.

How to recognize an auditory student?

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This psychotype can be easily distinguished from other people by their manner of communication. He listens carefully and can even close his eyes during communication. This is how the auditory perceives information better and catches the slightest changes in the interlocutor’s voice. For him, not only the meaning of what is said is important, but also the manner of conducting the dialogue. From an auditory person, more often than from anyone else, you can hear the characteristics of a voice - pleasant or unpleasant. The visual learner will pay more attention to facial expressions and the images that arise in his imagination during the dialogue. For discrete information, the information itself is more important, but for kinesthetics, the main thing is that the interlocutor smells pleasant.

Auditory learners have trouble remembering faces. They can easily remember a person by their voice, but they do not pay enough attention to appearance. They are no better off with terrain orientation.

Auditory learners are also extremely demanding when it comes to working or studying conditions. To concentrate, they need to be in complete silence. The slightest sounds distract them and throw them off their thoughts. With the total use of headphones, it has become much easier to “withdraw into oneself,” so that the majority of office workers or library visitors began to behave like auditory learners. But close observation helps to identify pronounced representatives of this psychological type.

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Content for kinesthetic learners

It is most difficult to interest kinesthetic learners, because online they will not be able to hold or taste anything. But various lead magnets, demo versions, and samples are created for them. With their help, a person has the opportunity to “touch” the product.

However, kinesthetic learners love more than just physically touching things. Internal sensations are also important to them. Therefore, content should touch the reader's feelings. Only then will it make a strong impression on kinesthetic learners.

People with tactile perception appreciate texts with meaning. They don't need fancy descriptions. They are more interested in processes and events. Therefore, when writing selling texts, it is worth giving kinesthetic learners simple and specific instructions for the actions that a person needs to do to get results.

In the text you should use all those words that evoke tactile sensations:

  • verbs - touch, touch, clap, take, smooth, squeeze, hold, feel, relax;
  • nouns - breathing, feelings, effort, heaviness, load, blow, pressure, touch, movement, temperature, fatigue;
  • adjectives - weighty, calm, sincere, unbearable, strong, durable, hard, flaccid, soft, icy, hot.

Since there are no pure visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners, a copywriter needs to combine his techniques so that they are suitable for all types of perception. Otherwise, he may lose part of his audience.

How to deal with audio?

As soon as it has been possible to determine that the interlocutor is an auditory learner, the manner of communication should be adjusted to be acceptable in this case. He will perceive basic information through his ears. So, it is necessary to focus on categories familiar to him.

Auditory learners are very fond of the words “listen”, “say”, “hear”, “speak”, “ask”, “answer”. It is better to use them in conversation. As a contrast, “look at this” or “let’s look from a different angle” is suitable for visual learners, “feel the difference” for kinesthetic learners, and “let’s compare the facts” for digital learners.

In general, when communicating with any psychotype, it is better to make references to those senses that are their priority. For an auditory person, these are ears, which means it is necessary to update the auditory analyzer and everything connected with it.

How to write texts for all types at once

There are at least three possible writing options that will suit all types of people at the same time.

  • Appeal to visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners in one sentence

That is, the copywriter forms each sentence in the text in such a way that it contains words for all three types of people.

For example: “Every girl will feel like a princess in this white long dress with a rustling soft silk skirt.”

In this sentence, “white long dress” is for visual learners, “rustling skirt” is for auditory learners, and “soft silk” is for kinesthetic learners.

  • Each with a proposal

The text is structured according to the principle: one sentence for visual learners, then for auditory learners, then for kinesthetic learners. And so on in a circle.

For example: “Our washing vacuum cleaner is equipped with two dust collectors. It is absolutely silent when cleaning. You can use it to care for upholstered furniture and carpets.”

  • A paragraph for each

Here the copywriter allocates for each type not one sentence, but an entire paragraph. First he appeals to visual learners, then to auditory and kinesthetic learners. However, you must write the text paragraph by paragraph very carefully. After all, if you address one type of person at the beginning of the text, others may lose interest and not read to “their” paragraph.

The copywriter’s task is to alternately imagine that he is an auditory, visual and kinesthetic learner. And then try to feel whether his text will resonate with each type of person.

You can evoke visual, auditory and tactile associations in absolutely any text. But for this you need to practice. Then you will definitely be able to write excellent text for any audience.

How to educate an auditory learner?

A special case of communication is education. If a child is auditory, great attention must be paid to words, as well as the manner of presenting information. Under no circumstances should you shout at him or even raise your voice, much less insult him. This will remain in his memory for a long time, causing resentment. It is better to speak in as calm a voice as possible, to use pleasant and beautiful words.

If touch is very important for a kinesthetic learner, and a visual learner wants to see approving head nods and a smile, then an auditory learner needs to hear praise in his direction. It will be an excellent motivation for further study, training or work.

By the way, it is more convenient for this psychotype to learn new knowledge from audiobooks than while reading or watching educational videos. They have many advantages over other sources of information:

  • Reducing eye strain;
  • The ability to creatively rethink what you hear;
  • Efficient use of time (use while jogging, on the subway or doing household chores).

So, since their appearance in the 1970s, audiobooks have rapidly gained popularity, arousing interest not only among auditory people, but also among representatives of other psychotypes. To diversify the learning process, you can use them periodically, especially if it arouses enthusiasm in the child and increases the desire for communication.

Another recommendation is active music lessons. Auditory learners are born musicians who can master almost any instrument from childhood, playing at the adult level. Considering that music education is very important for a person’s intellectual development, this activity should not be neglected. In this direction, the auditory student has a great chance of realizing himself and achieving mastery.

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But there is no need to get carried away with such “construction” of a child. There are not so many pure psychotypes, and even in the case of the most pronounced representative, genetics does not always play a leading role in the choice of vocation. It is better to give the child the opportunity to choose a specialty himself, providing him with various options, but in no case making a decision for him.

What professions are suitable for auditory learners?

The best work for this psychological type involves an emphasis on hearing. This could be the profession of a musician, composer or vocalist. No less success awaits you in the work of a sound engineer, DJ, arranger, announcer, prompter or presenter at a radio station.

But even when choosing any other profession, hearing will play an important role. For example, as a car mechanic, such a person will distinguish different causes of breakdown by sound. Being an ornithologist, he can accurately identify any bird by its song. And even a watchman will hear suspicious noise in the protected area better than any sensor.

No matter who the auditor works, his excellent hearing will always be in the first positions among other professional skills.

How to build a relationship with the auditory?

It is about this psychotype that they say that they “love with their ears.” And it doesn’t matter who we are talking about, men or women. Both of them build a dialogue with their partner, relying on his words and manner of speech.

As is the case with raising children, even adult auditory learners are very sensitive to insults and raised intonations. Of course, women are even more vulnerable in this regard than men. If you yell at a representative of this psychotype, or surround her with three-story verbal constructions, for her this will be a significant reason to stop the dialogue and possibly even break up.

Compliments, pleasant and gentle words can win over any auditory person; these are the techniques that must be used when building a relationship with such a person.

Content for visual learners

It is important for visual learners to mentally imagine everything that is written about in the text. They need a rich palette of words and vivid images with descriptions of details. The clearer and more clearly a person sees the picture, the more you will hook him.

To activate the imagination of visual learners, it is necessary to use in the text, for example, the following words:

  • verbs - look, imagine, stand up, observe, highlight, describe, direct, distinguish, seem;
  • nouns - traveler, woman, kitten, joy, greenery, picture, focus;
  • adjectives - sharp, luminous, bright, colorful, rainbow, gigantic, small, open, distant, wide.
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