Who is a sanguine person: complete characteristics and compatibility with other types of temperament

Hi all! We continue our journey into the depths of the human soul, and types of temperament are on the agenda. I think many of you have met positive, sociable people who brought a smile to your face. I am very lucky - I have at least two such suns among my loved ones. In addition to upbringing, a type of temperament called “sanguine” leaves a big imprint on this behavior. Below we will look at who a sanguine person is, what his pros and cons are, how this type manifests itself, and what it is in psychology.

general characteristics

Let's start with the fact that the division into types of temperament began even before our era with the name of a famous person in medicine and psychology - Hippocrates. He was the first to give the name “sangua” - blood (ancient Greek). The scientist believed that in people with this type of personality, “vital juice” (this is the meaning of the word) predominates, which fills a person with joy and optimism.

The description of a sanguine person should begin with the fact that these people have a strong and stable nervous system.

A sanguine person is a person who is distinguished by endurance, high energy, sociability, and efficiency. Briefly about these people, we can say that they are lucky - they are naturally endowed with communication skills, leadership, and leadership abilities.

If you have forgotten, let me remind you that there are 4 types of people based on the properties of the nervous system, its strength and excitability: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. So there is a stereotype that a sanguine person is the best psychotype of a person. But this is a mistaken opinion, because each type has its own positive and negative aspects.

General concept

Sanguine - what is it in psychology? Sanguinists - who are they? In short, in psychology there is a division along two axes .

The first axis “extraversion-introversion” shows whether processes are directed to the external world or to the internal one.

A sanguine person is an extrovert, all attention is directed to what is happening around him. There is also an axis “stability-instability” .

The sanguine type of temperament refers to a stable type that spends energy gradually, avoiding sudden bursts of activity and loss of strength.

Sanguinism is often called cheerfulness, an easy attitude to life, and sanguinists are the owners of such character qualities.

Traits of a Sanguine Person

Let me remind you that some people confuse character and temperament. This is a mistake, the same as comparing a talented violinist and a novice player who has “been hit on the ears.” In one and the other case, these two people, with good advertising, can pack stadiums, but the first will spend much less resources to achieve this level, since this gift was given to him from birth.

The type of temperament opens up horizons for us where we can become pros or dummies. So, are you wondering who you are and how “your sanguine personality” manifests itself? Where are your strengths, and which weaknesses are best disguised as slight coquetry or negligence?

Advantages and disadvantages

Any, absolutely any type of temperament has positive and negative aspects, pros and cons. Don’t flatter yourself with the hope that you are the navel of the earth! Now we will find the dark spot of sanguine in you too!

In psychology, a sanguine person is defined as a strong type of temperament, which has the following advantages:

  • An incorrigible optimist. Have you ever been tempted to prove that these people live with rose-colored glasses? I had such a moment, but then I realized that they just see the world differently. If my first reaction is: “Lelik, everything is lost!”, then a sanguine person’s reaction is: “The Earth is in the porthole” - he will not react to little things and will be distracted by the negative.
  • Confidence. This characteristic is quite controversial, because self-confidence is more cultivated than manifested innately. Therefore, let's just say that sanguine people are mostly confident people.
  • The ability to remain calm. This trait, inherent primarily in men, directly depends on the strength of the nervous system. Such people are sometimes “knee-deep in the sea” even without strong drinks! Sometimes, out of principle, they practically don’t worry about problems!
  • Divergent thinking. This type is characterized by a penchant for creativity. Such workers are valued in any job, as they are able to find several ways out of one difficult situation.
  • Leaders or “nails” of the company. The strength of such a leader is his ability to understand people's experiences and emotions. Although he himself may not feel it at all.
  • An incorrigible optimist. Such people tend to have an optimistic view of problems. They do not take difficulties seriously, often declaring with a smile: “It’s nonsense, everything will get better soon!” Such optimists give hope to the most disillusioned people, those who are hopelessly ill in medicine. It is quite difficult for them to spoil their mood.
  • Often such people have a good memory. Especially responsible and serious sanguine people (serious ones, of course, cannot be found during the day, but there are quite a lot of responsible ones). Due to their excellent mnemonic abilities, such individuals achieve great success in their professional activities.
  • Immediacy. Sanguine people are easy to recognize even among strangers: they behave very spontaneously, appear noisily, attract attention with their obvious thoughtlessness, ease and spontaneity, some even secretly envy their brightness in life. They are not shy to express their feelings, emotions are in full swing.

Among the disadvantages of this type of temperament are:

  • Gullibility. It is difficult for sanguine people to observe intrigues, the interweaving of gossip and conflicts. They are above intrigue. Excessive gullibility leads to disappointment. And if a sanguine person is nevertheless disappointed (which happens extremely rarely), this is dangerous - he may fall into a stupor from betrayal, lose his natural optimism, his eyes will dim, and there will be no emotions left.
  • Problem with friends. It would seem that these are the people who find a common language with everyone, especially women, but they have few real friends. It's all about sincere, devoted people who would understand the depth of these individuals.
  • Absent-mindedness. You can’t say about them: “He’s so absent-minded...”, but it’s really difficult for them to take in everything at the same time when so many events are rushing past.
  • Excessive sociability. Sanguine people have no difficulty communicating with someone on the street, in a bathhouse, in a store, office, school, army, and wherever they appear. Sanguines grow up to be chatterboxes and Casanovas. Because of this, many melancholic or phlegmatic people do not immediately understand them - how can they understand the impulses of an extroverted soul?!
  • Increased interest in the environment. But there are exceptions. Rather, such people show increased interest in their activities. That is why there are many respected professionals among sanguine people, since they plunge headlong into their work. Why is this a minus? No one will appreciate their sacrifice; they often work on sheer enthusiasm.
  • Chaotic. It is difficult for them to “sort out” and organize everything when this process is not driven by interest.

Sanguine introvert

You will rarely meet sanguine introverts. If the additional type of temperament in such people is phlegmatic or melancholic, then perhaps there will be manifestations of energy being directed “toward oneself” and replenishing it “in oneself.” But most often, even with other types of temperament, such individuals are more likely to be ambiverts (mixed type) than introverts.

Sanguine extrovert

Sanguine people are the most extroverted people, of all extroverts, so to speak.
Communication is everything for them, where they get their energy recharged. Such workers will always resolve difficult production situations in a positive manner, and in the family they will provide a powerful boost of energy and positivity to the rest of the family. This description of the type of temperament attracts many introverts, since there is a myth that extroverts are more successful. Personally, I know a dozen introverts who have achieved success in their lives. Therefore, I will disappoint those who want to “become” sanguine: the type of temperament is an innate personality trait, so develop your temperament!

The need for communication of a sanguine extrovert


The sanguine temperament type has characteristic pros and cons. The list of advantages included:

  • stable psyche;
  • the makings of a leader, the ability to lead people, inspire, motivate and direct;
  • ability to remain calm in stressful situations;
  • cheerfulness, optimism and energy;
  • increased sociability and sociability, which make him the life of the party and the favorite of many;
  • absence of the habit of being discouraged, upset, sad, depressed, and also taking problems to heart;
  • a person who has harmony in everything and everywhere;
  • ability to adapt to changing conditions.

Features of a sanguine man

A sanguine man and a sanguine woman differ in relationships, communication and other areas, although general positivity will always be inherent in them.

Such men are true “heart stealers,” they will always find an approach to any woman, their charm and sociability will not leave any representative of the fair half of society indifferent. They are dreamy and amorous, most often succumbing to new hobbies, but if they are already married, then the marriage union is rich in emotions, colorful colors, and lightness.


In love, a sanguine person can sometimes be fickle, but if his other half can constantly stir up interest and surprise his sanguine partner, then such a relationship can be bright, passionate and long-lasting. Much depends on the partner’s temperament. I have compiled a table of couple compatibility depending on the type of temperament.

Temperament typeBasic character traitsBrief description of the relationshipCompatibility
Phlegmatic personBalanced, stableWill be nervous because of the frivolity and fickleness of the sanguine personUnsuccessful, because the temperaments are completely opposite
CholericHot-tempered, likes to dominateVibrant and cheerful relationships.
Both have strong leadership qualities and at the same time strive to dominate.

May perceive each other as rivals

Long-term relationships are possible if both learn to negotiate and stop arguing about leadership
SanguineSociable, optimistic, fickleThere is no place for boredom in such relationships.
All emotional outbursts are quickly smoothed over by making fun of each other.
Ideal as long as interests coincide and there are no disputes about leadership
MelancholicSensual, shyA quiet, inconspicuous and sad melancholic person obediently submits, while an energetic extroverted sanguine person completely dominates the relationshipLong-term relationships are possible, but only if such people meet at all

How to raise a sanguine child

The behavior of a sanguine child always makes parents smile. This is an eternal restless and cheerful person. He will not throw tantrums like a choleric child, this is their main difference. But his creativity can ruin the wallpaper in your living room, and the kitchen will become a testing ground for studying frying pans, pots, scattered flour and cereals.

Such a child has enormous potential. Even as a child, you can spot him and send him to a club or other activities where he will be one of the first. Try to find an approach to such children, they will not respect you if you constantly raise your voice or categorically forbid something.

To explain something to a teenager with this type of temperament, you need to use pictures, tables, and show by example. You need to communicate with teenagers, giving them the opportunity to make decisions themselves and take initiative. Do not forget that in your family there is a person growing up who can achieve a lot with the right attitude towards people and work.


The sanguine character type, despite numerous advantages, is also endowed with disadvantages. They will be especially noticeable for those people who are in a love or business relationship with them:

  • inconstancy and frivolity;
  • sanguine people have a huge tendency towards narcissism, often put a crown on their head and become infected with “star fever”;
  • sometimes a complete lack of sense of proportion is noticeable;
  • can be very gambling;
  • They are not inclined to think long before making a decision, so they often make the wrong choice without thinking about the consequences. However, this list does not contain categorically rash actions or, especially, betrayals;
  • it is difficult for a sanguine person to sit still due to increased activity, which can cause discord in a calm family life;
  • Having well-developed communication skills, a huge list of friends, acquaintances and acquaintances, it is difficult for a sanguine person to single out one or two true friends from the general mass;
  • unreliability - due to the inconstancy, frivolity of the type’s character, it can be difficult to rely on a sanguine person.

Compatibility with other temperament types

In our lives, we have to intersect with other people a lot, with some we have good relationships, with others not so much. So, let's see how sanguine people are compatible with other types of temperament.

With a choleric person

A choleric person and a sanguine person can interact, and some even manage to be friends, but not for long. A sanguine person can tolerate all the impulsiveness of a choleric person; with his positivity, he will save relationships every now and then: be it friendship, be it love.

Such friends will be constantly on a “swing”, everything depends on the outbursts of emotions of the choleric person and the patience and “frostbite” of the sanguine person.

In a marriage, both can be happy if they truly love each other. The rudeness in the words of a choleric person can be covered by the positivity of a sanguine person. But it’s not in vain that I wrote about love, sometimes an impulsive spouse behaves disrespectfully (after a hard day at work, for example), in this case, a loving other half will simply not pay attention, make a remark, and thereby save his marriage.

With a sanguine person

People with the same worldview can be good friends for a long time. They seem to be looking in the same direction. The only point: sanguine people have a problem with their best friends, this will affect the quality of the friendship. For such people, everyone around them is friends, and they won’t worry if they “forget” about their friend for a year or two, but when they meet, great friendships will begin again.

In relationships within the family, two sanguine people will one day become bored. To be honest, I have not yet seen long-term marriages of two spouses with this type of temperament. Such a union lacks depth, foundation, seriousness and a small percentage of drama, which fuels fading emotions. Constant ease leads to a decrease in responsibility for the family, which leads to conflicts and so on.

With a phlegmatic person

The sanguine person and the phlegmatic person complement each other in some ways. But you most likely won’t get friendship out of them. A sanguine person will be strained by the external manifestations of a phlegmatic person: slow speech, facial expressions without changes, and a phlegmatic person will be irritated by the uncontrolled frivolity, irresponsibility and playfulness of the second.

So, these two won’t make friends, although... But what about a marriage? In a family with such a set of features of the nervous system, everything will be peaceful and calm. But they will not always be enough for each other, because constant stability is also annoying - you want emotions.

With a melancholic person

A sanguine person and a melancholic person will also find a common language. A melancholic person who constantly overwhelms himself is afraid of how he lacks a perpetual motion machine, a joker and an optimist. These two types make good friends if the sanguine person learns to cover up whining, and the melancholic person stops paying attention to the frostbite that sometimes appears.

What can I say about love? A sanguine person and a melancholic person make excellent couples, but it is better if the strong, optimistic, guiding shoulder is a man, not a woman. Therefore, it is ideal when the husband is sanguine (he is the best partner), and the wife is melancholic. At the same time, the husband must have strength and condescension towards his wife’s constant panic with or without reason.

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You can give a sanguine person and the people around him some advice.

5 useful tips for sanguine people

  1. Don't forget about others. Loving yourself is great, but it is important to remember the interests of those around you, at least those closest to you. Otherwise, there is a high probability of being left without communication with them.
  2. It’s worth teaching yourself not to quit halfway through. Sometimes it’s useful to catch yourself at the moment when you want to quit what you started and start doing something else. Next - stop. And convince yourself to bring the matter to its logical conclusion.
  3. To develop concentration, you can use special exercises, such as finding the odd one out, Schulte tables or proofreading tests.
  4. Direct energy in a useful direction. For example, instead of spending three hours talking with a casual acquaintance, devote yourself to organizing useful activities for your own children. It’s better to choose short tasks for which you have enough “fuse”.
  5. Sometimes it’s worth stopping and turning inside yourself. Give yourself the opportunity to reflect, analyze what is happening and draw conclusions.

How to communicate correctly with a sanguine person

It is not very important for a sanguine person whether they listen to him, but the main thing is that they do not interrupt. When communicating with him, it is enough to nod empathetically and sometimes insert remarks of exclamation or surprise. Also, sometimes it is worth reminding him that he is not alone, and asking him not only to talk, but also to listen.

Sofia Emelyanova

Author of the article. Psychologist.

About the expert

Suitable professions

Such a person can work at any job, but boring and measured tasks will stress him terribly. He won't stand a year in this place. Below is a list of professions where a person with this psychotype will be realized:

  • administrator;
  • teacher;
  • salesperson, manager;
  • psychologist;
  • doctor;
  • journalist;
  • economist;
  • advocate;
  • supervisor;
  • composer (if an additional type of temperament is melancholic, it is this tandem that leads to lyrical moods).

Character specifics

Are a few words enough to give a brief description? These are sociability, activity and emotionality. Such individuals have a very balanced, agile and strong nervous system. They cope very easily with emotional and psychological stress, and are able to quickly maneuver and adapt to new circumstances. A sanguine person is socially energetic, he gets used to changes without much difficulty, has an optimistic mood, is energetic and is always ready to help. Such a person is not susceptible to depression and fixation on problems; very often a sanguine person has a good sense of humor.

Famous personalities

As we have decided, painstakingness and monotony are not for sanguine people. They are fast, bright, have many interests and hobbies. Among famous personalities we will see a vivid example of this psychotype in such people:

  • Antonio Vivaldi;
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart;
  • Mikhail Lermontov is a striking example in literature;
  • Honore de Balzac;
  • Franklin Roosevelt;
  • Bill Clinton;
  • Napoleon Bonaparte.

Famous people showed themselves to be bright, extraordinary personalities, with creative thinking and success, but not everyone had a happy personal life. Everyone chooses for themselves what their happiness is...

Study and work

When choosing an occupation, a sanguine person chooses professions related to communication. It is unbearable for him to sit for eight hours at his desk; he strives for movement and new impressions. Sanguine people often become actors, directors, teachers, consultants or salesmen.

Curious sanguine people are always intellectual, but they are rarely excellent students at school - they lack perseverance and concentration. It is almost impossible to force them to study a book according to the school curriculum, but they can read adventure novels and detective stories for days and imagine themselves as their heroes. A sanguine person will forever remain a child at heart; he retains the ability to see life as an exciting adventure with bright colors and unforgettable encounters.

Interpersonal relationships

Due to the lack of deep affection, a person can quickly lose interest as soon as he gets to know his partner completely. He will easily endure the break and quickly find a replacement. This applies to work, friendships and romantic relationships. To build a long-term relationship with a sanguine person, it is important to remember the following aspects (see Relationships between a man and a woman):

  • You should be a versatile person yourself, try everything new;
  • Show respect to the sanguine person, admire, but do not flatter;
  • To be a friend, interlocutor, and not just a lover;
  • Do not strive to be a leader in a relationship, no commander’s manners;
  • Take into account the presence of sociability and talkativeness of the partner.

It is worth realizing that a relationship with a sanguine person will be quite comfortable. He strives to avoid conflict situations, loves to arrange pleasant surprises, give presents and gifts. If a quarrel does happen, the sanguine person will quickly forget about all the grievances and have no desire to recall negative situations. He will be the first to reconcile.

You should not expect increased demands, nagging, or complaints from sanguine people. They are quite lenient towards the shortcomings of another person. You can expect that a sanguine person will easily give in and recognize the partner as the main one in the relationship. Under no circumstances should you put pressure, as your partner will simply leave and announce a breakup (see Why did your husband leave).

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