I.N. Melikhov - Hidden hypnosis. Practical guide

  • Types of covert hypnosis
  • Principles of manipulation
    • Impact
    • Images and thoughts
  • Practical development of hidden suggestion skills
  • First way
  • Second way
  • Third way
  • Conclusion
  • Non-classical or hidden hypnosis is one of the types of suggestion. This is manipulation of consciousness or direct influence on the subconscious. If you want to quietly change a person’s thinking or behavior, then this technique is for you.

    What is the difference from classical hypnosis

    Classical hypnosis should be understood as a special state of consciousness that arises in a person under the influence of self-hypnosis, hypnotic manipulation by another person, or spontaneous third-party influence. This phenomenon of human consciousness is temporary and manifests itself in focusing attention and increased suggestibility.

    The operating principle of classical hypnosis is the voluntariness of the procedure, i.e. the hypnotized person is aware of what is happening and understands what manipulations are being performed on his consciousness. This characteristic is the main feature of the phenomenon under consideration.

    With hidden suggestion, the person being hypnotized is exposed to external influences unconsciously. Introduction to a special state is carried out by direct influence on the subconscious areas. Consciousness does not participate in the process, therefore it cannot critically evaluate what is happening. A person perceives the situation as a normal, natural course of events.

    Despite the fact that the technique of covert hypnosis has a weaker effect than classical hypnosis, it can significantly influence the hypnotized person. During a hidden influence on the subconscious, a person does not understand that actions and thoughts were dictated from the outside, and did not occur of their own free will.

    There is no clear opinion regarding the existence of methods of covert hypnosis. In the scientific view, such an influence is impossible, since it contradicts the very nature of hypnosis, in which conscious mental perception occurs.

    Transference of feelings

    A rather insidious technique of psychological influence, which was most widely used in a pickup truck. Its essence is to force the interlocutor to remember a feeling and associate this feeling with a specific person (for example, with you). This also requires skill in using marking techniques (see section Hidden injections).


    She walked from one end of the car to the other, holding onto the wall with her hand. Her breasts swayed to the rhythm of the train's movements. The expression on her face was very sad. I couldn't miss such a gift from fate. The girl walked past, and I casually said after her:

    - Girl, you got...

    She turned around and looked at me in surprise, and then at her feet. But I didn’t see anything there.

    “Well, here you go,” I point to the floor. The girl shifts from foot to foot, trying to understand what happened.

    I take a step towards her, squat down and pretend as if I was picking up something and bringing it to her.

    - Take it, this is your good mood. And don't lose him again.

    The girl smiled widely, lowering her eyes:

    - Thank you, I really lost it.

    – Has it ever happened to you that you were in a terrible mood, and then you met some person (TAGING TO YOURSELF), and your mood soared up, like a balloon of your favorite color, which was released and flew high into the sky?

    The girl clearly liked it. She realized that my question was rhetorical, so she simply smiled, looking me straight in the eyes.

    “My name is Alexey, by the way,” I looked into her eyes with an answering smile.

    - Lera.

    If you're having a heart-to-heart with a girl, you can ask, “Have you ever felt special in the presence of a certain person? And the more often you experienced these feelings, the stronger they became. And the stronger they became, the more you wanted to be around this person? And your feelings are so pleasant that you want to experience them with him right now, and then, in the future? Every time you say “that person,” you make a slight gesture, pointing at yourself. Then you can say a simple phrase: “Do you feel (while you touch the person’s hand or lightly squeeze his shoulder) how wonderful this is?” The subconscious mind of the interlocutor does not understand whether you are asking about touch or feelings.

    “Have you ever met a person about whom you thought - oh God! Are you really the one I've been looking for all my life?! If you ever think that way about me, I will do everything to live up to your expectations. It will be great!"

    What influences the success of suggestion?

    But when considering this problem, it is worth considering one more point - the success of hypnotic influence depends on several factors:

    • the psychological and emotional state of the person being hypnotized;
    • features of suggestibility of the psyche;
    • hypnotist qualifications.

    Hidden suggestion is possible even through television

    Certain circumstances, the use of special techniques, the high suggestibility of the hypnotized person - these factors can create conditions for carrying out manipulations that fall under the criteria of the concept of hidden suggestion.

    The technique of hidden influence, regardless of the characteristics of various methods, includes three principles.

    1. Distraction. The most effective way is to remove one from a state of psychological balance, creating conditions for a feeling of confusion to arise.
    2. Quick impact on the subconscious at the moment of maximum distraction.
    3. A simple conversation, the content of which will not allow one to suspect the presence of hypnotic influence.

    Important elements of covert hypnosis:

    • tactile contact - creating a welcoming atmosphere;
    • calm monotonous voice - introduction to a trance state, calming alertness;
    • gaze;
    • a set of manipulative commands and phrases.

    Psychologist's comment

    You shouldn’t tell everyone about your well-being or grab expensive acquisitions, especially in an unfamiliar company. There is a risk of becoming a victim not only of hidden influence, but also of real robbery. Modesty is the best remedy against hypnosis. Remember what happened to the boastful Pinocchio, who fell into the clutches of the cat Basilio and the fox Alice?

    There is no need to complain about your life either; troubles, like a magnet, attract dubious personalities. They are just waiting to profit from a person’s uncertainty and fear, carefully choosing a victim for themselves. You cannot leave a depressed loved one alone on the street; it is better to put him in a taxi or walk him home.

    Many are confident that they will never become a victim of hidden hypnosis, but practice shows that almost anyone can be put into a trance. For this to happen, the appropriate circumstances and the special state of the person’s psyche must converge. You need to always be on alert, because scammers rely entirely on the effect of surprise. If you discover a hypnotic effect on yourself, immediately get out of this state, without fear of seeming funny or ridiculous.

    How did hidden techniques emerge?

    Man has sought to influence others since ancient times. A particularly great temptation concerned the hidden influence on one’s enemies, competitors, and lovers. This selfish desire became the basis of many magical and witchcraft rituals. The practices of hidden influence on the subconscious were common in many pagan religious movements.

    During the development of the scientific approach to understanding hypnotic influences, attempts to covertly influence people did not stop. They have received a new development.

    Milton Erickson can be considered the founder of hidden influence on the subconscious. He mastered and developed a special type of hypnosis. The American psychiatrist carried out suggestion in a veiled form through the hidden meanings of phrases and expressions.

    In the 20th century, neurolinguistic programming became widespread and developed. It also has a lot in common with the basics of covert hypnosis. NLP is based on complex techniques for copying and repeating the behavior, character and appearance of a certain type of person. These techniques allow you to provide the necessary influence on others in order to achieve certain goals. NLP is very popular in modern society.

    Melikhov technique

    Despite the condemnation in society, the technique of covert hypnosis has received widespread development. Its scientific understanding and justification continues today. One of the brightest theorists and practitioners of the phenomenon under consideration is I.N. Melikhov. His work is devoted to a practical guide to covert hypnosis.

    In this work, Melikhov details the history of the development of hypnosis and highlights the features of hidden techniques. In addition to theoretical aspects, the book provides practical guidance on using the author’s technique of hidden influence on the subconscious.

    Training materials using Melekhov's method

    Melikhov’s technique of hidden hypnosis has a clear and understandable structure. The methodology contains four fundamental blocks.

    1. Mechanisms of subtle influence on the subconscious. The key factor is trust. Effective mechanisms are conversation, asking for help.
    2. Techniques for going into trance. Competent, meaningful conversation using a monotone and calm voice.
    3. Keeping a person in a state of hypnosis. After achieving the goal of concentrating the hypnotized person’s attention only on the actions of the hypnotist, when a “disconnection” from the surrounding reality occurs, the necessary attitude is suggested.
    4. A thoughtful way to stop exposure. Imperceptibly removing the hypnotized person from a trance state.

    Bonus No. 2 Course “My path to hypnosis”

    The course “My Path to Hypnosis” outlines my personal experience in learning hypnosis. In it, I told how I started, what obstacles confronted me and how I overcame them, what exactly allowed me to achieve the first small, but quite tangible results.

    These obstacles arise before anyone who has embarked on the path of comprehending the art of psychoprogramming. But not everyone knows how to overcome them.

    By whom and when is it used?

    Various phenomena based on hidden influences on the subconscious are widespread. The use of discreet hypnosis is often aimed at achieving selfish and criminal goals.

    Areas in which techniques and elements of subtle manipulation based on hypnosis are actively used:

    • advertising;
    • military units and secret services;
    • policy;
    • business;
    • culture;
    • medicine;
    • sport.

    The use of covert hypnosis in treatment has long proven its effectiveness

    A positive and creative area of ​​application of covert hypnosis is the treatment of various ailments. Influencing the subconscious can effectively help in the treatment of various addictions. The use of hypnosis is justified when the patient himself does not want to fight the disease and is satisfied with the existing state of affairs. Hidden suggestion allows you to form subconscious attitudes that are directed against the use of alcohol and drugs. Discreet hypnosis is used to treat psychological disorders accompanied by the patient having various obsessive thoughts.

    As noted above, methods of hypnotic influence are actively used for selfish purposes. Thus, street hypnosis is widespread, when a random interlocutor influences the subconscious through conversation and achieves the goals of obtaining any material or financial benefits.

    The street technique of hidden hypnosis is actively used by all kinds of scammers and sects. Gypsies are well versed in methods of unnoticeable influence. Methods of hidden manipulation of the subconscious to encourage people to make certain decisions are the basis for the development of modern consumer society.

    Principles of manipulation

    Even a child can master the basics of hidden hypnosis (manipulation). All manipulations have some intention behind them. These intentions can be either good or bad. So there may be a deliberate suppression of some part of the information.

    This is a white lie, to protect you from worries or to maintain etiquette. A made-up lie has irreparable consequences. She needs immediate exposure. If you suspect a lie, you can reveal it through hidden manipulation.

    If the suggestion does not harm anyone and provides mutual benefit, then this is justified and correct hypnosis. Otherwise, it is a deliberate influence of a criminal nature.


    For hidden hypnosis techniques to start working, you need to join the interlocutor. Physical contact or psychological principles will help with this. Effective manipulation consists of six principles:

    1. subsequence;
    2. mutual exchange;
    3. public proof;
    4. authority;
    5. favor;
    6. deficit.

    Physical contact will help psychological methods. You need to unobtrusively copy the gestures of your interlocutor. To check whether psychological and physical hypnosis has taken place, you need to repeat one of the manipulation movements. If the interlocutor copied this gesture, then everything worked.

    Images and thoughts

    The effectiveness of hypnosis depends a lot. One of the important elements of manipulation is the identification of images and pictures in the thoughts of the interlocutor. This will help you choose the right technique and principles of psychological hypnosis.

    1. If a person often says the following introductory constructions: “pay attention,” “consider,” “let’s look,” he thinks in visual images. His gaze is directed up and to the left or up and to the right.
    2. When speech contains: “listen”, “look” - this is auditory thinking. The gaze moves left and right.
    3. “I was amazed”, “tell me” - these are bodily images. The gaze is directed down and to the right.

    Three images are easy to identify in any communication with a person.

    Typical examples of secret influence

    To understand the techniques of hypnotists, it is useful to look at several vivid and illustrative examples. Let's consider several cases with the use of street hypnosis, and also examine the presence of elements of hidden influences on the subconscious during manipulation and in folk culture.

    Street hidden hypnosis

    Anyone can encounter attempts at unnoticed influence on the street by hypnotists. Many people purposefully engage in such practices. The forms and methods of such influence can be very diverse.

    An example of covert street manipulation that can serve as a practical guide to covert hypnosis.

    1. On the street, a “passerby” “accidentally” encounters a person. Collisions occur as unexpectedly as possible when a person turns away, looks at his phone, thoughtfully listens to music, or is looking for something in his bag. The “victim” is selected in advance, taking into account certain signs of appearance and behavior. Effectively influence tired, confused, upset and sick people.
    2. After the collision, the passerby apologizes and talks. With questions and an inviting tone, the “passerby” probes the necessary, vulnerable topics.
    3. Having identified vulnerabilities, the “passerby” introduces you to an altered state through well-chosen phrases and gestures.
    4. Under hypnotic influence, a person voluntarily gives away some objects or tells some information.
    5. The passerby, having received the necessary valuables or data, leaves.
    6. The person comes to his senses and realizes that what happened was “as if in a fog.”

    During hypnosis, gypsies try to touch a person

    A common example of unnoticed manipulation is the actions of the gypsies.

    1. Gypsies determine the target of influence by external signs by identifying features that confirm the psychological and emotional characteristics of the individual.
    2. To distract, an offer to tell fortunes, a request or a compliment is used.
    3. A well-constructed conversation pointing out certain moments in a person’s life allows you to gain trust. The hypnotist says banal, generalized things that are characteristic of many people, but they have a great impact on the hypnotized person, who is in a poor psychological state.
    4. The tactile factor is essential - touching, stroking, similar and monotonous movements.
    5. With the help of questions and measured conversation, a person is put into a trance.
    6. In a state of altered consciousness, the object is subjected to suggestion, which is aimed at committing some action.
    7. After reaching the goal, the gypsies quickly disappear.
    8. After some time, the person, returning to a normal state, understands what happened, but cannot explain the reasons for his actions.

    Hidden hypnosis in sects is a common occurrence

    Another example of the harmful use of hidden hypnosis is the work of representatives of cults.

    1. One of the main ways to spread sectarian movements is by inviting friends and relatives. A friend may invite you to attend an event or come visit to get acquainted with an interesting topic or person.
    2. During a meeting, distractions or relaxation can include drinks (tea or herbal infusions), television programs and speeches. All these external distractions are aimed at creating a certain relaxed and trusting atmosphere, which helps to give a “relaxed” conversation a special effect. The purpose of the meeting is to use examples to show the benefits of being in the community of these people.
    3. The impact on the subconscious is carried out in several stages and can be quite long in time. It all depends on the impressionability and state of mind of the “treated” person.
    4. At first everything is limited to conversations over tea. This is followed by invitations to attend public events.
    5. During all these “harmless” events, a person develops a specific idea of ​​​​what is happening, and the nature of thinking changes.
    6. Through repeated repetition and exposure of vulnerable areas of the subconscious to information, a person is brought to a state where he is easily suggestible.
    7. In a state of altered consciousness, people join sects, “voluntarily” get rid of property, and commit actions that were previously unusual for them.


    Changing perceptions or behavior through covert and deceptive tactics is manipulation. The modern world is permeated with manipulative phenomena. Vivid examples are many election campaigns in politics, as well as advertising campaigns in the media. Perception with the help of this type changes due to the influence on the subconscious through instinctive desires, fears and weaknesses.

    The modern world is riddled with manipulation

    An example of a conditional hidden manipulative strategy of a corporation is promotion through advertising.

    1. The company plans to introduce a new product to the market, but it is not popular among the population.
    2. Several years or months before a product goes on the market, videos appear in all media that advise people to take certain actions in their lives.
    3. Through numerous, repeated and varied advertising, people subconsciously form a line of behavior that implies this action. The person himself does not suspect this, because implementation takes a long time.
    4. When people's habits are formed, a corporate product is released onto the market, which helps simplify the action instilled through years of advertising. The product is extremely popular.
    5. The corporation's task of selling a new product is solved using a complex strategy of manipulating the subconscious through advertising.

    Discounts, promotions, limited availability of goods, bright design, attraction of celebrities, “unobtrusive” scientific broadcasts - all these are mechanisms of hidden manipulation, which is close to hypnotic influence.

    Hidden hypnosis in trading

    A similar mechanism is inherent in suggestion. If in the surrounding world (on the Internet, on TV, radio, in street advertising) a person repeatedly encounters phrases with a certain statement and semantic load, over time his subconscious will perceive the suggested meaning as something true, valid, and not subject to critical perception.

    Evil eye and damage

    In folk culture, the phenomena of the evil eye and damage play an important role. In their meaning and content, these types of magical effects are a type of hidden hypnosis. Through certain manipulations, an impact is made on the subconscious, the inspired meaning is projected onto certain events in real life. In the past, the evil eye and damage were effective, because all people believed in the existence of these phenomena.

    Damage is a negative impact on a person using words. The evil eye is a negative influence on people through a look, gesture, or facial expression.

    The mechanism of action of damage is often based on the suggestibility of the victim of magic.

    1. There is a bride in the village who is engaged to a popular young man. She knows that another girl with a special appearance (black hair, brown eyes, thinness) also likes the guy. Since childhood, the bride has internalized on a subconscious level, through the stories of her mother and grandmother, ideas about the existence of witches, the evil eye and damage.
    2. During evening walks with her boyfriend, the bride sees a shadow among the trees every day. It reminds her of the silhouette of a black-haired girl (imagination and fear work).
    3. At night, the bride thinks for a long time about what she sees; her fear and impressionability have a strong impact on her psyche.
    4. After some time, the bride falls ill from nervous overstrain. Residents in the village are sure that this is the evil eye or damage to the black-haired girl.
    5. The black-haired girl also believes in all the traditional village superstitions. Having learned about the bride's illness, she perceives this event as an act of the evil eye on her part.

    Immersion in the image

    When people imagine something, they are in a state where everything the other person says seems true. Let them represent not only the result you want, but also the pleasant feelings associated with it.


    Imagine for a moment that the skills acquired as a result of training will remain with you for life. They will help you, no matter what profession you choose in the future. And you know that you will definitely achieve this. Just imagine the feeling of satisfaction and self-confidence you will have. After all, you will know for sure that thanks to the training you receive, you will cope with any situation. Doesn't sound bad, do you agree?

    - What have you been doing today?

    - I worked.

    - So, how are you?

    - As usual.

    – Yes, it’s interesting how it happens - it always seems like the same thing happens every day, but one day, one day... maybe it’s just your day when everything goes your way... maybe you get a promotion or the boss will declare you the best employee of the month... and time flies like on wings... Your day is going great. You can't help but smile and feel great because you're in a great mood. You're rushing home. You tell your wife. You celebrate this event and everyone congratulates you. You feel like you are in heaven and feel delighted. Every day can be like this, and by now I'm sure you can agree with that, right?

    The romantic promises the woman a fairy tale: “I will take you to distant lands, we will build a house, and we will have many small children...”

    Hair: – I saw your hair and was amazed! The color of your hair is like the color of the sun when it breaks through the clouds! An alluring color that you can’t take your eyes off, and you just want to watch without stopping!

    Hands: – Every man can see your gentle hands from a distance of a meter, and everyone dreams of touching them at least once in order to feel their warmth, their sensuality and tenderness! Their inner beauty. Hands are a reflection of your soul, and if I could take one hand as a souvenir, I would never let it go!

    Handbag: - What a beautiful handbag you have! This is a reflection of your life, she is with you all the time, she accompanies you in any situation, she is your best friend who will never betray you! She knows all your secrets, she shares your happiness and adversity! Let me touch it... How soft the skin is to the touch. I feel like I'm touching your life!

    Eyes: about depth and reflection of essence, etc.

    – Just imagine that you use these phrases on someone, how much delight will you experience when you realize that they work?

    – Imagine that you use... what will your friends say about it?

    – Three months later, you stand, look at this man and think, is it worth...

    – Do you think your life will change for the better if you...

    – How will you understand that you have made the right decision by making...

    Methods of protection

    There are several effective ways to protect yourself from covert hypnosis. Any person can be subject to an attempt at manipulation from the outside, but the success of the hypnotist depends on the willingness of the “victim” to avoid third-party influences on his consciousness and subconscious.

    Recommendations for protection against covert hypnosis are simple but effective.

    1. Always remain attentive. Behave confidently and decisively.
    2. Do not show your feelings and frustrations to others.
    3. Avoid talking to strangers.
    4. Pay attention to appearance and clothing.
    5. Avoid tactile contacts and the direct gaze of a stranger.
    6. Critically perceive any information.
    7. Strive to understand the ongoing processes - the mechanisms of functioning of the political system, the peculiarities of advertising and sales, the principles and laws of the consumer society, the peculiarities of the structure of the human psyche, etc.

    Compliance with these rules, constant self-improvement and development, strengthening of the mental and emotional state - all this will allow you to effectively avoid various manifestations of hidden hypnosis in life.

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