Why you can't run after a man, no matter how much you love him

So you have a passion. Sometimes this guy makes you crazy and the next minute you feel happy. One moment you think all hope is lost, but then you get one message from him and everything starts all over again. We all know how to play this game, simply because we all do it.

All the girls hate this game, and if I'm being completely honest with myself, it's really crazy. We begin to analyze everything this guy does, from punctuation marks to the time it takes him to respond to our message. And while it means a lot to us, it probably means nothing at all to the guy. Here are some reasons why you should never chase a guy. And remember, there are no exceptions to these rules.

How to stop running after a guy, a man, but get him interested: tips from the book of Rashid Kirranov

Rashid Kirranov is a famous psychologist specializing in relationships. His book “The Psychology of Men” reveals secrets that will help women not only better understand the opposite sex, but also build harmonious long-term relationships. Some of the fundamental principles of his book are:

  • Men are not breadwinners 24/7. In moments of despair, they also deserve attention, care and affection, like representatives of the fair sex
  • In order to build strong relationships, it is necessary to discuss conflicts, disputes and claims.
  • Don't give gifts or support financially
  • There is no need to be afraid to take the first step, but it is important to keep your distance and not impose your feelings
  • Don't let a man live on your property

Interest and conquer a man

  • A woman needs to be sincere and clearly articulate her desires and needs.
  • Do not agree to close contact if you do not know each other well, and also if your partner does not respect you
  • Stand up for your point of view and do not allow yourself to be manipulated

Unrequited feelings sometimes lead to mutual sympathy, love and marriage. However, do not forget about the purpose of a woman and your own priorities. After spending years trying to win the object of sympathy, you may suddenly realize that there is an ideal man very close by, who does not need heroic deeds and sacrifices for the sake of love.

What Velcro girls go through in their desire to win a guy

She follows a man as a shadow. Wherever he appears, she appears like a phantom a little further away. Even if these two once had a short romance, it has already ended.

That's it - a fleeting romance through one single sex turned a girl into a monster. But she does not take on the role of a shadow; she acts brazenly and impudently. Her calls and text messages do not resemble love suffering, and their contents are similar to the messages of a maniac.

The only problem is that there will be no life in such a family. A man, even if he marries such a lady, will hate her fiercely, may insult her in every possible way and even raise his hand. And it’s obvious that he will walk to the left.

Don't do these things unless you want her to run away.

If you do these things, she will not only be disappointed, but will avoid communicating with you. The effect will be the opposite: you won’t force her to run after you, but on the contrary, you will scare her away:

  1. Don't be fake or pretend to be someone else. The masks will fall off sooner or later, and you will lose her. Change yourself, and don't just try to seem different.
  2. Don't get carried away by making her chase you: she might get bored and you'll end up in the friend zone forever.
  3. Don’t try to break it: there are girls who find it difficult to get over themselves, and for them running after a guy is humiliation. If you force her to do this, then she will take revenge on you later.
  4. Don't flirt with other girls in an attempt to get a girl's attention.
  5. Don't be intrusive and feel the moment when you need to stop trying and provoking and switch to another.

To make a girl run after you, become the man she wants to be around. You will need to work on yourself, and I will help you with this. My name is Alexander Galevich, and I am an expert in high-speed seduction. The girl will not notice how she will fall in love with you and will seek your favor. Since 2004, I have been creating myself “brick by brick”, studying psychology and applying it in practice. I now have over 41,000 students who have achieved success and built the relationships they dreamed of. Try and learn to be a man who makes girls go crazy!

What's wrong if a woman chases a man?

Many women prefer to independently seek reciprocity from men. This fact is explained by several factors:

  • A similar pattern of relationships could be seen in her close circle.
  • Lack of a positive image of a man in life
  • Lack of confidence in one's own beauty and charm
  • Long absence of any close contacts with the opposite sex
  • Confidence that financial security is more important than mutual respect and moral support
  • Fear of loneliness and childlessness
  • Hyperbolic ideas about men
  • Excessive demands on your partner
  • Lack of sexuality and femininity

In order to stop building a relationship with a person who does not show reciprocity towards you, it is important to find the reason that pushes you to a similar form of love and psychological dependence on your partner.

The following methods are suitable for this:

  • Psychoanalysis
  • Yoga
  • Professional psychological consultation
  • Dance classes
  • Meditations

Dancing and yoga, like any other type of physical activity, will help to unlock female potential: develop flexibility and plasticity, and also teach you to control your passion, emotions and improve body control skills that increase self-esteem and sexuality.

A woman's obsessiveness leads to bad consequences

Well, now let’s list the consequences of a woman chasing a man:

  • The stronger sex loses interest in his partner
  • There is no proper distribution of responsibilities in the relationship
  • Gender role reversal promotes the manifestation of qualities and behavior in men that are characteristic of women
  • There is a lack of understanding and respect for each other in the relationship
  • A partner whose feelings are not reciprocated feels inferior and may become depressed or develop a psychological disorder
  • A woman experiences her own inadequacy
  • The fair sex acquires complexes and self-doubt
  • While a woman is trying to attract the attention of one man, she does not notice worthy partners next to her

Why doesn't a real woman run after a man, and why don't men like it when people run after them?

Many ladies wonder why some representatives of the fair sex never try to please men, but they do not experience a shortage of fans, while others try in every possible way to attract attention to themselves, but for some reason they are passed over.

In order to understand the difference between such opposing behavior patterns, it is necessary to note common and different behavioral factors. Among the main ones are the following:

  • A confident woman does not need encouragement from others.
  • A strong lady has priorities, interests and work. Therefore, she always knows what to do with her free time without girlfriends and men.
  • A real woman takes care of her external beauty, health and education. She regularly expands her knowledge in various topics, watches her figure and uses cosmetics
  • A strong personality does not depend financially, morally or psychologically on his partner. She has a profession, skills and experience, so the financial condition of her lover does not play a major role
  • A real woman knows how to build relationships. She accepts a man without trying to change him
  • A confident lady will not tolerate being around a gigolo, a gambling addict, a cheater, or another man who does not match her in mental development. After all, she knows that she deserves only the best
  • A true representative of the fair sex is not ashamed of her age, weight and shortcomings, but at the same time, she knows how to emphasize her strengths

The psychology of women who are accustomed to seeking a man’s love has several common characteristics:

  • Weak ladies are not very confident in themselves and try in every possible way to hide their shortcomings, creating the image of an ideal housewife, employee and woman
  • Representatives of the fair sex did not have healthy, full-fledged relationships
  • Women are used to proving their devotion and fidelity through their actions. Therefore, they win the object of sympathy with the help of gifts, food and various surprises
  • Weak ladies are envious and often gossips. They rarely manage to build relationships with strong personalities
  • Insecure representatives of the fair sex have many complexes and doubt their attractiveness

Men lose interest in a woman who is chasing him.
In order to determine why men do not like it when a woman shows persistent signs of attention, it is important to consider the situation from the point of view of representatives of a strong part of humanity. Psychologists identify the following factors:

  • A man stops feeling like a “hunter”
  • The motivation to win the object of sympathy disappears
  • A man does not need to look for a way to get closer to his partner with the help of flowers and gifts, because he knows that she is ready for anything without them
  • A representative of the stronger sex has a greater choice of women, since using his own beauty and charm, he can win anyone without any effort
  • A man does not need to spend time going through all the stages of a relationship, so sexual intercourse can happen without any costs

Of course, there are a considerable number of representatives of the stronger sex who are obviously looking for weaker partners. This is due to a number of complexes and psychological problems that are typical for such men. However, such relationships cannot be called healthy and fulfilling, because most of the people who are in them are not happy.

Why you shouldn’t run after a man after a breakup: psychology

Breaking up with a partner is not easy for most women. Especially if the relationship lasted a long time. However, you should not try to get your ex back. Psychologists also agree that experienced relationships must be forgotten without trying to renew them. The following arguments support this opinion:

  • There will be no more harmony and respect in the relationship. Our consciousness is designed in such a way that it constantly returns us to past memories and emotions, so it is physically impossible to forget grievances and misunderstandings
  • You must understand the reason for the separation and analyze your behavior in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
  • Breaking up for women can become a new stage in life. You need to take care of your appearance and inner beauty, and also spend as little time as possible alone with thoughts about your ex.
  • If your boyfriend betrayed you once, he will gladly disappoint you again

Don't run after a man if he's gone

  • You are not in love with your current partner, but with the image that you remember from the first stages of your relationship with him. However, people can change under the influence of many factors, so it is impossible to return the personality for which you experienced love
  • Getting back together with your ex won't solve the problems that caused you to break off contact with him in the first place.
  • You may miss a real chance to improve your personal life with another partner while you are caught up in the past.
  • If a man really needs you, he will take the initiative: meet you, call you, write a message, send a gift by delivery service, etc. Regardless of his financial situation and other factors

If you are unable to forget your ex-partner, you should not show signs of attention first. Give the man a chance to rehabilitate himself and take the initiative on his own. It is this act that will help you realize the likelihood of further development of your story, and will also show your true attitude towards you.

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