How to make a girl miss you? 7 cool tricks

I liked the girl. You find yourself returning to her in your thoughts every now and then. But it’s unclear how she feels about you. Or it’s just understandable, but this is not at all what we would like. Or even the same thing, but not enough. I would like to learn how to do something to evoke sympathy, feelings, attraction in her, so that I can also be in her thoughts.

To understand how to make a girl think about you, want to meet with you, communicate and, in the future, have a relationship, it is first useful to find out what she generally needs, what can hook her.

No magic - pure psychology!

Still from the movie "Forrest Gump"

How can you tell if she likes you, or maybe even loves you? Did the girl remember your name? Does he respond to your messages, or do you sometimes go on dates?

All this, of course, is good and looks promising, but nothing ignites feelings and makes them stronger than the fact that she continues to think about you while you are not together and is looking forward to seeing you again.

And although the process of the emergence of sympathy and the chemistry that stands behind it still remains a miracle for people that cannot be reproduced artificially, but if that very “spark” flashed between you, then you are quite capable of “keep the fire going” and try to force the one you like miss you especially.

By the way, we have seven tricks to help you.

Ignore her messages while staying active on social networks4

If you do not answer your girlfriend’s messages and calls, but at the same time she sees that you are actively communicating on social networks or instant messenger, she is guaranteed to become jealous. When she sees your online status, she will begin to worry why you are not answering her. And most likely, she will immediately find a reason for jealousy, deciding that at that moment you are communicating with another girl. Later, you can call her back or text her, but instead of apologizing, let her know that you were busy talking with another girl, and it was so interesting that you didn’t want to interrupt. And she will also puzzle over what you discussed so interesting.

Give her forget-me-nots

Our first way to make someone miss you is a double bottom. Firstly, if you decide to give her a bouquet, then forget-me-nots will be a more original and unexpected gift than classic roses.

And secondly, even if the girl is not an expert in flower language, she will certainly decipher the subtle subtext of such a gift: “Don’t forget me.” To be even more faithful, you can also add a note to the bouquet with some sweet or romantic phrase (Google will help you).

Give her a useful gift

Let's face it: people love gifts. But the question is - what can you give a girl so that she remembers you as often as possible and misses you? And if you think that it must be something expensive/beautiful/romantic, then the answer is wrong.

Your gift will make her think of you involuntarily if she uses it instead of just putting it on a shelf. But this does not mean that the best present is a pack of powder or a six-month supply of toothpaste. Although... if a girl has a good sense of humor and you have been dating for a long time, she may be pleased with such a gift too (there are all kinds of relationships).

However, we advise you to opt for something more neutral and personal. Did she mention in conversation that she keeps losing pens or her keyboard broke? We hope you always listen to your girlfriend and can easily remember some nuance that will help you make the right choice. And then she will first be pleasantly surprised by your sensitivity and attentiveness, and then she will remember you every time she uses this item.

How to make a woman appreciate you

Always let the woman know that you are a business person and there are no empty spaces in your schedule - even if this is only partly true! If a woman comes to the conclusion that you are just sitting at home and playing around, then she will perceive you as a loser or, even worse, as a nonentity, rejected by all women in the world.

If you let her know that you are extremely busy with things, she will begin to look at you as a confident leader who not only knows her goal, but also knows how to achieve it. You are not asking for alms, but presenting her with the fact that besides her, you have other values ​​in life. The woman is forced to seek a meeting with you, and thanks to this, control over the situation passes into your hands. She needs your affection more than you need hers, and therefore, the woman begins to hunt for you. Everyone dreams of what they don't have, right?

A woman should never become the main priority in life (until you find a girl with whom you want to connect your life - with the mother of your children or with your wife - she should become the measure of all values). A woman should occupy second place in the scale of your values ​​- after family, career, friends, etc. However, always give her the faint hope of taking first place in the future if she is obedient enough. A woman may even suspect that you are having affairs on the side. There is nothing wrong. She will understand that you are popular, or in other words, worthy of a woman spending time on you. From her own experience, she learns that it is not so easy to lead you astray, using all her charm and charm.

If a girl asks what you did yesterday, don’t answer: “I just sat and was bored.” A better way to say it is, “I got up early in the morning to go to a business meeting, then went to the gym, met a friend for lunch, and worked the rest of the day in the office.” If a girl calls and asks what you are doing, say in response: “I just came” or “I’m going to go about my business.” Don't hog the phone line for hours talking to women. Call only for business and be polite.

Make a woman work hard to get you and appreciate you. She herself should show interest in developing relationships, call first, and you should do her a favor. This way, the woman will have the opportunity to reassess the significance of her feelings towards you. If a woman does not value the time spent together and you at the same time, then you need to find enough determination in yourself to leave her.

How do you know if a woman appreciates you? You need to make her sacrifice something for you. If something is received with virtually no effort, that is, for free, then the attitude towards it will be as if it were cheap. Simply put, the easier the access, the less the value . People tend to confuse the concepts of price and value, and often they do not even try to think about the true significance of the event that happened in their lives. In other words, it is much better when you have some value, otherwise the woman will think that she deserves more. I'm not hinting at a monetary value for what is happening, but if you occasionally make her pay for your lunch, you will thereby demonstrate your importance and gain control over the development of the relationship.

Try to be inaccessible. What's hard to get is always more valuable, isn't it? It is for this reason that diamonds are more expensive than all precious stones. So, be a diamond. Cancele dates every now and then and make her call twice before answering. Do not elevate this to the rank of law, but demonstrate to her over and over again that you are not a puppet.

Judge a woman by her actions, not her words. Many women know how to masterfully deny and mislead. They make promises and don't keep them. They cancel dates, don’t call, show their disdain... Unlucky men will ignore all the signs of an impending hurricane and continue to persist, paying attention only to positive signs. They will try to demonstrate their admiration and interest in the woman instead of gaining her respect. A professional seducer, on the contrary, before taking the next step, asks the question: “Will this lead to a revision of this woman’s value system, in which I occupy the main place?” Then, having done so, he evaluates her reaction. If a woman shows her affection, then he concentrates on positive signs. If not, he changes tactics, puts the woman in her place or leaves her.

[Few people are afraid of losing something that no one else needs - for example, a rusty broken car or a half-century-old TV... Likewise, a girl will turn away from you if she feels that you are of no interest to anyone. A man who does not take care of his appearance, does not control his behavior, is unable to maintain an exciting conversation and arouse interest from the fair sex, it is useless to become difficult to reach... A woman does not need such an instance, even as a free application. If in a relationship with the fair sex you are not satisfied with the career of Elusive Joe, if you want not only to control your emotions and act with cold calculation, but also to be a competitive man in the eyes of women, then you will become one in real conditions at practical pickup trainings at the Dating Academy using special equipment.]

It is very important to establish the rules of the game at the very beginning of the relationship. Make it clear to the woman what is and is not acceptable. If a woman crosses the line of what is permitted, she must be warned that such behavior is unacceptable. If she starts doing her old thing again, leave her. Besides her, there are millions of women in the world, so good riddance.

If you leave a woman who disrespected you, she may suddenly want to go back. However, everything is not as simple as it seems to her. Ambiguously hint that her behavior has gone beyond what is acceptable, and the only option left for her to return is to do something truly meaningful for you. It can be whatever you want it to be. A woman has no choice but to suck up to you and thereby give control of the situation into your hands. If she doesn't want to correct her mistake, then let her resign.

This method is called “Return of the Prodigal Friend.” It is recommended not only for women who do not show their affection and are forced to come back into your life after you have forgotten about them, but also for those women who ignore you in a nightclub or at a party and later try to come over and hook up with you. conversation with you. You have the right to demand anything from her, but demanding sex is only suitable for exceptional cases. Otherwise, you risk turning from a man who demands satisfaction into a sexually preoccupied type.

Always remember that a woman will only experience true passion if she truly believes that she can lose you. If you hold on to a girl too tightly, if all your thoughts are devoted only to her, then she will very soon cease to value you. If you notice how a woman who has shown interest in you suddenly walks away as if you meant nothing to her, then perhaps she means too much to you and you came to her extremely easily. If you notice how passionate relationships turn into ice, then perhaps the reason lies in the same.

You should always emerge victorious from all life situations, be it: seduction; a night spent together; complex relationships; competition at work. You are the prize that goes to the winner. You are an everlasting value. You are a lucky chance in their life, and if they miss it, then it’s too tough for them. There are thousands of other fish swimming in the sea, and you can immediately catch any other of them.

[Tony Klink]

Become a synonym for pleasant emotions for her.

One of the easiest tricks to make a girl miss you and look forward to meeting you is to always have something new and exciting in stock for your dates.

So keep an eye out for cool new places opening, free events, or take her on a weekend getaway to one of the nearby cities you've both never been to (who said you can only take girls to Paris and Bali?).

Because when you invite a girl somewhere (especially if it's her first time), then this place can forever become associated with you in her mind, which will make her miss you every time she passes by, or thinks about it. how you were there together.

Secrets of psychologists2

Psychologists have studied this issue and suggested how to make a girl think about herself constantly. But before doing this, a man must work on himself. He must understand what qualities he himself possesses: objectively evaluate his appearance and his spiritual values. Highlight your positive traits, and if there are none, then acquire them by working on yourself. After all the above actions, you can step by step apply the advice of psychologists on how to make a girl think about herself constantly.

Make sure there aren't too many of you

American inventor Thomas Edison once said: “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

. What happens when you spend all your time and effort trying to get a girl to like you? You become too available and she doesn't have time to miss you. Or she may even begin to get a little tired of you and dream of a break.

So take a break from 24/7 texting or take some time off your next date. However, this does not mean at all

, that it is worth playing a game with a mysterious disappearance for several days, which some pick-up artists advise to practice to “100% attach a girl.”

Firstly, it’s cruel (she doesn’t know the reason for your disappearance and may start to worry whether you’re alive), and secondly, this practice is as old as time, and girls are aware of it. And it's

Your actions should not be predicted by anyone. Surprise!

Very often, many representatives of the stronger sex commit predictable actions. Of this, a woman knows in advance how to react and what to do in case of this or that development of events associated with the stronger sex. This order of things simply instantly bores the young ladies. Unfortunately, constant predictability can work against a guy. Surely no one needs this, right?

To interest a person in your person, you need to intrigue her and not rush to reveal your secrets. Let there be a mysterious aura around you. The young lady will only have to make guesses about you and think about who you might be in real life.

There is no need to give her the opportunity to calculate your next step in relation to her. Just try not to confuse mystery with a complete lack of adequacy, because this is not what you need. Let your decisions and actions be completely unexpected

So, if during a date you have a desire to kiss your companion, act on it. Even if the attempt is unsuccessful, you will be able to make the right impression on her. A brave guy, coupled with the effect of surprise, is equivalent to a whole bunch of different emotions of a girl. And the next kiss attempt is more likely to be successful. Learn to refuse her some requests. Even if you really like a girl, you can’t follow her lead all the time.

Send her a letter by regular mail

We know, we know... this is the 21st century, and no one, except government agencies and stores with their advertising, sends mail in envelopes anymore. But did you know that it is precisely because of the effect of surprise that this trick can serve you very well?

Firstly, imagine how surprised she will be (especially if you live in the same city, although this technique is very good for long-distance relationships), and secondly, she will probably appreciate your creativity and time spent (one visit to the post office is already seems like a feat).

Work on your touch

Body language is no less eloquent and important in a relationship than the messages you write to her and the gifts you give her (obvious, right?). Here's how it works: If you're in the early stages of a relationship, a strong, cozy hug can make her feel safe in your arms.

Over time, as things get more serious, your arms will become one of her happiest places... and when she's sad or lonely, the only thing she'll want to do is cuddle with you. Therefore, pay attention to how exactly you touch her, and maybe even master the massage technique (this will be a combo effect).

Make her feel like she's special

Sometimes girls go crazy about fatal and mysterious or “bad” guys, but more often they still miss those with whom they had fun and pleasure, comfortably and... in a special way.

By remembering what she says and then using it in conversation, being caring and attentive, and not being afraid to admit yourself that you missed her, you will most likely not only make her think about you, but also make her think about you even more. valuable feelings - respect and trust. Sudden disappearances and attempts to play on jealousy will definitely not cope with this task.

  • Author: Maria Minaeva

What to do if the girl does not make herself known?

Many guys are at a loss as to why their young ladies are in no hurry to send them text messages or call them. Of course, they want to somehow influence the situation. In the meantime, you don’t need to do anything. No one has the right to force her to write to you. Yes, this doesn’t make any sense. It’s better to take the first step yourself and after a short conversation, it is possible that later she will be the first to remind you of herself. Perhaps with this behavior the beauty is simply hinting that you need to do more than just lounge on the bed and talk on the phone while sipping beer. Are you interested in her? So be so kind as to lift your butt off the soft and comfortable chair or sofa and go to a personal meeting, of course, having agreed on everything in advance. However, this may not happen, and there is no need to blame her for this. In any case, the young man must control the situation.

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