After a breakup: how long does it take for a girl to start getting bored and how long does it last?

Breaking up even after many years of a strong relationship can be the norm. The reasons and reasons for a breakup can be very different: divergence of interests, loss of feelings, a major quarrel or betrayal of a partner.
Nevertheless, positive moments unconsciously remain in the memory, which after a certain time make themselves known and cause a feeling of melancholy.

The girl begins to miss her partner, regardless of who initiated the breakup. Sooner or later, a stage of rethinking, comparison and sadness for the past comes. If a woman has been abandoned by a man, her self-esteem suffers greatly, complexes arise, but she begins to miss the young man almost immediately. Longing is caused by the desire to return to comfortable conditions where it was needed and important.

If a woman initiates a breakup, it takes longer for sadness to set in. Only after she satisfies all the desires that could not be realized while in a relationship, will the girl think about the advisability of breaking up - she will probably begin to miss her partner.

Why does a woman feel sad?

The reasons why a woman begins to miss her ex-boyfriend can be very different. This is largely determined by the nature of the relationship .

  1. The emotions that were experienced together with a partner remain forever in the girl’s memory. The brighter and more varied the memories of joint leisure, the more a woman wants to return them.
  2. If a man took responsibility for a girl, showed signs of attention, supported her in difficult life situations, then, left alone, the woman will invariably begin to get bored.

    The realization that she has lost a significant person makes her forget about the reasons for the separation.

  3. Many girls strive to start a relationship with a new partner as early as possible in order to “forget” their ex. This often has the opposite effect. An unconscious comparison of two different men forces you to “justify” any actions and words of your previous partner, to look for advantages in him simply because you had feelings for him, as opposed to the usual falling in love with your current one.

Man is a social being. You can’t treat everyone the same; someone close to you will definitely stand out from the rest. Naturally, the most trusting relationships develop with a partner. When he disappears from life, there comes an understanding that there is simply nothing to replace the spiritual emptiness.

How to find out that a girl loves you: a man is from Mars, and a woman is from Venus

Every man wonders if his girlfriend loves him. Women's actions are unpredictable; men are often said to be from Mars and women are from Venus.

The actions and actions of women are not always clear. Men try to understand women's logic and their actions towards them. Sometimes it is completely impossible to understand whether her actions are love, or she simply accepts advances out of boredom.

In order to understand this situation, it is worth knowing the signs of true love. They will always be present in a person’s behavior if they exist.


He constantly texts you. During his business trip, the man constantly sends you meaningless photographs, talks about his presentations and reports, not forgetting to ask what the weather is like outside the window? There is only one conclusion: the guy is head over heels in love and misses him very much. He just wants to continue the conversation even when there are absolutely no topics left for communication.

You saw on your phone screen a double-digit number of missed calls from him. He just wants to hear the sound of your voice. It's so cute, isn't it?

He gets very angry when you don't answer the phone. Therefore, after a huge number of missed calls, you call back and say in a sweet voice: “Hello!”, Expecting that an avalanche of tender words will immediately fall on you. But most often the man says in the voice of a very strict teacher: “Why didn’t you answer for so long? Why do you even need a phone?” You can understand this behavior: the guy was upset that you didn’t answer immediately, as soon as melancholy settled in his soul.

He constantly asks to send him a photo. No, no, this request is not coming because he wants to see you naked or anything like that. He just wants to see you, know what you're doing and what your mood is. It's like you're very close right now.

Likes photos on social networks that were published several years ago. He was so busy looking at your profile on the Internet that he didn’t notice how he “liked” a photo taken in 2012.

He falls asleep hugging his pillow. Do you think only girls can cuddle with toys and a blanket? Guys are also capable of tender expression of their feelings. Yes, although this only happens in extreme cases. During a long separation, for example.

At the beginning of the week, he already offers you leisure for the weekend. And in general, he tries in every possible way to initiate your meeting: lunch on Tuesday, an exhibition on Thursday and a party on Friday. He has already thought through your schedule for a month in advance.

He tries in every possible way to surprise you. During separation, a man has enough free time to come up with an insidious plan to capture all your attention. We can only hope that you also spend this time usefully: come up with a pleasant surprise for your lover!

Tells his friends about you. Even in the most ordinary conversation, which has nothing to do with you or girls in principle, he will definitely mention you. Are we talking about fast cars? He will remember how you fell off your bike at speed. Are they talking about Arnold Schwarzenegger? He will say that you love Brad Pitt more. Where is the connection? Don't look for her, he just thinks about you too often.

Nothing. Such men can only be “seen through” over time, although at the beginning of the novel it will seem that he is indifferent. Some guys are not at all capable of showing tender feelings, but this does not mean that passions do not rage inside. He may be very bored, melancholy and sad, but he will have an expression of complete calm on his face.


When and why does this happen?

Many men, in an attempt to get their ex-girlfriend back, ask the logical question: when will she start to get bored and let her come to her. In each individual case, such a reaction to separation is individual. The more positive emotions were experienced with a man, the faster the girl will regret what happened and begin to get bored.

A man’s actions can also influence this. By constantly reminding yourself and regularly showing signs of attention, the guy significantly delays the girl’s regret . Persistent courtship significantly increases self-esteem. The woman is sure that she has the situation under control and when he wants, the guy will come. This means that sadness can be put off, because there is no reason for it.

If a woman has a lot of reminders about her relationship, she will soon start to get bored. Gifts, joint photos, souvenirs brought from vacation will remind you of happy memories and cause longing for your partner.

The appearance of a competitor can also fuel feelings of melancholy . Watching the formation of a new relationship with her ex, the girl will begin to transfer her memories and experiences even to a couple that has not yet taken place. Jealousy, in turn, will provoke regret about the breakup.

How long does this condition last?

Only a man who was nearby and managed to appreciate all the “charms” of her character can judge how long the ex-woman’s depression will last.

  1. Dependence on other people's opinions . If a girl is surrounded by many who do not like her ex, and she, in turn, is accustomed to listening to the opinions of friends or relatives, her longing for the past will not last long.
  2. Lifestyle . If a woman was a housewife, rarely went out anywhere without her companion and was not conflicted, she will suffer for a long time. Having become accustomed to a quiet and measured life, she will not be able to imagine another pastime, so all her thoughts will be occupied by the bitterness of separation.
  3. Ambitiousness, adventurism . Girls who never sit in one place and are constantly engaged in self-improvement are unlikely to be sad for a long time. They will find something to their liking, a cheerful company, will delve into their work and simply will not have time to think about their ex, and, therefore, miss him.

Sadness over the past is a natural process that is characteristic of any woman . However, the duration of such depression and the factors that determine it may vary.

Signs She's Bored

It is necessary to carefully analyze changes in the girl’s behavior. At first she may get angry and avoid communication. But after a while, if she wants to return, the girl will change her behavior. There are 5 sure signs that she is bored.

An important point: if a girl is not sure that a guy is interested in a relationship, she may be afraid to take the first step towards reconciliation. You need to invite her to a meeting yourself. This way she will understand that feelings still remain, and she will not worry about being rejected. But if the conversation doesn’t go as you expected and ends in a quarrel, you don’t need to try to keep the girl. It's better to let it cool and try again.

If you cannot understand whether the girl still has feelings or you are simply wishful thinking, contact a psychologist-astrologer. The specialist sees the situation objectively. He will not only help you resolve your doubts, but will also advise you on how best to behave in order to get your relationship back.

Please note that this article belongs to the “Notes” category. Articles in this category are written by different authors.

The opinion of the author of this Note may not coincide with the opinion of the psychologist - astrologer Nolari!

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Love is a bright and delightful feeling; in fact, it helps a person overcome difficulties and be constantly in high spirits. But anything happens in life, and if there is no reciprocity, then it only brings disappointment.

How to understand that a girl loves you. There are many ways that give an accurate answer, and do not indulge yourself in illusions.

How to stop being nostalgic for your ex?

A girl’s emotionality and sensitivity to a broken relationship can take her out of her usual pace of life for a long time and lead to the development of depression and destructive behavior patterns. To cope with an internal crisis, it is important to make an effort and take measures to get rid of stress.

  1. A new style . The most effective way to improve your mood and raise your self-esteem is to change your image.

    This can be either banal shopping or a radical transformation of appearance - a new hair color, a stylish haircut, piercing or tattoo.

  2. Professional or creative self-realization. Work, like art, is not only an effective way to combat depression, but also a promising waste of resources.

    In the first case, a woman can expect career growth or a salary increase, the acquisition of new competencies, useful contacts, in the second - the realization of hidden potential, a new hobby, an outburst of negative emotions.

  3. Communication . A person is social and needs a certain circle of loved ones. Even introverts cannot be alone all the time, and even more so, heartbroken girls. This does not have to be a new man, but noisy parties or home “get-togethers” with a friend are also an effective way out of this situation.

To get rid of depression, it is advisable to get rid of all things that remind you of your ex-partner , and even better - to make a radical rearrangement of your home or even change your place of residence in order to freely start life from scratch.

How is regret demonstrated?

Not always consciously, but often a woman openly demonstrates her feelings. A man can understand that a girl misses her by her following actions:

  • always stays in touch and readily supports any dialogue;
  • asks for help;
  • exhibits previously unusual activity (for example, regularly posts photos on a social network);
  • monitors life (asks friends, noted in profile);
  • appears in the same place where the man usually spends time;
  • complains to mutual friends or relatives;
  • shows excitement and remains aware of the details of the man's life.

A woman can simultaneously show several signs that she is bored. In a sense, this is a kind of provocation - when she cannot openly talk about her feelings, but expects action from her ex-partner.


All the pros and cons reflect sides of the coin of one action. By following a few simple recommendations, you can avoid all possible negative consequences.

  1. Sincerity. If you expect a response, then this is already a selfish action, so-called energy vampirism. Learn to see in a regular emoticon or “Me too” an improvement in your partner’s mood, which means positivity.
  2. Don't repeat yourself . Sometimes you can so famously veil “I miss” that the other half will not even guess that the young man meant it. But the message will still be the same. For example: “Today I saw a bouquet of peonies and remembered you”
  3. Consider the circumstances . If she is on an important exam or interviewing for a job, then any display of attention will only cause irritation.
  4. Limit yourself . No matter how much is said about the positive impact of expressing feelings, but, as Paracelsus argued: “Everything is poison, everything is medicine; both are determined by the dose.”
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