How to make a girl miss you and think about you: the best ways for men

Everyone understands that sexual relations play a very important role in a person’s life. It’s good if both partners enjoy sex, but, unfortunately, it’s more difficult for a woman in this regard. Not every man knows how to excite a girl. Because of this, conflicts and quarrels often occur in couples, because due to the lack of sexual arousal, a woman runs the risk of not receiving sexual satisfaction.

Arousal is extremely important for a woman, because if she is not aroused enough before sexual intercourse, then throughout the entire process her genitals will be flaccid. With such a condition of the genital organs, it will be impossible to achieve an orgasm.

Practical advice on arousing a woman will be given in this article.

How to make a girl think about you all the time

Let's take a simple route: who do you think about all the time? What did a person do that has become firmly entrenched in your thoughts? What exactly are you thinking: looking for the motivation for his actions, imagining different scenes of communication, making plans?

The answer is as simple as the question: you are excited. You did something that you didn’t expect and didn’t prepare for. Something sharp and amazing that is etched in my memory and now haunts me. After this, all you can do is go over everything in your head over and over again, trying to understand how, why and why the person did what he did to you. And think about how to deal with him further and how to carefully figure out what’s going on.

Now let’s reveal the disclaimer a little: when you are excited, the event that happened will occupy your thoughts for a maximum of a few days, until the impressions are overlaid with fresh ones. The event itself is similar to an electric shock: it is very invigorating and tonic if you do it once or twice, and leads to exhaustion if you hit it constantly. That is why methods to make a woman think only about you are used point-by-point and intermittently. Or even just at the beginning of a relationship.

Thinking about one person all the time is not convenient , not natural, sometimes it’s not even very pleasant. This is a high point of stress that you are going to cause, and you will need to ensure that this stress decreases as well. That is why trying to force a woman to run after you is an all-in game and a big risk. You need to very sensitively feel what is happening to a woman, and when to stop putting pressure and let the tension subside.

For beginners, this strategy often leads to a negative result: at some point the woman gets tired of running and leaves. Getting her back after that and starting all over again is quite difficult, since you pretty much frayed her nerves before she decided to break off the relationship.

It may seem that movement along a sine wave is appropriate here: add stress, reduce it, add it again, reduce it again. But such wave dynamics are suitable for relationships for a very small number of people. It creates a suspended state that becomes permanent for a woman due to changes in your mood and behavior. Most girls want more peace in a relationship , so you shouldn’t attract maximum attention from her all the time.

So, in order to make a girl constantly think about you, you need to properly cheer her up, cause an outburst of her emotions, and interest her. These can be both positive and negative emotions - the latter will attract attention just as well. The only question is the criteria for the admissibility of the girl herself: if you violate them, you will lose her. I will tell you further about how exactly to cause an emotional explosion. But first, one more point about girls and care, which plays one of the key roles in this operation.

Possible reasons for lack of desire

Conventionally, all possible reasons for lack of desire are divided into two large groups: physiological and psychological. Only after identifying the provoking factor can the tasks be successfully solved. Physiological reasons include:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • gynecological pathologies and genitourinary infections;
  • chronic diseases of various etiologies;
  • taking medications.

After pregnancy and childbirth, as well as under the influence of other influences, hormonal levels change. The production of hormones responsible for arousal decreases, so sex fades into the background.

When hormones fluctuate outside of pregnancy or childbirth, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will select the necessary medications that will restore balance in the body and help improve your personal life. The sooner the girl turns to doctors, the easier it is to correct the situation.

With prolonged imbalance in the body, other changes begin that affect the appearance and functioning of internal organs. In this situation, you can spend months wondering how a girl can want sex, but a miracle will never happen.

With many gynecological pathologies, sexual intercourse becomes painful. Less lubricant is released, so microtrauma appears due to friction. Women are forced to endure discomfort so as not to offend the man they love. When pain wins, they refuse intimacy without explaining the true reasons.

Sometimes even the lady herself does not suspect the presence of any disease, but tries to look for an excuse in something else. A visit to a gynecologist, a full examination and qualified treatment can correct the situation. If you hush up the problem and tolerate it, the disease will progress, causing numerous complications.

With hypertension, diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system, the body often goes into energy-saving mode. He tries to provide the maximum level of comfort, protect against unnecessary shocks and additional stress. Sex is always associated with movement, an activity that is not necessary at this stage for survival. Once the disease is identified and treatment is prescribed, sexual desire usually returns.

Some medications cause severe suppression of the production of sex hormones and a decrease in sexual desire due to their effect on the central nervous system. Hormonal levels are affected by oral contraceptives, which, in small or excessive dosages, muffle any intimate impulses. With proper selection, they can increase arousal and awaken sensuality, so contraceptives should be chosen together with a gynecologist after an examination.

Approximately 30-80% of patients taking antidepressants or sedatives experience a significant decrease in libido. Diabetes pills and antihypertensive drugs have a similar effect. If this is the problem, a medication change or dosage adjustment is necessary. After this, your sex life will quickly improve, and perhaps even gain a second wind.

When a girl has been subjected to violence, when life is sheer stress, there is no need to talk about any intimacy. Sometimes ladies themselves do not admit to themselves that they are tired, that they are exhausted by everyday worries, but instead they agree to the usual, stereotyped sexual intercourse. During this process, these sufferers simply wait the necessary time, and then continue to go about their business.

In this situation, you need the help of a sexologist or psychologist who can tell you how a girl can want sex.

What women constantly need

You can answer this question for many hours and dozens of pages. Let's focus on several points that are important in the context of the topic raised:

  • Attention
  • Validation of feelings
  • Calm
  • New impressions

Attention is your interest in a woman. This is a demonstration that not only does she think about you and mean it, but you do the same to her. It is not difficult to manifest it. It could be anything:

  • A bouquet of flowers, buying her favorite candies, fulfilling a wish she once talked about, fulfilling her requests, taking into account her interests.
  • Even just remembering that you were going to go shopping with her over the weekend and adjusting your plans taking this into account is also attention.
  • Remember that she loves animals and invite her to the petting zoo - attention.
  • Remembering that she is allergic to citrus fruits and carrying honey and tablets rather than oranges when she is sick is attention.

It doesn't matter what exactly you do. It is important that this will be a gesture addressed specifically to her, taking into account her needs and characteristics.

Confirmation of feelings is evidence of its significance.

American psychologist Gary Chapman wrote that love has five languages: words, deeds (or help), gifts, time and tactile contact.

He was right in his assumption and helped improve the relationships of many couples by finding out how and through what each specific man and woman perceives love. Find out this about your chosen one.

What does she value more: compliments and affectionate addresses, help in matters that she herself cannot cope with, bouquets and decorations, joint evening walks or hugs and other touches?

Find out what you value more. Sharing this information will surely take the relationship to the next level, your feelings will be constantly validated through a form that you are comfortable with.

Calmness is confidence in your partner and relationship. This is her knowledge that you are faithful and will not go anywhere, that there are no secrets between you, that you trust her and that she can trust you. This knowledge is based on your behavior and position in the relationship.

New experiences are experiences that you gain together. It can be completely different: from an innocent trip to an amusement park or lunch with someone's parents to travel, moving and other drastic changes. Without such experience, relationships risk breaking on the merciless rocks of everyday life and boredom.

What not to do

  1. Criticism, control, valuable instructions kill the feeling of sexual importance and superiority. Such behavior on the part of a woman can only slow down or even stop the mechanisms that trigger the state of arousal.
  2. A man should not overeat before sex. It is unlikely that a guy with a full stomach will feel comfortable during an erotic massage. Better feed your loved one a light dinner.
  3. Before the night of love, alcohol in large quantities is contraindicated. Alcohol inhibits arousal and delays orgasm. Drinking a glass of wine is quite enough.

Try to use the given tips in practice, and you will easily achieve your goal, while enjoying it.

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How to make a girl think about you

Now that you've been warned, it's time to discuss the main thing: practical methods to get maximum of her attention. Let's start with the positive and tell you how to make a girl appreciate and respect you.

  • Be her hero. Provide intense experiences around you so that she feels reliable and protected. Ride a roller coaster together, bungee jump, ride it on a motorcycle or in a go-kart if you don’t have a license. Your task is to provide an adrenaline rush and care that will be fixed in her memory. With a combo like this, the overall situation will remain a disturbing but positive experience. You will want to repeat it again, and it will be healthy and safe.
  • Act unexpectedly. Make surprises, come up with unusual joint entertainment, pleasantly surprise, no matter what it concerns. You can give experiences as gifts - a certificate for a tour of the rooftops, volunteering at an animal shelter, tickets to concerts of your favorite performers. Unexpected trips, romantic surprises and other sweet little things. They don't need a festive occasion.

Let's talk about negative emotions that will benefit you:

  • Let in fog and mystery. Don't give the girl too much information about yourself and what is happening. Speak, but don't finish. Deliberately avoid answering some questions by laughing it off or indicating that you don't want to talk about it. Due to the lack of information, she will have something to think about, and she will become interested in you: she will want to figure it out and become a person trusted enough to get answers. Don't overdo it or be so mysterious that she'll mistake it for indifference and won't want to continue the conversation.
  • Cause jealousy. If you have just started communicating, and she is already interested, but has not yet decided on the things you want, show that there are other contenders. You shouldn’t cheat, just flirt a little on the side or show that there are other girls around who are interested and communicate with you. Her hunter instinct may kick in and she will want to hold on to you.
  • Manage her emotions. Manipulation is inevitable in any case: when you want to be liked, you strive to be better than you really are and to impress. Show more or less interest. Move away if she approaches confidently, and then close the distance yourself. Be either reliable and caring, or impulsive and unpredictable, evoking different emotions in her and controlling the composition of this complex cocktail. Be silent for a few days to get the girl to write first. Constantly provoke her to different but strong emotions: this will help make the girl afraid of losing you.

Use aphrodisiacs

Not everyone, but many believe in the power of stimulants and natural aphrodisiacs - that is, what should cause arousal. It is known that strong drugs have a huge number of side effects. And we do not recommend adding them to a woman’s food or drinks without her knowledge: whether to take certain medications or not should be her choice alone.

As for natural pathogens, these are, first of all, seafood, olives, chocolate, avocado and a number of other products, most of which are not for everyone and can cause allergies: be careful. The stimulating properties of food can be revealed in 40 minutes to an hour.

But in any case, it’s worth having a snack: hungry women can often only think about food. By the way, no one has canceled the magical power of wine either: a glass or two will help you relax, which means you will get excited faster.

How to make a girl miss you from a distance

Maintaining a long-distance relationship is not easy - without personal meetings, a decent amount of passion is often lost. New experiences become more difficult to provide, and old ones wear out and fade over time.

If you used our dating rating and found a girl, but have not met her yet, you need to find out whether she really thinks about you and whether she will miss you. Here's how to make a girl miss you from a distance:

  1. Don't talk on the phone for too long or too often. Calling several times a day will become boring unless you've been in a relationship for several years. Have time to express your feelings and tell the news, but do not drag out conversations for long hours and do not call each other more than once or twice a day. Make the girl miss talking on the phone a little. So that there was no acute discomfort, but I wanted a little more.
  2. Play in correspondence. This is a pleasant and spicy entertainment - flirt, exchange photos, write what you would like to do with each other. This will help the passion not fade away and add a new spark of interest to communication. It will also give you a reason for fantasizing at a time when you are not communicating.
  3. Be unpredictable. She is not nearby and does not know your plans - take advantage of this. Buy her tickets to your city, send flowers to her home address, come visit as a surprise. Create pleasant surprises - they make a bright impression, cause joy and make you better in her eyes. Ideally, there should be equal amounts of spontaneity and care in such actions. They are designed to demonstrate attention and undying interest despite the distance.
  4. Be more sentimental and romantic. Show her the picturesque places of the city you are in. Write that you would like to walk along its streets together at least today, and ideally every evening. Give compliments, ask for her photo, say that this city would be much better with her.
  5. Make it clear that distance does not diminish its significance. Stay in touch, talk about what is happening, ask about her news. Buy her something as a gift and show it to her. Don't let travel or separation interfere with your communication. Look at a few places you would like to go to together, take a photo and show it to her. It will be especially pleasant and caring on your part to agree to come here together, choose a time and plan this trip.

Choose proven methods

Kissing, stroking, easily running your tongue without leaving wet marks on her skin - all these methods of arousal are known, as are the erogenous zones (primarily the neck and chest, but the ankle, the bend of the knee - anything can be especially sensitive ).

Act gently, but not too lightly, so that the woman does not become ticklish: laughter and excitement do not go well together.

If thoughtful sex on a comfortable bed looms, you can offer the lady a light massage with oil. It's a real turn on. Just remember that the oil must be warm. You need to be careful with odors: they may be harsh or she may not like them personally.

Try to make you jealous

When a man realizes that you somehow distinguish him from others, and he has significance in your eyes, it’s time to make him jealous by switching his attention to another person. But you need to do this very carefully so that he doesn’t even realize that you are doing this on purpose. Otherwise, his self-esteem may rise sharply, and your attractiveness in his eyes may drop to zero. If you do everything right, your chosen one will begin to think something like this: “Why did she switch her attention to someone else, she seemed to like me...”. Since men have a particularly strong sense of ownership, he will begin to persistently seek your attention. And this is exactly what you need. The method, of course, is not the cleanest, but it is effective.

Psychologist's advice

Psychologists recommend creating the appearance of popularity with women, then she will begin to be more interested in you. A psychological trick works: if a guy is surrounded by a lot of girls, it means he has a lot of positive qualities.

Experts recommend not focusing all your attention on your chosen one; spend more time on sports, hobbies, study or work. As soon as you become a lot in her life, the girl’s interest fades away.

Psychologists believe that you should not stir up the past and force your ex-lovers to run after you: not all relationships can be saved in this way, and you are wasting time that you could use to create new relationships.

It is not necessary to force a girl to run after you; for a strong long-term relationship, it is enough to maintain her keen interest in your person, adding interesting dates, escapades and adventures to your relationship.

Don't forget to smile

A sincere smile is the main decoration of any person. But in order to seduce a man with her, you need to act subtly. If you watched the movie “Memoirs of a Geisha,” remember how these amazing women smile: every time before answering any question from their interlocutor, as a sign of gratitude. Moreover, the mysterious smile of Mono Lisa, and not Marilyn Monroe. By the way, if you start, following the example of the same geishas, ​​playing “shooting games” with a man with your eyes, the effect will be amazing.

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