Several forms of frontal lobe dementia - Summer
Frontotemporal dementia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a neurodegenerative pathology accompanied by progressive behavioral and personality disorders. If not
Hydrocephalus - description, symptoms (signs), diagnosis, treatment.
Hydrocephalus (ICD code 10 G91) is a disease of the central nervous system, which is accompanied by the accumulation of
Pine cones contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain
When and how to collect pine and fir cones for stroke: recipes for folk remedies
Pine cones after a stroke are a folk remedy that is used in addition to the main
mother with a small child in her arms
Can I take medications while breastfeeding?
Photo: UGC Hormonal imbalance, stress and constant lack of sleep accompany every young mother after
vegetative-vascular dystonia - VSD
Vegetovascular dystonia is one of the most mysterious syndromes
Many therapists, cardiologists and endocrinologists call vegetative-vascular dystonia (synonym - neurocirculatory dystonia) the most common
Personal socialization – what is it: types, stages and conditions of socialization
Socialization of the individual as a process of integration of a person into the general social system of society provides the necessary skill
What is a subculture - its role in society, a list of subcultures
If you are wondering: “What is a subculture?”, then you should pay attention to the fact that
Signs, causes and examples of greed
Greed - what it is, reasons and examples. Who is the Greedy Man?
Is greed a character trait? Life in the material world dictates its own rules. It's extremely difficult to imagine
Globophobia: how to get rid of the fear of balloons
. Can you imagine any celebration without balloons? They are so bright and colorful
Apnea syndrome in newborns and premature babies
Apnea syndrome in newborns and premature babies: why does a baby hold his breath during sleep?
According to statistics, 2% of parents experience apnea in newborns - with such disorders, when
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