When and how to collect pine and fir cones for stroke: recipes for folk remedies

Pine cones after a stroke are a folk remedy that is used in addition to the main treatment and rehabilitation of a patient after an acute cerebrovascular accident.

Pine cones contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain

Stroke ranks first in the ranking of pathologies that most often lead to death. According to statistics, about 30% of patients die in the first year after a stroke, approximately the same number of patients remain bedridden, and 10% of patients may have a recurrent stroke. After suffering a severe stroke, full working capacity can be maintained in approximately 20% of patients.

For this reason, prevention, as well as high-quality rehabilitation of the patient after a stroke, is of no small importance. Popular traditional medicines used for these purposes include pine cones.

It is worth remembering that after a stroke, all procedures and medications should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Stroke and pine cones

As a rule, cerebrovascular accidents—stroke—occur due to high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. It is provoked by inactivity, neuropsychic tension, and vasomotor dystonia. If you have such manifestations of atherosclerosis as:

  • sleep disturbance and headaches;
  • noise in the head and “crawling goosebumps” throughout the body;
  • irritability and memory loss;
  • high blood pressure.

It is worth immediately starting treatment with pine cones infused with vodka. Without waiting for such dire consequences as cerebral infarction (stroke).

I will tell you below how to prepare a vodka tincture of pine cones for the treatment of hypertension, stroke, and atherosclerosis. In addition, it is necessary to normalize work and rest schedules. Establish a balanced diet. And urgently treat the underlying vascular disease.

General information

Young pine cones are a remedy that has long been used for treatment. They were used as an effective remedy for scurvy , bronchitis , tuberculosis , colds, and joint pain.
It has always been very popular among the residents of Siberia. Cones were also considered a valuable remedy by folk healers, who prepared infusions, jams, balms and other remedies from them. Conifer cones are modified shoots that ripen in the second year. It is then that, under the influence of dry wind, they gradually begin to open. But those who are interested in when to collect cones for the purpose of treatment should take into account that only young cones are used for treatment. They contain resin, which has a unique healing effect. Therefore, tinctures from cones are widely used for blood pressure, to treat diseases of the joints, bones, gastrointestinal tract diseases, respiratory organs, etc.

Medicines based on this component are also a fairly effective cure for stroke . This quality has been scientifically proven, because experts have devoted separate large-scale studies to the study of such properties of cones. Currently, work is underway to create special tablet forms that are easy to use and produce a pronounced effect in the treatment and prevention of strokes.


Acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is characterized by a sudden onset and course. During a stroke, vascular spasms occur with swelling of the brain tissue. A lesion appears in which the brain vessels die.

If help is not provided in time for a stroke. Then the lesion captures more and more vessels. And, as a result, blood circulation is completely disrupted, which leads to death.

Circulatory disorders during stroke are characterized by:

  • numbness, tingling in the face, limbs, skin;
  • limited paralysis (paresis) of the hands and fingers occurs;
  • paralysis of the legs in the foot area;
  • paralysis is noted on the muscles of the tongue, lower part of the face;
  • Speech disturbances, visual disturbances, and swallowing develop.

The patient must be provided with physical rest and urgent hospitalization. After a stroke, when doctors “defended” the patient, all these disorders remain. – And here the vodka tincture of pine cones comes to the rescue.

Treatment of illness with folk remedies

If one of your relatives or people close to you has suffered a stroke and is now trying to recover and get out of a serious condition, try the following treatment methods:

  1. You will need a kilogram of lemons and a kilogram of sugar. First, mince the lemons. Then add sugar to the lemons and place the resulting “potion” in the refrigerator. Every day, in the morning, give the patient one tsp. mixture and a clove of garlic.
  2. It is recommended to use sage baths every two days. For every 3 cups of sage, take 2 liters of boiling water. Let the solution sit for an hour, then add to a bath of warm water.
  3. For paralysis, it is recommended to take tincture of “Adam’s root”. To prepare the tincture, start with one tbsp. pour crushed Adam's root with vodka, you will need two glasses and let the mixture and solution brew for seven days. Lastly, when everything is ready, strain the tincture. To use, dilute 25 drops of tincture with water. Take twice a day, morning and evening, after meals.

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Healing ointment

To combat paralysis of the limbs, you can prepare an ointment.

To prepare you will need:

  • Bay leaf;
  • pine needles;
  • butter.

Let's move on to cooking. Grind the bay leaf and pine needles to a powder. Mixing proportions 1:6, where 1 – one tsp. bay powder and 6 pine. After mixing thoroughly, add twelve tsp. butter.

Pine cones are also often used for strokes. More on this later.

The effect of pine cones on stroke

When treating conditions after a stroke with pine cones. Damaged brain vessels are restored. This happens due to the action of unique tannins contained in pine cones. Research convincingly confirms the medicinal effects of the substances contained in pine cones. Namely, large tannins and a complex of substances such as pycnogenol.

The blood vessels are cleared of excess cholesterol. Which is directly related to the improvement of blood supply and nutrition of the blood vessels of the brain. As well as a decrease in pressure and a decrease in the load on blood vessels. In addition, pine cones contain the entire complex of microelements, vitamins, and acids necessary for the body.

Such favorable conditions allow the body to restore brain vessels damaged during a stroke. What entails the cure of such conditions after a stroke as paresis, high blood pressure, speech disorders.


To prevent heart and vascular diseases, you can use all the recipes described above. Before starting therapy, it is important to consult a doctor. He will be able to choose the course and dosage. The unique composition of the cones helps improve brain function after illness. Once blood flow is restored, all lost brain functions are restored in a short time.

Before starting therapy, it is important to consult a doctor.

You cannot self-medicate, because formulations based on pine cones have their own prohibitions for use.

Pine cones - blood vessels and high blood pressure

Reviews from patients about treatment with tincture of pine cones:

  • paralysis;
  • blood pressure;
  • speech disorders.

And almost all conditions after a stroke are only positive. And it’s not surprising that modern medicine is successfully coping with acute stroke. Absolutely does not know how to treat conditions after a stroke. She offers almost only therapeutic exercises.

But let's get back to the pine cones. The pycnogenol and tannins they contain help even in the treatment of retinopathy. Improving blood microcirculation, which was recently discovered by Italian scientists.

Naturally, pine cones will also help in the treatment of high blood pressure - hypertension, atherosclerosis. This makes it possible to use vodka tincture of pine cones for the prevention of these diseases.

Contraindications for use

There is an opinion that traditional medicine, especially of plant origin, is absolutely safe. This is wrong. Preparations made from pine cones, like any other, have contraindications for use. It is worth remembering that after a stroke, all procedures and medications should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Tincture of pine cones is contraindicated in patients with acute hepatitis, patients over 60 years of age, or those with a tendency to allergies. The drug should be used with caution in case of kidney pathologies and during pregnancy.

If there are contraindications to taking the tincture due to the presence of alcohol in it, it can be replaced with jam or syrup from pine cones.

Abuse of drugs made from pine cones can lead to the development of digestive system disorders.

Pine cones

When to collect pine cones to prepare a tincture for stroke?

Seed ripening occurs from autumn to April. During this time, they accumulate the entire range of substances necessary for the normal emergence and development of pine sprouts. The pine cone opens and releases its seeds. They have a small “sail”, with the help of which the seeds are scattered over long distances.

It is best to collect pine cones for tincture at the moment the seeds are released. That is, when the cone has just begun to open.

Pine cones are collected from trees that are 10–15 years old. Typically, such pines are up to 5–6 meters high. And collecting cones from them is not difficult.

From tall pines, the wind knocks them down when the cones are already weakened and cannot stay on the branches. Accordingly, the medicinal properties of such cones leave much to be desired. In addition, old rotting needles fell on the underlying ground. Pine cones become infested by a variety of insects and pathogens. And this poses a danger for a person weakened by a stroke.

So, the best time to collect pine cones is March - April. Although pine cones collected at a later time are suitable for preparing a tincture for stroke. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the longer they hang on the tree. However, they have less medicinal properties.

Preparatory work

Pine cones for preparing a tincture against stroke have been collected. Next, when you get home, you need to sort through them. Ruthlessly reject cones pecked by birds, damaged by insects, larvae and other defects.

Pine cones collected from trees do not need to be washed. Resin, which is necessary for the treatment of blood vessels during strokes, has stuck to their scales. It is enough to remove debris and stuck pine needles. And you can fill it with vodka.

It is better to buy good vodka from a reliable store, otherwise there is a risk of running into a fake. It’s better not to take risks, because the medicine is being prepared for a person weakened by a stroke.

How and when to collect?

Not all pine cones are equally useful . To get the maximum benefit from them, you need to follow the recommendations for collecting raw materials.

  • Young cones are considered the most useful. They are harvested in June, in warmer regions - at the end of May.
  • The cone should be hard on the outside and soft on the inside, not open, green in color, about 4 cm wide.
  • Collect raw materials only from healthy trees, free from insects.
  • The collection of cones should be carried out in ecologically clean areas.
  • The red cones are mature and should be collected in winter or early spring, when they are already open but have not yet released their seeds.
  • All raw materials should be collected only from trees and in dry weather.

Recipe for making tincture of pine cones for stroke

The tincture of pine cones with vodka is very simple to prepare. It is necessary to collect open pine cones from a beautiful pine tree. An important point is that the cones need to be picked from the tree. Immediately weed out those that are rotten and affected by insect pests.

Pine cones cannot be collected from the ground. - Because microorganisms and bacteria have already “captured” them and are carrying out their destructive work. They leave poisons and toxins on the cones as a result of their vital activity.

Rinse the cones under running water, fill a liter jar with them, fill them with good vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place at room temperature for two to three weeks. When ready, drain through 2 layers of nylon.

Use pine cone tincture to treat conditions after a stroke, 1 teaspoon two to three times a day.

To improve the medicinal properties of the tincture. You can add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar for the entire amount of the resulting product.

If you do not have the opportunity to prepare this folk remedy yourself. Then you can buy this medicinal tincture on our website in the Store.

How to take for an illness?

Tincture of cones is a very concentrated medicine, so before using it, you need to consult a doctor and make sure there is no allergic reaction to the product. During treatment, adhere to the rules of administration and prescribed dosages.

There are a considerable number of recipes for making cones. The most popular recipes are alcohol, vodka and water. They are most effective for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

“Delicious” recipes can also be beneficial in the fight against stroke. Cones drenched in honey and syrup from them can be used during the recovery period after a stroke, as a general tonic, to improve blood quality.

If within a few hours after taking the tincture of cones, you experience any adverse reactions, you should stop taking the product.

What are the benefits of fir cones?

The use of fir cones in folk medicine is practiced for various diseases. Remedies based on them are indicated for bronchitis , pharyngitis , tonsillitis , etc. Like pine, they produce an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effect. They contain vitamins, essential oils, and a number of biologically active substances.

Fir cones, photo

They are used to treat almost the same ailments that are treated with modified pine shoots. It is also known that you can make restorative decoctions and infusions from fir cones. They also make jam from pine cones, the benefits and harms of which are the same as jam from pine cones.

The recipe for jam from fir cones is simple. The cones need to be crushed, then placed in layers in an enamel container, each layer sprinkled with sugar. After a week, when the shoots produce juice, boil over low heat for 40 minutes. No need to stir. The jam can be consumed immediately or rolled into jars. In this case, the resin that remains at the bottom of the container must be left and discarded. Jam is used to treat colds, for vitamin deficiency, and to strengthen the immune system. However, this remedy is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

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