What is BPPV
Epley maneuver for dizziness. How to do exercises, videos, reviews
Definition Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) occurs in repeated episodes, often lasting less than
Verbal and non-verbal communication
Verbal or non-verbal - what is it and what type of communication is more important
Verbal and non-verbal communication are like two sides of the same thing
I am an always screaming mother who needs to be isolated from her child.
. In psychological practice, the phenomenon of maternal hysteria is often encountered. This is an emotional state
Dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss... Could it be Meniere's disease?
My head is spinning Probably each of us at least once in our lives experienced dizziness, noise or
Yakimov Vladislav - business card
Definition and characteristics of an anxious personality type
Is this an anxious personality type? Anxious person, psychology! Definition of anxiety. How to distinguish anxious people?
Scary car
How to overcome amaxophobia: fear of cars and transport?
Amaxophobia is an anxiety disorder in which a person is afraid to drive a car or use transport.
Rehabilitation after removal of a brain tumor
Brain tumor is a broad concept that includes a number of diseases, the common feature of which is
Logotherapy by Viktor Frankl: Finding the meaning of life is the key to mental health
Modern news is filled with reports of teenage suicides, religious suicides, acts of self-immolation, and suicide bombers. It has become
Why you can't run after a man, no matter how much you love him
So you have a passion. Sometimes this guy drives you crazy and...
Clinical Examination of Morton's Neuroma
Treatment of Morton's neuroma: nerve-sparing surgery or nerve removal?
When is Morton's neuroma surgery performed? Diagnosis and preparation for surgery for Morton's neuroma How it proceeds
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