About family
Causes of disturbing conditions in children Difficulties in diagnosis Basic techniques Instructions for testing for
Speech impairment in children is a serious problem that parents should pay attention to in time.
Congenital malformations of the fetus are not as common as we have already said - approximately
Human mental activity is extremely multifaceted, because each of us daily has to solve a wide variety of problems.
Stages of Parkinson's disease according to Hoehn-Yahr There are several classifications of the stages of Parkinson's disease, but the simplest
Each period of childhood is characterized by deviations from behavioral norms due to the age crisis. However, when
Diencephalic syndrome and the hypothalamus The hypothalamus (lat. hypothalamus) or hypothalamus is the part of the brain that
December 21, 2020 Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by the virus of the same name, characterized by damage
September 14, 2018 Psychology of relationships Kira Ifeevskaya It often happens that relationships after birth
Neurologist (algologist) Vasilenko Marina Gennadievna Experience 25 years Head of the Pain Treatment Center, neurologist-algologist,