Why there is a fear of school, how to get rid of fear
Children in modern society are burdened with excessive physical and psychological stress. A huge amount of information
Clearly introverted child
An introverted child: how to understand him and raise him correctly
Introverted child: Character traits Introverts are people who do not need others to replenish their mental energy.
Hemangioblastoma of the brain: statistics, causes, symptoms, treatment and surgery
Hemangioblastomas (syn. angioreticulomas) belong to relatively rare tumors of the central nervous system of the 1st degree of malignancy.
“All this makes me sick” or “What is psychogenic vomiting?”
Features of the disorder Psychogenic vomiting is a disease that is diagnosed in emotionally unstable people. It manifests itself
teenager stopped studying
A teenager stopped studying: 3 reasons and an action plan
At the end of the school year, your child has “slipped” in all subjects and seems to have given up
Emotional and behavioral disorders in young children. Aggression and tantrums.
Causes of occurrence Psychologists cannot accurately and unambiguously name the specific causes of age-related crises.
Pediatric meningitis
What are the symptoms and signs of meningitis in children 2 years of age and under 1 year of age?
Meningitis in children is an acute infectious disease in which inflammation of the membranes of the brain and
First aid for a stroke: what to do before the ambulance arrives
Risk factors for stroke and heart attack Planning a scheme of preventive measures is based on the impact on factors
the girl thought about it
Types of thinking: Visual-effective, Visual-figurative, Verbal-logical, Theoretical and Practical, Creative, Pralogical
Types of thinking and their characteristics: Unsplash Thinking is the most important ability of people. Thanks to him man
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with intellectual disabilities article on psychology on the topic
Intellectual impairment in children General information Intellectual impairment in children (mental retardation) is
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