Inner peace is the first principle of health and longevity

It is important for every person to realize that his life brings him more joy and happiness than worries and suffering. All human efforts are aimed at achieving a positive outcome, which consists of both external success and internal peace. Inner peace - tranquility, however, is much more difficult to achieve than material success. Because to achieve material success, very specific things are needed - money, fame, recognition, fame, and so on. Whereas peace is a more subtle state , which is difficult to cause by the simple presence of some objects or achievements. So what is peace and how to achieve it?

Peace – peace of inner peace.

Peace is a state of calm and contentment in the mind.

as an active element of the psyche constantly creates various moods, among which various states of peace and tranquility, as well as worries and unrest, stand out. The fundamental reason for both the state of peace and the state of restlessness and anxiety is the activity of the mind, which creates various desires, aspirations, emotions, feelings, and moods. The biggest influence on peace of mind is imagination. As a function of the mind, the imagination constantly draws various pictures of the future, which gives rise to desires, aspirations and worries. One movement of the mind, in the form of some kind of thought, can seriously disturb a person.

This movement of the mind is called vritti and it is this impulse that is the source of impulsive behavior both internally and externally . A sudden change in mood or an obsessive need to perform some action occurs from such fluctuations in the mind. Anxiety generated by various games of imagination is also generated by vritti, the fluctuation of the mind. Thus, worries, worries and anxieties, which are the opposite of peace, are a product of the mind. The more active the mind, the more a person is susceptible to mood swings, impulsive actions and behaviors , as well as obsessive aspirations, ideas and desires. A strong mind , through the control of feelings and emotions, is able to suppress these fluctuations, but sooner or later, if everything is left as it is, the vritti will be strong enough to break the control.

The mind is always directed towards various material objects and the pleasures and pains emanating from them. The mind becomes attached to those objects that are capable of causing strong desire or strong fear. The functions of acceptance and rejection in the mind are generated by the fact that the mind perceives the world exclusively dividing it into pleasant and unpleasant, good and bad, what brings pleasure and pleasure and what brings suffering and troubles. A strong source of pleasure, just like a strong source of fear, is the cause of constant fluctuations of the mind, to which the mind either strives or runs away. Chaotic and irrational fluctuations of the mind, which for the most part have no basis, are ultimately the fundamental cause of all types of worry, anxiety and worry. The absence of such fluctuations or their control allows you to find inner peace - tranquility.

If we go back to the definition:

Peace is a state of calm and contentment in the mind.

It will become clear that anxiety comes from:

  • dissatisfaction
  • excessive mental activity
  • an active imagination that endlessly imagines negative scenarios
  • strong attachment
  • lack of inner confidence and identity
  • the desire to control everything or to do everything perfectly

Sources of worry and worry

Peace can only be achieved by one who is not disturbed by the continuous flow of desires, like rivers flowing into an ever-filling but always calm ocean. And there is no peace for those who strive to satisfy their desires.

Bhagavad Gita. 2.70

Unsatisfied mind

An unsatisfied mind that strives for some object of pleasure, be it people or objects, will constantly fluctuate and cause a person to experience both fears and desires. At the same time, a person will have to constantly either reflect on the object of his desire, on the one hand, trying to enjoy it, and on the other, being afraid of losing it, and also take any action for this in order to both enjoy and preserve it. During active and multiple actions, a person obviously makes many mistakes, which only increases anxiety. A typical example is parents who are very worried about the future of the child, raise him in such a tough, straightforward and tortured way that the child himself loses both the desire to achieve something and the awareness that obedience to parents is simply a forced necessity for the time being. time.

Overactive mind

A young man in love is a clear example of what is the antipode of peace, since at the beginning of a relationship many desires are raging in a person, along with experiences and the desire to meet the object of his love again and again. Such worries are the opposite of peace and are generated by the activity of the mind. As has already been said, the mind attached to the object of pleasure experiences strong and frequent vibrations from which disturbances arise. On the one hand, a lover is afraid of losing the object of his love, and on the other, he strives to constantly be close. Such attachment gives rise to dependence, which manifests itself in the need to constantly be close, maintain relationships, enjoy, and preferably do this forever. When encountering various obstacles in the form of deeds or opposition from other people, various negative states of mind arise, ranging from melancholy to rage. Ultimately, a lover is able to experience all this even on the object of his love, if it seems to him that he is not giving enough influence to him. The most common case is resentment.

Excessive imagination

Active imagination is a quality of the mind that is characterized by great dynamics of mental activity in the ability to visualize various events, plots, scenarios, etc. Active imagination is an indispensable and necessary tool for people in the creative profession; it also helps in solving various problems. However, being unbridled, imagination in everyday life will most often be aimed at visualizing the most terrible scenarios in a person’s life. Giving rise to worries and anxieties, such activity of the imagination fetters a person and makes it impossible to take real actions, since constantly reflecting or engaging in self-flagellation, a person is simply not able to act constructively, plunging more and more into his far-fetched anxieties.

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In order to get rid of such worries, it is enough to imagine the most terrible scenario of development, constantly and consciously escalating everything within yourself more and more, and then try to remember how many times the events that caused anxiety and concern turned out to be justifiably far-fetched? 99% of fears, anxieties and worries are groundless and most of them are generated by an overactive imagination. This means that a person’s mind is not occupied and from idleness there is too much energy that is wasted.

Peace never comes from such an active degree of imagination, and therefore such imagination should be controlled and used for constructive purposes, channeling abilities and powers into useful channels.


Strong attachment is also a source of anxiety. Peace in this case is very dependent on the object of attachment, most often on people. It also happens that a person becomes attached to things or ideas, but most often the objects of attachment are people. And if it is unknown about a person, if he is in a bad mood, he has problems, he is sick, something happened to him, and so on - all this gives rise to a huge amount of anxiety. But we must understand that each person, in fact, is independent and separated from all other people by his own will. To take away a person’s will for the sake of one’s own peace of mind means dooming another to suffering for the sake of one’s own peace of mind. But such confrontation often ends in resistance - that is, the desire to escape from such control. And this provokes an even greater wave of control, and therefore greater unrest.

Attachment causes unreasonable fears for people, money, things and ideas that people hold. All this becomes a source of hostility, aggression, worries, anxiety and sorrows generated by quarrels and scandals. The ability to control your attachments, and ultimately overcome them, is one step towards peace. Defeating attachment does not mean that you have to break up with someone, it only means giving up unreasonable control over another person, the desire for which comes from your own dependence.

Lack of confidence and identity

Lack of confidence and originality means a constant search for oneself outside, in other people, in events, situations, objects and the opinions of others. When a person is immature, his character is determined by the desire to be supported by someone, most often a person strives for honor among the majority, recognition, fame, or any other way to appear worthy and competent to the world. With this type of recognition, a person finds peace until someone points out otherwise or until this degree of recognition begins to fade away. Fame among the majority also comes with rejection among people and the worries associated with this will haunt a person, but it is impossible to try to please everyone, and it is simply not necessary. Much more depressing is the fact of the fickleness of honor and glory among people. Rare personalities are truly remembered among people, but most have long been forgotten and are unlikely to be mentioned anywhere except in dusty archives. Self-confidence is almost always synonymous with calmness, which is a sign of peace. But a self-confident person draws this confidence not from the opinions of others, but from within himself, realizing that he is able to exist separately from all people and at the same time remain happy and free.

On a more personal level, lack of identity and confidence is one of the main reasons for constant attachments. People who are insecure rely on the support of others much more often, because it is the opinion of others that plays a key role for them. This is typical for young people who thus find authorities, teachers and those who help them grow. But for an adult, such infantile behavior is just another harmful source of worries and anxieties, since the thought constantly arises: “What will happen if I am left alone?” Finding identity is a matter of finding yourself within, not without, and it is a process worth devoting time and effort to, and with it comes confidence.

The desire to keep everything under control and do everything perfectly.

The desire to do everything perfectly is a sign of insecurity, the belief that ordinary effort will not bring recognition and will not find a response from others, and therefore it is necessary to do everything perfectly, better than others.

The desire to control everything is also a sign of insecurity, because it is a signifier of the fact that a person is afraid of uncertainty, afraid of unpredictable behavior and believes that “good” is in a strictly defined form, most often in a stationary form. This most often affects people who don’t trust others and believe that something really terrible will happen if they don’t control everything. There is a wise thought that goes like this: “Let go - if it doesn’t leave, then it’s yours, and if it leaves, then it was never yours.”

General installation principles

Regardless of what type of vapor barrier is used and what structures it is mounted on, the general operating principles are followed:

  • it is necessary to ensure the unity of the barrier, so the film or membrane is laid overlapping and glued with a special tape or tape;
  • any punctures, cuts and other through defects on the surface of the vapor barrier must be repaired with mounting tape;
  • for all types of barriers, except for double-sided membranes (with a smooth and rough side) and superdiffusion membranes, it is necessary to leave an air gap between the vapor barrier and the insulation;
  • The location of the “dew point”, that is, the place of moisture condensation due to temperature differences, must be taken into account.

The installation process and the question of which side to lay the vapor barrier on the floor, walls and roof are discussed in more detail in the video.

How to achieve peace?

Based on the definition, peace is achieved by a satisfied and calm state of mind. A mind is considered satisfied if its needs are consistent with its capabilities. Also, these needs should not increase over time. This means that a person should reduce his ambitions and desires, pursuing the goal not of finding happiness through achieving wealth, fame and recognition, but through finding happiness within himself, in his life and in his business. As long as thousands of desires for various sensual pleasures live in a person’s heart, peace will remain unattainable for him, because the very essence of peace lies in the search for peace within oneself, and not outside. A calm mind is considered to be one that does not depend on the manifestation of external events, neither joyful nor sad. Calmness especially stands out against the background of various troubles and celebrations, and it is the true meaning and value of calmness that is manifested precisely in great troubles and great joy. If a person loses his head, then his mind is not calm, but how can he then remain peaceful if any event can make him angry?

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Contentment and peace are achieved through renunciation. Renunciation is a course of action that involves giving up the motivation to enjoy one's activities. This is the renunciation of the sensual fruits of one's labor. Until a person, like a dog, stops pursuing various sources of pleasure in his work, he will not find peace, because constant desires and fears will knock him down and ignite a fire of confusion in his heart. And it is not so important whether this fire is caused by desire and aspiration or fear and anxiety. The main thing is that tranquility represents inner peace, peace. And in such peace there is no place for chaos, which comes from fears and desires. Renunciation means the ability to see a task as a source of satisfaction, that is, doing something in itself can cause happiness in a person. To do this, you need to find a business, and in order to find such a business, you need to understand yourself . Until then, all attempts to realize your purpose will be simply attempts to do everything at random.

Renunciation is the renunciation of sense pleasures, that is, the desire to eat, sleep, have sex, have fun and protect oneself. The renounced lifestyle does not mean renunciation of activities, but only renunciation of these motives in one’s work. While a person expects that a reward will be paid to him for his work, he will be very dependent in his behavior on the circumstances of his activity. As long as there are external prerequisites for worries, they will certainly exist. The root of worries is desires and fears; once they are overcome, it becomes quite easy to achieve peace.

If renunciation seems too difficult and the mind is in any case attached to both work and its fruits, then it is worth acquiring the skill of mechanically suppressing the fluctuations of the mind, which will significantly reduce various anxieties, worries and allow you to control the mind, suppressing most anxieties in yourself, preventing them from growing . Acquiring the basic ability to suppress such fluctuations of the mind is called dhyana .

With the help of dhyana, a person acquires willpower to naturally control his thoughts, mind and mental fluctuations, which allows him to direct the activities of the mind in the right direction and avoid worries and worries. To practice dhyana, 10-20 minutes a day and a quiet place are enough. In short, the process of dhyana is a process of meditation in which one focuses one's attention on a specific object. Most often it is either breathing or the area between the eyebrows. By returning attention to the object of meditation again and again, one develops the ability to suppress the fluctuations of the mind, just as one becomes stronger by exercising again and again. This will come with time, but most often the first three or four sessions of meditation will not work, such is the specificity.

If dhyana also seems too complicated or there is no opportunity to do it, a person should acquire knowledge related to determining what is truth and what is illusion, what is good and what is evil, what leads to happiness and what leads to suffering. Spiritual knowledge will help to cope with most worries by naturally directing the process of reflection inwards, which will lead to the fact that worries will mainly be associated with dissatisfaction with one’s level of development, and in this case there is an opportunity to correct something, work hard and direct activities and forces in the right direction channel After all, the root of anxiety lies in the impossibility or inability to change something, but when it comes to working on oneself, no one except the person himself will do this work, which means that all responsibility lies with the person himself. This means that the possibilities are almost limitless and they open access to a happier and more developed life.


Peace is peace of mind, serenity in thoughts and feelings. This is a state when everything is clear and understandable. Various flows of information, which are now extremely abundant in our rapidly developing society, as well as stress, active communication and other factors disrupt harmony.

This, in turn, leads to a waste of time and stagnation in spiritual development. And also to various depressive states, when everything seems to be fine, but at the same time something is missing, something is wrong.

This feeling begins to eat away, and from here other unfavorable consequences begin - a craving for various entertainments: alcohol, fornication, etc.

The world is big, and what you can see, what you can try, will never end. But is it worth spending an already short life trying to embrace the immensity? In addition, various physical skills will no longer be needed after death, and such a beautiful excuse is also nothing more than a beautiful, enticing deception.

At the core of a person lies his spirit, and only this, first of all, makes sense to educate.

This is where dissatisfaction with life begins, that little attention is paid to the soul, since all concerns are aimed at improving the conditions of one’s existence. I constantly want to live more beautifully and more conveniently, no matter how good life is already. As a result of this pursuit, life passes unnoticed, but the soul remains at the same level, and sometimes sinks even lower than before it came into this world.

The dying soul is precisely the cause of sadness: after all, it is from it that all feelings, desires and aspirations come. Less attention to the soul - less joy, even less - degradation. And when the remnants of the soul are no longer capable of the former feeling and will, then a person quickly destroys himself under the onslaught of momentary joys, which destroy him even more.

Peace, on the contrary, is a state of unity, when the mind is not divided into many parts: those environments of activity in which a person has achieved or failed to achieve something. When routine and concern for those who come and go are relegated to the background, and the consciousness simply observes everything that happens around.

In such a state, desires are immediately clear and deceptive ways are visible. But as soon as it is broken, the world again turns into an abyss of chaos. And, as you know, chaos is a more complex form of ordering. In a state of peace, the opportunity opens up to see the unmanifested, to observe the causes and consequences of this universal chaos.


Peace, tranquility, tranquility and peace within

You don't need houses, money, power or position to practice the Art of Peace. The sky is where you stand now, and this is exactly the place where you can train.

Morihei Ueshiba

To summarize, I would like to repeat the main key points of what peace is, what worries are and how to achieve peace. Achieving peace is the path of finding the source of happiness in oneself and in one’s immediate work, and getting rid of or reducing worries and their source. Peace can bring true happiness within the heart, which does not depend on external circumstances. In this attitude of life, a person is truly able to remain himself and live in harmony with the whole world. Achieving this state may require time and effort, but the results will be rewarding and well worth the effort. Happiness in exchange for work.

We are God's creations.

Don't believe that there is nothing. That the world is only what we see. We and everything around us were created by an incredible force that represents love, kindness, compassion and all the best that you can imagine. Everything is imbued with this power, this energy. Everything.

Just think about it: planting a seed, watering that seed with water, a plant grows with its own characteristics, blooming, bearing fruit. And all he needs is water. It was a small grain, they only gave it water and that’s it! - and such a miracle grew. Only from water.

Here we need to think about whether we need to eat as much as we eat. If a tree only needs water to grow tens of meters up, then why do we need kilograms of meat? Or are they not needed?

This is a miracle, and we live among miracles.

The fact that we are alive is a miracle!

Perhaps people have already learned how to create grains, and we already know how to grow organs. But man essentially did not create anything. He just copied what already existed. We are discovering new laws of nature and the universe, making great discoveries.

But this is the way of knowing what exists! peace. This world could not have been invented and created in a rational way. Everything is permeated with the energy that lives in each of us, thanks to which everything on the planet lives.

There is nothing in emptiness. And there the person would not have discovered anything, and the person himself would not have existed. We must understand that God created us and everything around us, that we are not just meat and bones. We and the whole world are something more, but perhaps mysterious and incomprehensible to us.

You have to believe in it, and faith is confidence in the unseen and receiving what you expect. Of course, it is impossible to talk about obvious evidence of the existence of God, since if there were, there would be no faith.

Although, if you have a flexible mind and at least sometimes think about everything that is around, what is happening in our lives, then you can find a lot of evidence. And for me personally, it is generally incomprehensible how one can not believe, how one can not notice the endless miracle of the creation of the world. But it’s just dry and rational to talk about randomness, about the soullessness of the world and man in particular.

Become a creator in your head

People who create their own lives, who extract the happy moments of life from their souls, have peace of mind. They are dependent on the state of their soul, and not on life circumstances. Most people have the following attitude: “I feel bad when my material life fails, when something in it does not go the way I would like.” In this case, life decides whether there will be peace of mind within or not. It will be right if a person learns to do good in his soul, give birth to positivity, and then bring all this to the outside world. Then his life will depend on his mood, and not vice versa.

Power of nature

Vibrations and emanate from literally everything around us , and we unconsciously pick up on them. Only the vibration is different. It's no wonder that after visiting shopping centers or clubs, some people feel as if they were run over by a truck. The vibration of concrete buildings and ubiquitous plastic mercilessly sucks out vital energy.

If you spend a day wandering through the forest, you can feel an influx of strength , because the vibration of trees and grass has a healing effect. It literally fills you with inner peace and gives you physical and mental strength.

Walk in the woods

Self acceptance

Answer the question: “Pacification - what is it?” impossible without complete acceptance of yourself as you are. You need to allow yourself to make mistakes and admit that there are no perfect people. Naturally, one should work on weaknesses, but one should not condemn them for them. You cannot punish yourself for every stupidity, otherwise you will not be able to achieve peace. You need to forgive not only other people, but also yourself.

It is necessary to learn from your own mistakes and draw the right conclusions so as not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation again. You can't be too hard on yourself. If you forgive other people, learn to forgive yourself.

Meaning of the word "peaceful"

in meaning
adj. Having achieved peace, a peaceful state or mood, calm (about a person).
After two or three smoke breaks, the blacksmith returned peaceful.
Gribachev, Forge.
|| Expressing peace. He had an even, peaceful, childlike expression on his face.
Kuprin, Black Fog.
From his eyes, from his peaceful face, from the way he pulled his beard, one could guess that the test was successful.
Azhaev, Far from Moscow.

Source (printed version):

Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics.
research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. — 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):
Fundamental electronic library


, oh, oh;
-ren, rena, reno (book). 1. Proverbs
suffering past vr. from appease.
2. only full.
forms. Having achieved peace, calm.
Peaceful state.

peaceful (adjective)

1. about a person - having achieved peace, a peaceful state or mood ◆ In hundreds of windows under orange, blue, green lampshades, peaceful people

people for whom everything goes like clockwork, who did not get confused, did not act shy, but found each other in time and calmly settled in these houses. Vasily Aksenov, “Colleagues”, 1962 (quote from NKR)

2. filled with peace, imbued with it ◆ She remembered that the same peaceful

she saw the expression on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon.
A.I. Kuprin, “Garnet Bracelet”, 1911 ◆ When they drove in a closed car, she asked to open the window and, putting her hand on his shoulder, looked at the soft, smoky twilight, at the quiet, peaceful
autumn nature. Yu. O. Dombrovsky, “Keeper of Antiquities”, 1964 (quote from NKRY)

peaceful (participle)

1. suffering prib. past vr. from pacify ◆ Slavs, pacified

, reassured, peacefully indulge in innocent activities, under the shadow of “administrative autonomy.”
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, “In an environment of moderation and accuracy,” 1874-1877 (quote from NKRY) ◆ Only once did Grishka come to me, complacent, as if peaceful and completely sober. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, “Little things in life”, 1886-1887 ◆ As long as the Azerbaijani province is not pacified
, there can be no talk of convening a parliament.
“Vesti”, 1908 // “Birzhevye Vedomosti” (quote from NKRYA) ◆ Sergei Platonovich, pacified
by the fast ride and cold, dozed, swayed, rubbed his back against the carpeted back of the sleigh. M. A. Sholokhov, “Quiet Don”, 1928-1940 (quote from NKR)

Making the Word Map better together

I will definitely learn to distinguish widely used words from highly specialized ones.

How clear is the meaning of the word noble
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Getting up early - time for yourself

Not everyone can enjoy getting up early, but once you try, you will want to repeat this feat constantly. The morning hours are conducive to reflection and provide an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and be alone with yourself. Meeting the dawn with a cup of coffee, tea or freshly squeezed juice is the best start to the day. Overcoming bad habits always brings a feeling of peace.

What it is

A feeling of peace for everyone can arise as a result of various factors, actions or events, but it is always accompanied by a feeling of elation; for many, an increase in physical strength is also characteristic. Peace is a reflection of unity with the world, but not only in the narrow sense of unity with nature (although this is the most popular way of both achieving the state and describing it), but also with everything else (the walls of an empty room, each person in a huge crowd, the wind in a vacant lot, etc.).

A complete state of tranquility can be experienced at any moment, especially if you expand the boundaries of perception and existence of your own personality to the cosmic, which is what many psychological, spiritual and meditative practices do: they take a person to the planetary level. Being in this position of perception of reality, you can take a fresh look at your own life, existing problems and development opportunities. There is always greater calm, because from a global point of view nothing beyond a catastrophe can happen, but at the same time many unclear points become clearer, making it possible for necessary changes to occur or the real state of the situation to be discovered.

Merging with the surrounding space inevitably entails an experience of safety, regardless of location and the people around you, since, having entered into resonance with the world, a clear understanding of its laws comes, the ability to catch currents, and the understanding that if you do not interfere with natural processes, then everything happens harmonious.

Peace of mind gives not only a better sense of space, but also of people - it is an opportunity to understand another, experience his experience, improve relationships, or prevent deception and selfish use. Responsiveness to the world increases due to the fact that the internal dialogue stops or practically disappears, and the person himself is present directly in the present, without pain from the past and worries about the future.

The part directly related to creativity begins to manifest itself when the personality is already at peace and instead of anxiety, inspiration arises. In addition to ideas, comes the strength to implement them and the awareness of how what is now born from the contemplation of the world, through its effective implementation, will transform the existing world into a more harmonious one or bring other benefits.

Complete acceptance of the world and agreement with everything that happens in it ultimately gives the opportunity to see one’s own life as a path, and not a series of positive moments and incomprehensible failures. A logical analysis of a situation can rarely produce such results in mental and effective transformation as even a short-term stay in peace. That is why, especially in crisis situations, it is recommended not to concentrate all your efforts on solving the problem, depriving yourself of sleep and rest, but rather devote time to maximum unloading in order to change your perspective on dead-end situations.

Peacefulness synonyms for the word

Tranquility - tranquility g. distracted noun according to adj. pacified 2., 3. Explanatory dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

tranquility - incitement ... Dictionary of antonyms

tranquility - Syn: see tranquility ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Tranquility (tranquility) is a state of complete peace and satisfaction. After praying to God and washing in the bathhouse, Arina Petrovna felt at peace (M. Saltykov Shchedrin, Lord Golovlevs). Two women of high soul remained with the orphans. About the first of them - auntie... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Fenechka - This article or section needs to be revised. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles... Wikipedia

serenity - tranquility, idyllicity, tranquility, peace, tranquility, tranquility, peace and quiet, peace and quiet and God's grace, the goodness of the air, tranquility, tranquility, tranquility, tranquility, tranquility, peace and quiet, silence, tranquility,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

peace - 1) Peace; truce. conclude mi.. Prot. argument. See friendship, harmony, calm, silence 2) Light, universe, space, earth, globe; sublunar, subsolar, celestial; vale (= valley) of the earth, vale of sorrow and crying. What in the world is there... ... Dictionary of synonyms

peacefulness - calmness, tranquility, lack of conflict, amicability, friendship, peacefulness, serenity, quietness Dictionary of Russian synonyms. peace noun, number of synonyms: 11 • serenity (23) ... Dictionary of synonyms

peace - Inaction, inertia, laziness, immobility, inertia, keef, doing nothing. Wed. . See inaction, laziness, peace, rest, silence; room .. disturb the peace, give no peace, no peace, leave alone. . Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar in meaning... Dictionary of synonyms

tranquility - self-control, restraint, dispassionateness, self-balance, immobility, evenness, complacency, meekness, gentleness, peacefulness, serenity, equanimity, coldness, composure, phlegmaticity, tranquility, idyllicity,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

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Creative work

Working with your own hands and creating things that make you want to admire them is very good therapy. By being creative, a person can realize the wildest desires and dreams that were hidden deep inside. When something beautiful is created, a person experiences spiritual satisfaction.

You can show your capabilities not only in creating paintings or crafts. It would be good to bring creativity into everyday life. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems: you can diversify the recipes, come up with your own plan for cleaning, which will turn the routine into a pleasant experience. Every problem in life needs to be approached creatively, then it will not seem so complicated and confusing.

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