Why a man doesn’t write or call – what to do, advice from psychologists

What does it mean if a man doesn’t call or write, how to behave in such cases - women often ask these questions. It is especially incomprehensible when everything seemed to be fine on a date and at a meeting, and then the gentleman seemed to disappear. Girls begin to worry, finding no place for themselves, trying to understand why the man stopped calling, writing messages and does not take the initiative. After all, they say everywhere that a woman should maintain her dignity and not call first, not “hang on her neck.”

But questions arise - what if something happened to him, suddenly he got sick or got into trouble, and you don’t even know. You wait and wait, the darkest thoughts appearing in your head.

So what to do if a man is silent and does not call. In this article we will try to understand the situation and consider different solutions.

If a man stopped writing and calling – what are the reasons?

Situations when a man suddenly disappears - stops writing and calling - usually arise in the early stages of a relationship. Many girls don't attach any importance to this. For them, this guy’s behavior is a signal for immediate separation.

After all, it is the representative of the stronger sex who must take the first step and pay attention. Ladies with low self-esteem often begin to suffer from the sudden disappearance of men.

If we are not talking about an established and consolidated relationship, then the most logical thing is to tell him to go to hell and continue living your life. After all, it’s clear that if a person wants to communicate with you, he will always find the time and opportunity for this. Moreover, in our time, when there are no problems with communication.

But it’s always easier said than done. Even an experienced woman with adequate self-esteem and an impressive list of broken men’s hearts cannot always easily forget about a planned romance. What then can we expect from a young and inexperienced girl - it is quite natural that such behavior from a man will plunge her into severe “troubles”.

A typical set of hypotheses, as a rule, is small and tragic: “he doesn’t want to communicate with me,” “he definitely has someone,” “there’s something wrong with me.”

But a guy's disappearance doesn't always mean the end of a relationship.

Let's look at common cases of why a man doesn't call or write, plunging the relationship into uncertainty.

Possible reasons:

  • The guy is too modest and timid . This happens, and he may be afraid to disturb you or call you at an inconvenient moment. She’s shy and worried that the conversation won’t work out, and doubts that you like her. But such behavior is justified for young guys who do not yet have experience in relationships. For an adult man, excessive timidity is not the best quality.
  • Sudden important matters appeared . Perhaps something happened to his loved ones, a friend needed help, or was urgently sent on a business trip at work. In this situation, a man’s silence for several days can be considered the norm.
  • He thinks too highly of himself and is sure that girls should run after him, call him and write to him. Comments are unnecessary here - such a man is not worth attention and a relationship with him is dangerous for psychological health.
  • He has problems and wants to be alone. Men tend to withdraw when difficulties occur in their lives. A man with a strong character is not used to complaining to a woman and laying out all his problems as if in spirit. Perhaps he is not in the mood to communicate with anyone at all; he wants to be alone with himself, in his thoughts. Or the guy is just emotionally tired and wants to retire for a while.
  • Doesn't want to seem intrusive. Communication in couples can develop differently. Some communicate quite actively, others much less often. When a girl takes the position of never being the first to take the initiative in communication, especially if she does not always answer a man’s calls and messages, he may get the impression that she is not interested in a relationship with him. He may feel as if he is being imposed upon. This feeling is extremely unpleasant, and over time they begin to deter a man from initiating communication with a girl.
  • He doubted. When we met, I fell under the spell or my own mood. Maybe under the influence of alcohol. Afterwards, he overestimated his impressions and no longer saw the point of dialing the phone and continuing the relationship.
  • He decided to check on you. Some guys, like most women, like to test their partners' strength. He may not call in order to test your feelings, stir up interest and then dictate his own rules. It remains to be determined whether such a relationship is right for you. For a man, such tactics of behavior are abnormal and indicate that he has psychological trauma and problems.

Here we looked at situations where a man is still interested in a relationship, but for stated reasons may remain silent for some time. Usually not too long - within a week.

If a man does not write or call for a long time, then a woman should evaluate his behavior more rationally.

A case from the practice of a psychologist

Julia asked a question: Hello! Not long ago I met a man on the Internet. It took a long time to get an appointment, we immediately made an appointment.

The date went well, I liked him, it seemed to me that he liked me too. We talked all evening, after which he called me a taxi home. After this meeting, he did not call or write. A day later, I wrote myself and asked if everything was okay and why he disappeared.

I asked him to be honest if he didn’t like me and wasn’t in the mood for a relationship. But he answered. that everything is fine, he liked me, he just has a lot of work and is not a fan of correspondence. He prefers face-to-face communication, but he hasn’t set up a new date; he said he doesn’t know exactly when he’ll have free time.

If a man doesn’t like to call and write, but at the same time is in no hurry to make appointments, what does this mean, is it worth waiting and continuing the relationship with him?

Psychologist/psychotherapist Elena Maksimenko will answer : “Hello, Yulia! Only you can decide whether you should continue the relationship and wait for the initiative from the man.

Obviously, a man interested in a relationship will not leave a girl in limbo, and even if he really has little free time, he will always find it when he really needs it.

Not all men, and even women, like to communicate by correspondence, and this is normal. But in your case, I don't see this as a problem. It seems that the man is in no hurry to develop an acquaintance, otherwise he would hasten to let you know that he liked you and wants to repeat.

The psyche of a healthy man is structured in such a way that he, like a hunter and conqueror, having spotted the desired “prey”, will not let it go from his hands. In this case, it does not seem that you have become an object of desire for him. This does not mean at all that there is something wrong with you.

It's just that this is most likely not your person. Think carefully about whether it’s worth wasting your time and nerves on unclear expectations.”

Other Possible Causes

The following reasons for male passivity in correspondence are neutral. Depending on the angle of view, they can be perceived by a woman as either negative or positive (the choice is up to each one). Among these:

  • You write too often without giving him the opportunity to do it first. Analyze the frequency with which your messages are sent. If this happens 10 times a day, then it’s no wonder why it seems like you’re the only one who’s active;
  • lack of initiative as a character trait. Such a man is used to having someone constantly decide something for him, and his personal life is no exception. He is satisfied with this format - you have taken full responsibility for the correspondence, find topics for communication, do everything for two, it is convenient for him. Why should he be zealous if everything is decided for him?
  • maintains distance - perhaps your pressure is too strong. By remaining silent, a guy can show that such a quick rapprochement is uncomfortable for him. If he also starts to be active, then the relationship will develop at the speed of light, which is not what he wants. Each of us has personal boundaries that protect us from merging with others: for some they are soft and flexible, and then the person easily allows people to approach him. For others, they are tough - the favor of such a person must be earned;
  • afraid that he will not be able to give you what you want, ashamed of his inadequacy. If we are talking about an adult man, and not a teenager, then this could very well happen. Perhaps he earns little, has a low-prestige profession, and an old car. He would be happy to start a relationship with you, but there is nothing special to brag about. For the majority of representatives of the stronger half of humanity, the lack of self-realization hurts self-esteem, which forces them to avoid communication and evaluation;
  • he does not know whether the interlocutor is free in terms of romantic relationships. He doesn’t want to look stupid if it turns out that the girl he likes has a other half, and it’s directly inconvenient to ask about it. The young man may be waiting for your self-disclosure, the moment when you yourself provide him with such information;
  • I’m not used to virtual communication - there are such people in the Internet age. They are more interested in communicating in person, and they use social networks only to read the news or send a short message on business. Not everyone likes to read long “sheets” of text, much less write them. On the other hand, he could call or ask you out on a date. There is something to think about.

You also need to take into account the fact that correspondence, conversations and any other communication is typical for the most part of women. They are more emotional and therefore manifest themselves more in different ways.

Men are often laconic, rational thinkers, and online correspondence may seem like a waste of time or a stupid activity to them. The spirit of romanticism is inherent in them to a lesser extent.

A man doesn’t call or write after a date – reasons and what to do

It happens that you went on a first date and everything seemed to go well - he was kind, you struck up a conversation, you had a pleasant evening. Any girl begins to expect a reaction from a guy after the first meeting, especially if she really liked him. But the man does not call or write first the next day. What could be the reason?

Yes, something is clearly wrong here. After all, when we are very attracted to a person, we do not waste time to win him over and start a relationship with him.

Psychologists identify several possible options for why a guy doesn’t call or text after a date.

If a guy disappears after a few months of communication

It happens that a guy stops writing first even after several months of a serious relationship. Reasons for this behavior include:

  1. The guy is tired of frequent correspondence . At first, a young man can shower a girl with love stickers and poems. But when the relationship became established, short and not very frequent correspondence became enough for him. The best solution for a girl would be to take the situation calmly and not demand special attention;
  2. Resentment . A girl could accidentally hurt a man’s pride, and a guy would be ashamed to admit his small weaknesses, which she involuntarily drew attention to. The lady should remember what she said before her lover became sharply indifferent to communication. If offensive words really come to mind, then you should directly ask him about it and, if necessary, apologize;
  3. New love . Even when the relationship seems stable, a guy can become infatuated with another person. At the same time, it’s hard for a young man to break his girlfriend’s heart and it’s easier for him to remain silent and hope that she herself will gradually grow cold towards him.

You weren't his type, he didn't like you

This is perhaps the most common reason that explains a man’s behavior after the first date. Women tend to idealize everything, especially if they are single. They can regard even banal politeness as something more.

Don't create illusions, then you won't have to be disappointed. You shouldn’t be upset either, you can’t please everyone. If a man doesn’t call, don’t worry, but try to analyze what caused his antipathy.

Perhaps your appearance or manners make a repulsive impression. In this case, your next gentleman will behave in exactly the same way. I'll have to work on myself.

This simple answer has deep roots. Even though you're having a great time, it doesn't necessarily mean the same thing to him as it does to you. You need to understand whether such a “cool” relationship is worth continuing. Nobody wants to be an “alternate airfield.”

There is no point in wasting time on a person who does not see the prospects for further relationships. Don't call or write to him. Wait until he calls first. Then his motives will be clear to you. And if he doesn’t call, it’s completely clear that he doesn’t want a relationship with you.

Understand that if a man wants it, he will call, write, come, find the time and resources for this. And there is no need to engage in self-deception, to come up with reasons why he did not do this.

He likes you too much, but he has low self-esteem

Not all men are so confident in themselves as to be convinced that any girl will be interested in them. Some people tend to doubt and worry, especially if the lady they like made a strong positive impression and captivated them at first sight.

They, just like girls, are afraid of being rejected and misunderstood. Give the man time to collect his thoughts and decide to take the first step, because not everyone is able to immediately show attention to their passion and call her on a second date when he has not yet moved on from the first.

Optimal waiting period The optimal waiting period is 3-5 days. If during this time a man has not written, called or indicated his relationship to you in any way, you should not continue to build illusions and come up with excuses in your head.

Even the most modest man will take a step if it is important to him. And if he doesn’t do that, do you need him so indecisive?

Answers on questions

After two perfect dates, the man stopped calling. On the third day I sent him an SMS message, he called back, and we agreed to meet. In anticipation of the date, I forgot about my worries, and on day X he wrote that the meeting would have to be rescheduled. What am I doing wrong? Maybe he is waiting for a reciprocal initiative from me?

Maybe he is waiting. But it very much seems that you were “lucky” to meet a manipulator who, with your help, pleases his vanity. It may seem that such behavior is spontaneous, but in fact it is a “closer-further” technique, the mechanism of which allows a man to easily provoke you to the actions he needs.

The only way out is not to succumb to provocation. If he cancels the meeting, don't show any resentment or disappointment. It’s better to say that this is very useful, because you just have urgent matters.

By the way, you really need to do something to distract yourself and resist the temptation to call or write to your chosen one. If after this he calls and says that he has resolved his issues, do not change your plans under any circumstances, reschedule the meeting.

What your relationship will be is determined right at this moment. A man will never appreciate and respect a woman who changed her plans twice and canceled her affairs for his sake. Take care of yourself if he really likes you - he will wait and in the future leave these games when he realizes that manipulation with you does not work.

A nice colleague frequented our department, and every time he came to us, he stopped to chat with me. Occasionally he may call on some work issue. I would love to go on a date with him, but he makes no attempts to get closer. I don’t want to waste time, how can I distinguish friendly chatting from flirting?

The first thing you should do is find out if your colleague is in a relationship. If he is free, you can try to show a reciprocal sign of attention - for example, during the next conversation, say that you are going to go for coffee and ask if he would like to join you.

In a neutral environment, it will be easier for you to understand his intentions, since the work atmosphere is still not conducive to close communication. Watch his posture and gestures in conversation - if he feels sympathy, he will turn to you, touch his face, neck, or, on the contrary, unconsciously touch you.

You may accidentally mention that there is an advertising festival in the city that you are going to attend. If he truly has warm feelings for you, he will happily jump at any opportunity to spend time with you.

We met a man, exchanged numbers, met and had a wonderful time. I thought I impressed him, but he never called back. I’m worried that I made some mistake, and because of this my self-esteem suffers, I’m constantly biting myself. I want to call him, but I'm afraid of making things worse.

We must understand that we cannot please everyone. It is not necessary to make mistakes so that a man does not want to repeat the date. In any case, you had a good time, unwinded, and now continue to mind yourself and your business, leaving behind the soul-searching and searching for mistakes.

Think for yourself, it will be much better if he simply doesn’t get in touch than to call and offer a second meeting out of politeness. Or he will completely fool you with his uncertainty.

Raise your self-esteem, it should not depend on whether the man called you back after the date or not.

Watch the video from practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer. Find out whether you should call a man if he goes missing, and how to do it correctly.

Why did the man suddenly stop writing and calling?

A situation that leaves girls in great confusion and becomes the cause of sleepless nights and burning tears: two people communicate, meet, have fun and usefully spend time, there is no reason for offense on either side. And suddenly, absolutely out of the blue, the man stops calling, does not respond to messages and SMS.

Yesterday he kissed goodbye and said, “see you,” and today there is deaf silence. At the same time, he appears on the social network and definitely sees the messages (whether he views it or not is a secondary question). In other words, it ignores.

At first, the girl attributes his behavior to being busy. This option cannot be dismissed outright, but when the situation gets out of control and lasts for several days or weeks, it’s time to take a sober look at things. Let's leave him a 1% chance to explain himself: he is seriously ill, he left and someone from his family is coming from his page, his account was hacked, he did not have the opportunity to call/write.

In other cases, everything is prosaic: he puts you in your place, makes it clear that you cannot lay claim to him and his life.

This is his choice - this is such a free, non-binding relationship. Maybe it seemed to him that you were crossing an invisible line, maybe that’s actually the case. This means that you look at your mate differently.

After a couple of weeks, or a month, or even a year, just when you forgot to think about him, he will show up and, as if nothing had happened, ask how you are doing and offer to meet. What to do is up to you. But you can be sure that the scenario will repeat itself exactly.

What to remember

  1. A man will always find an opportunity to call or otherwise contact the woman he likes.
  2. If he doesn’t call after the first date, distract yourself with your personal affairs: an interesting and exciting activity will brighten up the wait and help get rid of obsessive thoughts.
  3. Don’t think that you made a mistake and that’s why he doesn’t call - it’s not about you.
  4. If, during a meeting, a man deliberately demonstrates his affection and then does not call, this is manipulation.
  5. The manipulator is trying to take control and find out how far you can go in your quest to get him.
  6. The best tactic in communicating with a manipulator is to be distracted by your own affairs and not to succumb to provocation, even if you really want to call. It is at this moment that it is decided who will set the tone in your relationship.
  7. A man who likes you turns in your direction during a conversation, touches his face, neck or shirt collar.
  8. Speech that is too loud, direct gaze into the eyes, seemingly random touches, excitement in your company are markers of sympathy.
  9. A man tries to show concern for the woman he likes: give him a ride, treat him, help with personal matters. Such signs of attention have nothing to do with ordinary politeness and indicate that he is trying to gain your favor.

A man does not write or call after sex

Sudden and violent sex happened between you. This sometimes happens at the first meeting. Everything went perfectly - you had a good time and regarded it as the beginning of a relationship. You are sure that the meeting will happen again soon and you are waiting. But after sex, the man simply up and disappeared.

Most likely, your sudden connection was a moment of weakness for him. It is likely that he already has a girlfriend, wife, mistress (underline as necessary), the relationship with her is satisfactory, and yesterday’s flirting (and even sex) was like a breath of fresh air, a desire to have fun, be distracted, and add variety to his life.

But he has no desire to destroy a permanent relationship. And he simply will not appear in your life again, since he does not need a relationship with you.

Finding out the ins and outs of your “beloved” will not be particularly difficult. Having a little data, you can find pages on social networks, look at photos, find mutual acquaintances, and make inquiries.

Even if there is no particularly compromising evidence in his profile, a lot of information can be gleaned from the pages of friends and relatives. Next to him is a sultry blonde, a woman with three children under the Christmas tree, or a whole kaleidoscope of beauties? Run, Lola, run!

You shouldn’t waste your time and nerves on him; he won’t appreciate it and is unlikely to be grateful for the interference in his life. You shouldn’t think that in you he found the one and only, and everything that came before can and should be considered a mistake. It would be a mistake to cling to illusory hopes.

In the end, even if he shows up, at best you are destined for the role of a mistress. Didn't call back after sex

But it is also likely that before the first intimacy the guy really made big plans and did not lie when talking about serious intentions. But after sex everything changed. Either he didn’t like you as an intimate partner, or he, based on his observations, concluded that you didn’t like him.

perhaps sex was the partner’s only goal and a serious relationship was not initially planned. The result has been achieved, the height has been taken, and then on to the next victories.

We draw a conclusion

If after the above actions you do not see any changes in his behavior, it is better to refuse communication, because it will definitely not lead anywhere. An interested man is able to move mountains for his beloved. If, after special stimulation, he does not begin to express himself in any way, it means that he does not have the main motivation - feelings that would push him to actively get closer.

Relationships are always about two people. Not their actual presence, but an equal contribution from both sides. There is nothing wrong if a girl writes or calls first. We live in the modern world - for such behavior you will not be considered a harlot and will not be branded. But if you see that your overall game is, as they say, one-sided, you should think about what is happening.

Of course, a man has the right to be indecisive, because relationships require considerable responsibility, which largely falls on their shoulders. You need to look after your chosen one, give gifts, devote time, take on certain responsibilities as a couple - all this requires external and internal resources that no one wants to waste. However, it is worth repeating: if he is really interested in a woman, he will not hesitate for long and will begin to win the heart of the one to whom he is not indifferent.

If a man begins to write and call less often, what does this mean?

When your beloved man first took the initiative and paid enough attention to you, and then suddenly began calling and texting less often, this carries a certain subtext.

Women tend to justify their loved ones, but often this turns into even greater pain and suffering. After all, expectations are usually not met.

It’s worth clarifying right away about being busy - anyone can find 30-40 seconds to write a short message, regardless of their profession and work schedule. You should not console yourself with the fact that he simply does not like to write SMS, or does not want to be distracted from work.

Moreover, you shouldn’t beat yourself up by talking about your own unattractiveness. Often there is a fear of intrusiveness when you have already written several messages yourself. And he continues to respond to them less and less.

If this happens, this is a serious reason to think about ending the relationship and any expectations.

Try to call a man for a serious conversation and clarify your relationship. Of course, in the most calm and diplomatic manner possible. Perhaps he himself admits that he no longer wants a relationship, but did not dare to end it for fear of offending you.

If a man avoids the conversation and does not give clear answers or clarify the situation, then you must understand that all this will continue, and you will suffer. Do you want this? You decide.

But sometimes you need to take the initiative into your own hands and break ties with a person who behaves inappropriately, does not consider it necessary to be honest with you and does not care about your psychological well-being - he does not care about your feelings.

When a man says - you call and write, but he remains silent for a week, two or more, this also only says one thing - you are not important to him. He may not mind meeting you sometimes and spending time or chatting if you write, but he is not going to conquer you, nor is he going to build something serious with you.

It is worth understanding a simple and banal thing - if a person does not think about you, does not seek communication, he is not interested, there are no feelings. Therefore, waiting for it to appear on the mobile screen is stupid.

Balance of interests in love relationships

Girls tend to worry that their significant other sometimes treats them indifferently. In their opinion, this is expressed in a reluctance to text or talk in the evening before going to bed.

Sometimes a girl tries to force her boyfriend to be active in communication with reproaches or hysterics. This only makes the situation worse. For a young man, communicating with a girl turns into a “sacred duty”, in which he needs to squeeze out beautiful words and compliments.

Representatives of the stronger sex do not like pressure and instructions. They don’t want to feel obligated to call every day and talk for a long time about completely empty topics.

A couple in love should find a balance . On the one hand, it is really important for a girl to receive pleasant messages from her other half. If a guy loves her, he will be happy to find a couple of minutes in the evening for a short correspondence, which will not be a burden for him.

He disappeared after an argument - what to do?

They say that real men don't get offended. These are all prejudices. A man is the same person, he has feelings, emotions, he can be hurt, offended, greatly upset or disappointed.

If a guy stopped calling and texting after a quarrel, he is probably experiencing negative emotions and does not want to communicate with you.

What to do in such a situation?

First, analyze which of you was wrong. Perhaps you were the initiator of the quarrel and undeservedly offended him. In this case, an apology will not be superfluous. if a man is easy-going, he will forgive you and you will make peace.

But it is possible that the guy is a cunning manipulator. He can create reasons for quarrels himself, and then pretend to be offended, playing “silent”, without calling or sending any messages.

Does he need this for him? So, he is trying to make you feel guilty. When you rush to call him and ask for forgiveness, he will quietly begin to put forward conditions, adjusting you to himself. Narcissistic men often use these techniques.

It is worth being careful and objectively assessing the quarrel that has occurred, otherwise you can fall for cunning tricks and become a victim of the narcissist, from whom he will gradually suck all the energy and literally trample on him psychologically.

Therefore, the best tactic here would be to cool your mind and weigh the situation without emotions. You only need to apologize if you truly admit that you were wrong. In other cases, the man must ask for forgiveness himself if he wants to continue the relationship.

Question for a psychologist:

Hello! I met a man at a friends event. The evening in the company was fun. But nothing happened - they just chatted and joked. We exchanged phone numbers. The man promised to call and didn’t call, a week has passed, how should I react?

Psychologist's answer:

Why, in general, react somehow? It was a non-binding acquaintance in a relaxed atmosphere. Nothing happened between you except flirting, which also means nothing.

The man promised something, but did not fulfill his promise. Do you want a man who doesn't keep his promises?

It seems that you have overestimated casual acquaintance. This is typical for women. Move on with your life and don't think about him. Perhaps he no longer remembers you, and you are toiling and waiting. If I wanted to, I would call immediately, within 1-2 days. And since he hasn’t called all week, the answer is obvious.

You didn't live up to expectations

Yes, you have started a romantic relationship and yes, you seem to be suitable for each other.
If a guy doesn’t show initiative, doesn’t write and isn’t interested in how you spend your day, what you’re doing and how you’re feeling, then most likely he doesn’t do this because he’s disappointed. In the course of building relationships, each person reveals himself fully to the other. Someone may reveal their most unattractive sides and then the other half will understand that nothing can connect them with such a person. You can interest a man in these ways.

A man writes, but rarely – is there anything to hope for?

This situation is not hopeless. If a guy shows at least some initiative, that's not bad. But how to understand his true intentions?

It all depends on the style of communication, intonation, mood, topics of conversation. You need to pay attention to detail. Of course, it is much easier to feel a man’s true attitude towards you through live dialogue rather than correspondence. If you don't see each other, phone calls will save you. But based on text communication, incorrect conclusions are often drawn.

A man can really be very busy at work, school or business. Perhaps the start of your relationship simply coincided with such a difficult period in his life. If at the same time he is truly interested in you, he will make every effort to break out of the chain of affairs and see you.

If the guy just makes excuses and doesn’t even try to set a date for the next date, such a relationship can be considered unpromising.

How can you tell if you are interested or playing?

In many ways, people's attitude towards us depends on ourselves. Understand, it is not the man who decides that he will only have sex with this woman, but that he can marry this one. By her behavior, a woman herself creates a certain attitude towards herself. You can sit and endlessly analyze what is “wrong” with you if a man does not respond to your messages, or you can learn to create a decent attitude towards yourself.

Imagine the following situation: you have been texting for a long time and have finally chosen a day to meet. And now the man is going on a date. He doesn’t decide right away: “So, after the restaurant, we’ll go straight to my house and we’ll have sex!” No! He thinks: “We’ll see, let’s talk, and then we’ll see.” You interact, and during communication the man develops attitudes, intentions and desires to act (or not act).

If you want to learn how to create the right attitude of men towards yourself as a woman and attract worthy ones, I invite you right now to sign up for the free online course “Man: honest instructions for use.” In this 5-day free course, you will learn the secrets of harmonious relationships, work on your mistakes and look into the future much bolder! Register and I'll be waiting for you live! Thank you for reading this article to the end. I hope it was useful to you.

Yaroslav Samoilov

How to behave if a man doesn’t write or call - advice from a psychologist

Tell me, please, how important is it for your man to constantly write and call you? The cessation of communication with this subject can only be for the better, and fate is preparing a meeting with another, much better candidate. If this man ignores you when your relationship is just developing, then what will happen next. In a situation where a guy answers only when you are the first to make contact, the same story - do you need it, run after him?

Where in nature have you seen females running after males? When a man conquers a woman, this is the healthiest situation from a psychological point of view. Everything else does not lead to anything good.

How to behave - advice from a psychologist:

  • Keep your face up. Modesty suits a girl, but if you don’t have the strength to endure and remain silent, worry and be tormented, call him first. It may be embarrassing, offensive, uncomfortable, painful, but it is better to solve everything at once than to suffer endlessly.
  • Don't make excuses for him . Anecdotal situations also happen in life: a phone can fall into the water while fishing, into a toilet, or fall down an elevator shaft from the eighth floor. A man can go on shipping business to places where he can’t get cell phone reception. But if he really needs you, he will find a way to contact you in another way. Nowadays this is not so difficult to do.
  • Be clear, but don't be intrusive. If you have been dating for a while and your boyfriend has not observed such behavior before, call him and talk. There is no need to be intrusive, overprotective, blackmail, threaten - you need to understand what is happening. If he is sick, bring him broth and oranges, and if you are not sure of your choice, give him time to think alone.
  • Don't waste time sitting by the phone - live your life, it doesn't end. Shopping, shaping, a good movie or book act like medicine.
  • Maintain your self-esteem. It’s almost impossible to keep a man who has already decided everything for himself, don’t be humiliated!
  • Protect yourself from wrong actions. For especially sensitive people, there is an excellent remedy: give your phone number, but don’t write it down. It will be a shame if he doesn’t call, but there is absolutely no temptation to call and sort things out, since there is no way.

Markers of sympathy

So, if you are in doubt about the impression you made on a man, observe. Note his posture, gestures, listen to what and how he says.


In a conversation, the body, toes of shoes and face of the man who likes you will be directed in your direction. This is how our body expresses interest in the interlocutor.

Gestures and touch

During a conversation, does he touch his face, neck, collar? Congratulations, this suggests that he subconsciously wants to look better for you.

A man tries to catch your eye, becomes noticeably nervous while fiddling with a shirt button, or loses his train of thought in a conversation—all these are signs that he is trying to impress you.

In addition to gestures and touches, there are other signs that can tell you whether a man likes you or not.

If a man unknowingly touches you during a conversation (takes you by the elbow, touches your shoulder), he thus unconsciously shows affection. It is believed that such gestures indicate that he would like to take you under his protection.

Listen to what and how he says

If his intonation changes every now and then, he speaks too loudly or too quietly, this may indicate that he likes you.

There is an opinion that a man becomes sharply stupid in the company of a woman who interests him. If in your company he frantically tries to amuse you with a bearded joke, jokes out of place, or seizes on any stupidity in order to find a topic for conversation, it is obvious that thoughts about you do not give him peace.

Signs of attention

If a man likes you, he will find a way to remind you of yourself. An SMS message wishing him good morning after an evening spent together, a seemingly random invitation to a party of mutual acquaintances - these are unobtrusive signs of sympathy, which, if unsuccessful, he will call “friendly communication”.

If he regularly calls to find out how you are doing, sends or brings flowers himself, invites you to spend time together, tries to organize your leisure time in an interesting way - these are quite obvious manifestations of feelings with which he is trying to achieve your favor.

Observe the man, analyze his behavior and most importantly, trust your intuition. When a spark flares up between two people, it is impossible not to notice, and neither of you will need any markers of sympathy.

And don’t forget that a man always tries to show concern for the woman he likes: open the door, treat her to coffee, offer a ride, help her get out of the car, and so on. It is impossible to confuse such manifestations of sympathy with elementary politeness, rest assured.

He doesn't want to bother you

Many factors should be attributed to this reason. For example, you mentioned casually in a conversation that you have too little free time and you practically don’t have time to do anything. In this case, the man will take what was said into account and simply will not want to distract you with his messages. The guy won’t want to intrude and seem too persistent, so he’ll just wait until you’re free from your business and text him first.

I'll teach you how to attract a guy's attention in different ways.


Reasons why guys don't date beautiful girls.


How to understand that a man is interested in you.


Find out why guys don't want to get to know you.


Afraid to clearly express his own sympathy

Bright and pure love often begins with friendship. If you can communicate with a friend day and night, then with a passion it is better to take time and dose your communication. When a relationship is just beginning, the guy tries not to bother his chosen one. Men believe that if they are the first to take the initiative to communicate, the girl will immediately see through them and understand their true feelings.

Such an understanding may be completely useless, because a representative of the stronger sex takes a long time to decide to admit his own sympathy.

No free time to write

Men and women are built completely differently.
If a girl, going about her daily affairs, does not let her betrothed out of her head and can periodically send him tender messages, then for a guy things are completely different. When a man is busy, he thinks exclusively about what he is doing now. If there is a rush at work, then the guy’s thoughts will be occupied only with quickly dealing with the accumulated work. Perhaps the car broke down and needs to be fixed urgently, or your mother called and needed help.

Most likely, you should have warned your girlfriend about how busy she is, but in fact this doesn’t always happen.

Of course, a man can be busy, but not for days or weeks on end. If during this time the young man still hasn’t found time for you, then he simply wasn’t looking for it. To eliminate doubts, just call him first.

It's all about you

Surely, it’s hard to imagine, but the reason may be not only the guy, but also you. Perhaps you are simply not interesting to communicate with or you cannot support many topics of conversation. This does not mean that you are not smart enough or not educated; it also happens that people do not have the same interests and there is nothing to talk about. Don’t beat yourself up too much, it’s better to think about it: maybe you’re just not on the same page with this guy?

And in this article you will find out what you can ask a man by correspondence.

You text him too often

If a man has a very busy work schedule, and literally every 10 minutes he receives messages on his phone and distracts him, he begins to get irritated. A person simply does not have the time or opportunity to answer. In this case, it is important to moderate your ardor, slow down and just wait until the guy has time and he gets in touch with you on his own.

You scare him away with your pressure

This reason is somewhat similar to the one described above. Almost no man likes it when a woman shows excessive initiative. There is a category of girls that cannot wait until a guy begins to show himself somehow and they try in every way to fill a man’s life. Guys, in turn, value their freedom and simply avoid such women. Don’t think that the more you show your initiative, the more he starts to like you. The situation will turn out exactly the opposite.

What to do if a guy doesn't write

You shouldn’t start sorting things out and making complaints about the fact that the guy doesn’t write to you. You cannot clearly express your concern about this. Stay calm. Try to switch to other things and not focus on the problem. After all, in addition to talking on the phone, there is also real life - work, study, family.

Men do not tolerate hysterical people. You can make it clear that you are concerned about the guy’s disappearance, but you need to do it unobtrusively. At the same time, you shouldn’t sit near the phone day or night waiting for it to call. It's better to try to intrigue the guy. When you receive the long-awaited SMS, simply do not respond for a long time, and show coldness in the text of the message. Male opinion

Got what I wanted from you and now he's just playing

But it all started so wonderfully - flowers, sweets, romantic dates, cute gifts. It all ended with a magnificent night of love with passionate kisses and loving hugs. When you said goodbye, you heard the standard “I’ll write.”

After this, the guy disappears, and you, often washing your face with tears, think about why everything happened exactly like that. If we consider the situation from a psychological point of view, there may be several reasons.

  1. The night of love passed ahead of schedule. Practice shows that intimacy at the first meeting cannot result in a full-fledged romantic relationship. The man simply regarded you as a frivolous and flighty person. We cannot rule out the fact that the guy can be a real seduction guru, which is why you surrendered to his charms. In this case, the guy himself initially understood that further relations would not work out.
  2. Sex did not bring pleasure to the man. A man may be disappointed in the night he spent, because his expectations were simply not met. Perhaps he himself was far from up to par. In this case, the guy experiences shame and dissatisfaction with himself. Of course, he won’t get in touch after this.
  3. The night was too hot. There are situations exactly the opposite of those described above. Sex with you was so stunning that completely different feelings awoke in the guy, and he didn’t plan to fall in love at all. Initially, he was confident that a minor flirtation between you would end in a night of love and you would calmly go about your business without mentioning each other again. Perhaps the man has recently experienced a romantic drama and plunging headlong into the pool is not part of his plans. A guy may not want emotional dependence.
  4. The man did not like you. Sex is not only physical pleasure, but a spiritual connection is also important, even for a man. After the night, the guy apparently realized that all your communication was only sexual attraction. Serious feelings never awoke in him. The result is consistent, he decides not to continue this communication.
  5. You tried too hard during intimacy. In intimacy, you can try to show everything you are capable of. You remember all the poses from books and scenes from films, vehemently demonstrating this to your partner. In this case, a man can appreciate such skills as the result of sexual experience with many partners. Even if before this he had thoughts about a long-term romance, now they will melt away without a trace.
  6. He simply achieved what he wanted. As sad as it may be, this reason is the most common. From the very beginning of the relationship, the guy had only one thought - to get you into bed as soon as possible. As soon as the goal has been achieved, he simply disappears from sight.

If after the first night a guy disappears for one of the reasons described above, you shouldn’t be upset and, even more so, blame yourself for everything. The situation would be sadder if more meetings happened and you managed to become attached to the person, and even worse, fall in love. It is worth forgetting about this character and moving on with your life as if nothing had happened at all.

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