How to make a guy kiss you, want you, really want you?

It happens. It happens. You walked without touching anyone. I reached a familiar intersection and looked at the traffic light. And he met your gaze. It turned out that he is your neighbor next door. And it's strange that you didn't know him. You really wanted to meet him and hook him up. It’s fashionable to put it this way.

As soon as I saw him once, my life turned upside down. You knew that this would happen if Amurchik’s arrow pierced your heart. But you were also worried about how your relationship would develop further, and whether it would develop at all. You didn't know anything about him. He only managed to say his name and how old he was. But you didn’t hear or listen to what he said. You flew away in thoughts about him even when he was close - close.

You didn’t think about how his name sounds, how old he is, who he lives with, and so on. You wanted to see him at least one more time. One little time... You even fell in love with the traffic light, near which you encountered fate. You saw him somehow by accident. You even said hello. If you want to be kissed by the guy you like (we're talking about him) - achieve success! Achieve, but don’t try to force. He himself should want to kiss you.

How to make a guy kiss you and really want to?

Keep the advice imbued with magic:

First magic: Look straight into his eyes. By the way, at the same time you can remember what color the guy has. He may ask if you remember him.

Second magic: Talk to him for a long time without opening your eyes. If the guy is not stupid, he will understand why you look at him that way when you communicate.

Magic third: Just know how to wait. Know that he likes you too, and he won’t keep you waiting long.

There is a method that often works, but it is not very good!

You can drink beer and champagne with him, which will do the trick. Do you need a drunken kiss? Good luck then!

The situation is your strong point!

If you can arrange the situation, you can fulfill all your dreams. The guy you fell in love with will not only kiss you! He will desire you like the most gorgeous girl in the world.

And... is this what you dream about?

Magic is reserved for this case too:

Kiss him yourself. Any guy will go crazy with your kiss! You know how great you are at kissing.

Invite him somewhere, dressing openly and sexy for this. Guys love this style of clothing!

Spray yourself with perfume containing pheromones. Many girls find this type of perfume helpful.

Practical advice

To make the kiss as pleasant as possible, memorable for the guy and cause a wave of goosebumps for both you and him, use the following recommendations.

  1. Don’t push too hard; take a leading position during the kiss. Let the guy choose the strength and duration of tactile contact on his own. You have already taken the initiative by kissing him first, then let him control the process and guide it.
  2. Tease and create interest. Men are hunters and they do not value easy prey. When kissing, pull back a little, do it with a smile so that he doesn’t think that you don’t like something. Alternate tenderness and passion so that your partner does not know what to expect from you next.
  3. Touches. The kiss itself involves close tactile contact, but you can enhance it by touching the young person in the process. Stroke his hair, back, chest. Do this softly and gently, further provoking him and inciting passion.

I also recommend that you read the psychologist’s advice on proper kissing:

How to make him want you?

The guy will want to kiss you (and not only kiss you), if you don’t forget, here’s what:

  • Guys love it when girls look after themselves

And guys quickly notice this and do not ignore it. They are even ready to buy everything to “decorate” these girls.

  • You need to know when to stop using cosmetics

She shouldn't overshadow you. You are the most beautiful. Believe in such words.

  • Being yourself is difficult, but important

Masks and pomposity are from a different “opera”. In short, this is not for you.

  • Beauty, you can't be intrusive!

Make him become an annoying fly. Then everything is in your hands!

  • Every guy loves inaccessibility and mystery

Turn on both so as not to lose.

You need to love yourself! Your reflection is the best reflection in mirrors. If you love yourself, others will love you too.

Preliminary preparation

How to prepare for your first kiss:

  1. Relax. Try not to worry about how to hint to a guy to kiss you. Most often, confidence is achieved when a girl is confident in her appearance. Work on your image and the anxiety will fade away.
  2. Moisturize your own lips. When thinking about how to provoke a man to kiss, you need to understand that this largely depends on the condition of your lips. After all, no one is attracted to tight, dry lips covered with crusts. The advice in this case is the same for both girls and guys - use hygienic lipstick or moisturizing balm.
  3. Resort to lip peeling. This procedure is known to many girls because it helps to cleanse and moisturize delicate skin, maintain elasticity, clear lines and beauty. Agree, after seeing your well-groomed lips, the guy will already be wondering how to hint to a girl for her first kiss.
  4. Remove bright lipstick from your lips. Or it will be in very small quantities. Don't forget that makeup for a date should be natural and gentle. Bright lips that leave marks on the partner’s clothes and body are completely inappropriate here.
  5. Freshen your breath. A kiss is a rather intimate thing that should not be overshadowed by anything. And any little thing can do this: bad breath, tartar, or even a piece of food stuck between the teeth. Since a toothbrush is not always at hand, you can use improvised means. These could be chewing gum, fruit, breath freshener sprays, mints, and herbal tea.

What can stop a guy from wanting to get involved with you?

  • Your irritability

There is no need to show that you can be restless. Leave it for tomorrow. Or - for the day after tomorrow.

  • Your character

It should be a little mysterious. Don't reveal all the cards at once.

  • Your impudence

Don't confuse it with self-confidence, okay? Arrogance is something that men really dislike.

  • Your flirtology

If you want to be with one guy, unlearn flirting with others. It's not that difficult! Worth a try...

  • Your touchiness

You should not show that you can be offended over trifles. Being touchy is not the best way to achieve what you want.

  • Your lack of insight

The point is this: you must feel when “that very moment” comes.

  • Your lack of initiative

Doesn't mean you have to do everything. Every guy needs to be pushed.

  • Your pride

Yes, this lady is not yours. Please put it off until another time. You will need it, but not here!

  • Your demonstrative self-confidence and desire for independence

She is very, very annoying.

  • Your bad character traits and his “pseudo-traits”

You cannot be aggressive, nervous, unrestrained, rude, vulgar.

What not to do?

  • Deep kiss. A girl who is too persistent seems to want to swallow her partner. Believe me, soft and leisurely kisses are much more pleasant.
  • Use your teeth. Especially on sensitive parts of the body. Light biting is very erotic, but stronger pressure can lead to injury. What kind of sex is this?
  • Try everything at once. All poses from the Kama Sutra and right now. Such an abundance of exoticism will not benefit your relationship. It is unlikely that you will be able to do everything correctly and have fun. Experiment in moderation, make your fantasies come true.
  • Rush. Leisurely preparation is always more exciting. And if you don’t ignore the main erogenous zones, your partner will be grateful. You don't have to go straight to the dick.
  • Fear newness. And so for ten years the same missionary position, because trying something new is scary. If your relationship has reached a certain level, ask your partner to talk about your fantasies and open up to him about your desires. And implement them gradually.
  • Games with food. Cream, honey and wine are wonderful. But as a rule, such caresses leave only an unpleasant stickiness and stains on the bed. But they don’t bring pleasure.

Life stories on the topic

The girl Katya told an interesting story about what she did to get the guy to pay attention to her.

She bought a short skirt and fishnet tights. I went to the hairdresser, did my makeup and hair... And I didn’t forget about the scent of perfume. In short – beauty. It was this kind of beauty that the one she had been thinking about for three years fell for. Follow her example. Luck and success will gladly turn to face you.

And the girl Masha said that she simply remained herself.

The guys were drawn to her themselves. And she didn't do anything special. So, the conclusion suggests itself: you need to try to be yourself!

A guy will kiss you, want you, when he falls in love truly and deeply - deeply. We hope that your love for your boyfriend is reciprocated. If there is love, there will be other joy.

So, first of all, try to make a guy fall in love with you. Then he will not leave you a single step. Be prepared for varying degrees and manifestations of jealousy. But you can withstand it too, if your goal is to attract him to you one hundred percent.

Be careful with manipulations

It is important to understand that it is impossible to grow strong love through manipulation; the foundation is too flimsy. You shouldn’t play hard to get, because a man may simply burn out.

If he, like a ram, strives to conquer you, most likely he just needs to conquer hard-to-reach peaks. Such men are not meant for long-term relationships. Today he conquered you, and tomorrow there will be a peak that is more inaccessible.

Don't be afraid to hint to your dream guy about your desires! After all, maybe he will become your favorite person for many years. It would be a shame to miss such a chance. You will learn how not to get confused at a crucial moment in the course “HIGH ALERT IN RELATIONSHIPS.”

What not to do?

  • Giving his dignity funny or humiliating nicknames. “Baby”, “worm”, “junior” - definitely on the black list.
  • Handle your penis carefully. Many men complain that their partner painfully squeezes, bites or pinches their penis, discouraging all desire for oral sex. This is not a manifestation of passion at all, but a complete fiasco. It also happens that a girl uses only her tongue, licking the head like ice cream. By itself, this type of caresses will not lead to orgasm. It can only be used as an addition.
  • Pay attention not only to the head of the penis. Yes, she is the most sensitive, but a man also has other erogenous zones.
  • Show enthusiasm. If only disgust or humility is written on your face, a man will notice it. There is no need to do favors, you yourself should enjoy the fact that your partner is feeling good.
  • Use saliva or lubricants. Dry friction only causes discomfort.

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Why doesn't a guy kiss first?

Every girl wants a guy to take the initiative and be the first to kiss her passionately. But expectations are not always met. There may be several explanations for indecisive behavior:

  • The guy has no strong feelings or passion. He only feels sympathy for the girl, but has not yet decided whether to go far in the relationship.
  • He had many disappointments in women, but this time he decided to take his time.
  • The man has extremely conservative views. Kisses and warm hugs are possible only closer to the wedding.
  • He deliberately teases his partner, intrigues and turns her on.
  • A man is introverted, phlegmatic, passivity and slowness are the main signs of his character.
  • I’m not sure that the chosen one wants a kiss, but she doesn’t understand the hints.
  • He is a romantic and plans to make the first kiss special. The girl needs to be patient.

Analyze your lover’s behavior, his character, his habits. Then the true reason for the “coldness” will become more obvious.

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