Abstract on the topic "The concept of pedagogical communication. Its structure. Requirements for the organization of pedagogical communication. Types of pedagogical communication"material

The concept of pedagogical communication

Definition 1
Pedagogical communication is professional communication carried out by a teacher with students (pupils) during the educational process and beyond.

The significance of pedagogical communication lies in the fact that it is aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate in the children's team, optimizing the pedagogical process, and establishing positive relationships between the teacher and children.

In its content, pedagogical communication is a multifaceted process of establishing and developing communication, interaction and mutual understanding between children and the teacher. The direction of this process depends on the purpose and content of joint activities.

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Within the framework of pedagogical communication, the following aspects are realized:

  • communicative, ensuring the exchange of information and facts between participants in communication;
  • interactive, aimed at organizing effective interaction between the teacher and children;
  • perceptual – focused on the perception of each other by the participants in the pedagogical process.

Note 1

Thus, pedagogical communication should be organized so as not to be a heavy burden for the teacher and children, but to proceed naturally and naturally.

Communication style and its types

Communication style
This is an established system of methods and techniques that a teacher uses when interacting.

The attitude towards the child determines the teacher’s organizational activity and determines the general style of his communication, which can be authoritarian, democratic and liberal.

The authoritarian style is characterized by dictatorship, which turns one of the participants in communicative interaction into a passive performer, suppressing his independence and initiative. An authoritarian teacher arbitrarily determines the direction of the group’s activities. This slows down initiative and suppresses students.

The main forms of interaction with this style of communication are orders, instructions, instructions, and reprimands.

Even gratitude for such circumstances sounds like a reproach: “You answered well today. I didn’t expect this from you.” And the reaction to students’ mistakes is often ridicule and harsh words. The teacher is intolerant of objections. All this creates an unfavorable psychological climate, suppresses initiative and responsibility, inhibits the formation of collectivist qualities, and develops insecurity in children.

The democratic style is based on deep respect, trust and orientation towards self-organization of self-government of the individual and the collective.

It is designed to convey the purpose of the activity to the consciousness of each student and attract everyone to active participation in joint activities. The main ways of interaction are encouragement, advice, information, coordination, which develop students’ self-confidence and initiative. With awareness of responsibility and increased interest, the ability to work consciously, independently and creatively develops, which ensures stable results and lays a reliable foundation for personal development.

With a liberal style, the teacher does not have a stable pedagogical position. She finds herself in a laissez faire, low level of upbringing requirements. A liberal teacher tries not to interfere in the life of the team, easily submitting to conflicting influences.

Pedagogical communication has its own style system, the features of which depend on the circumstances and individual characteristics of its participants. Communication based on capture of joint creative activity. The main thing is an active positive attitude towards students and love for the work.

Components of pedagogical communication

Pedagogical communication consists of the following components.

Cognitive component – ​​provides:

  • the teacher’s knowledge of general patterns, structure and features of communication;
  • knowledge of methods for studying interpersonal relationships and psychological and pedagogical requirements for the organization of pedagogical communication.

Regulatory component – ​​represented by:

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  • the ability to convey information and facts through communication methods and techniques;
  • the ability to organize effective relationships in a children's team, as well as in the process of joint activities with children;
  • the ability to understand and correctly assess the emotional state of a child in the process of communication;
  • the ability to pedagogically correctly and correctly influence a communication partner.

The affective component is an emotional state that is characterized by the relationships and experiences that arise between communication partners.

The spiritual component represents the totality of the intellectual abilities and spiritual state of the participants in communication. This component includes the spiritual understanding of the interlocutor, the manifestation of a sense of tact, the ability to support and, if necessary, give advice.

Communication in the activities of a teacher.


  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
  2. The role of communication in the educational process…………………………………………… 3
  3. Personal qualities of a teacher that are significant for productive communication…… 4
  4. Structures of communication and functions of pedagogical communication…………………… 4
  5. Stages of pedagogical communication………………………………………………………………………………5
  6. Techniques of pedagogical communication……………………………………………………… 7
  7. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

1. Introduction

Successful pedagogical communication is the basis for effective professional activity of a teacher. Communication with students for pedagogical purposes plays an important role in the socialization of the student and in his personal development. However, even experienced teachers encounter communication difficulties that complicate their teaching work, often causing an acute feeling of dissatisfaction, and sometimes doubts about their professional competence.

Pedagogical communication is the professional communication of a teacher with students in class or outside of it (in the process of teaching and education), which has certain pedagogical functions and is aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate, optimizing educational activities and relationships between the teacher and students within the student body.

In pedagogical communication, communicative (exchange of information between communicating), interactive (organization of interaction) and perceptive (perception of each other by communication partners and establishment of mutual understanding) sides are realized.

2. The role of communication in the educational process


- one of the most important factors in the mental and social development of a child. Only in contact with adults is it possible for children to assimilate the socio-historical experience of humanity and realize their innate ability to become representatives of the human race. Lack and limitation of communication slows down and impoverishes the child’s development. A significant amount of research has been devoted to the problem of pedagogical communication, the analysis of which reveals several aspects in its study. First of all, this is the determination of the structure and conditions for the formation of a teacher’s communication skills. In this aspect, methods of active social learning (ASL) have been developed: role-playing games, socio-psychological trainings, discussions, etc. With their help, teachers master methods of interaction and develop sociability. Another direction is the study of the problem of mutual understanding between teachers and students. They are significant due to the fact that contact is possible only in conditions of sufficiently complete mutual understanding between those communicating, the achievement of which requires the search for certain conditions and techniques. A special group of studies consists of those that study the norms implemented in pedagogical communication. First of all, this is research on the problem of pedagogical ethics and tact.

3. Personal qualities of a teacher that are significant for productive communication

  • Deep knowledge of the psychology of another person (his values, ideals, orientation, needs, interests, level of aspirations).
  • Social attitude towards a person (attraction).
  • Unconditional acceptance of the child is the principle of anticipatory respect.
  • Developed attentiveness, observation, memory, thinking, imagination.
  • Education in the emotional sphere: the ability to empathize and sympathize - readiness for empathy.
  • Self-knowledge and self-esteem: pedagogical reflection (promotes the ability to correctly tune in to another person, choose the appropriate way of behavior).
  • Communication skills - the ability to engage in communication, choose or create new methods of communication. Mastery of communication techniques.
  • Speech development.
  • Pedagogical intuition.

Structures of communication and functions of pedagogical communication
Structure of communication:

  1. The communicative component is the exchange of information between the subjects of communication.
  2. The interactive component is the general strategy of interaction: cooperation, cooperation and competition.
  3. Perceptual component - perception, learning. Understanding and evaluation by communication partners of each other.

Pedagogical communication is multifaceted. Each facet is determined by the context of the interaction. The general functions of communication are divided into: cognitive, which means explaining the world around us, intonating socially and personally significant aspects in knowable phenomena; emotive, which is the speaker’s attitude towards what is being communicated and the interlocutor; educational, purposefully forming the socially useful qualities of the student’s personality; facilitative, aimed at facilitating the student’s process of expressing himself, demonstrating what is positive in him; regulatory, encouraging the addressee to act, coordinate activities through communication; functions of self-actualization, which produces the process of actualizing one’s capabilities.

Pedagogical communication is, in its functions, contact and distance, informational, incentive, coordination, establishing relationships between all subjects of the educational process. Interest in the student’s success, a supportive, supportive atmosphere helps, facilitates communication, promotes self-actualization and further development of the student.

In general, the functions of pedagogical communication are determined by the goals of the teacher’s professional activity and types of communication, which can be superficial (like orders, various kinds of instructions, teachings, etc.) or deep (affects personal and semantic formations; mutual penetration of partners into the world of feelings and each other’s experiences; willingness to take the other side’s point of view). There are many situations when, for example, standardized, superficial and manipulative communication turns out to be optimal. Communication can be role-based (business) and interpersonal (free). Various types of professional pedagogical communication (communication between a teacher and students, with other teachers, with a school principal, with a methodologist) differ both in the tasks that the teacher sets and in the ways in which he solves them. A teacher’s mastery of different types of communication ensures optimal professional behavior.

Optimal pedagogical communication is such communication between a teacher and schoolchildren that creates the best conditions for the development of student motivation and the creative nature of educational activities, for the correct formation of the student’s personality. Such communication provides a favorable emotional climate, management of socio-psychological processes in the children's team and allows the teacher to make maximum use of his own personal characteristics. In this case, the teacher’s personality becomes the main instrument for carrying out teaching activities.

5. Stages of pedagogical communication.

Stages of pedagogical communication include:

1) Predictive stage: modeling by the teacher of communication with the group, the flow in the process of preparing for teaching activity.

2) Initial period of communication: organizing direct communication with the audience or group.

3) Management of communication in the developing pedagogical process.

4) Analysis of the implemented communication system and modeling of communication in future activities.

Let us consider the content and procedural features of the identified creative stages of communication.

First stage.

In the process of modeling communication, planning of the communicative structure of future activities is carried out, respectively:

a) pedagogical goals and objectives;

b) the general pedagogical and moral-psychological situation in the classroom;

c) the creative individuality of the teacher himself;

d) individual characteristics of students;

e) the proposed system of training and education methods.

All this taken together represents an advanced stage of pedagogical communication. This stage needs to be carefully thought through. The methodological and content structure of classes should influence the emergence of emotional unity and the creation of an atmosphere of communication. Second phase.

This is the initial period of communication, the organization of direct interaction with the audience, the beginning of contact, which largely determines the success of the further development of the content and socio-psychological aspect of teaching activity. The most important elements of this stage are: a) specification of the planned model of communication, b) clarification of the conditions and structure of the upcoming communication, c) implementation of the initial stage of direct communication.

The teacher must clarify from the first moments the general mood of the audience and the possibilities of work using the work methods chosen at the preliminary stage.

The teacher acts as the initiator of communication: success depends on how he organizes the transition from the pre-communicative situation to the situation of direct pedagogical communication. Will he be able to tune in to the audience, create an aura of attractiveness, and feel the invisible fluids of emotional unity? Cognitive search in the classroom is managed through a properly planned and organized communication system.

Third stage.

Management of the developing pedagogical process. The teaching method and communication system must be adequate. Only then will the joint work of the teacher and students be effective.

Fourth stage.

The teacher analyzes the communication system he used, clarifies possible options for organizing communication in a given team, analyzes the content of the lesson and thereby predicts upcoming communication with the audience. At the fourth stage, the communication cycle ends and the transition to the first stage takes place.

6. Techniques of pedagogical communication

Teachers' requests to psychologists are varied precisely in the prescription direction: how to work with difficult ones, how to maintain discipline, how to prevent quarrels between students. If a psychologist begins to theorize about a teacher’s request, then interest in his lengthy discussions about “non-specific motivation” and “indirect activation of educational activity” quickly fades. The point is not that the psychologist’s “bird language” is poorly understood, but that the teacher “asks for a shovel, but he himself will figure out where to dig.” It’s not difficult to understand the teacher: “there’s no time to think, you have to work.”

The technique of pedagogical communication is a set of skills, abilities, and techniques that allow you to manage the pedagogical process. This usually includes two groups of components.

The first group is associated with the teacher’s ability to manage his behavior (speech, facial expressions, pantomime, expression of his emotions, attention, observation, etc.). The second is with the ability to influence the individual and the team. Here, in essence, we mean the technology of pedagogical activity (the ability to make demands, organize and adjust the pedagogical process).

Psychology has a description of many communication techniques. These include the following blocks: 1. Treatment: hard-severe-neutral-gentle; rational-comic – (intentionally) absurd. 2. Degree of causality: ignoring etiquette - correctness (precisely marked etiquette) - courtesy (etiquette + desire to please a partner) - discretion (decency + modesty) - delicacy (very subtly marked etiquette + emphasized respect for another person) - tact (creative use of etiquette , refusal from it if necessary). 3. Style of behavior: strictly formal-business-informal-familiar-refined-simple. 4. Expression of feelings: exaggerated-free-restrained-inhibited. 5. Speech: a) diction: cutesy-correct-free-vulgar; b) dialogization: asymmetry in favor of the partner (he is given the opportunity to speak much more) – symmetry (both speak the same way) – asymmetry in favor of the subject (the partner is forced to listen mainly; c) gestures: desperate-impetuous-moderate-absent; d) language: scientific – literary – professional-folk-vulgar-dialect; e) style of speech: protocol-stamped – “everyday” – laconic-pathetic-rhetorical-poetic (figurative).

The teacher is then free in his pedagogical communication when he has a choice between the various techniques considered. The more they are developed and automated, the more flexible, and therefore adequate, his pedagogical communication and professional activity as a whole will be.

Nevertheless, in pedagogical activity, communication causes certain difficulties, associated primarily with the teacher’s ignorance of the structure and laws of pedagogical communication, with the fact that his communicative culture is not fully developed. He does not adequately master communication as a professional tool for his activities.

One of the elements in the organization of holistic pedagogical communication is the teacher’s gaining initiative in the lesson as a means of optimizing the management of educational and cognitive activities.8) Here we can recommend the following to the teacher: 1) prompt organization of initial contact with the class; 2) operational transition from organizational procedures (greeting, seating, etc.) to business and personal communication; 3) preventing the occurrence of “downtime” between the organizational and substantive aspects of the beginning of interaction; 4) operational achievement of socio-psychological unity with the class, the formation of a sense of “we”; 5) setting educational tasks and problematic issues that, at the initial moment of interaction, are able to mobilize the team; 6) reducing the number of prohibitive pedagogical requirements and expanding positively oriented pedagogical influences; 7) ensuring an external communicative appearance: neatness, smartness, composure, activity, friendliness, charm; adequate implementation of speech and non-speech means of interaction, active inclusion of facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, etc.; 9) expression of one’s own disposition towards children, goodwill and openness; 10) formulating bright, attractive goals and stimulating the search for ways to achieve them; 11) demonstration of understanding of the situational internal mood of students, taking it into account; 12) achieving and maintaining contact in communication, establishing situational mutual understanding, which forms in students the need to interact with the teacher.

The implementation of the noted recommendations will allow the teacher to avoid incongruent communication in his activities, which is characterized by the fact that the messages carried out by a person with the help of his body and his tone of voice do not coincide with verbal information. Incongruent communication is a signal that this person has more than one pattern of behavior and that these patterns are in conflict with each other. Typically, in the case of incongruent communication, a person acts at the wrong time, at the wrong moment and chaotically, while in the context of congruent communication, the teacher acts at the right moment, creatively, completely in accordance with the prevailing circumstances and with his professional goals.

People who focus their attention on content rather than process are much more susceptible to incongruity. Congruent communication is characterized by the fact that all messages that a person makes in various ways (verbal and non-verbal) coincide in essence. They complement each other, do not change their content depending on the method of message and provide effective pedagogical communication.

7. Conclusion

Pedagogical communication is the professional communication of a teacher with students in and outside the lesson, which has certain pedagogical functions and is aimed at creating a psychological climate for educational activities and relationships between the teacher and students and within the student body. His success determines success in training and education.

The following communication styles have been identified:

·communication based on passion for joint creative activities,

·communication based on friendship,

· communication - distance,

communication - intimidation,

· communication flirting.

We have identified the following stages of pedagogical communication:

1. Modeling by the teacher of upcoming communication with the class (prognostic stage).

2.Organization of direct communication at the moment of initial interaction (communication attack).

.Communication management during the pedagogical process.

.Analysis of the implemented communication system and its modeling for future activities.

Pedagogical communication should be personally developing, emotionally comfortable and solve the following tasks:

1.interchange of information between the teacher and students;

2. mutual understanding, the ability to look at oneself through the eyes of a communication partner;

.mobilization of the reserves of communication participants, identifying the strongest and brightest qualities of students and teachers;

.interaction and organization of joint activities;

.reasonable, pedagogically appropriate self-presentation of the personality of the teacher and students;

6.mutual satisfaction of communication participants.

Effective pedagogical communication is always aimed at the formation of a positive “I-concept” of the individual, at developing the student’s self-confidence, in their abilities, in their potential. A positive attitude towards the student’s personality and a system of encouragement techniques are an important aspect of pedagogical communication. However, reward itself can be either effective or ineffective.

A productively organized process of pedagogical communication is designed to ensure real psychological contact in pedagogical activities, which should arise between the teacher and children, turn them into subjects of communication, help overcome various psychological barriers that arise in the process of interaction, transfer children from their usual position of followers to a position of cooperation and turn them into subjects of pedagogical creativity. In this case, pedagogical communication forms an integral socio-psychological structure of pedagogical activity.

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