Non-standard questions for a guy that he will definitely like

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

Tired of talking alone all the time and want to know more about your interlocutor? What questions are best to ask in order to dispel boredom in communication, get a man to talk, and express clear interest in him? What to ask a guy if nothing exciting, unusual or diverse comes to mind? The topics in this article will get rid of such problems, show listening skills, increase confidence and allow you to spend time with benefit and interest.

Character traits and habits.

  1. What qualities do you consider truly masculine? Do you think you have them?
  2. How hot-tempered are you? Do you get angry easily? Can your beloved girl somehow calm you down and help you morally?
  3. Do you live according to a strict schedule or do you prefer to act according to the situation, so that your days sometimes pass completely unexpectedly?
  4. If you are unlucky in some business for a long time, and at the beginning there are more obstacles than real rewards, will you switch to something else or continue to move in the given direction?
  5. Do you have character traits that bother you and would you like to get rid of them?
  6. How often do you miss the thrill and adrenaline in your blood? What do you do at such moments?
  7. Do you usually make decisions quickly, can you deal with several things at once, or do you prefer to think things through first and do everything gradually?
  8. What qualities make you fall in love and are clearly worth respecting?
  9. Are you more of an eloquent romantic or a guy who is stingy with compliments, but strives to prove his feelings with actions?
  10. Are you more comfortable communicating in a noisy, cheerful company or alone with those closest to you?

Take it to the next level: 33 questions for your beloved guy

And if your communication has already gone beyond correspondence, but has not yet reached the stage of a relationship, we recommend that you take a closer look at the guy and only then dive into the boundless waters of love. Relationships are not a case where “the main thing is to get into a fight and then we’ll see.” You need to watch it first, so that later it will not be excruciatingly painful for the years spent aimlessly.

Ask provocative questions from the list below in the same spirit - casually and casually. It can be done “by the way” or after sex. The main thing is that he is relaxed and your questions are “random.”

  1. In your opinion, in what cases can a person be deceived?
  2. Is it possible to lie if the truth cannot be known?
  3. They say that washing often is bad for the skin, what do you think about this?
  4. If you became invisible for a whole day, what would you do?
  5. If there is a fire in the house, what item would you take out first?
  6. Should the family have a common budget, or does everyone have their own cash register?
  7. If you have an unlimited amount of money, how would you spend it?
  8. If you could live anywhere, what would it be?
  9. In what cases is it acceptable to access a smartphone without asking?
  10. What should come first - family, work or friends?
  11. Should a person work at a job he doesn't like?
  12. Can you point out to a girl her shortcomings?
  13. What is the purpose of a woman?
  14. Is there a difference between a man and a woman?
  15. What really annoys you about girls?
  16. What feminine qualities do you value most?
  17. What masculine qualities do you respect most of all?
  18. Who should make decisions - a woman or a man?
  19. Who and what would you take to a desert island?
  20. What would you like to change about me and yourself?
  21. What can destroy a relationship or marriage?
  22. Do you think selfless relationships exist?
  23. What does a perfect day off look like in your opinion?
  24. What are the three best ways to lift your spirits when you're not in the mood?
  25. If you had the opportunity to not work, what would you do?
  26. Can you admit your mistakes or are you always right?
  27. Do you speak up if something doesn’t suit you, or do you keep silent?
  28. If sex between people ends, what remains?
  29. When is physical cheating acceptable?
  30. Do you really need to try everything in life?
  31. Are you ready to change your lifestyle in favor of relationships?
  32. What under no circumstances can you accept and forgive?
  33. Are men really polygamous by nature?

Again, the key is interpretation. Because if a guy happily nods, “Yes, they say, polygamy is ordered for a man by nature, but you can’t trample against nature,” think for yourself whether you are ready to put up with this order of things.

Hobbies and interests.

  1. What usually motivates you to take difficult actions and improve your life?
  2. What would you do at home if your electricity was cut off and your phone was dead?
  3. If you could do just one hobby for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
  4. Do you find it easy to get carried away by new things or do you prefer to deepen your interest in old ones?
  5. If you became a scientist, what field would you prefer to work/study in?
  6. What specialty would you choose for your (second) higher education?
  7. Do you want your girlfriend to share your hobbies? Which ones exactly and to what extent?
  8. Do you have slightly controversial hobbies? For example, riding motorcycles and doing crossword puzzles, or writing poetry and doing weightlifting?
  9. Do you think you have hidden talents? In what area of ​​interest?
  10. In which of your hobbies could you achieve the greatest heights or universal recognition?

Take the test: Does he like me?

List of vulgar questions

  • Are you satisfied with the size of your reproductive organ? Do you know how to skillfully wield it?
  • Is it difficult to act as the main character in a porn film?
  • Do you practice self-pleasure? How often? Does it completely replace sexual contact?
  • Have you ever used the services of corrupt women to satisfy your lust?
  • Do you know how to give a woman pleasure through oral sex?
  • Does blowjob give you complete satisfaction?
  • How many sexual positions do you practice? Are you continuing to expand your knowledge?
  • Do you want to have group sex?
  • In sexual terms, do you practice games of slave and master with the use of violence?
  • Do you like to watch intimate processes from the outside? Do you want someone to watch how you satisfy your needs?
  • What kind of girls arouse your lustful attraction: athletically built, plump donuts, fragile skinny ones?
  • If your loved one slept with another woman, would you consider it cheating?
  • Do you have experience of group sex?
  • Do you use personal protective equipment every time you have sexual contact?
  • What do you do if you get an erection in a crowded place?
  • Do you have a habit of naming your reproductive organ in a special way?
  • Are you sure you can bring a woman to orgasm?


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  1. Do you think your superiors evaluate you fairly and rightly? What does this mean?
  2. Could you imagine 10 years ago that you would work in this field?
  3. Why do you love and value your work, and what aspects would you like to change for the better?
  4. Do you think I would do a good job with your work responsibilities? Why is this so?
  5. Do you prefer to work in a team, lead people, or shine as a solo artist?
  6. Can you imagine yourself in the same profession in 20-30 years? What will change?
  7. Would you like your (future) children to follow in your footsteps and choose the same career?
  8. Do you work in a highly competitive industry? Does it bother you or, on the contrary, cause excitement and motivate you?
  9. What do you value most in your work - level of earnings, career growth, stability or a friendly team and understanding management?
  10. Did/do you have any ideas to improve the work and productivity of your company that you would like to propose to your superiors?

Interesting to get a guy interested

  • How do you like the latest events in your (our) city?
  • What do you not accept in a relationship?
  • What musical genres, trends and styles do you prefer?
  • I am an open person, ready for dialogue. Would you like to know more about me?
  • Do you keep up with new technologies that are developing by leaps and bounds? What gadgets have you mastered?
  • Are you interested in computer games? Do you dive deep into them? What is more impressive: reality or virtual life?
  • What is it about you that you can rightfully be proud of?
  • Do you trust psychological tests? Will you pass one of them?
  • Do you think that intuition helps you overcome many problems?
  • Don't you dream of a new exciting, sensually charming relationship?
  • Have I dreamed about you all my life, or is it just me imagining it?
  • Are you into big sports? Which athlete (team) do you support?
  • Do you accept your friends as they are, and try to change them to please yourself?
  • There is a lot of interesting things in life, but why are we so little interested in it?
  • What question will stump you? Will you try to find an honest answer to this?
  • Why, if there is strength, then there is no need for intelligence?
  • Do you like to prank people? How do you react when you are played?
  • Do you consider yourself a role model?
  • Have you made enemies? The reason for their appearance?
  • Do you want an invisibility hat? What will you do if she appears?

Goals for the future.

  1. Who and in what conditions do you want to be in 5-10 years? How do you want to achieve this?
  2. How do you feel about different types of marriage, which one would you choose for yourself? By what criteria will you choose your future wife?
  3. Where do you plan to live your whole life? Should it be a specific city or any locality that meets your requirements? By the way, which ones exactly?
  4. What skill or character trait would you like to acquire in the near future?
  5. Do you think your current priorities will change over time or will generally remain the same?
  6. How often and how exactly do you plan to help your parents when they retire/in a few years?
  7. What could make you completely reconsider your goals and choose a completely different path for the development of events?
  8. What would you do if you suddenly lost your job? How much would that change your plans?
  9. In how much time, in the absence of serious obstacles, would you be able to achieve an ideal life, the ultimate of your dreams?
  10. What place will your future children and wife, and your personal life in general, have in your life?

Let's get to know each other: 33 questions for a pen pal

Dating sites are the best thing that modern times have invented for the lonely and suffering.
You may ask, what about social networks? No one belittles the merits of VK or Facebook. Indeed, Masha sometimes meets her Sasha in the most unexpected places - for example, in a group for the protection of rare hamsters. And yet, the chances of meeting a guy on a dating site are much higher than on social networks, at work or on the street. Suppose you met and there was a healthy desire to learn more about each other. This is fine. The information in the questionnaire, as a rule, does not satisfy even modest curiosity, not to mention the immodest curiosity of women. How can you find out if you don't ask? In correspondence - no way. So ask.

  1. Are you doing what you like?
  2. What do you particularly like about your job?
  3. What personal achievement are you proud of?
  4. How do you most often spend your weekends?
  5. Where are you planning to spend your holiday?
  6. What foreign language do you speak?
  7. What does your mood depend on?
  8. How do you cope with stress?
  9. How do you prefer to relax?
  10. What is a perfect day in your opinion?
  11. How do you feel about such a trend as healthy lifestyle?
  12. Tell us about your gastronomic preferences.
  13. Is there something you depend on?
  14. Are you planning for the future?
  15. Is everything predetermined or in our hands?
  16. What do you value most in a girl?
  17. The ideal girl - what is she like?
  18. Qualities that annoy girls?
  19. Do you like emancipated women?
  20. Is it possible to change a person or is it an empty idea?
  21. Name 5 qualities that characterize you.
  22. Describe yourself in a few, two or three, phrases.
  23. Which literary/film character are you like?
  24. Tell us about the most vivid impression from your childhood.
  25. How are you different from other guys?
  26. Tell me about your closest friend.
  27. What can ruin a relationship?
  28. Is cheating the end of a relationship?
  29. What is an ideal relationship?
  30. How long do you think love lasts?
  31. Do you need to work on relationships?
  32. How do you feel about male polygamy?
  33. Who should have the last word?

And remember that this is half the battle. The answers need not just be politely listened to, but interpreted and thoughtful conclusions drawn. Otherwise, why ask?


  1. How many friends do you have? How often do you spend time with them? Where did you meet?
  2. Can you trust your friends with almost everything, or do you still have secrets, taboo topics that you would not discuss with them?
  3. How much do your friends know about your personal life? Do you share details of your relationship with them? Which ones?
  4. Have there been situations in your life when you realized that your friends were truly the best?
  5. Do you and your friends have any special tricks, like an unusual handshake or common phrases that only you understand?
  6. Do you think your friends would like me? Would you actually introduce me to them?
  7. How do you and your friends usually cheer each other up when something bad happens to one of you?
  8. How do you most often spend time with friends? Are there any places where you all often get together?
  9. Would you try to keep in touch with your friends if you had to move to another city or even country?
  10. Is it easy for you to make new friends or is it a rather difficult, long journey for you?

How not to brush off everything they tell you about a past relationship

He started talking about our relationship. Mark stuck to the usual cliché: blaming it all on poor communication skills. I listened, and then politely explained that it was not about him or us, but solely about my mistakes, which could teach me something. And that's when it got interesting.

“I understand... I don’t know if you’re still the same, probably not, but you’re very stubborn.” Very stubborn and too straightforward. No, that's not bad, but you lack sensitivity. And gentleness is important for me, because I like to talk about feelings and emotions.

It seemed like I was listening attentively, but in reality it took a lot of effort for me to bite my tongue. Is he the one who likes to talk about feelings?! How can a guy say this when he suddenly stopped answering my messages and calls without any explanation?! But on the other hand, perhaps he did not talk about his feelings because he considered me incapable of supporting such a conversation. Damn it!

“I don’t think we ever talked about our feelings for each other.” Yes, I knew that you loved me, and you knew that I loved you, but have we even said it once in five years? I felt like I couldn't share my feelings with you. Maybe I was wrong, but it always seemed to me that you were hanging out with some other guys. And yet...” He paused for a minute. - Sometimes you were a big waste...

I nodded. He was absolutely right. First of all, I always kept in touch with other guys in case Mark decided to cut off the symbolic legs of my love and break my heart. But it turns out that in trying to protect myself, I created a self-fulfilling prophecy. Damn, damn, damn!

Secondly, I didn’t even argue with his statement about my carelessness. Those who know me well know that grooming is not my strong point. Those who love me are lenient about this.

Don't get me wrong: I've learned to play by the rules. I have soap and shampoo for every part of my body. I always have deodorant in my car. I got laser hair removal and even learned to love doing laundry in the name of love play. But I did all this consciously; it was not natural for me. And romantic partners had to understand that while I could be sweet and charming, sometimes I needed to relax and not worry about my image.


  1. Would you agree to create the same family that your parents had or would you like to change something?
  2. Do you think that a family becomes one from the moment partners come together, get married or have children?
  3. How much do you share with your parents the details of your life? Do you prefer to solve problems in silence or still share your experiences with them and ask for advice?
  4. What should a girl be like for you to want to start a family with her?
  5. Do you believe that people can live their whole lives together and not cheat on each other at all?
  6. What should be the decisive factor for starting a family - love, the ability to get along without any problems, or benefit (not only financial)?
  7. When does the moment come for you that you clearly realize - it’s time to introduce your chosen one to your parents?
  8. What roles and responsibilities do you think different family members have?
  9. If you had all the necessary external conditions to create your family, would you build it now or do you need more time?
  10. Which parent are you most like and in what way?

Take the love test

About love and relationships

  • Do you want to change something in our relationship?
  • Do you consider me the closest person?
  • If your friends don't like me, will it affect our relationship?
  • Can you sacrifice yourself for me?
  • How do you feel about cheating? Can you forgive this fact?
  • What's the stupidest thing you'll do for me?
  • If we lived in the 19th century, would you defend your girlfriend's honor in a duel?
  • Is our acquaintance the best event in your life?
  • Let me make you fall in love with me?
  • They say I am a passionate person, are you convinced of this?
  • If I get offended and remain silent, will you try to find out the reason?
  • Do you see me as the mother of your children?
  • Don't you see any flaws in me or do you close your eyes to them?
  • Are you worth all my advantages?

Stories from the past.

  1. Have you ever been in a fight? For what reason?
  2. Can you tell me a couple of funny things that happened to you and your friends?
  3. Do you have a favorite photo? What does it depict and when was it made?
  4. Have mystical or almost inexplicable situations ever happened to you?
  5. What's the weirdest/funny/brave/daring thing you've ever done?
  6. What period of your life do you consider the happiest or favorite?
  7. Did you have a favorite toy as a child? Did you let anyone play with her?
  8. How often do you think about the past, about how you could have done something differently?
  9. Do you remember the time when you were most proud of yourself? What kind of situation was this?
  10. Is there anything you would like to say to people from your past - ex-girlfriends, old friends you no longer keep in touch with, teachers?

Questions about the past

Something else you can talk about with your ex-boyfriend or husband is to ask about your past together. This is especially true if you want to start a relationship with your ex after a breakup:

  1. Who suggested we meet?
  2. This time last year, where were we?
  3. What did we do in the morning every day?
  4. The thing I find interesting about you?
  5. Do you remember what I gave you on our second date?
  6. Do you remember our anniversary?
  7. What song have I always sung for you?
  8. How did you calm me down when I was upset?
  9. When did we kiss for the first time?
  10. What nickname did I give you?
  11. What did we eat on our first date?
  12. What films did we like to watch together?
  13. What code word did we use?
  14. What dish did I cook for you for the first time?
  15. One incident that will stay with you forever.
  16. Have you saved any photos of me on your mobile?

Relationships in couples.

  1. What feature of my character could provoke you into conflict with me?
  2. What could I not like about you specifically? Would you like to change this?
  3. What principles would you never compromise in a relationship with a girl?
  4. What disadvantages of your chosen one could you accept without any problems?
  5. What do you expect from a relationship? Why do you need them in principle?
  6. Are you very jealous? Would it be a problem for you if your girlfriend communicates with colleagues or just male acquaintances?
  7. Would you let a girl have fun in company without you? Or would he necessarily accompany her?
  8. What actions or character traits would make you want to end a relationship right away?
  9. Are you ready to help a girl with household chores, provided that she also works? And if not?
  10. Is it more interesting and enjoyable for you to spend time with your partner in an intimate home environment or somewhere outside the home?

And one question to ask... yourself

It is useful to ask questions. Especially to myself. It sobers you up and helps you move through life in the right direction. Perhaps the main question you need to ask yourself when registering on a dating site is “What do I really want?” Exactly – “I”. If we discard everything that is dictated by the spirit of the times and the opinions of close and not so close people - what do you want?

These real desires of ours can be very different - big, small, funny, serious, strange and banal. Whatever they are, hear them and act based on it. And be prepared for an honest answer to the question “What do I really want?” can radically change your life.

Flirting and light eroticism.

  1. What should a girl wear for you to think she's sexy?
  2. If I didn't know how to kiss at all, how would you teach me?
  3. What habit, character trait or phrase of a woman can turn you on?
  4. How would you feel if you knew that I was embarrassed or nervous in your presence?
  5. Have you ever had thoughts about me that you didn’t tell me about because you thought they were too vulgar or impudent?
  6. By type of perception, are you visual, auditory, or do you have to touch everything?
  7. Would you like me to take the initiative more often or completely give control of the situation to your strong male hands?
  8. What phrase would you like to hear from your girlfriend after sex?
  9. If I told you that your voice becomes even sexier when you speak softly, would you talk like that more often?
  10. Does the fact that you play sports/work out in the gym help you in any way in bed?

Good questions for correspondence in VK

Give the guy you like the page a few likes. Psychologists claim that any encouragement acts as a “stroking.”

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Try to find out the topics that interest him in order to inspire trust on his part.

  • I'm having a good day today, how was yours?
  • I’m in a great mood, can you please me with the same answer?
  • What are your plans for tomorrow?
  • Judging by the photos on the page, you love the group (fishing, museum, film). I'm crazy about it too. Shall we exchange impressions?
  • Please send me the track... I don’t want to search on the Internet.
  • I love this time of year, and what emotions does it evoke in you?
  • How do you spend your evenings after work (study)?
  • Are you easily surprised or shocked, does this not require global changes?
  • The mood is terrible! I want new emotions! Do you have such conditions?
  • Would you like to chat with an interesting person?
  • What will you do if aliens suddenly arrive?
  • Have you ever turned friends into enemies, or turned enemies into friends?
  • Do you consider yourself an adult? Will you take custody of me?
  • Have you ever been in deadly situations?
  • If men rule the world, then what do women rule?

On an intimate topic

  • Do you freely discuss intimate topics or is something embarrassing?
  • Which part of a girl's body attracts you most and why?
  • What things do you allow in sex, and what do you absolutely not accept?
  • Will you tell us about your erotic fantasies? Do you want to bring them to life with me?
  • Do you get excited easily?
  • What does a girl need to do to make you lustful?
  • Do you like to dominate in sex or do you prefer your partner to do it?
  • What is more important to you in a relationship: emotional or intimate intimacy?
  • What was your first intimate contact based on: strong feelings, emotions, or basic lust?
  • Did you enjoy your first sexual encounter?
  • What position do you prefer when having sex?
  • Do you like using toys from a sex shop?
  • How do you feel about role-playing games?
  • Do you practice a variety of positions when having sex?
  • Can you tell us about your erogenous zone?
  • When did you first realize you wanted to have sex?
  • What is your most sophisticated sexual fantasy?
  • Have you had a bad sexual experience?
  • Do you allow the use of any erotic fantasies in family life?
  • Why do the stronger sex often insist on sexual experiments that women do not like?

Questions for your boyfriend

  • Do you enjoy talking about love?
  • What are you willing to do for your beloved?
  • How can I prove my love for you?
  • A reason that could push you to end our relationship?
  • How strong are your feelings for me?
  • Can you prove your love to me every day?
  • How do you feel about monogamy? Can you love me throughout your life?
  • If you and I have a fight, who should apologize first?
  • Are you considering me as a potential wife?
  • Do your plans include a large family? How many children would you like to be the father of?
  • A loving person does not have enough life to show his love fully, don’t you agree?
  • We will never become old for each other if we love deeply, don’t you agree?
  • Is it a tragedy when a person stops loving?
  • Is your love for me genuine?
  • Are you ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your loved one?
  • Are you afraid of losing me?
  • Do you consider me your happiness, created only for you?
  • If an opponent comes your way, will you fight for me?

Tricky ones to understand him better

  • Do you love capricious, spoiled children?
  • Do you like surprises, especially ones you couldn't even imagine?
  • If I agreed to fulfill any wish, what would I ask for?
  • Would you agree to meet me if it meant walking through a dark forest all night?
  • Can you love a person without having sexual contact with him?
  • Do you like modest girls or liberated ones, why?
  • Will you do whatever I ask in bed?
  • How do you feel about the candy-bouquet period? Should a romantic relationship begin with him or go straight to an intimate plane?
  • If a complete stranger asks you to have sex, how will you react to such behavior?
  • Will you forgive your friend when your beloved sleeps with him?
  • If you have a child, who will change diapers and get up to him at night?
  • Do you agree to have virtual sex right now?
  • Would you like to see if my mom likes you?
  • Do you think that a woman's place is only in the kitchen?
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