Causes and symptoms of multiple sclerosis

First signs

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis depend on which parts of the nervous system are most affected, and the manifestations of the disease differ at different stages of the pathological process. Destruction of the myelin layer leads to disruption of the conductivity of nerve fibers, against the background of which motor, mental, sensory disorders occur, and the psyche suffers.

The first symptoms of multiple sclerosis in women and men often occur as a single disorder that resolves within 3-5 weeks. For example, the facial nerve becomes inflamed or a sensory disturbance appears, weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, and the gait becomes unsteady.

The first signs of multiple sclerosis in men and women most often appear:

  • double vision, blurred vision;
  • weakness and tingling in the limbs;
  • impaired coordination of movements, loss of balance;
  • numbness of certain parts of the body;
  • impaired thinking and memory.

As the pathology progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced and are joined by other signs of the disease. Most often, multiple sclerosis makes itself felt with the following manifestations:

  • a feeling of tingling, numbness, burning in different parts of the body;
  • involuntary bowel and bladder emptying;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • severe fatigue;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • decreased ability to remember;
  • emotional instability with frequent depressive episodes;
  • deterioration of speech;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • body pain;
  • paresis of the facial nerve.

At the initial stage, attacks of multiple sclerosis last from 2-3 days to several months, after which a period of improvement begins. But over time, the disease increasingly makes itself felt with sudden attacks that are more severe and longer.

Young but absent-minded. What is multiple sclerosis

Among the diseases whose causes remain not fully understood today, multiple sclerosis occupies a special place. We are talking about it with Irina Sergeevna Ignatieva, a neurologist at the Expert Clinic Smolensk.

— Irina Sergeevna, according to ordinary people, multiple sclerosis is manifested by forgetfulness and absent-mindedness and occurs in elderly people over 60 years of age. Tell us, what kind of disease is this and at what age can it occur?

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic progressive pathology of the central nervous system. It is based on an autoimmune process that destroys the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber in the brain or spinal cord. In other words, the immune system begins to perceive the body’s own nervous tissue as foreign and attacks it.

Where myelin is damaged, a compaction of connective tissue forms and the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted.

In multiple sclerosis, the immune system begins to perceive the body's own nervous tissue (namely, the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber) as foreign and attacks it.

The opinion you gave at the beginning of the question is not true. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that most often affects young people (from 18 to 45 years old).

— Can children have multiple sclerosis?

It's rare, but it's possible. For example, cases of multiple sclerosis in 12-15 year old adolescents have been described. The onset of the disease in children is 1.2-6% of cases.

— Due to the variety of symptoms that manifest multiple sclerosis, this disease is often called the “great pretender” or “chameleon.” What complaints from patients should you be especially attentive to in order not to miss the onset of multiple sclerosis?

The clinical picture is very diverse. The most common signs:

- weakness in an arm or leg;

- weakness of the facial muscles, mainly on one side;

- coordination disorder;

- dizziness;

- change in speech;

- dysfunction of the pelvic organs (delay, and later - incontinence of feces and urine);

- visual impairment (decreased visual acuity, double vision).

— What specialty should you consult with a doctor if you suspect multiple sclerosis?

To a neurologist. It may also be that at the beginning of the disease a person will turn to another specialist - for example, an ophthalmologist (due to deteriorating vision). However, this doctor will also refer the patient to a neurologist to rule out or confirm the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

— How is multiple sclerosis diagnosed? What examinations, in addition to examining and assessing the patient’s neurological status, will the doctor need to ensure that there is no doubt about the correctness of the diagnosis?

The most informative is a contrast-enhanced MRI of the brain. A study of the cerebrospinal fluid is also performed: it evaluates the level of oligoclonal immunoglobulins class G.

Read the material on the topic: Why undergo an MRI of the brain when nothing hurts?

According to indications, electroencephalography (EEG) can be performed - in particular, a study such as evoked potentials of the brain. Their essence: as a result of repeated repetition of certain stimuli, the doctor receives information from various structures of the nervous system.

More information about electroencephalography can be found here

— Why is this disease more common in women? What is this connected with?

The issue is under study. Perhaps this is due to hormonal characteristics. It is worth noting that among female patients, women of the Caucasian race predominate - fair-haired, light-eyed.

— Who is to blame for the development of this disease? Tell us about the trigger factors for multiple sclerosis

Despite the fact that this disease has been studied for many decades, the specific causes of multiple sclerosis in both men and women have not yet been established. It is permissible to say that this is a multifactorial disease, more often developing in genetically predisposed individuals under the influence of external provoking factors. Most often these are viral infections (for example, measles virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus), brain or spinal cord injuries, and stressful situations.

Read the material on the topic: Nerves under control! How to maintain mental health?

A connection with climate has been noted: the farther from the equator, the further north, the higher the prevalence of the disease. There is no explanation for this yet either.

— Until recently, he was full of strength and plans, but today he is in a wheelchair. This is how we imagine multiple sclerosis. Do patients with this disease have a chance of a complete cure?

Since the causes of the disease are not fully understood, there are no treatment methods leading to a complete cure yet. However, in clinical practice, drugs that modify the course of multiple sclerosis (abbreviated as MDT) are used. They can reduce the frequency of exacerbations and their severity.

Symptomatic therapy is also used. If, for example, a patient has increased muscle tone and tremors, certain means can be used to mitigate these manifestations.

— Is this diagnosis a death sentence for the patient? How does the quality of life of patients change as the disease progresses? Can people with multiple sclerosis play sports, have children, or work?

As the disease progresses, the quality of life decreases significantly. With a mild course of multiple sclerosis, with minimally expressed neurological symptoms, a person is able to lead the same lifestyle that he had before the disease. Those. he can work, play sports.

When the manifestations are more pronounced, it is advisable to lighten the activity so as not to overwork. These issues are always discussed with your doctor.

Regarding whether a woman can have children. There is also no complete clarity on the issue of the combination of pregnancy and multiple sclerosis. What is known today? During pregnancy, the risk of exacerbation of the disease is significantly lower. In the first three months after birth, there is a slight increase. When analyzing long periods of time, pregnancy generally did not affect the frequency of exacerbations of the disease and the degree of disability. Termination of pregnancy can provoke an exacerbation.

— The statistics are inexorable: 2.3 million people suffer from multiple sclerosis in the world. Five years ago, in 2014, more than 67 thousand cases were registered in our country. But, according to experts, there are at least twice as many patients. Irina Sergeevna, how to stop this epidemic? Is there a way to prevent this disease?

Since the causes of multiple sclerosis are not fully understood, specific prevention has not been developed. If we talk about general activities, then this is maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

- balanced diet;

Want to learn some healthy eating tips? Our article is for you

- sufficient physical activity (including swimming, aerobic exercise - walking in the fresh air); yoga classes;

- absence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).

The editors recommend:

Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Criteria for MRI diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

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For reference:

Ignatieva Irina Sergeevna

Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Smolensk State Medical Academy in 2004.

In 2005, she completed her internship, and in 2007, her clinical residency in neurology.

Currently, he is a neurologist of the first category. Conducts appointments at the “Expert Clinic” Smolensk at the address: st. 8 March, no. 20.

Causes of multiple sclerosis in men and women

Scientists do not have an exact answer to the question of what causes multiple sclerosis. It is believed that the disease can be caused by a combination of several factors - genetic disorders, infections, abnormalities of the immune system.

High-risk groups include:

  • women suffer from multiple sclerosis twice as often as men;
  • people aged 20 to 40 years;
  • inhabitants of the northern part of the European continent;
  • those who have close relatives with multiple sclerosis;
  • smokers.

Viral infections and gastroenteritis increase the risk of multiple sclerosis. Severe stress and chronic intoxication (most often with solvents) are considered unfavorable factors.

In women with multiple sclerosis, the frequency and severity of attacks decreases during pregnancy.

How is multiple sclerosis treated at the Rassvet Clinic?

Neurologists at Dawn must re-interpret (revise) MRI images. This is a fundamentally important point, since there are a number of diseases that mimic MS, but require fundamentally different treatment (neuroinfections, some vascular diseases of the nervous system).

The clinic has a day hospital, which allows patients with exacerbation of the disease to undergo therapy in comfortable conditions. If indicated, botulinum therapy is prescribed to correct spasticity in the limbs. The development of a motor rehabilitation plan, which is extremely important for MS, is carried out with the participation of a rehabilitation specialist.

How to help loved ones cope with illness

Chronic pathology becomes more and more severe over time. Attacks occur suddenly, at least 2 times a year. Often people lose the ability to move, care for themselves, and become helpless. The boarding house “Quiet House” has created all the conditions so that patients with multiple sclerosis from Voronezh feel as comfortable as possible:

constant supervision of doctors and health workers;

  • comfortable beds and anti-decubitus mattresses;
  • full sleep - the patient is not distracted by the hustle and bustle of the home;
  • balanced feeding and drinking regime;
  • if necessary, assistance with feeding and personal care;
  • caring and understanding attitude.

How does multiple sclerosis occur?

Due to remyelination, the disease occurs with exacerbations and remissions for a long time. The above symptoms appear abruptly, but subside over time. As MS develops, symptoms do not completely regress, and a persistent neurological deficit develops.

There are also more severe forms of the disease:

  • there is no deterioration and subsequent improvement, a neurological deficit forms immediately and gradually worsens (progressive course);
  • demyelination occurs very quickly and affects large areas of the brain (this condition requires immediate treatment as it can be fatal).


Avoid exposure to heat. At high ambient temperatures, the functioning of the nerves and brain can be disrupted, which will intensify existing neurological disorders. It is recommended not to be in the open sun, in a hot room, not to visit a bathhouse or sauna, or to take a hot shower. To create a comfortable environment, use air conditioning (at home, in a car, when calling a taxi, indicate this need). If you are unable to avoid the effects of elevated temperature, remember that the increase in symptoms is temporary and there is no permanent damage to your nervous system.

A cold object felt like it was hot

Alexander Zakharov is 35 years old, he is a private design engineer. They say about such people: a man is in the prime of his life - he adheres to a healthy lifestyle, has never smoked or drank, plays sports and dances, eats right. He has also been battling multiple sclerosis for several years.

“The disease first made itself felt four years ago. I noticed that if you touch your leg with a obviously cold object, it feels as if it is hot. I was not diagnosed right away. At first, a neurologist from a private clinic said that it was a radicular syndrome and suggested taking medication, but it didn’t get better. Then another neurologist, hearing what I was being treated with, grabbed my head and sent me for an MRI of my head, neck and back. And then the details of my diagnosis gradually began to become clear,” says Alexander.

Since Alexander was told what he would face, he has learned a lot about methods of treating his illness both in Russia and abroad. But he tries not to dwell on his illness and continues to live life to the fullest. I just had to make some minor adjustments to it.

“When I went to the hospital for the first time, I very clearly felt that my life could continue for a relatively long time, or could end right during this treatment, since the body is able to react to it differently. Since then I have lived with this feeling. Therefore, I want to live the remaining time joyfully, with pleasure, and see as much as possible. My wife and I tried to travel before, but now it’s one of our goals. In the summer I have a lot of orders, and in the winter we will go somewhere warm and travel. Even our child is studying remotely. And I asked my wife to find a job right now that can be done from home. She learned how to make custom websites from ready-made blocks,” shares Alexander.

In addition, the man tries to provide himself with a financial backlog and actively saves money - in case the family is not left without a livelihood if he suddenly cannot work. In addition, since Alexander is a professional engineer, he immediately began rebuilding his house in order to create comfortable conditions for himself for the time when he could no longer move independently.

“At first, when I found out about my illness, I wanted to prepare the house for the possibility that I might end up in a wheelchair. I live in my private house in the Moscow region and intended to rebuild the first floor, make a ramp for a wheelchair, and so on. But as a result, I limited myself to minor alterations. I came to the conclusion that even if the illness began to attack quickly, I would still have time to rebuild everything. And if it’s fast, then it won’t be needed anymore. Now I’m thinking that maybe we won’t live in this house, and all this won’t be useful. I am seriously thinking about changing my place of residence and moving to another country. I work remotely anyway,” the man shares his plans.

Exercise stress

Physical activity will help you cope with the symptoms of the disease, but in order to ensure the safety of your training program, you must follow a number of precautions:

The most important thing to remember is don't overdo it. Excessive load can disrupt the functioning of your muscles and create a state of stress for the nervous system.

Before starting your next training program, discuss the following with your doctor:

What types of physical activity are best for you, what types of activities are best to avoid.

What is the permissible intensity of physical activity?

What is the duration of the load and are there any restrictions.

Before starting a training program, seek the advice of a medical specialist who can ask any questions you may have.


But drug therapy is only part of a comprehensive treatment, and its maximum effect is achieved if the patient follows all the recommendations. It is necessary to adhere to a daily routine, proper sleep, and a proper diet. “You don’t need to avoid physical activity, but, on the contrary, do physical exercise on a regular basis, follow a work-rest schedule, and avoid chronic stress as much as possible,” notes Stella Sivertseva.

As an example, Sivertseva cites the story of her patient Alexander. Recently, his condition has been improving - after all, the correct drug therapy (DMT) was selected for him. Alexander believes that physical therapy sessions, which are conducted at the Multiple Sclerosis Center, also played a significant role in improving his condition.

Photo: Scott Broome / Unsplash

“Now Stella Anatolyevna has offered us a brilliant thing,” he continues. “This is dancing.” Sivertseva gathered willing patients into a group and attracted a choreographer. In essence, dancing is the same physical activity as exercise therapy, but, as Alexander says, during physical therapy you still have to force yourself to do the exercises, which negatively affects people’s mood. “When all this happens in dance, it is perceived as a game, it’s beautiful, you want to do it,” says the patient. “You learn steps, and this affects both motor memory and coordination of movements.” Now his group is learning tango.

To prevent multiple sclerosis from becoming an obstacle to a full life, you need to control your disease and adhere to doctors’ recommendations on therapy and lifestyle

The BETALIFE program, which turns ten this year, can help you organize your lifestyle correctly. It includes a 24-hour hotline, an Internet portal and a mobile application.

On the program’s website, the patient will be able to find webinars conducted by leading experts in the field of multiple sclerosis, as well as a series of useful brochures and informational articles about the disease. The BETALIFE mobile application allows users to keep a diary of their well-being and symptoms of the disease, as well as monitor the relationship between their lifestyle and condition and collect detailed statistics.


Alina did it. After she realized that she would have to live differently, she did not give up. “There’s no time to be discouraged,” she says. “When one door closes, another always opens, you just have to recognize it and catch it.” Alina realized that you can not only dance, but also teach children to dance. Now her students take first places in dance competitions. “I think for the sake of this - why not continue, gritting your teeth? But as? There’s plenty of ambition, and even more,” she smiles.

Photo: Mehrpouya H / Unsplash

It was difficult for Natalia, who received it ten years ago, to accept her diagnosis. “The understanding that you can’t give up came to me while I was in hospital for treatment,” she says. — My roommate had her diaper changed, and I realized that I didn’t want to do that. I have two sons, and I couldn’t allow this to happen—I want to take care of myself for the rest of my days. That was my goal."

For some time she walked with a cane, but thanks to strict adherence to doctors’ recommendations, Natalya can now ski and bike and even sometimes allows herself to wear high-heeled shoes. “You can’t quit therapy. This is a fall into the abyss, and it will be difficult to get out of there,” she warns.

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