How to properly make a man lust from caresses - the basics of foreplay of a passionate night


Any seductress who understands how to properly please a man is an ideal for every representative of the stronger sex. A woman who is experienced and has extracted the maximum benefits from life will always be loved and desired. Small tricks on how to properly satisfy your chosen one, both in bed and in everyday life, will help you maintain feelings and lasting relationships for a long time.

How to love men correctly

There is an opinion that women are very gentle and impressionable by nature, while men are cold, calculating and thick-skinned. But in fact this statement is not true. Our gentlemen need various manifestations of affection, care and tenderness towards them. They are not averse to hearing sweet words in their ears and receiving a pleasant surprise. Therefore, every woman should know how to make a man feel good not only in bed, but also simply so that he hurries only home and to his only chosen one.

Need to know: Why men cheat on their beloved wives: who is to blame for male infidelity

Correct Instructions

Romance is, of course, good, but everything should be in moderation, you should not get tired of long, tiring conversations, be distracted by extraneous, unnecessary things, get angry because your partner behaves hastily, this is great, he is interested. You cause him desire, excitement. As a rule, it is difficult for ladies to resist candles and romance, but a gentleman goes to such lengths only for one thing - to get him into bed.

Romantic evenings are not always arranged out of great love, everything is much simpler and more primitive, as long as you get rid of it and don’t throw hysterics again: you don’t love me, you don’t like me, you only need one thing! You always need to show your need for a boyfriend, he will definitely appreciate it, in the end, both get pleasure, but if not, have the courage to say goodbye, this is not your “product.”

The best option to reach out, to find a compromise is to please your loved one, show the strength of feelings, passion, do everything as he loves, meet him, immediately pouncing with warm hugs, so that it does not look like another favor. Without screams, hysterics, scandals, delays, claims to show yourself in all your glory, do you think that after this, they will want to carry you in their arms, listen and worship you?

How to please a man - psychological aspects

Don't neglect the basic psychological techniques that will help you keep your life partner.

RespectEven the last loser will strive to change his lifestyle if there is a woman nearby who honors him.
If for ladies the manifestation of love is caring, then men value respectful relationships more. Therefore, it is worth thinking about accepting the interests, opinions, habits and personal space of your companion. Be tactful and do not try to humiliate or insult him. Then you will feel truly happy. And, if such a criterion is not present in your relationship, then it is better to break up.
AttentionThis quality does not mean constant supervision and guardianship. Let it be an easy, unobtrusive concern.
Take an interest in his activities at work, his relationships with friends, and even his achievements in a computer game.

Don't forget to be flirtatious and flirtatious. The man will appreciate it.

No matter how tired you are, gather your willpower and try to surround your soulmate with attention. Otherwise, he will make up for the lack of care on the side.

Compliments and light flatteryNot only the female part of the population is capable of loving with their ears. Vanity is also present in men, so he needs your approval and admiration.
Compliment him on his appearance, actions or character.

But don't overdo it and don't use lies that will exaggerate his abilities too much.

SubordinationThe strong half of humanity is accustomed to constantly trying on the role of a dominant.
Your partner simply needs to feel like the head of the family.

Even if the woman makes all the decisions, she must present it in such a way as if everything comes from her husband.

You may sometimes have to pacify your obstinacy and give in. Be able to arrange roles in the family so that your loved one does not feel flawed and unnecessary.

How to make a man feel comfortable

Every beauty can charm any man, but providing him with comfort in everyday life is a more difficult task.

It is known that our strong companions value comfort, and some approach this with quite serious requirements.

Learn the basic recommendations to be “fully armed.”

What do men like in relationships with women?

What needs to be providedHow to do it
Well-fed stateThe well-known phrase that it is easier to get to a man’s heart through his stomach is not unfounded. No need to prepare pickles and delicacies. You can conquer your loved one with simple borscht or pies with potatoes, if they are prepared with soul.
Romantic moodIt is accepted that a man must be a romantic. But, contrary to this opinion, our gentlemen will be pleased to receive an SMS declaration of love, a touching postcard or an unusual gift. A certain spirit of romance that envelops your relationship can bring a touch of harmony and peace to it.
Comfortable existenceAs you know, many bachelors do not keep their den in order. But when a woman appears in it, it is believed that she will create coziness and comfort around. That is why lovely ladies are considered “keepers of the hearth.”
Personal spaceIt happens that sometimes we need to be alone. And in such cases, men choose companies based on interests that are not always open to women. You should not interfere with this and annoy you with annoying attention. A man who feels free will become even more attached to his beloved.

Several reasons to love giving blowjob3

No matter how men believe that giving a blowjob allows them to dominate the process, the woman remains the mistress of the position in this process. If you don't like giving blowjobs, then there are several reasons to reconsider your views on life:

  • Oral sex strengthens relationships. Nothing brings you closer together than getting to know your loved one’s “closest friend”;
  • You can raise your self-esteem. Women who know how to give a high-quality blowjob are highly valued by men and are desirable partners;
  • A woman can control the process. It is not necessary to bring everything to the point of swallowing sperm. By giving a blowjob, you can best feel the penis and the degree of a man’s arousal, thereby becoming the mistress of the situation;

  • This will make your man happy. For men, oral sex is a special process, so it’s worth making compromises for your loved one;
  • Variety in intimate life. Sex will quickly get boring if it consists only of traditional sex.

How to please a man in intimacy

Passionate kisses are preliminary caresses before intimacy begins. There are quite a lot of their types.

What do men like in foreplay? What do men think?

Using various variations of touching her partner's lips, a woman is able to understand how to properly make a man feel good. With a kiss you can even bring your loved one to orgasm. According to statistics, about three percent of the stronger sex achieve this result.

Read more: How to kiss with tongue - foreplay of love for young people

How to give a man maximum pleasure

The emotional state of two people who love each other can be conveyed with a simple touch of lips. Nobody is interested in monotonous relationships, which means that different kissing techniques need to be used. You should also be completely liberated in your relationship with a man. Nowadays you are unlikely to find modern men who are interested in notorious people. If you feel awkward in intimate relationships or are afraid to show your inexperience, even modern sexologists recommend using additional stimulants, which give an instant effect of desire in a woman and completely discard all complexes. Such a drug is RENDEZ VOUS - FEMALE PATIENT

And even if you are already experienced, this drug will reveal a lot of new feelings and sensations. But let's get back to kissing.

The following types are known:

Kind of kissActions taken
TeasingIf you have the role of a teaser, then touch your partner's lips with tenderness, lightly biting them and running your tongue over them. Take short breaks during the process. This way you will show that you are ready to continue mutual caresses.
ContrastingAlternate gentle and passionate movements of your tongue, superficial light touches of body parts with deeper ones with your lips.
PassionateThese are actions full of emotions that are performed at the peak of the sensations that arise. Such kisses are long and full of excitement. Additional language techniques are usually used:
​Rotational movements

​Sucking lover's tongue

​ Caressing movements across the sky


Inato techniqueInvolves romantic, gentle touches of the entire surface of the lips, complemented by caressing movements of all parts of the body.
Samayan techniqueA kind of caresses using the tongue. The woman gently squeezes it with her teeth and sucks lightly. Readiness for more active actions - gradually drawing it into the oral cavity.
PrimPerformed without passion. They represent a light touch of the lips with the lips, neck and face of the partner.
FuriousThis technique speaks of certain sadistic tendencies that a woman has. In this case, she caresses her man with some frenzy until he becomes weak. Most often used by powerful and dominant ladies.

How to turn a man on so he gets excited

Distribution of erogenous zones according to their importance in men.

Often women have a misconception about how to properly make a man feel good, so they only use the groin area.

In fact, there are a great many excitation zones and they can be divided according to importance. Naturally, there is no need to discount the individual characteristics of the body. But if a lady has certain secrets of influencing the main places, then she can easily bring her partner to the pinnacle of bliss.

The main erogenous zones and tips for managing them are presented in the table.

Part of the bodyHow to act to create desire
Areas with 100% excitation
Lips, tongueLips and tongue are the main participants in the kiss of two loving people. Their nerve endings are capable of giving the most vivid and intense sensations. But you need to be careful, as unpleasant marks may remain if you put too much pressure on your lips, which not everyone likes.
NeckThe most important part of the neck when performing foreplay is the back of the neck. Perhaps the association arises from childhood, when my mother stroked my head. Therefore, this action is only permissible for a worthy chosen one.
StomachParticular attention should be paid to the navel and the area between it and the intimate area. Use a variety of methods and options for caresses. First, you can stroke with your hands, and then start touching this area with your tongue in different directions. This will show your partner that you are ready for more.
NipplesMen are quite sensitive when their nipples are touched. Therefore, you should concentrate on them. You will quickly excite your partner if you lightly stroke the nipples with your lips, touch them with your tongue and lightly suck. The final goal is achieved as soon as their hardening appears, and the loved one’s breathing quickens.
Male organFinally, the most sensitive part of a man’s body is the genital organ, the scrotum and testicles. But when caressing them with your tongue, you should be as careful as possible. Any careless movement can cause discomfort and pain. But don’t focus exclusively on these areas of your loved one’s body; be sure to explore all the others to find those that can bring him to a state of extreme arousal.
Areas with 50% excitation
Back, buttocksThe area from the neck to the tailbone is described in the Kama Sutra as one of the erogenous ones. It is the back that needs to be given special attention during foreplay. To do this, make caressing movements on the skin between the shoulder blades, bringing the man into indescribable delight. You can also bite the buttocks, alternating gentle movements with harsher ones.
EarsSome men are not happy about touching this area of ​​their body. But, if suddenly you are lucky and a kiss on the ear gives your partner pleasure, then he is a sensual person. You can easily turn it on by touching the ear shell with your tongue, sucking and biting it.
FingersPay attention not only to your fingers, but also to your toes. Driving your tongue along the surface of the skin between them cannot leave anyone indifferent.
Areas of individual sensitivity
Back areaThe spine is rich in nerve endings, by touching which you can easily make a man feel true pleasure. Combine gentle tongue movements with light biting, but without force. RENDEZ VOUS - FEMALE EXCITANT will help to enhance your eroticism. You should not cause negative emotions that will prevent you from achieving bliss during intimacy.
LegsCaressing the legs and feet is very important in foreplay. Combine gentle movements with light biting of the skin.
KneesMany men like caresses in the knee area. But you need to observe moderation, since after some movements it may be ticklish, which will distract from the main goal - receiving pleasure.


Which of you is more likely to initiate sex? Think carefully about this question.

If you “seduce” each other with the same frequency, then everything is in order, and your sex life is quite harmonious. But most guys lack initiative from the other half. They also want to feel welcome.

Switch roles from time to time. There must be balance in everything.

How to make a man feel good in bed

What you need to do to “get” a partner.

It is important to understand how to properly give a man an erotic massage in order to then experience pleasure from intimate pleasures.

  1. First, turn your attention to the inside of your fingers or toes. The delicate skin in these places can enhance the sensations. Use gentle kisses, hand strokes, and light nipping at the same time.
  2. From the areas under the knees, gradually move to the inner thighs.
  3. Try not to ignore your shins. Minor biting with the teeth is acceptable in these areas. But it is important to calculate the strength, since pain can stop the wave of pleasure. If you learn to perform the correct movements, then you are guaranteed a stormy and long-lasting relationship.
  4. Gradually move to the most sensitive back of the head and neck. But do not use your nails or fingertips when caressing. This way you will only be able to tickle your partner, which will not add any sexuality to your actions at all.
  5. Therefore, act using your palm or fingertips. Use gentle touches to massage lightly without using brute force.
  6. It is best to use your lips and tongue to bring a man to a state of arousal. Such erotic actions are most often used in foreplay.
  7. Any woman should know how to pre-prepare her man for a stormy night. To do this, you need to be able to correctly move your tongue along a sensual and unusual part of his body - the navel.
  8. Pre-massage areas of the abdomen with your fingertips, and then proceed to the main process. Your chosen one will start with half a turn. But do not forget that movements should be made slowly and not abruptly.
  9. Then move on to the most unusual erogenous zone - the areas of the popliteal fossa.
  10. As mentioned above, do not allow tickling, it is distracting. Just slowly slide your tongue in different directions.
  11. You should combine gentle kisses with passionate and deep ones. The latter are able to bring the moment of oncoming arousal as close as possible, which will give you RENDEZ VOUS - FEMALE EXCITANT of instant action. Therefore, if you are ready for sexual pleasures, then use them.

When French kissing, the partner first gently touches the man's lips, then gently tickles him with her tongue between his closed jaws. The mouth opens slightly, which is an invitation to further action. Tongues touch with special passion, trying to penetrate as deeply as possible.

Read more: What to do if a man has grown cold: advice from a psychologist and facts about male desire


In search of an answer to the question of how to properly caress a man, many young ladies think that they must start from the bottom. The physiological structure of the male breast is similar to that of the female breast, excluding the function of milk production. Of course, male breasts are less sensitive due to constant exposure to the sun, wind and other natural factors. But it can be warmed up, for which you need to actively and tangibly stimulate it. First you need to do a light massage, then move on to caressing the areola and nipple. The reaction will not come immediately. Once your nipples become firmer, you can move on to other areas, such as the shoulders, back, sides and lower back. Then you can return to the chest again.

How to make a man feel good with your tongue

While you're at it, don't forget about another erogenous zone - the nipples. Any female representative will be glad to understand how to properly make a man feel good with his tongue and more. But in a fit of passion, you should use your teeth more carefully so that the painful sensation does not spoil all your efforts.

Kissing technique

  • Cover every area of ​​the man's face with kisses.
  • Start from the eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes and move on to the lips. In this case, it is better not to use the tongue.
  • Use your lips exclusively, gently touching them to the tips of your eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Make sure your slow movements are not too slow, but not too fast. In the process of constant training, you will learn to maintain the right line.
  • Moving on to the buttock area, don't be gentle. Use pinching and patting movements. This way you will excite your partner even more than if you gently move your hands.

Biting and sucking around the ears and behind them will not allow any man to resist. Light kisses should be used if you no longer have the strength to wait, and you passionately want sex after taking RENDEZ VOUS. At the same time, you yourself become excited.

In foreplay, try to use not only your lips, but also your hands, tongue, and breathing. A light and hot breath of wind from your partner gives you a delightful sensation. But do not inhale sharply, as your breath will be colder. Try to do it slowly and languidly.

Avoid excessive salivation during petting. Such actions are more pleasant than those after which you drown in the amount of drool on the surface of the skin.

If you are both ready to take decisive action, then you do not need to immediately start with kisses in the ear. It’s better to pre-warm up with a gentle or passionate touch with your lips, and only then pay attention to this area. In this case, you will get a vivid and unforgettable experience.

Basic rules of love games

If you plan to get true satisfaction from sex, then be careful and do not overstep the boundaries of what is permitted immediately, with force.

Adhere to the following rules:

  • Slow, barely audible tangential movements of the lips towards the ear area.
  • Controlled salivation.
  • Do not use force when biting, unless your partner asks you to do so.
  • Do not concentrate on the ear area for a long time. The average duration of caresses should be no more than three minutes.
  • Alternate kissing your ear with stroking your neck and touching your lips.

What pleases men

Many men enjoy it when their partner caresses their back and shoulder blades. These areas are the most sensitive. There is room for your imagination to run wild here, but don’t overdo it. The biting movements should not be too rough; your gentleman will like it.

Dominance, submission and mirrors4

  • If you like to be submissive, kneel in front of the man or let him push you down. Look up and maintain eye contact with him.

You can also use handcuffs - secure your hands behind your back. This will give your partner even more control over you.

  • Lovers of dominance can lay their partner on the bed on his back, straddle his face and give a short order: “Lick!” And then move on to the blowjob.

You can also tie his hands to the bed with his own tie or handcuff him.

  • Men are visual people, right? Why don't you sit in front of the mirror? Suggest this idea to your partner or just give him a surprise.
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