The influence of television on humans. Why is TV addiction dangerous? How long can you watch TV?

TV is one of the human inventions that is found in almost every home. Just 50 years ago, such household appliances were considered a luxury item, and only people with good incomes could afford to buy a TV. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with the presence of such equipment in the house; moreover, some families have such a device in all rooms. The harm of television to human health has already been proven, but few people remember the danger when watching the next TV series or news broadcast.

Age of information technology

Currently, we are witnessing a gradual transition of human society to a new type of civilization. Many scientists call it informational. This is explained by the increase in scale, complexity of structures and content of streams carrying certain messages and news. At the same time, researchers note the increasing influence of information technology on the human psyche.

And this fact is confirmed by our daily life. Indeed, over the past decades, we have been bombarded with a simply unimaginable flow of information. Modern media of all types have turned into a single global system, located at a fantastic energy level. This can only mean one thing. Human consciousness has fallen into an artificial trap created by itself, and today it is a kind of “squirrel in a wheel.”

In addition, developing information psychotechnologies are acquiring increasingly sophisticated methods of influence for which nature has not prepared our brain. This is why we tend to become completely defenseless in the face of this trap.

The influence of television on a person in general also turns out to be unfavorable. It manifests itself not only in the negative impact on his health. This question has a lot to do with the psychological sphere.

Dubious advantages?

As a source of news, television is negative for almost every individual. In the hope of getting as many viewers as possible, channels try to present the news as a sensation, to “outline” it with new, sometimes even false, “tasty” facts. Psychologists have long established that the more interesting the news is to a person, the more it deviates from the norm. Many journalists see this as the meaning of their work. The information shocks, causes pain, outrage, and does not leave anyone indifferent. And all this is extremely negative for the viewer’s psyche.

As for cultural and educational programs, the style of communication, point of view, and degree of literacy of the host and guests of the program do not always contribute to the development of this topic. Individual opinions are dictated as the only correct and binding ones. And it is the viewer who suffers from this obsession.

TV is not an absolute evil. But at the same time, the negative impact of TV on human health, his psyche, lifestyle, moral standards, mental abilities, on the family budget and relationships between people has been proven. TV will be useful if you devote a minimum of time to it - only to get acquainted with the information that you really need and are interested in.

Television in our lives

Sometimes it happens that living beings, striving to satisfy their basic needs, find themselves in mortal danger. This is the paradox of the struggle for survival. For example, a fish that swallows the bait immediately gets hooked. A mouse attracted by the smell of cheese ends up in a mousetrap. However, all actions of fauna representatives are determined by physiological necessity.

If we consider human behavior, there are no reasonable explanations. It is not at all in order to survive that people indulge in destructive vices and temptations. Sometimes they are not stopped even by a direct threat not only to health, but also to life. Temptation in such cases dominates reason.

The same can be said when considering such a problem as the negative impact of television on humans. After all, sitting in front of a blue screen has become the most popular entertainment of our contemporaries. Most people define their relationship with TV as “love-hate”. The TV itself is perceived by them as a “box for dummies.” However, despite the awareness that television sometimes has a negative impact on people, the majority of the population of our planet happily settles down on sofas and armchairs, without letting go of the remote control. Of course, parents sometimes grumble at their children because it is difficult to tear them away from the screen. However, they themselves try to remain silent about their own preferences of this kind.

Diagnosis: TV addiction

For several decades, scientists have been conducting research trying to study the influence of television on humans. They are especially interested in the question of the connection between the scenes of cruelty that we see on silver screens and the realities that exist in everyday life. At the same time, researchers are trying to understand the reason why ordinary consumers still choose the latter between newspapers, magazines and television.

Who is a TV fan? Psychologists and psychiatrists define pathological dependence on something as a deviation from the norm, which corresponds to signs of an inadequate reaction to a specific stimulus. This includes a large amount of time devoted to the object of addiction, and the use of it more often than usual, and the refusal to fulfill professional, social and family responsibilities for the sake of such pastime, and withdrawal into oneself, as well as isolation. These criteria are perfect for those who sit in front of the TV screen for a long time.

Of course, we cannot say that the influence of television on people is only bad. After all, it broadens your horizons and educates, relaxes and entertains, allows you to temporarily forget about the depressing reality and enjoy the beautiful. With the help of television, we can even make purchases at a TV store. However, even those who understand that it is necessary to reduce the time spent in front of a blue screen are sometimes unable to deny themselves the pleasure of watching television programs or interesting films.

How to increase your chances of winning? To do this, it is necessary to carefully study how television influences a person.

False relaxation

The amount of time that a modern person spends in front of the TV screen cannot but be terrifying. On average, the population of large industrial cities spends three hours daily on this. This is approximately half of a person’s free time, excluding household chores and sleep. This means that out of 75 years of life, people spend 9 years watching television programs and just sitting in front of a blue screen. Some might attribute this to a great love for TV. Why then is there concern about such passion?

Scientists have conducted a number of studies aimed at studying the body's reactions to exposure to TV. At the same time, changes were recorded that occur in the electrical resistance of the skin and in the heart rate. All these parameters were taken using a special device before and after, as well as while watching television. Similar experiments were carried out not only in specialized laboratories. The readings were also taken in natural, habitual human conditions. At the same time, the TV fan was not just on his favorite sofa in front of his home blue screen. He drank and ate, slept and worked. He always had a device with him that received sound signals. When receiving them, the teleman had to record everything he was doing at the moment and how he felt.

When a signal was received while watching TV, the person characterized his state as passive and relaxed. This was never noted during reading. When the TV was turned off, the feeling of relaxation immediately disappeared, but passivity remained. Viewers confirmed the fact that TV seemed to absorb their energy, leading to emptiness.

Drugs have a similar effect. Tranquilizers that are eliminated from the body very quickly are more addictive than those that are eliminated slowly. So is the viewer. When he watches a TV show, he understands that after turning off the TV, the feeling of relaxation will disappear. And he wants to watch more and more.

Waste of time

The proven harm of TV: this device acts as a professional “time killer”. Steals a lot of your free time.

Remember for yourself or ask your parents: initially, people watched TV only when they had a free minute. Today, many TV viewers spend hours aimlessly sitting in front of their blue screens, instead of doing something really useful and exciting at the same time - their favorite sport, self-education, a new hobby.

People not only devote their free time to TV. While watching TV series and programs, they forget to do even important things. The results of the surveys terrify even researchers: the vast majority of respondents devote all their free time to TV. That is, they narrow their life to a vicious circle of “work - TV - sleep”. Which is really scary.

Getting out of this circle is relatively simple - start devoting your rest time to something else:

  • Communicate with family and friends, search for new acquaintances.
  • Realization of your creative idea.
  • Introducing to fitness, sports, jogging or simple home exercises and periodic walks in the fresh air.
  • Making a list of books and sticking to it.
  • Creative activity.

Attracting the viewer's attention

Why do people sometimes cannot tear themselves away from the blue screen? This is partly explained by the presence in us of a biologically orienting reaction. This concept was first described by the famous physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov in 1927. By indicative we mean our visual, auditory or instinctive reaction to a previously unknown or sudden stimulus. This is a person's innate susceptibility to potential threat. Typical examples of such a reaction are turning the eyes towards the emerging source of irritation, slowing down cardiac activity, etc. Alpha waves are blocked, which return to their normal rhythm within a few seconds.

In 1986, a number of researchers studied the influence of various television techniques on the occurrence of an orienting reaction. As a result, clear conclusions were made that with a quick change of frames, original editing and sudden noises, which television advertising usually uses, there is a significant increase in viewer interest. At the same time, it was pointed out that it is not the content that is unique, but the form in which the material is presented.

The overload of TV with advertising and music videos has a strong influence on the appearance of an indicative reaction. Moreover, the nominal frequency of such techniques is one unit per second.

Aimless waste of money

Does TV do more good or harm? The question is rhetorical. But one thing is clear - this device makes you poorer. By forcing you to buy something you don’t need, often and at an inflated price.

Don't think that just turning off ads is enough. You watch films, TV series, shows where the same thing is indirectly imposed. And such influence is even more dangerous than direct calls: “Buy!” You see the image of your favorite hero. You want to be like him - right down to your smartphone, your favorite brands of clothing, perfume, and cosmetics. And you buy something that, in fact, is completely unnecessary for you. But social status, public recognition, and personal qualities cannot be gained by simply buying something. This is the result of only long and hard work on yourself.

“Black Fridays”, continuous promotions, tempting discounts are also ways to force you to buy something that is far from necessary. Or even throw away money on useless things. The harm of TV for children is that it imposes that this or that thing will make the child exceptional and happy. In fact, the joy from a trinket is short-lived. And it only creates a desire to get something new.

TV and memory

Can people talk about what they watched? This problem has also been studied by scientists. After the experiments, it became clear that a person’s memory was positively influenced by viewing footage taken from different points and with several cameras simultaneously. A similar effect was noticeable with frequent frame changes. These are the methods used by television advertising. The recognition effect weakened sharply with decreasing frequency indicators.

This can also be said when studying children's educational programs. The television techniques used provide invaluable assistance in learning, but with a sharp change in frames, the child’s brain is overloaded. And this negatively affects the perception of the material.

As for television advertising, its main goal, with a sharp change in unrelated scenes, is to retain the viewer's attention. People most often remember the name of the product, but all the details in the video pass by. At the same time, the viewer’s approximate reaction weakens. He is still glued to the screen, but he already feels tired and does not receive any positive emotions in return.

TV and psyche

Experts who have studied the problem of the influence of television on humans do not at all claim that it is impossible to sit in front of a blue screen. However, they warn those who spend too much time on this that various problems will arise.

Why is TV addiction dangerous? Scientists have conducted quite a lot of experiments to answer questions about the attitude towards life of those who cannot take their eyes off the blue screen. The results were simply amazing. The influence of television on the psyche of these not quite ordinary viewers was confirmed. Regardless of the years they had lived, they felt anxiety and restlessness, while feeling like unhappy people, which cannot be said about ordinary spectators. Similar sensations came to them at a time when they simply did nothing or were left alone with themselves.

According to studies, TV fans are more likely to feel sad, irritated and absent-minded. It is more difficult for them to switch and concentrate attention. Such people explain their addiction to TV by saying that they want to take their mind off troubles and the sad thoughts that overwhelm them, and also somehow fill the free time they have. In addition, according to research, TV fans are less likely to take part in sporting events and are often obese.

Passion for television shows reduces self-control and increases intolerance to natural everyday troubles, negatively affects a creative approach to solving problems and does not support the desire to achieve the intended goal.


Author: Udintseva Diana Aleksandrovna

Nowadays, such a thing as a TV is in every home, some even have more than one. Some people turn it on for 1-2 hours a day, while for others it works all day. And if a child spends all his free time in front of a blue screen, then this is a serious reason to think about it.

Television is without any doubt an integral part of our lives as it has a strong influence on people, especially young people. Over the past few years, teenagers have changed a lot as a result of his influence. The new generation cannot imagine their life without television programs. An adult is able to understand that not everything seen on the screen is the norm, but a teenager is not always.

For example, scenes of violence, which can very often be seen on TV, gradually lead to the fact that human life in the eyes of young people is devalued; by watching various thrillers and action films, a teenager gets used to the fact that a person can be easily killed. After watching enough bloody scenes, the child loses his fear of death and thinks that life can easily be ended. Perhaps this is why suicides among teenagers have become more frequent recently.

In the modern world, the media, in particular television, can be confidently called one of the main ways mass culture influences human consciousness. Especially for teenagers, because they are in the formative stage and are easily amenable to various implementations. Psychologists attribute this to a number of factors: the structure of television exposure (a combination of words and video), age characteristics (children and adolescents lack their own information base), and the conditions for the formation of personality as a whole. However, the most important thing is the use of television of various mechanisms and techniques to influence the human psyche. [5, p.5]

Television is one of the mechanisms of the system of social relations, through which advertising of goods, campaigning for political parties and socio-political movements, rental of cinema products, and so on are carried out. [4, p.5] Even one viewing of any television program or commercials leaves an imprint on a person’s consciousness and has an impact on the psyche, aggression, personality development and, as a consequence, on his social formation. Electronic media have a large number of television programs that are more easily perceived than, for example, reading books, which can most effectively influence the consciousness and behavior of the younger generation.

Undoubtedly, television contributes to the effective perception of information processes. But the increase in transmission speed and volume of information leads to information overload, which complicates or slows down the thought process.

Youth is one of the hidden resources that exists in every society, and the viability of society depends on its mobilization. In this regard, various corporations and political leaders are trying to attract the younger generation into their ranks, while their spiritual reserves lead to new starting opportunities. Television is an almost ideal medium for this. For example, during elections, candidates on television talk about what prospects await the younger generation in various fields, such as sports, education, cultural and leisure activities and other problems that are in the foreground for this social group. And teenagers, seduced by promises, in turn give preference to a certain politician in elections, thereby deciding how society will develop further. This emphasizes that the impact of advertising forms a subjective opinion about an object.

Television programs that contain scenes of violence, aggression, hostility and other immoral behavior are the most popular in the ratings and cause emotional resonance. They can lead adolescents to various types of aggression and the strengthening of violent tendencies, which as a result can become social maladjustment of the individual. The image of a superman who has infinite strength and power is often shown on television. With each show this image becomes more and more ideal. This image of chosenness is deposited in the minds of young people, and they try to copy the behavior and actions of this “hero”. Therefore, some crimes are committed by analogy with those seen on the screen. It should be noted that along with the spread of television, the crime rate in various countries has also increased. An example is the situation that developed in the USA in 1957-1973, and in South Africa in 1975, when the number of crimes doubled. Also, watching such programs dulls feelings of compassion, people become immune and indifferent to the cruelty happening on the streets. [4, p. 5]

Professor Prikhozhan A.M. from the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky (Moscow) notes that television plays the role of a stimulant, awakening negativity in a person due to the level of crime stories on television. The constant repetition of the same scenes, for example, violence and cruelty, not only reduces attention and reaction to them, but, most importantly, sharply reduces sympathy for the victims and makes violence and cruelty commonplace, a sign of everyday life.

The news tells us every day about various disasters, such as terrorist attacks, murders, explosions, accidents and so on. These negative emotions, which the media leaves in every home, cause anxiety in adolescents, and in all people in general, a sharp decrease in mood, aggression, depression, nervous breakdown and psychosomatic disorders. [6, p. 5]

In developing the “Principles of Journalism” by the German Press Council, the emphasis is placed on the fact that often the narration of accidents and disasters goes beyond what is permissible and offends the feelings of the victims and their loved ones, and they seem to become victims of tragic events again. Which confirms the veracity of the above words. [6, p. 5]

Every person knows that television often causes mental addiction to one degree or another. If 15 years ago, leisure for young people consisted of visiting cultural, sports and educational institutions, active recreation, walking around the city, now the majority of young representatives of our society prefer to spend the evening watching TV shows, series or films. An alternative to this could be communication with friends, not virtual (messages on social networks), but real. Experience shows that young people watch TV for the purpose of emotional release, relaxation and, to some extent, to obtain information. But the information they receive from the television screen does not contribute to socialization. It simply forms ideas about a fair, ideal society, ways to make your life ideal, and sets a system of behavior patterns. Teenagers often have the illusion of an ideal life.

Modern youth, unfortunately, do not have clear moral guidelines, life principles and spiritual values. The main role in this moral depravity can be safely given to the media. On TV there is propaganda of the Western way of thinking, the framework of a “beautiful” life is established. Teenagers strive for the on-screen lifestyle that they saw in Western cinema, which has a rating much higher than domestic ones, and try to copy the behavior of their idols. All this leads to problems of difficulty in personality development and socialization, because these invented ideals do not always correspond to reality. Having such a system of values ​​and behavior, it is becoming more and more difficult for young people to adapt to society. That is, today's youth run the risk of finding themselves uncertain in life, and this can lead to personality deformation. Television programs do not have the goal of instilling in young people feelings of patriotism, responsibility and altruism. On the contrary, these programs often lead to the development of infantilism (developmental retardation) and the belief that the ideal person is an egoist who strives only for personal material well-being. The feelings of community and compassion that should be innate in the Russian people are now rejected by the younger generation. And this way of life is spreading and also acquiring the status of the norm. Thus, by influencing each individual individually, we end up with a desocialized society, which, unfortunately, does not have moral values, which are the foundation of spiritual, moral and cultural development. [3, p. 5]

In the abundance of Western films, there is such a direction as “youth comedies”, where the younger generation sees elements of pornography and the use of alcohol and even drugs by the characters, that is, the promotion of an unhealthy lifestyle. Obscene speech, widespread in such films, is remembered by young viewers, and subsequently their level of culture decreases significantly. Teenagers want and throw parties similar to those seen in the movies, use alcohol, tobacco products and drugs. However, their parents don’t even suspect this. Gradually, all this turns into a habit, dependence, and then into the growth of the phenomenon of drug addiction and alcoholism. Another negative effect.

All possible reality shows, programs of various directions, advertising, as well as TV series have a very high percentage in shaping the worldview of young people. In these programs you can see attempts at manipulation: for example, in comedy series, laughter can be heard in the background from time to time. And teenagers just start laughing without even meaning to. In this case, the filmmakers want to force the viewer to take an action. Previously, this was in the West, but now it is spreading in our country. Another significant problem is that teenagers are not aware that their consciousness is being affected. They simply do not notice that they are copying behavioral systems and ways of thinking imposed on them through TV. This means that resisting manipulation is very difficult, almost impossible. [1, p. 5]

The consciousness of the younger generation is more susceptible to negative information than mature individuals. This can be explained by the fact that methods of defense have not yet been formed in a teenager. Thus, after watching the news, young people get the impression that the country is in a state of decline, and that a negative attitude towards the authorities and society is being formed. Consequently, the level of patriotism also decreases, which in turn leads to the fact that young Russians cease to be interested in the history of their state and the events that are currently taking place. The consequence of this is a decline in the level of culture in society. [1, p. 5]

One of the more significant consequences is that there are significantly fewer scientific, educational and educational programs on television than entertainment ones, and, therefore, their ratings are much lower. Teenagers have the false belief that education is not the most important component of their personality. A superficial attitude towards the development of one’s intellect leads to a decrease in the general level of education of the population, and in the absence of an education diploma, to employment problems. [1, p. 5]

There is an acute question about the veracity and objectivity of data coming from the media to people. Not everyone has the opportunity to directly learn the facts about current events in the world. We receive the bulk of information from television. Actually, then the question arises: does this information correspond to reality? People don't know who owns the television channels. But, perhaps, it is in the interests of the owners to process and generate the information that we will receive. Events are covered in a light favorable to television crews in order to obtain the public reaction they need. In other words, the possibility of manipulating the consciousness of individuals exists. Therefore, teenagers must be able to critically evaluate television and the product it produces.

We can say that modern television is a business whose goal is to make a profit by any possible means and methods. On TV you can see shows in which viewers are asked to guess a word or melody for a monetary win, which in turn develops a thirst for easy money. It seems that you can simply dial a phone number and say the right word in order to improve your material well-being. But after one stroke of luck, excitement also appears. A person tries his luck again and again. Since teenagers have a less stable psyche, they may want to try their luck in slot machine clubs and similar establishments. The consequence of this is a possible increase in the crime rate. Television does not help a person develop the good, best sides, values ​​and qualities, but, on the contrary, makes it impossible to develop. [2, p. 5] So, for example, on the Russian television channel TNT, which is among the top five most popular channels in the country, shows programs demonstrating immoral behavior. The growing public sees the personal, intimate life of the show's participants; beautiful, but free-thinking people are shown on the screen, putting their feelings and emotions on display. Accordingly, erroneous stereotypes are formed. And teenagers, seeing these things on TV, will consider this to be the norm, which will significantly affect their psyche and future life.

It should be noted that the younger generation has become “multifunctional”. This means that they do not want to just watch TV, but prefer to combine it with other activities, including communicating with friends on social networks, looking at the monitor, then at the TV screen, or flipping through/reading magazines. Even if teenagers limit themselves to watching TV, they want to watch several programs at the same time, switching channels. Teenagers are not interested in outdoor games and live communication. A sedentary lifestyle causes obesity, heart and eye diseases. Also, watching inappropriate programs leads to child cruelty because it is difficult for them to understand the difference between reality and fantasy.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the positive effect television brings. In the modern world, this is the most important and important means of mass communication, which brings news to all residents at any time and in any corner of the country. Scientific and intellectual programs and cultural television channels contribute to the intensive development of thinking, the best personality traits, and increase the level of education among the younger generation and the population as a whole. The media provide mutual information to the authorities and the population, and also relieve social tension. Numerous channels are dedicated to specific topics. Some programs are actually educational, expanding young people's horizons and knowledge.

There are various ways to counteract the negative effects of television. It is necessary at the legislative level to consider the minimum percentage of showing popular science, educational and cultural programs, educational and sports channels. It is possible to tighten penalties for television channels that violate Article 4 of the current Media Law, which prohibits the dissemination of programs promoting violence, aggression and pornography. Also of no small importance is the direction of pedagogy such as media education, which studies mass communications. This will prepare young people and adolescents for life in the modern information society and teach them to objectively perceive incoming information. [3, p. 5]

And ideally, a teenager needs to find something else to do instead of watching TV. Learn to compare. Recognize the negative impact of television. He must constantly learn something new and interesting. Make your life rich and fulfilling. If a teenager constantly sits in front of the TV, it means that he has nothing to do. Besides this, there are so many interesting things: you need to study, work, play sports, communicate with your peers. And then there will be 1-2 hours a day left to watch TV, during which time you can watch any scientific program, intellectual development program or historical film.

Further study of the problem of the influence of television on the formation of the personality of adolescents is very appropriate. In this case, a practical solution to the problem of preventing negative influence is of particular importance. The development of methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical influence makes it possible to teach teenagers skills in handling media products, make adjustments to their value system and form in them a critical attitude towards the system of television values.

In conclusion, we can say with confidence that television, as an element of the media, has a global influence on the formation of personality, its moral qualities, values, and ideals. For the intensive and stable development of society, it is necessary to cultivate in the younger generation a sense of patriotism, citizenship, altruism, and participation in creative activities. Instead, television programs promote the Western way of life and the Western system of values, which leads to disorientation and destruction of the traditional values ​​of our Russian society, and also significantly undermines its development. And this important problem must be solved by involving the media, which demonstrate examples of a moral and physically healthy lifestyle of compatriots.


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2. Gavra D.P. Fundamentals of the theory of communication: Textbook. Third generation standard. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 288 p.

3. Kazanskaya V.G. Teenager: social adaptation: psychologists, teachers, parents.

4. Lenshin V.P. Value orientations of young people. Youth subcultures: materials of the III International. scientific - practical Forum of Sister Cities of Russia and Belarus, September 5-6. 2004 / [scient. ed. V.P. Lenshin]. - Mytishchi: Talent, 2005.

5. Matveeva N.A. The influence of television on the formation of value orientations of adolescents and ways to overcome its negative consequences. Scientific library of dissertations and abstracts. 2010 – 254 p.

6. Modern pedagogy: theory, methodology, practice: collection of materials of the international scientific conference. Moscow, January 29-30, 2015.

7. Fomicheva I. D. Sociology of the media: Textbook.
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Children's TV mania

According to statistics, almost forty-five percent of children whose ages range from 5 to 12 years spend all their free time watching the TV screen. The influence of television on children is enormous and can turn them into real TV lovers. What attracts them to TV?

According to studies conducted by German scientists, viewers simply forget the content of all television programs over time. However, the emotions that were experienced at the same time always remain in the soul. This is the key point that binds the little viewer to the blue screen. After all, children transform the emotions they receive into emotional attachments. In other words, kids are drawn to TV unconsciously. They strive to relive a feeling that has already taken place, and not necessarily a positive one. Of course, many parents have noticed that their child loves to watch scary movies. This is emotional attachment to the experience of fear. Already an hour after the start of viewing, and sometimes even fifteen minutes later, the child is overwhelmed by other people’s emotions coming to him from the screen.

Why can't kids watch TV? Experts who study the physiology of the sense organs have confirmed the fact that TV-addicted children begin to suffer from a complete loss of the ability to imagine. They don't need to think or imagine. The TV does it for them.

Harm to health

What are the negative consequences of TV addiction? This disease leads to the following problems:

- to deterioration of vision, which is a well-known fact that does not require additional evidence; - physical inactivity and one of its consequences - spinal curvature; - excess body weight due to a sedentary lifestyle; - sleep disturbances, increased fearfulness, excitability and other neurological problems.

After turning on the TV, the child finds himself under its hypnosis. The language of TV is the language of images. They are perceived by the right hemisphere of the brain and are directly related to the subconscious. All the emotions that were experienced by the child while watching TV programs also go there. Due to the greater development of the right hemisphere, children become easily excitable.

Children under six years of age do not perceive information presented to them from the screen critically. They are unlikely to be able to distinguish truth from fiction. Everything that happens on the screen is taken by them at face value, at the same time passing into life and affecting their behavior.

Source of negativity

We continue the conversation about the benefits and harms of computers and TV. Remember: what you see on the screen is often a source of negativity, spoiled mood and even stress and depression. After all, it often happened that you turned on the TV in a great mood. And then there is news about terrorist attacks, armed conflicts, brutal murders. It is difficult to perceive such information detachedly. And now there is nothing left of the previously good mood.

Heroes of your favorite films and TV series add fuel to the fire. An impressionable viewer sometimes worries about their relationships, ups and downs, as if they were their own. For many, the death of a hero becomes a personal tragedy.

Of course, empathy is a wonderful feeling. But the problem with spending time on television is that it distances you from your loved ones. You begin to worry about the relationships of the characters in the series more than your own; their problems become closer to you than your family members. You are looking forward to the new episode, but you forget to ask your friend how he spent his vacation, what is the state of health of your parents, what made your child happy today.

TV time

How much TV can children watch? Before the age of seven, it is generally undesirable to do this without adults. Parents can only turn on a certain educational cartoon for their baby, which plays for a short time.

It’s good if adults are next to their child while watching children’s programs and comment on the story they see. It is also advisable to have a joint discussion of what was presented to the young spectators.

How long do experts allow children to be in front of a blue screen? It depends on their age:

1. It is not recommended to do this at all before two years of age. 2. From 2 to 3 years only half an hour a day 3. From 3 to 7 years - no more than an hour and a half a day. 4. From 7 to 13 years old - only two hours a day.

In addition, it is not recommended to install a TV in a children's room. Otherwise, the child will spend all his leisure time only in front of a blue screen. He will prefer it to active games, educational and useful activities. In this case, it will be very difficult to establish the necessary control over the baby. The TV on can become a familiar background, which can lead to the fact that the baby simply cannot concentrate on thinking or reading. It will be difficult for a child to even fall asleep without TV, which will certainly have a negative impact on his psyche.

For what

In terms of propaganda in Soviet times, the role of television became invaluable. It goes without saying that the party leadership could not help but take advantage of this circumstance. Not a single decision of the party congress was made without once again reminding of the need for dialogic social development - precisely thanks to TV.

Control over broadcasting was extremely strict. Statistics on broadcasting in the era of the USSR show impressive figures - in 1985, broadcasting was carried out in 45 languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, central television broadcast for a total of over 148 hours on four programs.

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