At what age can you date? Teenagers' first relationships

Romantic relationships among teenagers are not uncommon. Often these relationships stem from friendship, since intimate and personal communication becomes the leading activity at the age of 14-15. The need for a close friend is so great that if a teenager does not find one, if he has no one to tell his secrets to, to tell about his experiences, he feels deeply unhappy.

Many parents who have children growing up in their families are concerned about the age at which their son or daughter can date. How to talk to a child at this age? Is it necessary to convince him, to prove that great feelings for his desk neighbor are short-lived? First of all, you need to try to understand your children, let them go through all the stages of growing up gradually. Parents should be sensitive, but not intrusive. Children who have entered adolescence often do not understand their parents, believing that they are trying to limit their freedom in everything.

Difficulties faced by a teenager in love

A 15-year-old teenager is no longer a child, but not yet an adult. He wants to seem like an adult, and therefore in everything he will strive to prove his independence. Including from parents. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the child does not tell you everything that is happening to him, and stops sharing his experiences. It’s already very difficult for him to deal with his conflicting feelings.

Your fifteen-year-old son is actually tormented by questions about how to approach the girl he likes, how to earn her attention, how to endear himself to him. Perhaps all this seems stupid to you, because you are an adult and have long left behind youthful dreams and impulses. Teenagers are very vulnerable and insecure, even if outwardly they seem proud and unapproachable. If, at a moment when he is overwhelmed by thousands of anxious thoughts, he starts pestering him with questions, he can ruin the mood of both himself and the child for a long time.

Safe meetings

If a girl is afraid of relationships, then you should familiarize yourself with the following nuances to be careful:

  • Do not tell strangers around you about your relationship. Tell your parents that you have a new, good friend;
  • You should not openly show feelings and kiss in public;
  • You should be more modest, not be ostentatious;
  • Avoid changing partners;
  • Stay calm and confident.

The main thing is to avoid relationships with guys much older than you and hooligans. When you like a guy your age, decent and good, then your relationship will go well and those around you will be happy for you. If the guy really likes that you love him and this feeling is mutual, then stay with him and be happy.

Unhappy love among teenagers

First love is a real test for both the child and the parents. Since the feeling itself is new and exciting for a teenager, he is often unable to control it. He loves for the first time, and it seems to him that it will be forever. Teenagers' first relationships always come as a surprise to their parents. Here you will inevitably become confused: how to behave and how to react? And if love makes a child suffer, exhausts him, he becomes nervous and anxious, then he needs your parental support.

Try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him: tell him about your first love, make it clear that you understand his experiences and don’t consider him nonsense. If a child suffers from unrequited love for a long time, then he definitely needs a consultation with a psychologist. A specialist will work with him and help him overcome the feeling of seeming hopelessness and loneliness. In addition, a psychologist will help direct his feelings and thoughts in the right direction: often, when experiencing their first love, teenagers neglect their studies, daily household chores, and quarrel with others.

Common mistakes parents make

First of all, parents are not ready for the new state of their beloved child, who yesterday thought only about cartoons and games with friends in the yard, and today declares his love. They don't know how to behave, so they make a lot of mistakes.


  1. They do not take a teenager’s first love seriously; they consider him too young to have feelings. This greatly offends the lover, the atmosphere within the family becomes tense, the child withdraws into himself and stops sharing his experiences with his parents.
  2. They do not approve of the choice of a son or daughter. They condemn in every possible way the appearance, character, behavior of their child’s girlfriend or boyfriend. For a teenager, his other half is ideal, so he cannot understand his parents.
  3. They diminish the meaning of first love. “Is this really love?!” Walk for a week together and run away! Still small!” Such words touch a teenager's heartstrings; it seems to him that the first feeling comes forever. Ridicule can affect future interpersonal relationships and adult sex life.
  4. They are forbidden to meet. Parents worry about neglected school, the absence of a child at home, constant conversations on the phone or communication through social networks at night. As a result, they impose a ban on meeting with their lover. This leads to conflict between the child and adults. Children begin to play spies and enjoy the role of Romeo and Juliet. The more prohibitions, the stronger the desire to resist them.

At what age can you date?

This question is asked by both children and their parents. It is truly painful and contradictory, since there is no clear age limit for when a child can be allowed to date someone. As a rule, everything happens very unexpectedly and parents are simply presented with a fait accompli. A lot also depends on what kind of relationship the teenager has with his chosen one or chosen one. If it is just friendship, friendly relations, then they do not need to be prohibited. Children can be friends even from kindergarten, what's wrong with that?

It's another matter if you find out that your son or daughter fell in love for the first time. These are completely different feelings, and age is important here. If the child is only 13–14 years old, of course, you need to be very careful about what happens to him. Friendship between teenagers can smoothly turn into something more, and by succumbing to feelings, a teenager can begin an intimate relationship. It is important to consider that at such a young age children can easily do stupid things. There is no point in letting everything take its course. But simply prohibiting them from seeing each other is also not an option. Even if it seems to you that it is too early for your child to date the opposite sex, do not tell him this. You will only undermine his confidence in himself and that you truly understand him. What is important is not age as a fact confirming that the child is old enough, but how ready he is for close relationships.

When the feelings are mutual

If your child's feelings are reciprocated, that's very good. You will immediately understand this by its appearance and condition.

The child is constantly in high spirits. The object of love is an ideal for him; he wants to show it off to his peers. Children in love spend a lot of time together and share each other's interests. Boys learn to care for girls. Schoolchildren fantasize and dream about a future together. It seems to them that the feeling will last forever, but the first love is often short-lived and rarely ends in marriage

At this stage, it is important not to destroy feelings, but to treat them with understanding

Teenagers need to be explained that first love does not always end in marriage, therefore, even if some kind of disagreement occurs, there is nothing catastrophic about it. Teach your child to be aware of this.

Psychological readiness

When answering the question of how old you can date, you should take into account the teenager’s degree of readiness for a relationship: how responsible he can be for his actions, whether he is able to admit his own mistakes, whether he has sufficient awareness in matters of puberty and intimate relationships. Is a teenager able to think not only about himself, but also about his partner?

Of course, at 13-14 years old this is out of the question. As they get older, by about 16-17 years of age, a young man or girl already has a clear idea of ​​what their chosen one should be like, they understand exactly what kind of relationship they want them to have.

Question for psychologists

Asked by: Margarita

Question category: Relationships


Hello, I really need your advice. I can’t tell anyone about my problem, because my parents won’t understand, much less my friends. But I desperately need advice on how to resolve this issue. I’m 14, my boyfriend is 21. It’s a strange union, isn’t it? We’ve been dating for two months now. I’m not a virgin and that’s why I sleep with him. He has his own apartment where we meet, for which I have to skip classes at art school (where I study from the age of 9, it begins after classes at a regular school). He loves me, kisses, hugs, says warm words. He also really supports me in any difficulties. We discussed our future. We decided to get married when I turn 18, by this time He will graduate from college (medical school) and will already work and earn money for our family.

Several acute dilemmas arise here. Firstly, he is not Russian. His homeland is Kazakhstan. My father hates all non-Russians. He is simply ready to go and kill them all indiscriminately. I tried to carefully find out in more detail how my family feels about this. Absolutely everyone is against relations with non-Russians

Secondly, he is 21. I cannot tell anyone about his age. This threatens with huge consequences for me and a prison sentence for him. I have to lie to my parents that I am dating a ninth-grader from my school. I am afraid that soon my parents will find out the whole truth.

And now the most important thing. At 14 years old, I look 18. I have developed wide hips, large breasts, a thin waist, expressive legs and a big ass. Everyone considers me a beauty, because in addition to such a body there is a very beautiful face. Very many guys dream about sleeping with me. I started having sex at the age of 13. In total, I had 4 guys. and they all used me. they slept with me and then left me. but for my boyfriend today, according to him I am an angel, the meaning of his life. I am his little girl.

And so, dear professionals, I ask you to help me understand my actions and thoughts. Please help me answer these questions:

1. Is it possible to date a guy if he is 21 and you are 14 and what could be the consequences? to prepare parents for such news

3. And is it even possible to trust those who are much older than you, if your body is more important to many than your soul?

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

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How can you help your child become more confident?

In adolescence, it is so difficult to decide to approach a peer you like. A teenager, even the bravest one, sometimes experiences difficulties and suddenly becomes awkward and shy.

Shyness at this age is completely normal, provided that they work on it, that the young man or girl sincerely wants to overcome this quality in themselves. In especially difficult cases, when a teenager is catastrophically afraid of rejection or simply cannot build a trusting relationship with a peer, consulting a psychologist will help. The specialist will guide him to solve the problem, tell him how to overcome his imaginary shortcomings and learn to love and appreciate himself.

Fragility of relationships

Unfortunately, most teenage novels do not continue and end as soon as they begin. This happens because young people are still learning to build full-fledged trusting relationships with each other. Such young partners can be hindered by any little thing that seems insignificant to an adult: a lack of understanding of the motives of a friend’s actions, a difference in character, some minor problem that will cause a teenager to feel helpless and despondent. Therefore, the question of how old you can date really matters. For obvious reasons, boys and girls under the age of sixteen are unlikely to be truly ready for long-term relationships.

Should you talk to teenagers about sex?

The topic of intimate relationships is of great concern to teenagers and their parents. Teenagers tend to worry about possible physical intimacy; they tell friends about their “exploits” (often imaginary), and fantasize. With all the availability of information, young people often cannot imagine the seriousness of all the consequences that early sexual activity can lead to. Therefore, it is not only possible, but also necessary to talk about sex with teenagers. If you know that your son or daughter has found a partner, are dating, going for walks, then the question of an intimate relationship cannot be ruled out. Children grow up very quickly, even if parents don't want to believe it. It is better to have a warning conversation in time than to be unprepared for a surprise later.

Age of sexual consent: what is it in the world today?

How are things today? Even in bordering countries, regulations can vary significantly. For Asia, for example, the range of options ranges from 12 years in the Republic of the Philippines to 21 years in the Kingdom of Bahrain. At the same time, in most Asian countries they chose to stop at the age of 16, and in 11 countries sex outside marriage is illegal regardless of age.

In Europe, the range is smaller - from 14 to 18 years, and 16 is also the most popular option (by the way, this is the age of sexual consent in Russia). The 17–18 year mark was considered acceptable by states where religious traditions and communities are strong: Malta, Turkey, Ireland, the Vatican, Cyprus.

In the vast majority of North American countries, the age of consent is 16–18 years. In South America, the bar is generally lower - from 13 to 16 years old, and Africa is a crazy patchwork, where in neighboring countries you can have sex from 20 and from 12 years old.

What is the reason for this dispersion? There are many factors at play here. For example, in India, where the age of consent is now also 18 years old, this decision was made for practical reasons.

In the 19th century, it was possible to have sex and get married in this country from the age of 10. Spousal violence, as elsewhere, was not uncommon in India, but in 1892, the case of Phulmoni Dasi was on everyone's lips: a 10-year-old Bengali girl, Phulmoni, was raped by her 30-year-old husband, after which she died from internal injuries. Since according to the law, marital sex in India could not be considered rape, despite the testimony of Fulmoni’s mother, the man was sentenced to a year of community service.

The case received such publicity that it led to reform of the law: the age of consent was raised from 10 years old to 12. And even if the child was married earlier, sex with a partner under 12 years old, even between spouses, was officially equated to rape.

The next reform in this area occurred half a century later: early pregnancies often ended in the death of women, and in 1949, sororities in India were able to raise the age of consent to 15 years. And in 2013 he turned 18 - this time as a result of political pressure from conservatives.

How to react if a teenager brings home his or her significant other?

Serious relationships during adolescence are rare, but not an exception. When the feelings of young people are big and strong, the guys have a desire to introduce their chosen one or chosen one to their parents. This is commendable and such a step should be welcomed. Think for yourself: if a child considers it necessary to introduce you to his significant other, it means he trusts you, and your opinion is important to him. You should try to justify such trust in every possible way and maintain it in the future: then you will always know what is happening with your child.

Thus, the question of how old you can date is of paramount importance when a teenager is not yet ready enough to build a personal relationship. When a young man has learned to take responsibility for his own actions and actions, there is no need to be afraid.

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