Sexual arousal in women: 11 ways to understand that a girl wants sex

Probably, 30 years ago no one asked the question of sexual arousal in women, because in the USSR there was even “no sex”, and children were found in cabbage or multiplied by budding. Nobody cared what the aunts wanted. They had no right to want to: the country was working at an accelerated pace for the good of the nation. It was considered the norm that before sex a woman excuses herself with a headache and eternal periods, because only a girl of indecent behavior could truly desire intimacy. So was general frigidity really moving with heavy steps across the country?

Of course this is not true. It is not for nothing that nature has endowed a woman with erogenous points throughout her body. And everyone wants to experience voluptuous moments of orgasm. It’s just that there used to be sexual incivility, and what is now considered the norm for two people in bed used to look like a perversion. And, perhaps, if a man did not give the woman the highest pleasure during sex, then she helped herself achieve orgasm. There is nothing to be done - you can’t trample against nature.

And then came emancipation, bold experiments, and, thank God, that nowadays no one has a “headache,” but everyone needs THIS. Let's talk today about how to determine what excites a woman, and what signs can be used to understand that she wants sex with a man.

What is the difference between female and male arousal

Women and men are aroused in completely different ways: the desire of the stronger sex is an impulse that arises from the slightest provocation on the part of a girl (sometimes a piece of a naked body can bring a guy into “full combat”), which cannot be said about ladies whose libido ignites slowly, gradually and exclusively under the right guidance of a partner.

Each woman's sexual response cycle is different. For one girl, 5 minutes will be enough for the attraction to the opposite sex to overwhelm her, while another will have to be aroused for a long time and painstakingly on her own, because there is not enough incentive from a man. The reason for this difference is the metabolic rate, the interaction of the sexual centers with each other and the psychological atmosphere in which the female individual is located at the moment.

By the way, the peak of sexual arousal in men occurs at the age of 24-28, after which there is a decline, but by this time girls, on the contrary, begin to understand sex and desire to engage in it for pleasure.

In both sexes, unsatisfied passions are reflected in a deterioration in well-being - in this we are similar. Heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen are the most striking signs that a woman’s (man’s) arousal has reached its peak, but has no logical conclusion. Moreover, sexual intercourse for guys always ends with orgasm, so we are talking about dissatisfaction only in the case when the male has received a refusal. But for girls, having intercourse does not mean at all that she has finished and relaxed. So keep this in mind, dear men!

Tips for choosing a location for intimacy

If you are about to have sex with your lover for the first time, then it is very important to create a pleasant environment around. The development of relationships in the future very often depends on exactly how the first connection goes, so you need to ensure that everything turns out as smoothly as possible:

  • House. You can invite a girl to your home if you live alone and there are no relatives or roommates outside the wall. This development of events can greatly confuse and alienate your chosen one. If you have established an independent household in your home, there are no things scattered in the corners of your apartment, and in general the house itself creates a good impression, then you can easily arrange an intimate date at home. Surely you will feel more comfortable in your own territory, which will have a positive effect on your meeting.

  • Ask to come to her house. This option will not be the best if it is actively asked for. This can really turn a girl off. If she doesn’t independently hint at such a plan for the development of events, then the most you can do in this regard is to ask: “Can we buy food and watch a movie from you?” If the girl did not accept this offer, then there is no need to put pressure on her under any circumstances. Don't make her make excuses for not wanting to invite you over. This means that for this period of time she has her own reasons for this, and it will be the height of tactlessness if you start trying by all means to find out this reason.
  • Rent a hotel room for the night. This option is considered the most preferable. If you have the financial means, then it is best to opt for a good hotel or the most comfortable rented apartment. The room can be rented either for one evening or for a day. If we talk about the second option, then you need to make sure in advance that the area where you choose a place to spend the evening is really well chosen. Most likely, you will leave your room to take a short walk or have dinner at a nearby cafe/restaurant, so you need to think in advance about where exactly this can be done. And no one can cancel the attractive view from the window - this will add an additional plus to your pleasant time at the hotel.
  • Sex on the street. Everyone has their own thoughts on this action, so you need, first of all, to focus on your girlfriend’s opinion and your own. If you are both adventurous and the thought that someone might see you during sexual contact turns you on, then, of course, it makes sense to take a risk. An event like this can leave you with memories that will last a lifetime. But, if the girl is not too inclined to such actions, there is a high probability that one of the partners will not only not receive pleasure, but will also experience additional distress. And in general, it is best for the first intimate intimacy of partners to take place in more comfortable conditions.

What turns a woman on, how a man should behave

Let's just say that what excites a woman most is the man she likes and everything connected with him! If the partner attracts her on an emotional level and visual perception, the excitement will begin to increase, and then it’s a matter of technique.

Strong man

Who can a girl like? Which guy makes a woman sexually aroused? Of course, a strong man! Strong not only physically. The concept of strength of a representative of the weaker half includes such aspects as success, possession of certain material and housing benefits, connections with the powers that be, the ability to protect a woman from adversity and the negative influence of the outside world, the ability to withstand critical periods, that is, moral fortitude, worthy actions relative to other people, etc.

A strong man is not always handsome, tall and damn attractive, but he is a turn-on for many. A handsome loser with an empty wallet has almost no chance in the fight against a successful male who has won his place in the sun and is able to provide a woman with some protection in life. The girl’s thighs will become more intensely moisturized when interacting with the second specimen.

Sincere courtship and compliments

When a man knows how to say a kind word of encouragement at the right time, favorably emphasizing some quality of a girl, this is a plus in his karma. If the ability to cajole a lady’s ears is combined with the ability to look after beautifully, that is, observing manners in public places and the conditions of the candy-bouquet period, then the partner will be aroused regularly.

Ability to gain trust

Some girls do not pay attention to the sweet speeches of a boyfriend and his flowers-gifts; another factor is much more important to them - trust. If you can win him, consider that arousing your girlfriend will not be difficult. She herself will jump into the bed and cum from the mere realization that she has such a worthy man.


All girls, without exception, are thrilled and excited by romance, be it a snotty melodrama about unhappy love, or a candlelit dinner surrounded by velvet rose petals. They will not be turned on as much by a male erotic dance with the exposure of a huge penis as by an evening on the river bank with your sighs of love in her ear. This is the nature of women.


It is difficult to overestimate the power of gifts in arousing a girl. A man who is ready to spend money on trinkets for his sexual partner is always sexually attractive to her, because by doing so he signals his strength and wealth, that is, his ability to provide her and his offspring with a comfortable future. These are instincts, and they work even when not a word has been said about wedding, children and death on the same day.


Kissing causes quite a strong arousal in women. The most sensitive areas for girls are the neck, décolleté, back, lower back, wrists, earlobes, tummy, inner thighs, etc. Every lady always has her own special points of arousal, which you won’t even know about the first time!


Want to know what turns women on? Learn to “let go” correctly! There is no need to paw, squeeze or feel the girl’s body - try to put all the tenderness that you have into every touch to her sensual places. Stroking, light jerky touches, subtle pressure are quite suitable. Run your palm over your hair, neck, touch the thin neck... Most likely, she is already wound up and eager for the next steps.

View of male genital organs in bare form

Yes, yes, women are also aroused by a naked male body, especially by the sight of an erect penis. But this happens more slowly than for men when they see a naked lady.

Intimate caresses

And the next step will be proper intimate caresses, which help to excite a woman already in the process of foreplay. High-quality cunnilingus or an exciting massage can work wonders: even a lady with a weak sexual constitution responds to such techniques!

How to understand that a girl wants sex

Every man should know some of the tricks women use to emphasize their affection and focus on intimate relationships. After all, many guys regularly face the question of how to understand that a girl is excited.

The most obvious signs of her desire can be identified:

  • Neck exposure . This is a signal at the level of instinct. With its help, the fairer sex shows that she is ready to submit and trust her partner.
  • Light stroking . A young lady may accidentally touch herself or a potential companion. At the same time, she shows tenderness and affection.
  • Direct questions with provocation . If a girl is excited, she may decide to be frank. She tries to evoke emotions and tease the young man she likes.
  • Licking lips . A potential partner is trying to attract the attention of a possible chosen one.
  • Close tactile contact . A person of the fair sex may accidentally press herself against a man. This means that she expects activity and determination from him.
  • Showing wrists . If a girl smokes, she will certainly show off her graceful and thin hands.
  • A languid look . The potential partner begins to demonstrate playfulness and mystery. Her eyes are half closed. She is characterized by mystery and sexuality.
  • Courtship towards a young man . A gentle person tries to please her possible chosen one. This is how she emphasizes that his comfort is important to her. The girl can offer a massage, help in putting things in order, or a self-prepared dinner. Such signs indicate that she treats her companion with great respect.
  • Stockings . Some details in the image of the fair sex indicate her desire. If she is wearing stockings, therefore, she concentrates the young man’s attention on her sympathy and tries to seduce him.
  • Confusion . When a girl blushes, she feels emotions towards a guy. If he shows attention, determination and self-confidence, then a pleasant evening will certainly be followed by closer communication. The main thing is to maintain balance. Don't be too pushy or rude. Otherwise, the disposition will quickly be replaced by complete apathy and rejection.

Where are a woman's arousal points?

Your lady is like an unread book: the epigraph is already known, but what is there in the middle, what is the climax, and what to expect from the ending is unclear. Then we “read.”

We are looking for her weak points and erogenous zones. Kissing on the lips, we explore the body with our hands. And her body itself will let you know. For example, her first erogenous zone is behind her earlobe. Lightly massage the area with your fingertips. If a woman, like a cat, leans towards this place in order to feel your touch more strongly, this is her first “start” button. Kisses here will be no less pleasant and will cause excitement throughout the female body.

Turn the page and read on. We touch any tender point of her skin: wrists, palms, nipples, stomach, back of knees, feet. In general, all the places that she does not withdraw, but on the contrary, moves closer to your touches and kisses, all have their own degree of excitability.

Well, of course, the genitals. It is a rare woman who will refuse pleasure if she is caressed there with fingers, lips and tongue. But this is also a very cunning technique, a whole science.

The known-unknown “G” point, men always have a question about this – where to find it. In principle, many women also have no idea where this lost place is, but experience a peak of pleasure if a man finds her. About 5-6 cm from the front wall of the vagina - if you stimulate this place with your fingertips, you can find it.

But, even after the highest peak of pleasure and explosive orgasm in a woman, you should not leave her. Unlike men, who can immediately pass out after falling asleep, a woman needs to be calmed down for at least 5 minutes, with light kisses and stroking, otherwise “the book will not be completely read”, and the woman will not be completely satisfied.

How to hint to a girl about intimacy

The vast majority of women fear that after sex a man will disappear and never remind him of himself. For this reason, a young man should approach the issue of intimate relationships extremely delicately and correctly. To hint to a potential companion about closer communication, you need to find out her attitude towards this. You can start a conversation regarding sex life in general. As an option, it’s worth watching a film with erotic content together or discussing the relationships of friends. Based on the girl's reaction, it will be possible to determine whether she is ready for the next level.

It is optimal for the young man to try to evoke a reciprocal desire from his chosen one. If a girl is excited, she will certainly agree. To do this, the guy should hug her more often, kiss her passionately and caress her. Based on the response, it will become clear whether the gentle lady wants to continue. When she shows disposition and openness, you should begin to take active action. But if she tends to be embarrassed and withdrawn, the young man needs to refrain from being overly assertive. You can have a sincere conversation. This will allow you to find out what exactly scares the chosen one. A confidential conversation will require a conducive environment. It's worth preparing a delicious dinner or having a little drink.

If a guy has his own apartment or a place that requires privacy, he needs to speak directly about his aspirations. An invitation to your home will be a clear hint of sex. If a representative of the fairer sex is distinguished by insight and intelligence, she will definitely understand what exactly her companion wants. Agreeing to such a proposal indicates reciprocity. While watching a film, a young man should try to get closer. You can hug the girl and smoothly move on to kissing. Her response to caresses gives permission for subsequent intimate relations.

All signs of sexual arousal in women

If a woman sees the object of her desire, and she unbearably wants intimacy, then this can be determined by several obvious and secondary signs. Men, be attentive to your woman’s behavior, and you will definitely learn to determine that a girl wants sex at the moment!

Let's start with the physiological signs of arousal, which are not always visible to the naked eye - sort of hints from the body.

Wetting and swelling of the vagina

When a girl is aroused, a lubricant is released from the vagina for easy insertion of the penis. At the same time, it acquires a cone-shaped shape, stretches a little and increases in size. Of course, this cannot be determined by eye, but when you put your hand into your panties, you will feel that it is all wet.

What does a woman's discharge consist of when she is aroused? Externally, the lubricant in a healthy woman looks transparent, sometimes pale milky in color. And the chemical process happens like this - blood intensively flows to the walls of the vagina, dilating the blood vessels, and thus moisture is released, causing the internal genital organs to be coated with mucus. It is produced by glands located in the female vagina.

With such signs, the lady often squeezes her thighs or crosses her legs to cope with the surging sensations.

Swelling of the nipples

The chest also reacts to excitement. When it has reached its maximum peak, the nipples swell and stand up straight, the breasts themselves are slightly pulled up. Without a bust it is very noticeable. This sign is detected in those who wear a bra without foam rubber.

Pain in the lower abdomen

They are unlikely to tell you this, but when she is ready for copulation, a woman feels a nagging pain in the lower abdomen. They intensify if the act does not take place or the orgasm in it fails.

Increased heart rate and breathing

The girl’s heart begins to beat one and a half times faster, her breathing becomes deep, heavy, and sometimes it seems that she is about to suffocate.

Dilated pupils and blush

An excited lady will be identified by the blush on her cheeks, which arises due to the active flow of blood, and moisturized eyes with dilated pupils. Often the lips become dry, and the girl instinctively licks them. At the same time, she either averts her eyes bashfully, or, conversely, looks with open defiance.

And there are also indirect signs of sexual arousal, which are also easy to read if you know about them.

Wants to be close and shortens the distance

A girl who is excited and wants sex will close the distance between you, trying to get close, as close as possible, in order to establish tactile contact.

Voice changes

As a rule, the voice of a virgin is played deliberately. He becomes more languid and deep, phrases stretch out and slow down - the manner of speaking is very different from the usual. At the same time, the seductress tries to adjust the “dish” with the play of her eyes.

She becomes “hot” or “cold”

A girl who wants to seduce a man often uses “dressing and undressing” tactics. She becomes “cold” or “hot”, after which she either receives a warming jacket and a portion of care from the man, or exposes her seductive shoulders and breasts.

Hand gestures and hair games

Usually an excited lady starts playing with her hair: touching, straightening stray strands, pinning or undoing them, wrapping a curl around her finger, etc. Another sign will be stroking your body.

Frank pose

Legs on legs, bending over with bare thighs, leaning on a table with cleavage exposed - by the pose you will understand that the excited beauty is provoking you to more active actions.

Minimum resistance

Oddly enough, the excited girl also resists, only her efforts are noticeably feigned. She pushes him away, and presses her body even closer to the man, says “no,” but does not leave and continues her games.

While taking some medications and contraceptives, vaginal lubrication is less clear, so you will need aphrodisiacs for women that will reduce the friction process when the penis enters the vagina. Pay attention to the drugs and cosmetics in our sex shop - they will solve the problem of weak arousal and insufficient lubrication!

Intimate body signals

The symptoms of arousal that were described above most often indicate a lady’s interest in her interlocutor. And this state is slightly different from the one that occurs when a woman is ready for sex. A man will be able to understand whether she agrees to intimate intimacy only after he decides to take the first steps towards her.

At the moment of arousal in women, natural lubrication begins to be released from the vagina. Thanks to it, the penis can freely penetrate the vagina.

To assess the degree of moisture in the interlocutor’s crotch, it is not necessary to immediately get into her underwear.

This action can scare away a girl. She may also decide that the man only wants intimacy from her.

It's best to do it differently. It is necessary to affectionately hug the lady and, as if by chance, run your hand over her buttocks, going down to the crotch. If she is excited, the moist heat will be felt even through her clothes.

During hugs and kisses, it is recommended to run your hand over the woman's chest.
Few girls manage to get aroused so that their nipples remain in a relaxed state. If they become hard and stick out a little through clothes (if there is no underwear), then the partner is ready for more frank caresses.

The reaction of the nipples does not always indicate a woman's arousal. To understand this accurately, you should find out whether the reason for the hardening of this zone is that the air temperature in the room is too low.

The body of an excited girl reacts very sharply even to minor caresses. It becomes tense at such moments. The woman begins to unconsciously arch her stomach and back, thereby trying to reach her partner faster. Intimate body signals are complemented by a slight tremor in the thighs when touched.

The girl's body is covered with so-called goose bumps. An inexperienced man may even think that she is frozen.

Although in reality everything is completely different. When touched by a man, an excited woman emits a subtle moan.

At this moment, the partner should take the situation into his own hands and immediately begin the main action. Although he can play with the girl a little, thus making her even more excited.

An aroused woman will not ignore the genitals of a man who attracts her.
She will touch them in every possible way with her hands or rub them with different parts of her body.

At this moment, the man can allow himself to touch his partner’s genitals to finally make sure whether her body is ready for sex or not.

Means to excite a girl

Let's say your chosen one lives by past principles, and neither external nor internal signs of excitement are manifested. Maybe health is taking its toll, and for mature women it’s also menopause, so it’s worth resorting to traditional medicine: herbs, flowers, decoctions. Here are some simple recipes:

  • Aloe. Mix the crushed leaves of this plant 1:1 with honey. Take a spoon before bedtime.
  • Pour a pinch of nutmeg, 10g ginger, 10g cinnamon into a glass container. Add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice and 1 spoon of honey. All these components are mixed with 0.5 liters of dry white wine, the mixture is left for 2 weeks in a dry, dark place, but do not forget to shake the container periodically. Take 20 ml before dinner.
  • Mix plantain and nettle seeds in equal proportions 1:1, with the addition of a couple of spoons of honey. We put the mixture in a glass container and place it on the windowsill for a week and take 10g after dinner every day.
  • Walnuts mixed with honey are a well-known aphrodisiac for both women and men.
  • Chocolate. It’s no wonder that on romantic intimate evenings a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine are required on the table. Oh, just don’t talk about the dangers of alcohol now - alcohol in small doses is even beneficial and relaxing. Of course, there is no need to “get too full” - this will completely ruin the whole night of love, but a glass for a little dizziness will even go a long way.

And remember, the best arousal for a woman will be sincere love and desire from her partner!

Secrets of female physiology

The female body is designed in such a way that some manifestations of arousal cannot be hidden. The less clothing a woman wears, the easier it is to detect these physiological signs.

A girl’s behavior sometimes does not allow a man to understand whether his partner is ready for a love affair with him

Therefore, it is important to learn to read the very first manifestations of arousal. To do this, you need to study the girl’s behavior and manners.

Much depends on temperament. If a woman herself is quite liberated, then she will behave accordingly.

And that doesn't mean she wants sex. However, there are a number of general signs that people pay attention to.

The reaction of which two organs cannot be imitated?

Having reached a certain stage, it is worth focusing on the reaction of two organs.

An excited woman cannot control the swelling of her nipples: during contact with a man, they become hard with strong sexual desire.

Between her legs it becomes warm and moist, because when aroused, the vagina secretes a special lubricant. Such signals cannot be faked; they are sure signs of desire and readiness for sexual contact.

How do female sexual disorders manifest?

The predominant forms of female sexual disorders are:

  • Decreased libido (desire). Manifests itself in decreased desire or loss of interest in sexual activity.
  • Frigidity, or sexual coldness. Refers to absence or loss of sexual desire.
  • Anorgasmia (problems with orgasm). It consists of a delay or non-occurrence of orgasm during normal sexual intercourse.
  • Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse). A woman feels discomfort or pain in the external genital area or pelvic organs.

What signals should you not pay attention to?

Signs of female arousal are easily confused with manifestations of other needs.

  • if a woman sits with her legs crossed, then perhaps she is sitting in a comfortable position, not in the hope of looking sexier and more attractive;
  • a woman can fidget in her chair for various physiological reasons;
  • It is especially easy to make a mistake in interpreting a woman’s intentions if the girl is simply a flirtatious person, and constant flirting without a clear continuation is a way of life for her;

When communicating with a woman, you should not rush things or apply unnecessary pressure; the task is to learn to feel and understand the mood of your interlocutor, including the sexual one.

Treatment of sexual disorders

Treatment methods for sexual disorders are selected depending on the cause of their occurrence. Most often, therapy is complex and includes:

  • Taking medications: antidepressants, tadalafil and sildenafil, hormonal drugs (for hormonal imbalances).
  • Establishing relationships between partners. It is important to build trust and understanding, which is what a competent sexologist helps partners with.
  • Psychotherapy. They resort to it if the cause of the disorder is psychological problems.

At the clinic Dr. AkNer practices individual programs for the treatment and prevention of sexual disorders. We approach each case with special attention, diagnose the psychological and sexual characteristics of the woman and accurately identify the cause of the problems that arise. Based on the diagnosis, the sexologist selects appropriate treatment, and also explains how to develop adequate orgasmic skills and teaches special exercises. As a result, a woman can fully reveal her sexuality.

To get a consultation and make an appointment, write to us in the online form on the website or call the contact numbers 8 (495) 098-03-03 or. We will help solve any sensitive problem while maintaining confidentiality.

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