How much coffee can you drink without harming your heart health?


The effect of caffeine on the blood vessels of the brain is specific - when ingested, caffeine leads to their narrowing. Along with the vasoconstrictor effect, caffeine also has other effects:

  • accelerates metabolism locally
  • stabilizes the functioning of cortical and subcortical structures
  • eliminates drowsiness
  • increases performance
  • improves the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the brain

Heart and coronary arteries

In small doses, caffeine is beneficial for heart health because it:

  • normalizes blood circulation and muscle function, which reduces the likelihood of angina, atherosclerosis and heart attack
  • increases the speed of movement of the excitation wave with a weakened pulse
  • increases resistance to exercise by stabilizing blood flow
  • increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients due to the expansion of coronary vessels


Caffeine dilates the blood vessels of the kidneys, has a pronounced diuretic effect, accelerates the evacuation of waste and toxins from the body. At the same time, the alkaloid removes calcium, the deficiency of which negatively affects the health of bones, teeth, and hair. This side effect is not dangerous for people who drink no more than 2 cups of coffee per day and eat properly. After an hour, the effect of caffeine on the kidneys weakens - the blood vessels gradually narrow.

People with kidney pathologies are not recommended to abuse coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks. This reduces the risk of complications and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Arterial pressure

The dilating effect of caffeine on blood vessels ensures an increase in the vascular lumen, which leads to an increase in blood pressure in both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. Therefore, people with fluctuations in blood pressure are not recommended to abuse caffeine-containing drinks, as the hypertensive crisis increases.

After consumption, caffeine causes an increase in the lower and upper blood pressure by 5-12 mm. Hg Art., and the effect lasts up to 4 hours. And in people who regularly take caffeine in various forms, the increase in blood pressure is insignificant.

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