Coupling of a negative state with an external cause The next stage in the development of the state of breakdown is “coupling with
“Always in a hurry, but never on time. So busy that there is no time to remember who he is, and
Varieties Sensitivity disorders are divided into two groups - increased or decreased. Reduced refers to
People have long begun to think about the question of why some people can easily solve complex mathematical problems.
Women and men are different: by their nature, by their perception of the world, by their life goals and priorities.
Hello, since you came to this page, you probably feel unhappy, or something like
November 22, 2019 Psychology of relationships Marusya Kot Many women want to know how to cope with
The ability to be creative and create something new has always been highly valued in society. And no wonder
Afterword Social phobia is a kind of worm that causes decay in life. Maybe not the most pleasant metaphor,
Violation of the normal perception of the surrounding world and oneself is a pathological condition, which in medicine