How to become a happy woman in 7 days - 7 simple steps

Hello, since you came to this page, you probably feel unhappy, or at least not happy enough. Let me tell you how to become a happy woman in 7 days. 7 simple steps will help us with this, after which you will feel happy.

But first, let's think about what happiness is? And what is happiness for you? Why don't you feel happy? The answer is simple: happiness is in your head, and to feel happy, you just need to believe in happiness. A person doesn’t need much to be happy; sometimes a glance, attention, a strong hug, or just a good night’s sleep is enough.

If you want to be happy, be it.

Is it possible to be happy after 60

For some reason, many are sure that older people cannot experience feelings for the opposite sex. But that's not true. Love and happiness have no age restrictions. Everyone dreams of growing old next to a loved one. A woman at any age should remain a woman. And in order to be loved and happy, it is not at all necessary to remain young.

Those. Those who think that you can only meet the love of your life at a young age are mistaken. You can meet the one and only one at a fairly mature age. At this age, people begin to live in a civil marriage, because... Marriage registration is no longer important. The main thing is to understand each other and maintain a warm and gentle relationship.

Feelings that appear in old age are especially valued because... This is not only a late love, but also, perhaps, the last.

You need to cherish love and appreciate every new day spent together at any age.

Elderly people, just like everyone else, need warmth, attention, contact with other people, including physical ones. And perhaps even more than everyone else. Your career is over, your children are grown, so it becomes important to maintain a close relationship with your partner.

Benefit others

Those around us provide us with opportunities, resources, knowledge, money, emotions, but the reverse process is no less important. A person needs to be useful to others in some way. This will open up a source of positive energy.

Find an activity that will make the lives of those around you better. Coach Travis Bradbury reminds us that:

  1. Employees who help others are ten times better at focusing on work and are 40% more likely to advance in their careers.
  2. People who regularly participate in social support programs cope better with stressful situations.

Helping others truly makes us happier.

How to be a happy woman: 14 pleasant steps to a new life

14 simple steps will help you become successful and joyful:

  1. You need to start the day with a smile to yourself, the sun, loved ones, and random passers-by.
  2. Discard negative attitudes and thoughts, replace them with more positive and joyful ones.
  3. Find your favorite hobby.
  4. Stop complaining about fate and blaming others for your mistakes.
  5. Enjoy food.
  6. Enjoy walks in the fresh air.
  7. In the evening, take a shower, imagining how the water washes away all the problems and hardships.
  8. Listen to pleasant music, watch positive films.
  9. Let go of the past, forget the grievances, forgive yourself and the one who offended.
  10. Read literature on psychology to understand yourself.
  11. Give joy to others without demanding anything in return.
  12. Take time to be alone and reflect.
  13. Allow yourself to make bold plans and dreams.
  14. Be grateful for everything in life.

Educate yourself and take care of yourself

Psychotechnologist and NLP trainer Alunika Dobrovolskaya recommends starting the path to happiness, which is individual for each person, by identifying values ​​and needs:

  1. Write down 10 points of what you consider important in life. Determine what you already have from this list, and write down ways to achieve the rest.
  2. Make a list of what brings you joy and what makes you sad. Analyze what is more in life and formulate a plan to bring joy into your life.

For example, if you consider communication with friends to be one of the main areas of your life, call them once a day, schedule weekly meetings and joint recreation.

Take care of yourself. Determine your basic daily needs (food, sleep, rest) and always meet them.

What do you need to do to learn to be happy even in difficult periods of life?

Did you know that of the entire population of Russia, only 1% turns to a psychotherapist for help? If not, then it's true. Moreover:

  • 78% of people try to hide their experiences, forgetting about the main question: “how to learn to be happy?” They get lost in complexes and suffering. They make unsuccessful attempts to get out of severe depression.
  • 57% believe that they have everything on their own and no psychologist will help correct situations from the present or past, making them happy and dotting all the I’s.
  • 23% are confident that they will get out of a bad period on their own, and the psychotherapist can only pump money out of them.
  • 14% are interested in psychological and emotional states. They watch various programs and study literature on psychology.

Let’s not hide the fact that when a difficult or very difficult period comes in life, a person utters the phrase: “I want to die.” This means that the person is completely burnt out emotionally. Such a person no longer sees happiness in the morning dawn, in a wonderful breakfast, in a kiss from a loved one. Simply put, there is no strength left for anything other than being upset and whining. In this case, psychologists recommend pulling yourself together and starting the week, day, minute with a new leaf. You shouldn’t forget about the problems that have accumulated, but sometimes it’s better to put them aside so that you can come up with an idea on how to resolve the situation that has happened.

Compare yourself to yourself and change

For happiness, it is important to observe how much better you have become in comparison with yourself yesterday, and to stop envying others. Personal change is an inspiring factor:

  1. Learn to become better at small things: do work faster, wake up 15 minutes earlier, squat 10 times more.
  2. Don't chase outstanding results, pay attention to small victories.
  3. Summarize each week with an emphasis on what you improved on.
  4. Don't be shy about talking openly about what you're good at and your achievements.

Analyzing their successes, many are amazed at how much they actually accomplished. This rationalization of achievements helps you be happier every day.

A short description of the experiment of the scientist Robert, what should you do to be happy?

2 groups were taken in 1938 from Harvard University. The first group of guys who went to World War II, the second group were young boys from low-income families, disadvantaged areas of Boston. Each participant underwent an interview and medical examination. During their lives, they managed to become: doctors, athletes, builders. Architects, workers, alcoholics, one of the guys became President of the States. Someone got sick and died, someone became a millionaire. The tracking project lasted 75 years. Over the years, the project management sent participants questionnaires with questions about life.

The truth and the result turned out to be simple and unsurprising, but very significant.

“Close relationships influence well-being, the generally accepted concept of happiness. Betting on your career and remaining a proud loner is not an option, as many years of surveys have shown. People who constantly spoke up for their friends, for good relationships at work, turned out to be much happier and were many times more successful in life.”

Set only realistic goals

You can become depressed very quickly if you constantly set yourself unattainable goals . After many fruitless attempts to achieve success in the designated direction, the strength runs out, and the woman feels that her affairs are in complete decline.

Examples of unrealistic goals include the goal of earning over one hundred thousand rubles a month, if real earnings are only 20,000 rubles, or the idea of ​​losing 10 kg in one month.

Achieving the set goals , on the contrary, adds optimism and makes you believe in yourself. That's why it's so important to set specific goals. Not just to lose weight, but to reach a certain point on the scale, not to get rich, but to reach a stable level of income.

Next, the set global goal needs to be broken down into several small ones and moved towards them in small steps . Then the chances of success will increase significantly.

Achieving the goal

Strengthen self-esteem

Strengthening self-esteem does not mean making it high. In many situations, having too much self-confidence can be just as damaging as not having it.

Self-esteem must be independent. This means that she should not start from the opinions of others and be based on it!

Women are especially susceptible to the influence of public opinion . It is important for them what they say or think about them, how they look in other people’s eyes. But this means that self-esteem will constantly fluctuate between feeling like a star and a loser. After all, it is impossible to please everyone , and those around you will always give conflicting signals.

Independent self-esteem will allow you to get rid of complexes , because they are the ones that prevent women from relaxing and allowing themselves to be imperfect, but happy.

Strengthening self-esteem

Create an image of your desired future

Many people, when thinking about the future, imagine ordinary or depressing things. Alunika Dobrovolskaya claims that happy people consider only the best options. This is how they give commands to the unconscious and achieve the desired result.

A person is happy when he achieves what he wants, and for this he needs:

  1. Set inspiring and ambitious goals for yourself. Set intermediate results and enjoy every step towards your dream.
  2. Create luck by observing and focusing on moments of luck.

In life, what we devote attention and energy to develops and becomes better. Instead of constantly thinking about problems, start focusing on moments of luck every day, strengthening and increasing their number. This skill teaches you to enjoy life here and now.

Don't solve other people's problems

A simple Russian woman often spends energy not only on herself and her family:

  • she helps her friends who are again having problems in their personal lives;
  • replaces a colleague, even if it is not profitable for her;
  • helps out neighbors with their endless requests.

Afraid of entering into conflict, she makes concessions to mothers from the parent committee, cannot resist other people's rudeness in public places and thus constantly solves other people's problems at the expense of her well-being , comfort and good mood.

It takes a huge amount of energy and quickly makes you feel unhappy.

Energy donation must be stopped, then there will be a chance to direct the freed forces to yourself and loved ones. Other people are quite capable of solving their problems on their own.

Energy Boost

Let's look at a few real life situations

  1. Imagine an unhappy woman waiting for a prince on a white horse who will come and make her happy. What do you think the end result will be?

It is known that there is a one-way connection - the man reflects the light coming from the woman. Therefore, the man will reflect the woman's unhappiness. As a result, she will feel even more unhappy.

When a person feels unhappy, it is difficult for him to rejoice with the world around him. For this reason, after some time the man will begin to irritate.


Because, having become fed up, over time she will begin to look for negative qualities in him. Because people who feel unhappy always focus on the negative.

Thus, instead of one, two unhappy people will appear. Of course, she will blame him for all the problems, and not herself, because he appeared, and then even more misfortunes appeared.

  1. Let's take another situation: a wife has been living with her husband for a long time, but there are no children. Such women believe that they are unhappy precisely for this reason.

If you are in a similar situation, then most likely you think that having a child will definitely make you happy.

That’s why I advise you to take a look around. Look at the faces of mothers pushing strollers with babies. Think about it: are all families with children prosperous?

  1. Anyone who thinks that with the help of money or material goods they will become happy is also deeply mistaken.

Our material feelings and desires are designed in such a way that sooner or later they become satiated. This is their nature. This is why nothing material can truly satisfy us. Because the heart seeks lasting happiness - eternal love.

Look around: are all people who have money happy? Are all people who don't have money unhappy?

This applies to any area of ​​life: relationships with parents, relationships before marriage, relationships during marriage, children, career, money.

The question arises: what should you do to become a truly happy woman?

How to achieve inner harmony?

So, are you ready to be happy? Then you need to try a little and use a few techniques that won’t make things worse.

  1. Learn to relax

The first thing to remember: don’t take on all the worries. You can entrust some of the household chores to your husband, children or some relatives. Also, do not overload yourself with work during non-working hours, do not think about work matters when you should be resting.

In order to effectively relax, you can use different methods. Many people benefit from massage, aromatherapy, a bath, a sauna or a visit to a spa. Even if you don’t have the funds for such procedures, you can always find a worthy alternative: a leisurely walk in the park, relaxing by the water, a hot bath with essential oils, etc.

  1. Get rid of excess

The burden of unnecessary things and childhood grievances often prevents a woman from breathing deeply and letting something wonderfully new into life. Get rid of clothes you will no longer wear, throw away or give away some items you no longer need. Just don't put it off again and again. Don't regret and don't hesitate. By the way, the same can be said about unnecessary relationships that bring nothing but suffering, disappointment and problems.

  1. Take care of yourself

Take care of your appearance and internal state:

  • Plan your work and rest schedule correctly. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.
  • Get rid of bad habits that make you feel tired and apathetic. Quit smoking, start eating rationally, give up bad habits. If you sometimes allow yourself to drink, let it be good wine in small quantities and on special occasions.
  • Love your figure. If you are unhappy with the imperfections of your body, a lot can be corrected with proper nutrition, exercise (choose the most appropriate direction for yourself), and cosmetic procedures. By the way, this will help raise your vitality, be active and self-confident.
  • If necessary, change your image - get a new hairstyle, try new styles of clothing, decide on fashion experiments.
  • Choose a perfume or makeup method for yourself if you haven’t done so before. This helps many women always feel confident.
  1. Find a new hobby

You can study psychology, start visiting exhibitions and museums, and read interesting books. If you have long wanted to learn the art of photography or makeup, take the appropriate master classes. Would you like to learn the secrets of creating origami, ikebana or beadwork? Sign up for these courses. Yes there are many options. Hiking, mountaineering, dancing, pottery, cutting and sewing - think about what you can do with passion without forcing yourself.

Spend time with loved ones

Many busy and successful people tend to consider communication with loved ones a waste of time. But in the long run, it is this communication that adds color and meaning to life. It allows you to share emotions and experiences, experience negative events faster and easier, and discover new horizons.

For a relationship to give happiness and love, it is important:

  1. Be sincerely interested in how your family and friends live.
  2. Call and meet regularly.
  3. Offer help and accept support when needed.

In a creative environment of like-minded people, people you love and admire, on whom you can rely in difficult times, the path to happiness is always open.

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