Infectious disease specialist Sinitsyna Olga Valentinovna Experience 33 years Highest qualification category of infectious disease doctor Make an appointment
The basis for the psychological well-being of children is harmoniously built relationships between all family members. With frequent
School maladjustment is a disorder in the adaptation of a school-age child to the conditions of an educational institution, when
Adaptive capabilities of a person Adaptation is the adaptation of the body, personality, and their systems to the nature of individual
Article verified by Euromed Clinic doctors✅ Loss of taste and smell, confusion, severe headaches
What cortisol is responsible for Cortisol is a hormone that has gained notoriety. Yes, it's often
Minimum brain dysfunction in children, or MMD for short, is a syndrome that includes
The husband is a domestic tyrant. Signs and psychology of an abuser Most victims of a domestic tyrant do not know
What is a sense of responsibility? Feelings of guilt: always destructive? Are wines and wines mutually exclusive?
Symptoms: prolonged fever, temperature 37, progressive increase in body temperature, rapid heartbeat, clouding, loss