Human purpose is a source of happiness and harmony

The article explains:

  1. What is human purpose
  2. Difficulties in finding your purpose
  3. 10 steps towards your destiny
  4. Destination by date of birth
  5. 7 signs of a person who has found his purpose

Every person sooner or later begins to ask himself questions, trying to understand whether he has chosen the right path in life. If the answer is yes, then he lives in harmony with himself, is happy and radiates positive energy. This is a truly accomplished person.

Not everyone can boast that they have found their path and follow it. Human purpose is a rather complex category that includes several concepts. Let's talk about how to understand that a person has successfully realized himself, and what to do if he has not yet achieved the ideal.

What is human purpose

A person’s purpose is a life and professional path, moving along which he feels in harmony with the world, feels in his place, realizes his abilities and desires in the right way for himself. It is often associated with a profession, but these are not identical concepts, because purpose is often expressed in things not related to work: raising children, helping people and animals, saving nature, etc.

As for professional development, it is also not always linear. Throughout our lives, we all change and acquire new interests. Today there is no need to hold on to one single job all your life. Nowadays, it’s generally normal to get, for example, a medical education, and then go to work in show business. In fact, nothing holds a person back in his development, except for social attitudes and traditions, which are not always necessary to follow. You can be successful in a variety of directions if you strive to gain new knowledge and are passionate about your work.

Often those who smoothly flow from one sphere to another, following their destiny, are said to be in the flow of life. It's like floating in your trusty boat on the river and watching the landscape change from day to day. In life, including professional life, we move, observing different people, situations, circumstances, changing activities, choosing what we like at the moment - this is flow.

However, it often happens that a person begins to resist this natural flow of life or stops the boat and walks somewhere to the side, and even drags his watercraft along with him. So he falls out of the flow, his path becomes difficult.

It turns out that a person’s purpose in the world is not limited to his profession, it is a much broader concept that covers all areas of his life. To follow it means to recognize this inner flow and go where it leads.

Since ancient times, people have been searching for the meaning of life; this is one of the main philosophical questions of humanity. However, his search is as far from life itself as the concept of “vocation” is far from being embodied exclusively in a profession. While engaged in mental quests, people forget to live. When a person follows his destiny, he does not think about it and about the meaning of existence, but simply lives as his heart tells him, and feels satisfaction from what he does.

Vocation. How to find your calling

In addition to “destination”, there is the concept of “vocation”.

Vocation is what a person is called here for. How it can be useful to people and the world as a whole.

Finding a calling is quite simple - it is uniqueness, talents given from birth, which are important to reveal fully and preferably professionally. When a person realizes his calling, it is easier to pass tests, work becomes a joy to him. He gets payback along the way. But this does not mean that everything is easy and simple for him. This is also work.

Vocation is part of a person's destiny.

Destination by date of birth

Some experts consider destiny as a gift given to those people who, in their past earthly incarnations, managed to realize their mistakes and work out karmic tasks. That is, absolute self-realization becomes possible if a person has achieved a high level of awareness and personal development.

Numerology allows you to determine a person’s purpose by date of birth. It does not give an exact description of a person’s fate, but it helps to see the direction in which to move. Let's see how this happens.

You need to write down your date of birth and add up the numbers. For example: 03.23.1979=2+3+3+1+9+7+9=34=3+4=7

Deciphering human purpose.

  • Number 1.

Purpose: to be a leader, to implement plans, to lead people.

Image: leader, commander, pioneer, but maybe also a destroyer.

Motto: who if not me?

A person with number 1 strives for leadership and great achievements from childhood; he dreams of quickly becoming an adult, independent and doing as he wants. It is important for him to be independent; in a team he often becomes a leader.

How to make any dream come true in 30 days?

Maria Samarina Founder of the largest online school of mindfulness “Potok”

A poor man is not one who does not have a penny in his pocket, but one who has no dreams.


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  • Do you dream of increasing your wealth?
  • Find a new sincere relationship?
  • Improve existing relationships?
  • Realize the purpose?

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