Starting from scratch: how to live with a diagnosis of alopecia.

When doctors talk about the causes of hair loss, they most often talk about hormonal disorders, heredity, ecology, serious diseases of internal organs, the effects of chemicals on the body, and the like. But recently, this list has been supplemented by psychological reasons and stress.

How can stress cause baldness?

It would seem, how exactly can a person’s psychological state affect hair growth or hair loss ? Throughout an active life, most human hair is in the process of growing. This happens because healthy and active follicles allow this very growth.

But if there is something wrong with the follicles - they are sick, exposed to adverse effects, they do not have enough nutrients, or the brain center simply does not pay enough attention to this part of the body, then the follicles can fall into a kind of coma and stop growing your hair.

What will help restore hair thickness?

  • Healthy and balanced diet
  • No deficiency of vitamins and minerals
  • Scalp massages (using a special needle roller, manual massage or darsonval)
  • Using gentle skincare products with natural ingredients
  • Timely hair washing
  • Gentle combing
  • Treatment of scalp diseases (if any)
  • Using herbal decoctions - birch, chamomile, nettle
  • Refusal of chemical dyeing, curling and straightening

Is there really nothing that can be done about hair loss?

If it’s just a matter of “sick” follicles, then it’s possible. The first step is to remove the source of oppression. That is, if it all started because of chronic fatigue or even depression, then you should not buy restorative hair shampoo, but go to a psychologist and take your health more seriously.

Of course, if the follicle disease is caused by some other problem that can be eliminated, then the scheme is the same: go to the doctor, find the cause of the oppression and treat this very cause.

Thus, restoring hair that has begun to suffer due to your psychological fatigue will consist primarily of the help of an appropriate specialist, medications that will help you find peace of mind and, as a result, well-being and health.

When to sound the alarm

Normally, a person loses up to 300 hairs per day, depending on the type and total amount of hair. They cannot not fall out at all, since this is a natural process - a new hair begins to grow in place of the lost hair.

You should sound the alarm if:

  • Hair comes out in clumps when combing, washing or simply running your hand over it
  • There is thinning in the area of ​​the temples, parting or crown
  • Bald spots appeared on the head - areas of baldness
  • Hair loss associated with dandruff or dermatitis
  • Significant hair thinning has begun

Have you noticed these alarming symptoms? See your doctor.

When nothing else helps

It also happens differently: the doctor’s diagnosis is disappointing, and it is not possible to restore hair naturally. Then what remains is the most proven method of combating alopecia today: seamless hair transplant .

The HFE hair transplant clinic (//) is always ready to help its patients regain their usual appearance, and with it adequate self-esteem and psychological health.

The HFE procedure is the most effective, safest, and non-traumatic. There is no surgical intervention as such, and full functionality is restored the very next day. Within a year, the transplanted healthy follicles will completely take root, and you will forget about such a nuisance as baldness.

My hair is falling out after covid. Why?

Experts interviewed by AIDS.CENTER indicate that acute telogen effluvium may occur after coronavirus, a phenomenon in which hair damaged during illness falls out. This is due to their physiology and life phases. But hair loss may also occur due to other, less obvious reasons, including exacerbation of chronic problems.

Vladimir Pinegin explains: “Coronavirus is very closely related to skin diseases. In terms of action on hair, it has two sides. The first one is clear to us: like other diseases, it can cause diffuse telogen effluvium hair loss. This diagnosis implies that the patient is experiencing some kind of stress (stress in the medical sense - that is, cellular, when protein synthesis is disrupted for some time) and the hair growth cycle is disrupted. After two to three months, strong synchronous loss begins - this is diffuse telogen loss. For clarity, I give an example with nails: if, say, we damaged a nail at the very beginning of growth, this bruise will go away for the next year until the nail is completely renewed. It's the same with hair. Acute diffuse telogen effluvium lasts up to six months. Usually, even without treatment, it should end on its own at some point. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be treated.”

Vladimir Pinegin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatologist, trichologist

Also, according to the observations of Vladimir Pinegin, after coronavirus, androgenetic alopecia - hair loss associated with male sex hormones androgens - may be activated or even debut. In the modern world, this problem occurs in both men and women. The question of the connection between coronavirus and androgens is currently being studied, but there are no specific conclusions yet.

Elvira Lovkova explains: “After a coronavirus infection, several types of alopecia can be observed. This is acute telogen hair loss, exacerbation of chronic problems: androgenetic alopecia, seborrhea... There can be many reasons: decreased immunity, exacerbation of autoimmune diseases, ongoing therapy, deficiency conditions, metabolic disorders, stress factors, intoxication, microcirculation disorders (microthrombosis and, as a result, ischemia and hypoxia of follicles)".

Why don’t everyone who recover from coronavirus infection lose their sense of smell?

Anosmia usually develops on days 4–6 of illness.
By 10–14 days, most people have recovered and the ability to distinguish aromas returns. But for some, the defect remains. You need to understand that any disease cannot occur in the same way in different people. No two organisms are identical, and accordingly, diseases will progress differently. Other significant factors:

  • Viral load is the number of microbes that have entered the body. The more, the more severe the disease.
  • The virulence of a virus is the strength of its destructive (damaging) effect. Different types and subtypes of coronaviruses vary. Don't forget that viruses mutate and change.
  • Immune memory. The more acute respiratory viral infections a person has suffered in his life, the more easily he suffers from coronavirus, the lower the risk of complications.
  • Concomitant human diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, severe forms of hypertension, respiratory failure. And if these diseases are combined, coronavirus infection is even more severe.

Is it possible to restore the sense of smell and taste?

In parallel with the decrease in the sense of smell, there is a violation of taste perception. This is a logical process. The aroma of dishes detected by humans enhances the taste and makes it richer. When a person does not perceive the smell of food, he cannot fully appreciate its taste. When olfactory sensitivity is restored, taste perception returns. The ability to distinguish smells and taste can be restored. The earlier you start treatment, the easier it is to do this. It looks like a stroke situation. After a vascular accident in the brain, it is necessary to provide assistance to the person as quickly as possible and begin to restore motor activity as early as possible. It’s the same with coronavirus infection – the faster rehabilitation begins, the better the prognosis. Olfactory neurons have the ability to recover, being renewed approximately once every 40 days. In order for them to earn money faster, they need to be actively engaged.

Reflexology. What is this? How can you use it to restore your sense of smell?

Doctors classify reflexology as physiotherapy.
It improves blood supply, innervation, lymphatic drainage, and promotes well-being. With the help of reflexology, you can restore your sense of smell. This is not a new treatment method; it has been used before. Reflexology helps well in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and even infectious rhinitis. Acupuncture - placement of needles, can be combined with cauterization. Internal organs on the surface of the skin have their own projections, which are called miraculous meridians. The doctor acts on the biologically active points of a certain zone, as a result of which microcirculation and lymph flow improve, swelling is eliminated, and the sense of smell improves. By restoring the circulation of energy according to ancient Chinese teachings, we restore health. Information for you was prepared by: neurologist Lyudmila Vasilievna Lebedeva, reflexologist. Conducts receptions in the clinic building on Novoslobodskaya.

Is it possible to overcome hair loss in teenagers?

Is hair loss in teenagers reversible? Yes, if this condition is not associated with severe systemic disorders in the functioning of the teenager’s body. However, restoring volume, thickness, and strength of hair requires a systematic approach and qualified assistance. What to do if your hair falls out? Contact a hair health specialist. This is a trichologist who will examine the head at the first visit and, if necessary, prescribe additional studies to determine the presence or absence of systemic diseases. The condition of the skin on the head, its cleanliness, and fat balance are of great importance.

The An-Tek Laboratory provides a special treatment protocol for adolescents, taking into account the characteristics of the adolescent’s body. Any hair problems must be treated comprehensively, and before prescribing therapy, a comprehensive diagnosis is necessary. Trichologist during consultation:

  • will conduct an inspection;
  • listen to complaints;
  • examine the surface of the head and the structure of the hair using a special apparatus;
  • prescribe additional tests;
  • establish a diagnosis;
  • will offer effective treatment.

We use drugs whose effectiveness has been proven over more than 40 years of use.
They are the only ones that have registration and approval from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and can be used for both adults and adolescents. For any hair loss in growing teenagers, contact a specialist. This will save time and solve the problem at its initial stage. Back to list of articles

What can a specialist advise?

What advice a trichologist will give for hair loss depends on what specific pathology caused the baldness. First, the doctor determines whether the patient’s hormonal levels and the composition of his blood are normal. And taking this into account, he prescribes this or that treatment.

The advice of a trichologist after determining the exact cause of hair loss in a patient based on an examination, survey, tests and examinations may include:

  • recommendations for choosing skin care products depending on skin type;
  • detailed rules for caring for the scalp;
  • a diet that helps strengthen hair follicles;
  • cosmetic or medical procedures that can speed up hair growth.

Choosing a Shampoo

In most patients, trichologists find not one, but several causes of excessive hair loss. Among them, the most common is the wrong choice of shampoo. If you are concerned about hair loss, you should start using pharmaceutical products to care for your hair. Various manufacturers include in their composition plant extracts, vitamins and medicinal substances that improve the nutrition of follicles and stimulate blood circulation in the skin.

It is important that products for the care of weakened hair do not contain alcohols, sulfates, silicones, triclosans, phthalates, or benzenes. Even if you are very happy with your shampoo, it is recommended not to buy it all the time. You should alternate it with other products that suit you well, so that the scalp does not get used to the same active ingredient. Otherwise, over time its effectiveness will sharply decrease.

Balms and conditioners

It is recommended to buy balms and conditioners for alopecia only at the pharmacy. These products do not eliminate the causes of excessive hair loss, but with regular use they help to quickly cope with the consequences of this problem. They saturate the scalp with useful substances that promote hair growth and protect it from negative external influences.


If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is important to learn how to comb it correctly. A wide-toothed wooden comb or a brush with natural bristles is best suited for this. To reduce hair loss, comb it after washing your hair only after it is completely dry. Movements should be soft and careful. To stimulate hair growth, combing once a day is recommended to be combined with a scalp massage procedure.


Malnutrition has a bad effect on the condition of the entire body, including hair. Therefore, trichologists advise including meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seafood, and olive oil in your diet. It would also be a good idea to take vitamin complexes specially designed to restore hair health. A trichologist will tell you what substances your body lacks after examination and additional examinations and tests.

Nicotinic acid, which is a water-soluble vitamin, is very useful for baldness. It enters the human body with products such as liver, buckwheat, fish, milk and yeast. This vitamin can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of ampoules and used to treat alopecia, including it in homemade masks.

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