Psychological methods of influence in the process of communication


What do you do when you want to invite a friend, for example, to the park or to the cinema? You tell us what attractions there are, what cool movie they are showing today and how you can have a great time. The only way to lure a person somewhere is to inspire him with sincere interest. In the format of business negotiations, there can be only one interest - some kind of benefit. If you offer your interlocutor a profitable business just like that, as a favor or a gesture of goodwill, you are guaranteed to arouse his interest and gratitude towards you. All that remains is to figure out how to formalize the desired offer in the form of a selfless service to a partner.

The compliment should be brief, contain one or two thoughts, and should not contain teachings.

Ambiguous phrases must be avoided. Compliments should be given as often as possible. It is through practice that ease and ease in a compliment are achieved, which makes it natural and irresistible. A compliment begins with the desire to give it. Find what you personally like about your interlocutor, what you would like to borrow from him.

People accept compliments favorably, since everyone is pleased just by the fact that they want to say something good to him. That is why they easily forgive possible mistakes. Since men are not spoiled by compliments, they are less demanding of their quality. That is why it is better to learn how to compliment men.

When you like the compliment, the person’s face lights up with a smile. A good mood, along with a smile, is transmitted to the interlocutor. This is why compliments benefit everyone involved*.

“Trying to get up from my knees”

So, imagine a person, it could be a woman or a man, who counts every penny, denies himself expensive purchases and constantly borrows money from neighbors. But, the day comes when such a person decides to radically change his level and lifestyle, forgetting about old habits forever. He becomes interested in his inner world, begins to read literature in which he looks for useful recommendations. Learns to look at the world positively, looking for only positive aspects in all events. In general, he decides to build his life not according to the usual canons, but according to his own internal preferences.

Now imagine that such a person is forced to meet every evening with people who undermine his determination. They are ready to ridicule his views, his desire to change and start living at a qualitatively new level. Acquired confidence, which has not yet been supported by real achievements, will unfortunately give way to doubts, fears and concerns. And the person will most likely quickly return to his previous image and lifestyle, dropping to his knees. It turns out that the influence of the environment on personality is obvious.

Who can really influence a person’s consciousness? These could be his closest friends, parents, colleagues, relatives, neighbors, even random passers-by. Our environment is large enough, and each person influences intentions and actions. How can one person afford not to pay attention to goals and ignore assessments from the environment? Even if people realize that the opinions and views of the environment are wild and cruel, and the influence of the environment on the individual is destructive, they often agree with them over time.


This type of influence on people is aimed directly at a person’s consciousness in order to “convey” some specific information to the person’s mind. Persuasion is aimed at removing certain fears and is necessary to remove obstacles to the path of information to a person’s consciousness.

The effectiveness of such influence depends on the level of intelligence and education of the person being persuaded. Conviction is built on a system of arguments. They are formed according to the laws of logic and must be justified by those who induce the conviction. This type of influence is best implemented during discussions, group discussions, and arguments. It is easier to convince a person with a logical and highly intelligent mind. It will be most difficult to apply this method on people with a low level of intelligence and difficult character.

Address the person by name

The famous American writer Dale Breckenridge Carnegie believed that calling a person by name is incredibly important. A proper name for any person is one of the most pleasant combinations of sounds.

A name is an integral part of a person’s life, so pronouncing it seems to confirm the fact of its existence for a person. And this, in turn, forces one to experience positive emotions towards the one who pronounces this name.

The same influence is exerted by the use of title, social status, or the form of address itself. If you behave in a certain way, you will be treated the way you should be treated. Let's say if you call a person your friend, he will soon experience friendly feelings towards you. And if you want to work for someone, call that person boss.

Partner management techniques

The main component of a conversation between people is emotional contact. The influence of this part in psychology is considered as a possible tool for manipulating a partner. When talking with a person, our brain receives a huge number of signals that, through the subconscious, begin to control us, causing certain emotions when we see a certain person. If you send a certain hidden positive signal to your partner during communication, he will develop a strong reflex. He will feel joy when he sees you. Such techniques will not help you impose your desires on another person, but they will be able to persuade the querent to communicate.

When addressing your partner, always call him by name. This is an important component of proper communication. Each person is an individual and unique. Addressing without using a name depersonalizes the interlocutor. He remains dissatisfied in his desire to be himself, and experiences negative emotions that are associated with your image. Proper treatment shows the individual's importance to you.

Use the phrase “Good morning” in the morning. It is more pleasant to the ear than a dry “Hello.” Smile at your partner. It works like a mirror: when you smile at yourself at the reflective surface, you always get a smile in return. People can be used in the same way. Every individual subconsciously associates a smile with a friend, happiness, a feeling of security, so your partner will unconsciously follow your instructions.

In business communication, try to use compliments. They help to create a feeling of satisfaction in a partner, but they must be used wisely, otherwise all efforts will be in vain, and the compliment will turn into banality, rude flattery, or sound like ridicule. Each must be backed up by fact.

Rules for constructing compliments:

  • a compliment reflects positive qualities that cannot be perceived as negative at the same time;
  • hyperbolization should not be used, the exaggeration should be small;
  • your words should not reflect a positive quality lower than the person himself believes;
  • the compliment should reflect a statement of the presence of a positive quality, and not instructions for improvement;
  • When giving a compliment, do not immediately try to draw special attention to the person’s shortcomings.


One of the most effective ways to win someone over and show that you really understand them is to paraphrase what they say. Say the same thing, only in your own words. This technique is also known as reflective listening. This is what psychotherapists often do - people tell them more about themselves, and an almost friendly and open relationship is built between the patient and the doctor.

It's easy to use this technique when talking to a friend. Formulate the phrase he just said as a question - this will show that you listened carefully and understood the person, and he will be much more comfortable communicating with you. In the future, he will listen more to your opinion, because you have already made it clear that you are interested in him.

Do you know how to smile when necessary?

A similar situation arises when you need to evoke positive emotions in your interlocutor and win him over. This is necessary so that he accepts your position, so that he fulfills your order or request not under pressure, but voluntarily. And all this is necessary... always. In our context, a light smile is a welcoming smile, and a sympathetic, encouraging, and empathetic smile. If you find it difficult to smile “to order,” then we can first recommend the following: when left alone with yourself, smile at the person looking at you from the mirror.

In the vocabulary of managers, words that are pleasant for subordinates who note their merits (perhaps in a somewhat exaggerated form) are rare. What explains this?

Compliments are words that contain a slight exaggeration of the merits that the interlocutor wants to see in himself. In this sense, we will consider a compliment as one of the methods of creating attraction in business relationships.

Of course, each of us is pleased to hear compliments addressed to us. At the same time, we realize that what has been said is, albeit a small, but still an exaggeration. So why are we still pleased to hear such words?

If a person is often told: “You’re smart” or “You’re great at this,” although in reality this is not entirely true, then after a while he will really believe in his abilities and will strive to realize his potential.

The effect of suggestion occurs, as it were, in absentia, the satisfaction of a person’s dreams, desires, and needs to improve some of his traits. In fact, the need will not be completely satisfied, but the real feeling will be the feeling of its satisfaction, the emergence of positive emotions on this basis.

Methods and techniques for resisting manipulation

Even a skilled manipulator can be resisted. To do this, the victim needs a conscious attitude towards communication.

Analysis of the situation

Before choosing a form of resistance, you need to analyze your communication with the alleged manipulator. To do this you need:

Identify manipulation techniques. The victim must understand what method of control the interlocutor is using

To do this, you should pay attention to the most frequently repeated words and phrases in speech, facial expressions and gestures. Determine the motives of the interlocutor. This is not always possible

However, if a salesperson in a store talks for a long time about the advantages of a product, his goal is easy to determine - to sell, to increase revenue.

Manipulation must be distinguished from psychological games. The difference between them is that when playing a psychological game, the winner does not receive any practical benefit. He gets only moral satisfaction. An example of such a game: each participant in the dispute tries to convince the other of the correctness of his religious views. To win a dispute, you need to provide not only a large number of facts confirming your case. You need to have a good understanding of your opponent’s religious views in order to point out their weaknesses.


Resistance to manipulation can be active or passive. Active is suitable for people with strong energy, self-confidence, and independent views. You can openly resist if the manipulator is lower on the social ladder (a subordinate, a salesperson in a store). Passive resistance is recommended for people with weak energy and health, as well as when the deceiver is higher in social status than his victim (boss).

Passive resistance

Passive resistance is characterized by:

  1. Slowness. The victim's reactions and speech are slow.
  2. Ignoring. The victim pretends that he did not understand the meaning of what was said, forcing him to repeat the same information several times. Ignoring can be reduced to a complete lack of reaction. For example, if the victim remains silent throughout the conversation, the dialogue turns into a monologue. The manipulator talks to himself, which stops his attempts at further influence.
  3. Agreement. Open resistance increases the pressure of the manipulator, and the victim’s consent makes him relax.
  4. Repeating remarks spoken by the manipulator. The intonation needs to be changed to interrogative.

Most of these techniques are aimed at causing irritation or bewilderment of the deceiver, causing him to lose control of the situation.

To protect himself from foul play, the victim should focus his attention not on the liar's speech, but on his face. Lies are given out:

  • redness of the skin;
  • shifting eyes, the expression of which does not coincide with what the liar is saying;
  • muscle tension;
  • rapid breathing.

Active resistance

To stop manipulation you need:

  1. Open discussion about the inadmissibility of deception. The deceiver's consent does not mean that he has accepted the rules of the game.
  2. Revealing the essence of the trick. The manipulator is told in what way he is trying to influence the victim. This technique is not always recommended. When the victim knows about the method being used, she will control the liar. The manipulator will be confident that the lie went unnoticed and will not change tactics.
  3. A repeated reminder of the inadmissibility of deception. If the manipulator is caught off guard when using a new technique, there is a chance that he will stop the dishonest game. The deceiver may be intimidated by the erudition of the victim.
  4. Reciprocal reception. A kind of competition begins between the interlocutors. However, most often the winner is the one who was able to give up the dishonest game in time.

Subconscious defenses

Protection against manipulation in communication is rarely conscious. The victim feels his position subconsciously and can take an action that even to himself seems irrational. The most common ways to get rid of a manipulator include leaving and ignoring. The victim uses the second method if he cannot leave.

Methods of influence

Sometimes an individual can feel how someone is influencing him. These could be advertisers, sales managers, authorities, politicians and even close people. The influence can be exerted both consciously and on an unconscious level. The method of influence is based on the ability to program the psyche, turning off the mind, using certain approaches.

  1. Psychological attack. A situation when the psyche is actively influenced, and various techniques are used that quickly change. The rapidity of actions, which includes: changeable body position, speech becomes verbose, energetic gestures.
  2. Programming. Directed at one person, the words are unambiguous, the position is passive, and immobility is characteristic. This method contributes to the formation of a specific sequence of emerging thoughts, the opinion becomes imposed, and the behavior becomes stereotypical for a specific situation.
  3. Manipulation. Characterized by ambiguous speech and well-thought-out body position. A person has dual images that put him in a position of choice. They force him to change in favor of the manipulator. Used by politicians and ideologists.
  4. Psychological pressure. This is an impact of great intensity, based on a representative image. Speech becomes affirmative, objections are unacceptable, instructions are like orders, the body position is stable and stable. This method promotes forced performance of certain actions, the person is belittled. Can be used by managers, authorities, and is typical for the army.

I bring to your attention methods that you can use when communicating with other people, and also understand that you are being manipulated.

Infection. A method based on transferring the emotional mood of one person to another. For example, a case when one irritated individual in a bad mood spoils it for his loved ones. Or in a situation where three people are riding in an elevator that gets stuck, and only one begins to panic, followed by the others having panic attacks. Don’t think that you can only become infected with negative emotions. The same situation can be observed if, in a company of friends, when a funny story is being told, one person begins to laugh, and the others also pick up his laughter. Suggestion. It is no longer the emotional level that is involved here. The main role is played by authority, correctly chosen phrases, visual contact, and special intonation of voice. That is, one person, having his own goals, convinces another to act in a way that is beneficial to him. It is worth noting that actions will definitely fail if the manipulator has an uncertain voice. This technique can have a tremendous impact on children under 12 years of age, as well as on insecure individuals and those prone to neuroses. Belief. This method is based on logic; a person turns to the mind of another individual. It is worth considering that the reception will be a failure if communication is with an underdeveloped personality. You need to understand that it is stupid to prove something to someone if he is of low intelligence

When resorting to this technique, it is necessary to take into account the following features: there should be no falsehood in the speech, otherwise trust will be lost; it is important that the statements fully correspond to the image of the speaker; the conviction must be built according to the thesis plan, followed by the argument, and then the proof. Imitation. Most of all, it affects the child’s psyche and influences the formation of personality

It represents both a conscious and unconscious desire to copy another person, his behavior, actions, appearance, way of thinking. The problem is that good people are not always imitated. The object being imitated must meet the ideals of the imitator in all situations, then his desire to imitate will be constant.

Abstract: “Forms of influence (influence) on communication partners”

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Non-imperative direct forms of influence 2. External suggestion 3. Imperative direct forms of influence 4. Disciplinary measures of influence 5. Threats (intimidation) 6. Methods of protection against influence 7. Criticism 8. Rumors and gossip 9. Self-praise and self-edification Summary List literature


Impact (or influence) on communication partners can be carried out intentionally and unintentionally (a person influences others only by the fact of his presence). Intentional influence, as E.V. Sidorenko (1998) writes, is done for some reason, for something, that is, it has a goal, and unintentional influence for some reason, that is, it has only a reason (for example, a person’s charm ).

People certainly differ in their natural gift for unintentionally influencing others. The psychological radiation of some people is so strong that it suppresses the weak radiation of others.

E.V. Sidorenko believes that “every act of influence, regardless of the degree of its awareness and intentionality, realizes a person’s conscious or unconscious desire to affirm the fact of his existence and the significance of this existence. If we directly acknowledge this, then there is no need for a moral and ethical assessment of influence, determining its “righteousness” or “unrighteousness.” We influence because we defend our interests, and not because the absolute truth was revealed to us and we felt the right to decide for others... Thus, any influence is unrighteous in the sense that it is dictated not by the highest considerations of God’s providence, but by our own needs.” (1998, p. 133). Based on the position expressed by E.V. Sidorenko, any influence (influence) becomes manipulative, unjust, i.e., an immoral act. At the same time, E.V. Sidorenko writes that “all influence is legitimate, because every person has the right to express their needs. It is only important to recognize that mutual influence is the mutual expression of one’s needs and in this struggle everyone is equally right. Thus, any immoral act that influences someone (blackmail, threat, extortion) turns out to be lawful from the author’s point of view. But let’s move on to consider various forms of influence on a communication partner. They can be non-imperative and imperative, direct and indirect.

1. Non-imperative direct forms of influence

Non-imperative direct forms of influence on the subject include request, proposal (advice), persuasion, praise, support and consolation.


This form of external initiation of the subject’s motivational process is used when they do not want to make the influence official or when someone needs help. In many cases, subjects (especially children and subordinates) are flattered that instead of an order or demand, a senior person in age or position uses a form of address to them, in which a certain element of dependence of the person asking on the person to whom he is addressing is manifested. This immediately changes the subject’s attitude to such influence: an understanding of his significance in the situation that has arisen may arise in his mind.

Milgram and Sabini asked students to participate in a study of the impact of violating a simple social norm: asking New York City subway passengers to give them their seat. To their surprise, 56% of those they approached with this request immediately stood up without even hearing an explanation (Milgram, Sabini, 1983).

A study by J. Darley and B. Latane (1968) examined conditions under which a request was more likely to prompt people on the street to provide help. It was revealed that it matters what kind of request was made to passers-by. Informational assistance (about time, how to get somewhere, etc.) was provided more often than material assistance. Moreover, the manner of address had a great influence. Money was given more often if they first asked the time or identified themselves; in cases where they talked about losing a wallet or needing to make a phone call, two-thirds of passers-by responded to the request. At the same time, female petitioners had greater success, especially among men. Money was given more often in cases where the person asking was with someone.

How can you increase the effectiveness of this strategy? To another group of students, a woman asked the same courtesy, slightly changing the wording of the request: “Can I use the photocopier because I need to make several copies?” The percentage of those who agreed jumped sharply, reaching a winning level of 93%. Obviously, the word “because” had a magical effect. This is a trap word. It implies that there is some reason for the request, and, as it were, “confirms” that an explanation of this reason will now follow, so an automatic reaction is activated.

A request has a greater impact on the subject's intentions if it is formulated in clear and polite terms and accompanied by respect for his right to refuse if fulfilling the request creates some inconvenience for him.

Suggestion (advice).

To offer something to someone means to present something for discussion as a known possibility (option) for solving a problem. The subject's acceptance of what is proposed depends on the degree of hopelessness of the situation in which he finds himself, on the authority of the person who proposes, on the attractiveness of what is proposed, on the personality characteristics of the subject himself. Thus, in relation to a person’s temperament, the following is noted: a choleric person is more likely to respond to a proposal with resistance, a sanguine person will show curiosity about it, a melancholic person will respond with avoidance, and a phlegmatic person will respond with refusal or delaying time, since he needs to understand the proposal.

Asking for advice is seeking approval for a decision already made.

You can give another reasonable advice, but you cannot teach him reasonable behavior.

Persuasion as a form of influence on the subject's decision-making.

Persuasion is a method of influencing the consciousness of an individual through appealing to his own critical judgment. The basis of persuasion is an explanation of the essence of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, highlighting the social and personal significance of solving a particular issue. The poet I. S. Nikitin said about this in one of his poems: “Your speeches sank into my soul.” Persuasion can be considered successful if a person becomes able to independently justify the decision made, assessing its positive and negative aspects. Conviction appeals to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic and evidence prevail and the persuasiveness of the arguments presented is achieved. Conviction as a psychological influence should create in a person a conviction that another is right and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision being made.

D. Myers (2004) notes that the success of persuasion depends on who is persuading (the “communicator”), what is being said (the message), how (the method of conveying the message) and to whom (the audience). Let's consider these components.

Communicator. The perception of information depends on who reports it, how much an individual or the audience as a whole trusts the source of information. Trust is the perception of a source of information as competent and reliable. A communicator can create an impression of his competence among listeners in three ways. First: start making judgments with which the listeners agree. Thus, he will gain a reputation as an intelligent person. Second: be presented as an expert in the field. Third: speak confidently, without a shadow of doubt.

Reliability depends on the way the communicator speaks. People trust a communicator more when they are sure that he has no intention of convincing them of anything. Those people who defend what goes against their interests also seem truthful. Trust in the communicator and belief in his sincerity increase if the communicator speaks quickly (Miller et al., 1976). Fast speech, in addition, deprives listeners of the opportunity to find counterarguments.

The attractiveness of the communicator also affects the effectiveness of his persuasive statements. The term “attractiveness” refers to several qualities. This is both the beauty of a person and the similarity with us: if the communicator has either one or the other, the information seems more convincing to listeners.

Features of the recipient. People with an average level of self-esteem are the easiest to persuade (Rhodes, Wood, 1992). Older people are more conservative in their views than younger people (Sears, 1986). At the same time, attitudes formed in adolescence and early adolescence can remain for life, since the impressions acquired at this age are deep and unforgettable.

In a state of strong excitement, agitation, and anxiety of the recipient, his pliability to persuasion increases. A good mood often promotes persuasion, partly because it promotes positive thinking and partly because it creates an association between a good mood and the message (Petty et al., 1993). In this state, they make more hasty, impulsive decisions, typically relying on indirect signs of information (Bodenhausen, 1993; Schwarz et al., 1991). It is no coincidence, obviously, that many business issues, such as closing deals, are decided in the restaurant.

Women are more susceptible to persuasion than men. The persuasive influence may be especially ineffective in relation to men with a low level of self-esteem, who are acutely worried, as it seems to them, about their uselessness, alienation, who are prone to loneliness, aggressive or suspicious, and who are not stress-resistant.

In addition, the higher the intelligence of recipients, the more critical their attitude to the proposed content is, the more often they assimilate information but disagree with it.

Contents of the message. What will have a stronger effect - the logic of presentation or an appeal to a person’s emotions and feelings? The answer to this depends on the composition of the audience. If it consists of educated listeners with an analytical mind, then their response to the arguments of the mind will be greater than to the arguments addressed to the heart. Otherwise, arguments that appeal to emotions will be better accepted.

Beliefs that cause fear can be effective. They are more effective when they not only scare the possible and probable negative consequences of certain behavior, but also offer specific ways to solve the problem. Diseases that are easy to imagine are more frightening than diseases about which the population has only a vague understanding (Sherman et al., 1985).

However, using fear for persuasion, one must not cross a certain line when this method turns into information terror, which is often observed when advertising various medicines on radio and television.

It is also important to consider that when a person is encouraged to fear what gives him pleasure, the result is often not a change in behavior, but a protest. This is why propaganda against smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, and AIDS is so weak.

The information that comes first sounds more convincing (primacy effect). However, if some time passes between the first and second messages, then the second message has a stronger persuasive effect, since the first has already been forgotten (recency effect).

A simple-minded person, but carried away by passion, can convince more quickly than an eloquent, but indifferent person.

Often more can be done with persuasion than with violence.

How the message is transmitted (communication channel). It has been established that the arguments (arguments) given by another person convince us more strongly than similar arguments given to ourselves. The weakest are those given mentally, somewhat stronger are those given to oneself out loud, and the strongest are those given by another, even if he does it at our request.

Persuasion can be carried out by two methods: didactic and Socratic (dialectical). With the first method, the person who persuades mainly speaks; with the second, the person being persuaded is involved in the discussion (at the same time, he can express his disagreement on points that seem unconvincing or incorrect to him).

The formation of a person’s conviction can occur directly and indirectly (in the latter case, by reducing anxiety, uncertainty, doubts, fears, and ignorance). You can convince not only by word, but also by deed, by personal example.

Expressing confidence in speech through paralinguistic means is a key factor on which persuasion in interpersonal interactions depends. However, expressing confidence in too many words can have the opposite effect and cause resistance in the other person. In general, those female subjects who were most effective at persuading others used the following strategy: they tried to change the opinion of the person they were persuading, but at the same time maintain a social connection with him. To accomplish this difficult task, they used two types of tactics: 1) expressed confidence in their own abilities and arguments, but 2) reduced the persuasive pressure and tried to ingratiate themselves once it became clear that their victory was close. Therefore, they not only influenced people, but also won friends. As a rule, neither side understood how this “cunning” strategy and the mechanisms for its implementation interacted.

The following methods of persuasion are distinguished: • fundamental: represents a direct appeal to the interlocutor, who is immediately and openly introduced to all the information that forms the basis for proving the correctness of the proposal; • method of contradiction: based on identifying contradictions in the arguments of the person being persuaded and on carefully checking one’s own arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counter-offensive; • the “draw conclusions” method: arguments are not presented all at once, but gradually, step by step, seeking agreement at each stage; • “pieces” method: the arguments of the person being persuaded are divided into strong (accurate), average (controversial) and weak (erroneous); They try not to touch the former, but the main blow is dealt to the latter; • method of ignoring: if the fact stated by the interlocutor cannot be refuted; • emphasis method: emphasis is placed on the arguments presented by the interlocutor and corresponding to common interests (“you say it yourself...”); • method of two-sided argumentation: for greater persuasiveness, first they state the advantages and then the disadvantages of the proposed method of resolving the issue; it is better if the interlocutor learns about the shortcomings from the persuader than from others, which will give him the impression that the persuader is unbiased (this method is especially effective when persuading an educated person, while a poorly educated person lends itself better to one-sided argumentation); • “yes, but...” method: used in cases where the interlocutor provides convincing evidence of the advantages of his approach to resolving the issue; first they agree with the interlocutor, then after a pause they provide evidence of the shortcomings of his approach; • method of apparent support: this is a development of the previous method: the interlocutor’s arguments are not refuted, but, on the contrary, new arguments are given in support of them. Then, when he has the impression that the persuader is well informed, counterarguments are given; • boomerang method: the interlocutor is given back his own arguments, but directed in the opposite direction; arguments for are turning into arguments against. Persuasion is effective in the following cases: • when it concerns one need of the subject or several, but of equal strength; • when carried out against the background of low intensity of emotions of the persuader; excitement and agitation are interpreted as uncertainty and reduce the effectiveness of his argumentation; outbursts of anger and swearing cause a negative reaction from the interlocutor; • when we are talking about minor issues that do not require reorientation of needs; • when the persuader is confident in the correctness of the proposed solution; in this case, a certain dose of inspiration, an appeal not only to the mind, but also to the emotions of the interlocutor (through “contagion”) will help enhance the effect of persuasion; • when not only one’s own is proposed, but the argumentation of the person being persuaded is also considered; this gives a better effect than repeated repetitions of one’s own arguments; • when argumentation begins with a discussion of those arguments on which it is easier to reach agreement; you need to ensure that the person being persuaded more often agrees with the arguments: the more assents you can get, the greater the chances of achieving success; • when an argumentation plan has been developed that takes into account the opponent’s possible counterarguments; this will help build the logic of the conversation and make it easier for the opponent to understand the position of the persuader.

Sometimes the strength of the arguments doesn't matter. If our attention is distracted, if the message is not interesting to us, or if we simply do not have time, we may well not pay due attention to the content of the message. When attention is distracted or we are not inclined to think, then familiar and understandable judgments turn out to be more convincing than original and non-standard ones. Thus, the saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” will have a greater impact on a busy person than “Don’t put all your money into one risky venture” (Howard, 1997).

When persuading, it is advisable to: • show the importance of the proposal, the possibility and simplicity of its implementation; • present different points of view and analyze forecasts (if convinced, including negative ones); • increase the significance of the advantages of the proposal and reduce the magnitude of its disadvantages; • take into account the individual characteristics of the subject, his educational and cultural level and select the arguments that are closest and most understandable to him; • never directly tell a person that he is wrong, in this way you can only hurt his pride - and he will do everything to protect himself, his position (it is better to say: “Perhaps I’m wrong, but let’s see...”); • to overcome the negativism of the interlocutor, create the illusion that the proposed idea belongs to him (to do this, it is enough just to lead him to the appropriate thought and provide the opportunity to draw a conclusion); • do not parry the interlocutor’s argument immediately and with apparent ease; he will perceive this as disrespect for himself or as an underestimation of his problems. • criticize in a dispute not the personality of the interlocutor, but the arguments he gives, which are controversial or incorrect from the point of view of the person persuading (it is advisable to preface the criticism by admitting that the person being convinced is right about something, this will help avoid offending him); • argue as clearly as possible, periodically checking whether the subject understands you correctly; do not drag out arguments, as this is usually associated with the speaker having doubts; construct short and simple phrases not according to the norms of the literary language, but according to the laws of oral speech; • include the subject in the discussion and decision-making, since people better adopt the views in which they take part; • oppose your point of view calmly and tactfully.

When the attitudes of interested people are attacked, surprise is necessary. Allow such listeners a few minutes and they are ready to defend themselves (Chen et al., 1992; Petty and Cacioppo, 1977, 1979).

The likelihood of verbal persuasion increases if you distract people's attention with something just enough to prevent them from collecting their thoughts and finding counterarguments.

How can one not recall one of the tricks that cunning department heads used in Soviet times when they went to the Ministry to resolve some issues: they took beautiful young employees with them. As a rule, in this case the issues were resolved successfully. Probably, the persuasion of the authorities was increased due to the distraction of a beautiful woman.


One of the types of positive influences on a person is praise, that is, an approving review of him, a high assessment of his work or action. As N.N. Obozov notes, there are differences between the sexes in relation to praise. A woman feels the need for her work to be noted by others. Therefore, housewives and retired women often suffer from an unmet need for recognition, inattention from family members and undervaluation of their work (A. Ke-lam, I. Ebber, 1985).

A man also likes to be praised for his work, but at the same time, if he is confident that he has done the job well, then he will have a high opinion of himself even if his work is not recognized by others. Consequently, men are more independent in their self-esteem from the opinions of others.

Support and comfort

Words of encouragement can persuade, encourage, encourage, soothe, console, or amuse. When words of encouragement are inconsistent with facts, they can trigger destructive behavior.

To console means to help a person perceive himself and his situation more positively. Comfort involves responding empathetically to someone else's misfortune or grief and shows that they are understood, sympathized with, and accepted. By consoling, they provide support to the interlocutor, reassure him.

It is believed that women are better at consoling, and that consolation is a feminine art. However, as R. Verderber and K. Verderber write, men and women tend to use, if not identical, then at least very similar rules in assessing the sensitivity and effectiveness of emotional support. Thus, men and women view consolation in the same way, but implement it differently. Men are more focused on actions, and women are more focused on experiences. Men were better than women at providing consolation in achievement-related situations (such as not getting a promotion). On the other hand, men are not able to comfort as sensitively and effectively as women.

Psychology of people management - types of influence

2.1. Psychology of manager and subordinate - role influence

In the psychology of personnel management, we can distinguish two types of interaction. This is the role level and the personal level.

Role interaction is also called the level of logic. What is role interaction? This is the role of the leader and the subordinate. Or, for example, the role of the leader and listener of a seminar, or the teacher and student. And this role dictates a certain model of behavior within this role.

For example, a boss should shout and a subordinate should listen. A person has many roles: family roles, gender roles, etc. Sometimes 2,3,4 roles are performed at the same time, sometimes the activities of the roles change within a few seconds.

Role interaction is determined by the company regulations: official powers, position title, corporate structure, hierarchy and other instructions.

But in many companies, regulations are present in a decorative form and do not have much impact on management efficiency. Employees work, as they see it, at their own discretion. And it is impossible to track who did what wrong. It seems like everyone was working, but there was no result.

That is, when we talk about the impact on a subordinate, the role level is supported by the entire corporate governance system. If there is one. And if it’s not there, it doesn’t reinforce it. In other words, there is always a level of regulations behind the role.

Regulations are a strategy, a structure, all kinds of job responsibilities and other descriptions. That is, behind the role there is a crystal lattice of regulations. The question is how well it is built.

2.2. Psychology of the leader and subordinate - personal impact

There is also a personal impact in the psychology of the leader and subordinate. Or it is also called the level of emotions. Every manager is an individual, and every employee is an individual.

And each of them has its own character, its own habits, some kind of reflexes, some kind of social experience. Everything that represents the unique “I” is a personality. And personality is present in any conversation. A person has many roles, but one personality.

And if the role level answers the question: “What is going on?” For example, in the interaction between a boss and a subordinate, the boss gives instructions, the subordinate listens or dissuades, does not want to follow.

The boss gives instructions - this is his role level, and the personal level determines how this happens?

  • What does personal interaction consist of?
  • How is the impact made on a personal level?
  • How is it transmitted in space?
  • How?
  • What strange fluids?
  • Where does one person get an idea about another person?
  • How does this very person evaluate her?
  • 55% is non-verbal behavior, non-verbal is non-verbal. These are body signals. This is what the eye sees.
  • 38% is the design of speech. This is what the ear hears.
  • 7% - content of speech.

That is, one person exerts a psychological influence on another person, 55% through visual contact, and 38% through acoustic information.

It is the design of the speech, the content of the speech is only 7%

The content is important, without 7% there will be no hundred, but this determines only 7%. This is easy to understand, since words are often used with completely the opposite meaning, and it all depends on intonation

And often a specialist who does not know how to personally influence people, that is, who does not know how to competently present his calculations, may be poorly received by the audience, they will not believe him, or they simply will not understand the topic.

This is easy to understand, since words are often used with completely the opposite meaning, and everything depends on intonation. And often a specialist who does not know how to personally influence people, that is, who does not know how to competently present his calculations, may be poorly received by the audience, they will not believe him, or they simply will not understand the topic.

Or, on the contrary, for example, when a person who does not have power, but has a show-off, the ability to exert a psychological influence on people, the ability to appear supposedly to have power, then he can influence the real power. For example, there are many videos on YouTube of a bullish, self-confident driver scolding a traffic cop, who gets lost and is manipulated.

That is, when we talk about the psychological impact on the personality of a subordinate, we understand this as a mechanism of influence on a person, at the personal level, without taking into account the role level. Purely personality to personality.

Structural elements of suggestion:

1. operational – involves a suggestive effect on the suggender. Contains two substages:

- preparatory - psychological and actual preparation of the suggester for the use of suggestion

- executive - the suggestor influences various personal characteristics of the suggestend (for example, the suggester’s attitudes are formed)

2. procedural – acceptance of suggestion by the suggestor

3. effective – manifestation of the suggester’s responses

Modeling stage

The starting point of your journey as a person of influence is the process of copying and interpreting your behavior by other people. You may have noticed how this mechanism works in the example of children and parents, when the former monitor the behavior of the latter and copy it. With adults it's not much more complicated. If people around you see that you are an open and reliable person who radiates positivity, and they feel that you can be trusted, then on a subconscious level they will try to win your favor. In other words, they will want you to influence them. And the more they like what they find in you, the greater the degree of influence you will have on them.

When you first meet a stranger, you initially cannot influence him in any way. If before the meeting your friend recommended you and perhaps listed your positive qualities, the degree of your influence will already acquire some weight. The interlocutor will be determined in advance that you can be trusted. The key moment will occur when he observes you during a personal meeting and himself forms a picture of how false or true his initial attitude was. The only exception to this rule are famous personalities, including opinion leaders who have now become widely popular - video bloggers.

Contagion is a mechanism of simultaneous empathy and the general mental state of partners.

Psychological characteristics:

  1. is non-verbal in nature
  2. manifests itself spontaneously as an internal mechanism of behavior
  3. has an unconscious basis
  4. only works in a specific situation
  5. is of a short-term nature
  6. the effectiveness of infection is related to the number of partners (the more partners, the more effective the infection mechanism is). Negative – panic, positive – laughter.
  7. works only in the emotional sphere

Communication in early childhood

For a child at this age (1-3 years), object-manipulative activity becomes the leading activity. He begins to explore the world through active interaction with all sorts of objects that surround him. Through trial and error, he tries to understand the meaning of each object, its purpose, and what can be done with it.

In such a situation, communication acquires a more informative and educational value. Adults can show how to handle objects, how they can be modified, held, and how to work with them safely. The child gains the first experience of indirect interaction with the world, studies the methods and consequences of using various objects.

The child has completely intelligible oral speech and can now communicate using language, express his thoughts and desires. And to develop speech, he needs active practice, with which adults should help. You need to provoke him into conversation, listen to him carefully, ask questions, answer his questions clearly and completely, tell him short stories, give him small directions and instructions.

The child’s communication has a situational and business-like form. It satisfies the need for cooperation with adults, is directly related to objective activity, has a business motive and uses verbal means (speech).

Communication at this age can also be both positive and negative.

If you work with a child a lot, show him a lot of objects, teach him how to use them, and be calm about his mistakes, then the person grows up to be inquisitive, active, and independent. He will continue to strive to explore the world, engage in self-development and self-education, travel, make discoveries and engage in socially useful activities. He will study well, will be able to choose the profession that is most interesting to him, get a good education and achieve great success in his professional activities.

On the other hand, a child can grow up in conditions of cognitive deprivation, come into contact with a very limited number of objects, no one shows him how to use them, and show aggression when making mistakes. In such conditions, a person will grow up extremely passive to development and learning, and may even speak late. Most likely, he will fail at school, is unlikely to receive a good professional education, and will not achieve success in work and in life.

Advertising as an example of influence

In the modern world, advertising is an important part of life. This is information presented in a special way in order to interest a person and persuade him to make the right choice.

This is the purchase of a product, the selection of a candidate, the announcement of a new movie. But it was not always so.

Previously, advertising was informative in nature and existed in the form of signs, posters, leaflets with neutral information. Now they do not communicate, but make one want this or that product, entertainment, service, participate in the formation of values, motivate people to act in one way or another.

There are several main methods in advertising psychology: information, persuasion, suggestion, motivation.

Information is a harmless method with minimal psychological impact. Neutral information that does not affect the individual personally is offered for consideration.

Unlike information, persuasion is the main method of advertising influence on the human psyche. Using this method, demand is generated. It should be noted that the method brings results when a person is interested in the product.

When using the suggestion method, the emphasis is on the verbal component. Phrases with a clear meaning, voice timbre, intonation, pauses, and tempo of speech are used.

The ultimate goal of advertising is to stimulate consumption. Celebrities are used to entice people to buy something. This is where the imitation mechanism comes into play. The individual automatically begins to feel on the same level as the star. We should not forget about special motivating phrases that talk about purchase bonuses, limited promotion periods, money-back guarantees, which have a strong impact on the human psyche.

Advertising is one of the most effective tools for manipulation and influence on society.

What determines the success of influence?

If influence is such a widespread process, then why are some people able to influence others, while others are not capable of this? The fact is that everyone has the ability to influence other members of society, but the degree of its expression varies. There are several categories of people whose influence is particularly powerful:

  • Those who have the makings of a leader and have the gift of persuasion and suggestion.
  • Strong personalities with pronounced charisma, that is, exceptional talent in terms of intelligence and communication abilities, which is complemented by personal charm.
  • Good psychologists, and not necessarily professional ones. There are people who are very sensitive to all the nuances of the mood and mental state of their partners. They know which strings can be pulled and, if desired, can find the most effective channels of influence on a person.
  • Those who have important information that is meaningful to people or who know how to present themselves as such informed individuals.

The effectiveness of influence depends not only on the subject, but also on the object of influence. The less self-confident a person is, the lower his self-esteem, the easier he can become dependent on a manipulator. Therefore, in order to learn to resist the influence of others, you need to start with self-development.

Modern society is structured in such a way that a person is constantly exposed to outside influence. The psychology of influence involves the processes of communication and perception of information, and implies a certain purposeful change in the feelings and aspirations of the individual.

One of the main tasks of this area of ​​psychology is to understand and analyze all existing mechanisms of influence on the human psyche. In parallel, this science studies the mechanisms of communication between people in home and public settings.

Articles on the topic

  • Communication etiquette as an important part of communicative activities
  • Interaction between family and school - unity of education and training
  • Unity and interconnection of communication and activity
  • How to communicate with a schizophrenic: features of behavior and conversation

Any psychological impact has an ultimate goal. For example, to force a person to obey or do something, complete a job, buy a product, or arrive at some point. However, you can learn all these techniques on your own in order to ultimately secretly influence other people.

A person often unconsciously uses the psychology of influence and its various methods. However, if you learn this art and know its basics, you can achieve significant success. In some cases, this can help protect against scammers who use them to defraud.

How to protect yourself from psychological influence?

Protection against manipulation in communication primarily consists of avoiding the manipulator. You should minimize contact with the person or, if this is not possible, try to turn off your emotions. If you do not make decisions hastily, under the influence of other people’s words, but think about them, this will help reduce the intensity of the psychological impact.

The desire to manipulate is most often a hidden desire for power. Praise or positive evaluation will make a person reconsider the way he interacts with people.

You should also try to keep your distance and not notify the manipulator about your life and its details. The more he knows about the addressee, the more ways of influence he will receive.

You need to learn to refuse. It is better to be known as a callous person than to constantly do someone else's work.

Manipulations in communication and their neutralization are common phenomena in society. Therefore, you should always remember that every person has the right:

  • to mistakes and own opinions;
  • to change your mind, change your mind;
  • do not answer questions if they seem incorrect;
  • be yourself, don’t try to be attractive to everyone;
  • be illogical.


Everyone has their own weakness. Often, knowing about a particular event in a person’s life, we unconsciously try to influence his choice, motivating him to take an action that is beneficial to us. Everyday psychological influence is based on this. The main technique of influencing a partner is the manipulation of pity. It involves inflicting psychological pain. Almost no one can resist him, so people agree to implement certain guidelines even contrary to their desires and principles.

How to gain authority?

Few people take into account amateurs and laymen. But the word of an influential person carries great weight. Everyone listens to him, many adapt to him. You can raise your authority and force yourself to be respected in the following ways:

showing genuine interest in people, openness and delicacy in relationships with them;

keeping your promises;

not allowing others to deceive you;

possessing extraordinary abilities, deep knowledge, professional competencies;

without betraying your principles;

valuing your name and reputation, putting them above profit.

How to create the right model of behavior in communication?

Communication, like the East, is an extremely delicate matter. The one who succeeds in it is the one who is able to adequately evaluate himself, in the most stalemate situations, maintain presence of mind and self-confidence, be flexible and sensitive in relationships with people.

The main thing for the image of a respected person is a mood for mutual understanding, a desire to achieve consensus. This model of behavior forces the interlocutor to become negotiable, while allowing him to maintain integrity and loyalty to his rules.



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Desires and motivation

All people have similar desires and motives. Complex forms of activity imply basic things: the desire to be loved, rich, to have power, to satisfy natural instincts, etc. These features of human nature are taken into account when creating advertising, Internet posts, and election campaigns. The personality, under the influence of his desires to get what he wants, does what the manipulator needs. Influence will be more effective if you use images and colors that a person associates with his desires: people who lack emotions will happily respond to commercials using orange shades, and those who need peace and comfort will respond to blue and green ones. Methods of protection against such influence are elementary. You need to analyze yourself and understand what you are missing

It is also important to realize that getting what you want requires hard work and dedication.

The effect of surprise

Psychological influence on a person’s subconscious can be carried out in different ways. A change in consciousness makes a person completely defenseless against the influence of others. Such methods include hypnosis and trance. During the first, the personality is completely under the influence of the influencing person, his consciousness is closed and not controlled by himself. Trance is different in that the individual thinks he is in control of his actions, but follows the instructions of the manipulator.

A person can be put into a state of light trance by asking her a strange, unexpected question. The confusion that arises is a specific state that makes it easy to instill the necessary information. It is very easy to put an individual into a light trance state who is immersed in his thoughts and a little confused. This is how various kinds of manipulators who are looking for easy money choose their victims. The main role in this impact is played by the effect of surprise.

Intelligent manipulation

Influence on a person’s subconscious is not only hidden forms of influence for the purpose of profit. This area of ​​science also studies methods for increasing the performance of employees in enterprises, improving their skills and reducing aggression in the team towards each other.

The method of reasonable manipulation involves the voluntary agreement of the individual to perform certain functions. Impact occurs through the use of higher aspirations. This is a bit like the method of applying desires and motivations: every employee wants to receive a decent salary and feel normal in the team. To achieve these goals, coordinated work, concentration and mutual assistance are required.


People who live together constantly have a certain influence on each other. At the same time, they pursue their own personal motives.

Psychological influence – mechanisms that can simulate the thinking of an individual.

The impact has main factors:

  • character study;
  • understanding ways to respond to stress;
  • behavioral characteristics.

A manipulator is able to carry out conscious actions, and a person can also manipulate without realizing that he is affecting someone’s psyche. Do not forget that employees of various services are interested in people making the decision that is right for them. Sellers say the right words to the buyer so that he purchases the product. Do not forget about the actions used by scammers who are capable of stealing by fooling around.

Psychology of mechanisms

People living nearby constantly influence each other, pursuing personal motives. From birth, the baby masters techniques of psychological influence on parents through screaming, and then others.

When communicating with each other, people often influence the thoughts of the interlocutor without even realizing it. Psychological influence is certain mechanisms that can model the consciousness of an individual. They are divided into 2 groups.

  1. Household methods of manipulation.
  2. Special: coding, trance, hypnosis.

Influences, both everyday and special, have one common basic element. Its essence lies in studying the nature of the individual, understanding behavioral characteristics, reactions to a stress factor.

Be a mirror

This trick is also known as mimicry. Most people use this method naturally, without even thinking about what they are doing: they automatically copy other people's behavior, manner of speech, facial expressions and even gestures. But this technique can be used quite deliberately. People have a tendency to treat better those who are similar to them.

It is also interesting that if during a recent conversation someone “mirrored” a person’s behavior, then this person will be more comfortable for some time communicating with other people, even if they had nothing to do with that conversation.

Impact goals

Fear of people and society - what is this phobia called and what is it?
Regardless of which group of people needs to be influenced, the targets of influence belong to one of the groups:

  • indoctrination to other people to satisfy one's own benefit;
  • assertion of authority among others;
  • modeling standards of behavior and concepts;
  • internalizing a sense of significance;
  • self-realization.

Most often, the practice of manipulating other people is due to selfish views. When a person sees that his interlocutor is emotionally inferior to him, a desire arises to subjugate him to his will, albeit unconsciously. Some want to be listened to, others want some actions to be performed for them, others try to establish themselves with the opposite sex (especially among girls). Someone may use emotional influence with good intentions, but more often the reason lies in selfishness. In any case, the manipulator’s hidden motive in sum involves asserting his own importance in the eyes of people.

These goals are divided into intentional and unintentional. The first include those when the manipulator tries to assert himself, force someone to perform some actions for him, or pursues a selfish goal. A person can have an unintended influence simply by being in the room. Others begin to copy his behavior, succumb to his beliefs, and suddenly lean toward his point of view. Such an ability can manifest itself spontaneously without any malicious intent.

Most manipulators pursue their own interests

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