How to manipulate a womanizer if he likes you. Behavior of a womanizing man: psychology. Is it possible to make a womanizer fall in love with you?

Most women have asked themselves the following question at least once in their lives: why do men choose the lifestyle of a “ladiesman” and “Casanova” as the standard for their behavior? What is the reason for the pathological desire to break the hearts of fragile girls, “switching” from one passion to another? Why is a man a womanizer whose psychology and characteristics are not ashamed of his treacherous behavior, but, on the contrary, elevate it to the rank of personal achievement? Let's try to figure out who womanizers are and how to deal with them.

The absolute male heartthrob represents the sum of global disappointments in the weaker sex and the desire to compensate for the damage to one’s inner world is quite rare. With a much higher probability, ladies who position themselves as deceived and “abandoned” have come across pathological liars and insolvent men who imagine themselves to be Don Juans. So how can you spot a real womanizer?

How to make a womanizer fall in love with you: tricky tips

April 23, 2021 at 12:21
It’s sad, but womanizers are very common in the life of almost every woman. Basically, these are well-groomed men who know a lot about seducing women. It is very difficult to interest them, and it is generally very difficult to make a womanizer fall in love with you. But we’re not looking for easy ways, are we?

Psychologists say that you should act in relation to them using the same methods. Naturally, you need to use methods that may seem inappropriate for ordinary men.

Myth 3. He will be with his family for the holidays

In most cases, this is a misconception; this type of man is not used to spending holidays surrounded by his family, and under any pretext he will try to leave home to where holiday fun awaits him. After all, as was already said above, for such a man his wife will be akin to his mother, and his mistress will be like a stream of fresh air.

Photo: Obozrevatel

How to interest and make a womanizer fall in love with you - women's advice

If you think that there is something wrong with you, since you fell in love with a womanizer, do not rush to look for “marriage” in yourself. This desire in women is caused by a prehistoric instinct; if they see that a male is very popular with other females, this means that he is, as it were, marked with a quality mark.

This is true, as a rule, many womanizers are very handsome men who are liked by almost everyone and conquer women wholesale, just by entering the room.

Many girls dream of such a man, without thinking that having gotten such a copy, they will have to put up with the fact that every stranger passing by is staring at their soulmate for the rest of their lives. If you're ready for this, read on.

The most important thing is to work on yourself. Create such an image that a womanizer can pay attention to you and become interested in you. A little mysterious, different from others. And he will immediately become interested in you;

Make him play by your rules to make a womanizer fall in love with you. Let him think that it is his person who is being given so much attention. After all, womanizers are narcissistic. Take all the power into your own hands. Let mutual friends introduce you. And keep going;

Move away from him a little. Pretend that you are indifferent to him, but at the same time sometimes flirt and smile. The intrigue will awaken great interest in him. He will begin to think - what kind of person is this who seems to be paying attention to him, and at the same time, does not let him near her. This is where his pride begins to hurt. And plus mystery. And men love to solve these kinds of riddles. Everything should be in moderation;

Interest him in your intelligence, erudition, and ability to support any topic;

You shouldn’t immediately agree to a date. Let him work a little to achieve this;

Don't rush to jump into bed with him right away. As usual, after this their interest in you will decrease. He will give you another plus sign, give you another number for himself, and almost that’s it. Such people do not start serious relationships. It's not in their best interest. To make such a man fall in love with you, do everything to prevent this from happening for as long as possible. Then it will practically be yours;

Well, one last thing. You must have high self-esteem, or at least show him that. Don't let him think that you are as available as everyone else.

And, having done all these steps, you will definitely interest a womanizer. And perhaps he will be your life partner. After all, even they someday understand that they can be left alone.

To take revenge or to forget, like a bad dream?

Sometimes girls who have fallen into the nets of a womanizer think - how to teach a womanizer a lesson? The resentment haunts me, my hands are itching to take revenge on the reveler. But it’s better to let such a guy go as soon as possible, to pass on this bitter baton of love to someone else.

Men who are womanizers cannot make a woman truly happy. They often suffer from various complexes. For example, the weak point of any womanizer is sexual viability. If he fails in bed, it will become his nightmare. Any doubt about irresistibility greatly touches Casanova's nerves, as do hints that you don't really need him.

In any case, it is better to send off a womanizer beautifully. They really know how to charm and influence women, subordinating them to their whims. Therefore, if you have any suspicions about a new acquaintance, run. Think there's nothing wrong with sex on the first date? Believe me, the womanizer will forget about your existence the very next morning, and you will certainly suffer. Of course, if they themselves were not looking for fleeting entertainment.

Increase your self-esteem, girls! Learn to say “no” to Don Juans, to feel male psychology and your feminine power. Then womanizers will disappear from your life forever, and really worthy men will be attracted. I teach how to do this in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness”, register for the next stream here, on the official website of the Pavel Rakov shopping center. And you will find recommendations on how and with whom to get acquainted, what to ask on a date in the section “Secrets of dating and first dates.” Stop by.

Girls, be sure to share your personal life hacks on how to tell if a man is a womanizer. Are there any proven methods in your arsenal? Let's help other readers together.

How to quietly make a womanizer fall in love with you once and for all

The first thing you need to do is attract the attention of this young man. Try to structure the situation in such a way that your mutual acquaintances introduce you to him, but prepare properly for this meeting, “arm yourself”, try to give the impression of an interesting and mysterious woman, so that he, as they say, “pecks at the bait.”

You definitely need to keep yourself somewhat aloof and not show that you are interested in this guy, I’ll say right away that this is not at all easy and you need to have good acting skills and self-control, but these abilities are generally useful in life.

Try not to react too actively to his statements and humor. You will interest him and he will have a desire to impress you, because he has no idea about your plans. Just don’t stay too distant, otherwise he might get tired and stop trying to win you over.

Keep him on his toes and sometimes give him incentive to keep pursuing you and ultimately make the womanizer fall in love with you. You can allow him to meet with you some other time, believe me, he will be waiting for this meeting and will come to it already prepared.

Your next step is to interest him in your personal qualities, show him that you are a very interesting person with whom he is very interested in spending time, this will greatly puzzle him and greatly reduce his ambition, which will certainly be to your advantage.

Sexual relations are a very important point. Try to delay them as long as possible so that he dreams about it. Because if he gets you easily, you will turn out to be another victory for the womanizer, and most likely your relationship will stop developing.

If a man goes missing

When such behavior happens frequently, it is better to immediately forget about such a suitor. The maximum that he will allow himself is to buy a bottle of wine and chocolate... He will not go out with a girl, attend events together, and so on... He does not want to spend money on a girl, especially considering the fact that he has a sufficient number of such girls, to go completely broke. During direct questions about his personal life, he skillfully gets out of it. A man captivates a woman’s mind from the first minutes, and after that her brain turns off, and she is unable to identify a womanizer.

The saddest thing about dealing with a womanizer is that he can allow himself to openly flirt with other women in the presence of his own. He will not pay attention to the feelings of his girlfriend, who will be watching what is happening. If she decides to make a scandal, then thanks to her courtesy, she will quickly calm her down and appease her. Womanizers love to address a woman with diminutive words: “sunshine”, “kitten”, “baby” and so on... Such a play on words was created so as not to get confused in names. When dating, they behave more confidently than other guys.

Types of men in psychology: family-friendly and womanizers

How to fix a womanizer?

Although every man considers himself an incorrigible womanizer at heart, in fact, a womanizer belongs to a completely special type of man, although quite common in our time.

How to correct a womanizer and is it possible to achieve success in this difficult matter? Making a womanizer fall in love with you is not an easy task. Be prepared for the fact that you will need all your will and iron endurance.

Alas, although womanizers are quite attractive, they know female psychology well, and every woman can feel like a queen when communicating with him, the key word here is “everyone”. A womanizer is not able to stop there; he will constantly strive to find a new goal and a new partner. That's his nature.

· It makes sense to beat a womanizer with his own weapon. In other words, if you are confident in your abilities, you can show him that you, too, are not blind, and he can take over your body, but in order to conquer your soul, he will have to work very, very hard.

To make a womanizer fall in love with you, you can allow yourself a lot in bed, but as soon as morning comes, the bird must fly away and this night does not mean any rapprochement. Set a strict distance that he will have to overcome every time he wants to see you again. And of course - no phone calls or intimate conversations.

· The womanizer is not used to such treatment, and he will constantly be gnawing at the thought that he never managed to conquer you. This will force him to attack again and again with the same result. If he is too persistent, feign bewilderment, saying that we are adults, well, we got pleasure from each other - what more? Everything was great – but that’s where we’ll end.

· Since the womanizer is accustomed to dictating terms and being the master of the situation, such a reaction will completely confuse him. A woman who does not fit into the stack of his victories will be an unconquered peak for him, which he is obliged to conquer, if only out of self-esteem. Otherwise, what kind of womanizer is he?

· You can play with him this way for a while, and if you notice that the eternal waiting is starting to bother him, you can start another game. Show him that you like him, but you are resisting because you are not sure that he is your prince, whom you have been waiting for all your life. Then he will try to dispel these doubts in your soul.

· In fact, womanizers, despite all their victories, are full of internal complexes and self-doubt. And all their adventures are just a way to prove to themselves that they are the best. If he really feels this way with you, you may be able to make a womanizer fall in love with you.


  1. Esthete. He considers all women beautiful and admires them. Such a person is always surrounded by a company of girls. He has a lot of female friends, but only one of his mistresses.
  2. An amorous womanizer. As a rule, he is represented by a creative nature. Having fallen in love once, he believes that it is forever. However, such a person’s feelings suddenly appear and disappear just as instantly. He is constantly looking for a new muse.
  3. Athlete. Its main purpose is sex. Such a person does not care what a girl looks like or what her name is. He is not interested in relationships, it is important for him to get as many victories as possible over women, persuading them to have sex. Such womanizers have a fairly large number of victims, because they have the ability to fool a girl’s head and seduce her. At the same time, they do not think at all about the consequences. In small towns such a person will not survive, since his business will become known very quickly. Therefore, such people successfully “hunt” in megacities.
  4. Heartbreaker. Quite a dangerous guy. For such a person, it is not important to conquer only the body. Wants to have the whole girl. The womanizer easily gains her trust and surrounds her with care and attention. The girl is sure that he is in love with her and is ready for anything. However, as soon as such a person conquers the young lady, he breaks up with her. It seems like this guy gets his kicks from breaking hearts.
  5. Hidden womanizer. He will behave secretly, as if he is afraid of general publicity. Officially, he has no relationship with girls. But at the same time he has secret novels that follow one after another. In public, he can bypass girls in the tenth way. Thanks to this behavior, he develops an attractive image, which attracts girls who think that they are the only ones in his life.

How to make a womanizer fall in love with you: tips for women

Womanizers are favored by many representatives of the fair sex. These men have a special talent for seducing women, causing them to admire and fall in love. But even such a guy can be charmed. In order for him to fall in love without memory, you need to act according to certain rules. The conquered womanizer eventually becomes an exemplary family man and listens to every word of his life partner.

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A man who is a womanizer can be immediately identified in any company. These male representatives are always neatly and stylishly dressed, boast a large vocabulary and a deft tongue, and are attentive to the ladies. It's a rare woman who can resist a brilliant dandy who knows how to carry on a conversation, looks after him beautifully and is not devoid of passion in bed.

Falling in love with such men is dangerous, but many girls neglect this and want to connect their lives with a female lover. In this case, you should take the advice of psychologists in order to be able to tame the Don Juan and make his heart beat stronger with love. If you try, it is quite possible to make a womanizer fall in love with you, but how long he can last in the role of an exemplary family man is not known for sure.

The womanizing guy is used to women easily falling for his charms, and he hardly has to make any effort. To surprise such a man and make him interested, you need to behave differently, that is, show a little indifference. You should not tell a new acquaintance the details of your life. By maintaining the image of a mysterious stranger, you can arouse the womanizer's interest in your person. The desire to get to know the lady better will keep him close.

You need to be confident with a Don Juan, stopping his attempts to take the initiative into his own hands. If you always agree with such a gentleman, he will be confident in his irresistibility. It is allowed to make fun of him slightly, but not too much, so as not to hurt his heightened pride.

Meetings should not be too frequent. If the romance began through correspondence on a social network, then you can stick to virtual communication for a while to stir up interest in yourself. It is better to start intimate relationships no earlier than after a month of dating. The main task of a girl when communicating with a man of this type is to arouse his interest not only with her appearance, but also with her inner content. You need to be interested in a man’s life, ask his opinion on any issues, talk about your work and hobbies. He should see a person next to him, and not a beautiful doll.

If the womanizer gets carried away, it is necessary to maintain his interest further. To do this, you must follow certain rules of behavior:

  • manipulate a man;
  • maintain mystery;
  • remain beautiful and desirable;
  • warm up emotions.

He talks negatively about his ex

Psychologically mature people try to adhere to one unspoken principle - not to tell their partner about their former relationship. And even if such conversations cannot be avoided, a worthy man will not “throw mud at” his ex-girlfriend, but, most likely, will limit himself to a couple of general phrases. However, a womanizer operates according to a completely different scheme. If you believe his stories, then this man’s ex-girlfriend is the devil in the flesh, who inflicted many emotional wounds on him. By speaking negatively about his ex, a womanizer is just trying to make you feel pity.

How to understand that a man is a womanizer?

First of all, it is worth remembering that this type of man is well versed in female psychology, so he can understand in advance whether the object of interest will fall at his feet or not.

By and large, womanizers do not like to get involved with women, who will have to spend a lot of time and effort to conquer. Such a man directs his efforts only to fairly easy goals; the woman in his arms feels almost like a goddess and at some point begins to dream that it is with her that he wants to start a family. Unfortunately, such hopes are not justified, and now he is already rushing towards a new passion.

Despite everything, womanizers are popular in almost any company of people, because they are capable of beautiful courtship and are seductive. Short-sighted women fall under the spell of such a man, and then suffer for a long time, because they continue to build castles in the air, without trying to take a sober look at their relationship.

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How to understand that a man is a womanizer</p>

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