You can create a lot of problems for yourself: why you can’t twirl your hair on your finger (psychology of habits and signs)

Since ancient times, people have endowed hair with magical properties, which is why there are many beliefs about curls and strands. For example, there is a sign that prohibits twirling a strand of hair around your finger. Interestingly, psychologists have also contributed to this issue.

  • 2 Psychology of the phenomenon
    2.1 Children's habit
  • 2.2 What to do if a teenager twirls his hair on his finger
  • 2.3 Why do adults twirl hair around their fingers?

The reason for the habit in children

Kids twirl strands of hair around their fingers in a state of anxiety. This action helps the child calm down.

Children find it difficult to express their feelings and influence others. Sometimes such a habit is the only mechanism that allows a child to overcome emotional stress. During adolescence, girls may twirl their hair around their fingers when communicating with the opposite sex. They mistakenly believe that such a gesture makes a person attractive.

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What does curling hair indicate in adults?

Usually the habit of curling hair in adults is carried over from childhood. The habit of curling hair in an adult may also indicate some other medical problem.

Anxiety symptom

Curling your hair as a child or teenager can turn into something you do when you're anxious or nervous. If you find yourself twirling your hair when you feel anxious or nervous, it may indicate that you are dealing with anxious or intrusive thoughts, and this habit could easily be a symptom of an underlying anxiety problem.

Repetitive body-oriented behavior

Sometimes the habit of curling your hair starts in childhood and never stops. There is a connection between this habit and boredom, impatience, dissatisfaction and disappointment. Curling your hair can also help relieve your boredom or help you calm down when you're tired.

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Sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Hair curling can also be a sign of OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you suffer from other symptoms of OCD, this means that this habit is also part of your condition. Common symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder include:

  • repetitive actions;
  • recurring anxious impulses/thoughts;
  • symptoms that interfere with daily life and last for several hours each day.

However, hair curling alone does not indicate OCD; only and only if it is accompanied by the above mentioned symptoms, then you should suspect OCD.

Does hair curling indicate autism?

Hair curling is a type of self-stimulation or stimulation. Here are some examples of stimulation:

  • finger drumming;
  • nail biting;
  • swinging a leg.

The stimulation does not have to be related to autism; however, there are certain stimulating behaviors that may be associated with autism. Here are some of the repetitive behaviors that are a sign of autism:

  • clapping hands;
  • rocking;
  • rotation;
  • jumping;
  • snapping fingers;
  • walking or tiptoeing.

However, hair curling in itself is not a sign of autism; only and only if it is accompanied by other symptoms of autism.

Popular beliefs

Psychologists associate the habit of twirling hair on a finger with suspiciousness, lack of self-confidence, and sentimentality. There were several superstitions among the people associated with this behavior.

For example, people believed that the habit provoked headaches. According to another sign, a person who commits such an action “gets himself into trouble.”

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Superstitions about hair growth

A low hairline does not make a person attractive. However, people with this appearance feature should not despair. The sign symbolizes that they will be lucky in old age. They will be surrounded by the care and love of loved ones. The popular superstition that a person with a low forehead has low intellectual abilities is nothing more than a fiction.

Hair sticking out randomly is considered a good sign. A sloppy hairstyle symbolizes a meeting, pleasure trips. If your hair is disheveled on the right side, then you should wait for a visit from strangers. If on the left - then relatives or friends.

The list of negative interpretations of signs about hair growth includes:

  • A wedge-shaped protrusion on the forehead in women
    . I call it differently “widow’s cape.” It is believed that the owner of such a sign will be doomed to loneliness or the loss of a spouse at an early age.
  • The appearance of short curls at the temples
    . The sign is associated with breakups.
  • Changing the parting after washing your hair
    means sad news and bad changes in life.

When interpreting
signs about hair, attention is paid not only to its growth, but also to its structure. It determines the character of a person. It is believed that those with smooth and straight hair have a kind and pure character. Those with coarse and unruly hair are naturally straightforward and stubborn.

How to deal with habit in children

If parents notice this behavior in a child under 3 years old, there is no need to spank the child’s hands. This will only make the problem worse. Psychologists advise distracting the child with toys. You should find activities for him that train fine motor skills. You can give your baby a hand and head massage. This will replace the heir with the pleasant sensations that he receives when winding the strands. You should pay more attention to your child. Before bedtime, read fairy tales to your baby and sing lullabies. If these measures do not help, you can give your child a short haircut. Or put a scarf or thin hat on the baby’s head to limit access to the strands.

If the habit is observed in a child between 4 and 6 years old, you need to talk to him. And find out what emotions he experiences when he twirls his hair on his finger. It is worth explaining to the child that this is bad behavior that ruins the hair.

Together with the child, you should come up with a special gesture that the parent will use to ensure that the heir removes his hand from his hair. Parents need to praise and encourage their child if he makes progress in breaking the habit.

If a child 7-13 years old (usually a girl) twirls her hair on her finger, it is important for parents not to lose the child’s trust. Mom and dad need to compliment the heiress. And appreciate her individuality. Mom should learn how to do different hairstyles and become a personal hairdresser for her daughter. A girl is unlikely to want to spoil her beautifully styled hair.

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If the habit is observed in a teenager over 13 years old, it is important for parents to explain to their daughter that such behavior does not make her attractive. Quite the contrary. If a girl twirls her hair around her finger in a state of anxiety, it is necessary to explain that the habit does not help, but distracts her from solving problems. It is important for a mother to teach her daughter how to properly care for her hair. You and your girl can make masks based on goat or coconut milk.

Signs associated with baldness

It is worth paying close attention to the situation when your hair suddenly falls out. It symbolizes an imminent deterioration in health or loss of financial well-being. If there are no serious reasons why baldness is observed, then you should contact a healer. After all, the problem often appears due to the evil eye or damage from ill-wishers.

Signs of hair loss are almost always interpreted in a negative way. The same applies to finding foreign biological material on clothing. The sign symbolizes imminent quarrels or the induction of a love spell.

Choosing shampoo at random

If your hair is brittle and has split ends, you should choose less alkaline hair products. For colored hair, you should choose a shampoo labeled “for colored hair”; it will not wash out the color as much.

For ash blondes, be sure to use shampoo at least once a week to neutralize yellowness. You can get full advice on care from your hairdresser.

“This is the most pressing problem. The shampoo must be chosen by the master. Shampoos contain components that are suitable or, conversely, not suitable for a particular client. In addition, everyone has their own nuances - some lack volume, while others lack smoothness and shine,” the expert emphasizes.

Hairdressing salon.


Rubbing your hair with a towel

Of course, this can speed up drying, but with active rubbing, the hair scales open up, and this risks causing the hair to become frizzy and dull.

Inside the hair there are several types of bonds, for example hydrogen bonds, which are broken when wet and restored again when dry. All mechanical effects on wet hair will harm it.

Hair care.

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Superstitions about washing hair

Some folk superstitions about hair among the ancient Slavs are considered shocking today. For example, ancestors were forbidden to wash their hair during Lent. Believers walked around dirty for weeks.

Some people, based on previous superstitions, do not observe hygiene procedures during major church holidays. However, the clergy do not approve of such actions. They believe that such superstitions arose from pagan culture and have no compelling basis for belief.

Nowadays, the sign about washing your hair before important events: business meetings or exams is relevant. It is believed that part of the memory and mental abilities will be washed away along with the dirt. You should not believe 100% in this sign. After all, if a student has not learned a subject, then folk superstitions are unlikely to help him pass an exam or get a test with excellent marks.

Group therapy

This technique is not used with children, only with adults. The group usually consists of 10 people who are united either by common symptoms or by a common reason for the development of this bad habit.

All participants sit in a circle and begin to share their stories. This is the stage of acquaintance, the purpose of which is to position all patients towards each other in order to build constructive dialogues, since sometimes people with the habit of pulling their hair are antisocial.

Role-playing games may be carried out. The most popular is wish fulfillment if one of the patients starts doing these obsessive actions again.

Lectures are also provided during group classes. Their goal is to show a person that the habit of pulling one’s hair does not bring anything good, and it is better to get rid of it.

Group classes in various types of physical activity are possible: yoga, meditation, aerobics. The conversation participants also attend cultural events and communicate a lot with trichologists.

Ignoring balms or masks

It’s not for nothing that any brand line consists not only of shampoo, but also of balm. After using this product, hair becomes smooth and manageable.

“Balms are very important. When you wash your hair, the scales open up. After shampoo, they must be closed. Balms and masks are exactly what you need. Thanks to them, the hair will be shiny, manageable and smooth,” points out Lyubov Shchetinina.

Hairdressing salon.



We are not talking about all elastic bands, but about rubber, latex and those with metal decorations. All of them tangle and damage the hair. They might even rip them out.

There is no need to completely give up rubber bands; you should choose them wisely. Fabric elastic bands will not press, pull or tear out hair.


open sources on the Internet

The truth about hair care

Is it true that it is better to wash your hair with boiled water?

Is it true! Having heard such a recommendation from me, clients usually faint; those who are more prepared immediately ask their husbands by phone to buy basins and bath bowls in order to wash their hair according to all the rules. If you have really entered the fight for beautiful hair, then it is easier to install special water filters in your bathroom that soften the water.

Is it true that self-massage of the head is effective for hair growth?

Is it true! But only on condition that the procedures are regular. A slight tingling once a month cannot be called a health procedure, it is rather a calming of the soul: “That’s how good I am, I do self-massage!” The massage should take place daily and last at least 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, hair is washed in the usual way, using shampoo.

Is it true that cutting hair with hot scissors is nothing more than a fashion trend?

Myth! This procedure is very effective for those whose problem is split ends, so often glorified in commercials. I would especially recommend this haircut to the lucky owners of long hair. The scissors seal the cut of each hair so that proteins, vitamins and amino acids remain inside the hair shaft. Already after the first such haircut you will notice changes, and expect a therapeutic effect after two or three procedures.

Is it true that there are useful hair dryers?

Is it true! Such hair dryers dry hair not with hot or cold air, but with infrared rays. The effect is as follows: your curls dry faster, become less electrified (if there is such a problem), blood circulation in the scalp improves, which promotes hair growth.

When hair falls out, you need to comb it less often

Not true! Brushing removes dead hair that can linger on your scalp for up to three months. In addition, combing and massage are useful because they improve blood circulation in the head, and therefore nutrition of the hair follicles.

Do curling, styling, and coloring cause hair loss?

In no case. Because they do not affect the hair follicle. Styling, curling, and coloring only affect the structure of the hair, making it drier and brittle, split ends and dull.


The compulsive action is so important that the inability to perform it is perceived as a threat to life. The need to constantly pull your hair occurs in stressful situations and is repeated. This may also be a reaction to chronic stress that the child cannot eliminate from his life (parental quarrels, peer bullying, problems at school).

If an uncontrollable action is interrupted, the child will do his best to look for a way to complete it: he will begin to twirl his hair a certain number of times or in some sequence. The baby will do this until he calms down completely.

Using a hair dryer without attachments

Nozzles were invented for a reason. They concentrate air flow in one direction. Without attachments it is much easier to dry out your hair. You can use the simplest one - with a rectangular hole for a stream of warm air.

“This jet is much easier to control when styling, it helps control the flow while drying each strand. If you dry it in all directions at once, your hair will overheat and become damaged. The result will be a fluffy hairstyle,” notes Lyubov Shchetinina.

Signs about combing hair

Almost every person combs their hair every day. The only exceptions are those who suffer from baldness. Therefore, there are a lot of problems with combing your hair. This is a special ritual that is aimed at protecting a person from negative energy.

A number of rules that must be followed according to folk wisdom:

  1. Comb only with combs made of natural materials, preferably wood. Only such combs can charge your hair with positive energy.
  2. Do not allow strangers to comb you and your children. This process is considered sacred, so outsiders should not participate in it.
  3. Spouses are advised to periodically comb each other. According to popular beliefs, this ritual strengthens marriage and contributes to the creation of a harmonious union.
  4. It is better to comb your hair 2 times a day - morning and evening. The morning procedure will allow you to recharge with positive energy for the whole day, and the evening procedure will help you put your thoughts in order and relax after a busy day.
  5. In order for your hair to grow beautiful and strong, during each combing it is recommended to cast spells for good luck or mentally pronounce your wishes. At this moment you need to think only about the good and bright.
  6. Use a comb through the strands for at least 40 years. This number is sacred and brings good luck to a person.

In ancient times, young mothers did not comb their hair for 9 days after the baby was born. This contributed to a faster and more reliable recovery after childbirth.

There are a number of rules regarding the comb that a person uses. According to folk traditions, it cannot be given to strangers for use.

The comb must be hidden from prying eyes. If an ill-wisher sees and takes the comb, the owner of the item will have serious health problems.


Helping a child or even an adult on your own is possible. Especially if a girl or teenager suffers from this bad habit.

Some of the simplest but most effective methods are:

  • creating beautiful hairstyles;
  • braiding;
  • beautiful hair curling;
  • gentle and neat styling;
  • short haircut (if it suits your face), etc.

The girl needs to be explained that pulling her hair is an indicator of her excitement and worry. That this does not always look attractive, and characterizes a person as nervous. It is necessary to delicately and very carefully explain to her that such similar actions make her image one-sided and demonstrate her as a complex, insecure person.

Some doctors advise patients to take up handicrafts. Hands will always be busy, and a person will have no time for curling curls. If the activity is really exciting, then getting rid of the problem will be easy.

Treatment options

The first step on the path to recovery is a consultation with a psychologist. It helps to find out the reasons for the development of such a habit. It will explain whether it is an addiction or just an alarming symptom.

If it's just a habit, a behavioral approach will do. In psychology, this is one of the methods of behavior management. You need to make sure that curling your hair leads to unpleasant consequences (not to punishment, but to not getting what you want). A short haircut helps, but only with the consent of the child.

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