How to understand if a boy likes you: main signs, advice from psychologists

Perhaps there is a co-worker who has caught your attention, or a classmate that makes your knees tremble and go weak every time he approaches. You are definitely interested in this person, but how can you tell if a boy likes you? If you are shy, self-conscious, or simply don’t want to disturb mutual friends who might ask your guy this question, then this article is for you.

He smiles a lot and looks at you

How do you know if a boy likes you? It's simple: you need to monitor his behavior. Pay attention to how often your views intersect and what his reaction is. If he:

  1. Always tries to pass by.
  2. He looks at you kindly and smiles.
  3. He looks away as if he is shy. At the same time, he doesn’t stop smiling.

Sometimes a girl may notice that a guy suddenly looks away as soon as she looks at him. This suggests that he closely monitors his object of desire, but at the same time he is embarrassed to talk about his feelings and show them in public. This may also mean that the boy, as soon as he sees his object of adoration in his field of vision, begins to look at him, study his habits and frantically tries to find ways to get to know him or start communicating.

What kind of girls do guys like?

Everyone is interested in how to make a boy you like fall in love with you. First you need to figure out what kind of girls guys like.

  • They like confident and well-groomed people. A normal teenager is unpleasant when a girl has yellow teeth, dirty hair or unkempt clothes. Watch yourself. Be energetic and lively; guys don’t pay attention to downtrodden and constrained people.
  • Boys like cheerful girls who can laugh at their jokes. Smile more often. Girls who are gloomy and always dissatisfied with something do not attract the attention of boys.
  • All guys like smart girls . If you can support any conversation and have a broad outlook, it will be easier to communicate with the student you like.
  • Behave yourself . There is no need to speak obscenities, smoke and try to imitate older teenagers in everything. With a cultured and well-mannered girl, you will never be ashamed in front of others.

Oh that look

Many girls ask the question: “How can you tell if a boy at school likes you?” Pay attention to his eyes. It is important to look at them carefully, because it may turn out that he has decided to play staring contest with you.

If you want to test whether he is attracted to you or not, try an experiment. Look at his face for about 3-4 seconds and then look away. After a second, look back at him: if a guy maintains eye contact with you, then he is really interested. But to make sure that he likes you, pay attention to where his gaze is directed.

If a guy looks towards his mouth, then he definitely sees you as an object of adoration. However, if he breaks eye contact and looks away, then he may just be interested in you, but not enough to start building a relationship.

Sometimes it happens that a person is very shy and unsure of himself, so he looks away so as not to make eye contact with the interlocutor.

Non-standard approach

“How can you tell if a boy likes you or not?” - a common question among teenage girls. Pay attention to his behavior.

At a younger age, guys show this feeling of love in a slightly distorted form: you may receive slaps, gentle blows from all sides, hair pulling, ridicule or attempts to attract attention. It may seem to a girl that the bully hates her and therefore constantly mocks and hurts her, although in fact the opposite is true in most cases.

At a more mature age, feelings manifest themselves a little differently. The girl should pay attention to how the young man will behave when she disappears: will he call, look for her, ask what’s going on. This is how a representative of the fair sex can understand whether a guy has some kind of sympathy for you.

But you must reason sensibly and coolly. Because if you get hung up on the fact that the boy is the object of your adoration, you will only notice in his behavior what you want to see for yourself.

What does his body language say?

This advice is suitable for girls of all ages. One of the most common signs that a guy likes you is a look, but beyond that there are some other gestures. For example, if he leans towards you or tries to get as close as possible, then you should wonder if this person has sympathy for you.

Want to know if he is subconsciously interested in you? Watch his arms and legs. If they point at you or are tilted in your direction, then this indicates how much the guy likes you.

Another way that tells you how to understand whether a boy likes you or not is to pay attention to his gestures when meeting. As a rule, he must prepare himself - straighten his tie, fix his shirt, smooth his hair. The guy at this moment begins to get very worried and unconsciously tries to put himself in order while you are around, because he wants the object of his adoration to find him attractive.

Watch him when he sits. If a man or guy spreads his legs wide apart and puts his hands on his hips, then this is a manifestation of interest in the woman with whom he is talking and being near.

Psychology of falling in love

The psychology of a guy in love is focused on the successful spread of genetic material. Initially, a man sends signals to several potential partners at once. Further development of the relationship occurs with the girl who gave the largest number of response signals.

The behavior of a lover is designed to:

  • protect the girl from the attention of rivals;
  • prove that he is better than others;
  • evaluate the girl according to the maximum number of criteria.

Since the assessment of a potential partner is based on non-verbal signs, a man cannot always say exactly what attracted him to a girl and why she is better than others.

Listen when he talks to you

Here's another way for those who don't know how to tell if a boy likes you. So what do guys do that most of them talk about?

It's actually quite simple - they talk about themselves. Many guys feel like they have to prove themselves to the women they're interested in, so they start bragging about their accomplishments during conversations.

A good way to see how interested a boy is in you is to observe his body language during a monologue. Try to say something not too loud. Is he leaning in to hear you? Does he stay closer after the conversation has moved on to the other person or does he move away from you?

This advice is ideal for girls of different ages, because boys always like to brag. It doesn’t matter where they are - in the school corridor or in the cafeteria at work.

How to show a boy that you like him?

It is a subtle skill to attract the attention of others when you need it and for a specific purpose. It’s not easy for everyone, but if you learn how to deal with people, you can get what you want from them


To do this you need:

  • Learn to listen, for example, to what he is talking about with friends. In conversations, phrases about the girls you like may slip through. Also about hobbies and interests. This is important, perhaps you are completely different people, maybe then you shouldn’t try to get closer. If your interests coincide, ask him for help: fix your bike, teach you how to skate, recommend a good fitness trainer or gym. And then act according to the circumstances;
  • Offer your help with homework if the subject is difficult. In other matters;
  • Become a mystery, stand out in the crowd. Take a look at what kind of girls are mostly around: they read few books, attend few cultural events, and perhaps smoke. This is for example. Be the exception to the rule: the good, positive exception;
  • Be positive. A person with a smile on his face and a good joke at the right moment attracts people.

The main thing is not to become annoying, respect yourself and his opinion.

Special relationship

When a guy is interested in you, he may start to behave differently, especially. If he begins to protect you from others, defend your point of view when in company, put his hand on the back of your chair, then this is a sure sign that he likes you.

This tactic is fairly easy to spot. Sometimes boys or guys of all ages may show attention to other girls in order to make you feel angry, envious, and jealous. Usually they flirt with them, but at the same time they constantly look at the reaction of their object of adoration.

If you are in the same room with such a representative of the stronger sex, you can simply conduct a small experiment. Wait until the guy starts flirting with another girl, and then move away from them at a safe distance, but so that you can watch them without them seeing you.

If a young man stops showing signs of attention to another as soon as you are out of sight, then this can be considered a game, during which your reaction should be determined. For example, if a girl sees such flirting, then she may be offended, droop, become sad and abruptly leave for another place, because it hurts her. This way, the guy will understand that she cares about him and will begin to act.

How to find out if a guy loves you

You can understand that a young man loves you by different moments - a glance, a manner of communication, phrases, correspondence and calls. The common features are that a guy in love will constantly look for varied contact with a girl. He will call or write to her for the most trivial reasons (for example, asking if she knows the phone number of the nearest pizzeria or asking for advice on whether she should watch the latest movie released). If possible, the guy will look for regular meetings, even casual ones. He will find out from the girl’s friends her address or the places she most often visits, and will be nearby absolutely “by chance.” A loving guy will be ready to give up even his usual meetings with friends or visits to bars in order to devote free time to his girlfriend instead.

In all his behavior, a guy who loves a girl will try to show himself as confident and reliable. Even in those moments where you can completely cope on your own, he will offer his help and attention (offer to carry your purse, walk your dog, open the lid of a can of canned food). There will also be some jealousy in his behavior - he will ask, with whom you spent last night or whose male voices he heard on the phone during your conversation. This is quite normal if jealousy does not cross reasonable boundaries and does not interfere with your communication. A guy will never be jealous if he doesn't take a girl seriously.

Another important indicator for the strength of your chosen one’s feelings is that the guy who loves you will be ready to introduce you to his family and friends, and will also actively strive for a pleasant acquaintance with your relatives. This is a serious step, which for a man means readiness for a strong and long-term relationship. If you are already in a relationship, then the strength of the guy’s feelings will be manifested by the desire to communicate with your family and truly join it, help them and become a full-fledged member of the family, and not avoid visits and communication. By the way, this can also be checked during your visits to his family’s house. The guy will probably, after a couple of visits, offer you to leave a toothbrush at his place or give you a personal towel - in a word, he will try to surround you with home comfort and make you feel at home among his family members.

The difference between the behavior of a guy in love and a guy who just likes you

A guy in love and a guy who just likes a girl are two completely different people. If a young man in love is ready to commit bold acts in order to achieve a girl at any cost, sometimes even going beyond the bounds of his pride, then a guy with simple interest is unlikely to sacrifice his pride. A guy in love will not be ashamed to show his attention to a girl in public places or in the presence of friends nearby, but a guy who simply likes you will most likely not do this, because he has no special desire to be perceived as a couple or close people .

A guy in love will always be ready to come to your aid, even in small things, having heard your random requests. This could be the need to rearrange the furniture in your home, or help in choosing a new phone or buying household appliances. But a guy with a simple interest in you, without love, will not always be ready to disinterestedly help in resolving trivial issues.

And of course, a guy in love always strives to develop relationships. He will think about your future together, and will start talking about living together or getting married, even if he talks about it in the future tense. And a guy who just likes you doesn’t think about such things, because he doesn’t consider you as a permanent life partner and future wife. You can check this point by directly asking the young man what he thinks about the future of your relationship. If he starts to move away from the topic or laugh it off, you should think about the seriousness of his feelings. If a guy identifies specific moments, time frames, or simply starts telling what moments he dreams of together, this is a good indicator of the seriousness of your chosen one’s feelings.

The look of a guy in love

A young man who is not indifferent to a girl will try to look at her often, but secretly, so as not to betray his feelings. His gaze will be intent and attentive - he is interested in seeing as many features of the girl’s appearance as possible, studying her from all sides. In addition, subconsciously people are always drawn to look at their loved ones. Having met your eyes, a guy in love will most likely quickly hide his eyes; your eye contact will be short-lived. Only as feelings develop and deepen will your gaze become bolder, eye to eye - this indicates the trust of your relationship. Therefore, being in a more or less long-term relationship, the gaze of a guy in love will be sensual, intent, as if he is trying to absorb his beloved whole.

A guy in love looks at the girl greedily, as if he doesn’t notice others around. You can read real delight in his gaze; he cannot stop looking at the object of his adoration and will constantly glance at the girl. Especially often his gaze will linger on your lips and eyes. It is these parts of the body that young people associate with tenderness and passion, which is why the gaze wanders to the lips and hands most often.

How does a guy in love communicate?

The main indicator of a person who is in love with you is the appearance of great concern in communication. The guy will constantly ask if you are cold while walking, or if you really liked that movie you went to yesterday. This concern will also manifest itself in relation to your shortcomings - as soon as a girl complains about her unslim figure or ugly appearance, the guy who is in love with her will immediately begin to say that everything is fine with her figure. At the same time, the guy perfectly accepts all the girl’s real shortcomings and does not deny them, and, if desired, even turns them into advantages.

Once in a large circle, a guy, even when communicating with other people, will try to be close to you and, when the opportunity arises, introduce you to everyone as his girlfriend. If you are not officially a couple yet, then with phrases and gestures the guy will emphasize that he is in love with you and it is better for other young people not to come close. He will definitely hug you, call you emphatically cute, in a word, he will show his rights to you in every possible way.

When communicating, a guy will try to call you by name as often as possible, because this is the best subconscious way to win someone over. At the same time, he can also use affectionate options that will surely make the girl smile - and this is another reason to become closer to each other. If we talk about communicating in private, then there are two options: in the first case, the guy will try to talk and ask questions without stopping, in order to avoid an awkward pause and not give away his excitement. In the second case, when the young man is more shy, he will be embarrassed to communicate and will prefer to give a larger share of the conversation to the girl, becoming an excellent listener for her.

Calls and correspondence with a guy in love

Of course, calls and correspondence via SMS or on social networks will occupy a large place in communication with a guy who is in love with you. These two types of communication will differ significantly from the usual calls and correspondence with friends and acquaintances. Calls from a guy in love most often happen for unimportant reasons - after all, it’s just important for him to once again attract your attention. He will also start calling or sending sweet SMS in the morning wishing you good morning or in the evening wishing you good dreams. If you didn’t answer the call, then another one will probably soon follow, or an SMS with exciting anxiety and words asking if everything is okay with you. And if he couldn’t answer your call, he will definitely call you back as soon as he has a free minute.

In correspondence, communication styles that are atypical for this guy will probably appear - he may start using a lot of emoticons, acquire new phrases. Cute words and nicknames like “cat” or “bunny” will definitely appear - it’s much easier to start showing attention in this way in correspondence than in personal conversations. Since social networks are a place where it is not always possible to track the amount of communication you have with other young people, a guy who is in love with you will definitely “mark his territory”: he will begin to actively comment on your posts, post his posts on your page, and share music with you .

In many ways, a guy in love begins to adopt the girl’s correspondence style, subconsciously adapting to her. Your correspondence will become long and active, sometimes you may not even notice how you communicated until late at night on social networks. The fact is that the person who loves you will be interested in learning everything about you, and for this you need to correspond as long as possible and develop your joint topics for communication.

Young age

Many schoolgirls sometimes don’t notice how interesting they are, and sometimes ask themselves the following questions: “How can you tell if a boy likes you?”, “Is 13 years old a normal age for a first relationship?”, “Can I find a good friend for myself?” , “How to stop being afraid and shy of boys?”

At such a young age, relationships are not considered something shameful if their essence is spending time together, moral support and friendship. Children always show sympathy for each other, even when they are still preschoolers, so you should not be shy about the feelings and emotions that new acquaintances can evoke.

To understand how a boy feels about you, pay attention to his attitude and interests. At school age, it is difficult to show feelings and show serious signs of attention, so some hints that someone likes you may seem strange or subtle.

For example, a boy may suddenly become interested in the same things as his crush. If she loves a certain style of music, then he also tries to get acquainted with new groups, learns the names of the soloists and even remembers the words of songs. But the boy does not hide his hobbies; on the contrary, he tries with all his might to show the girl that they have a lot in common.

Other signs of sympathy

And further:

  1. If a boy invites him to his company, introduces him to friends;
  2. Tries to look respectable next to him: straightens his shoulders, stretches his neck;
  3. Tries to make funny, original jokes;
  4. Notices changes in your appearance: new hairstyle, dress;

Most likely he is in love, you can be sure. Unless, of course, this is basic politeness and gallantry.

It happens that a girl mistakes a well-bred young man for a boyfriend and begins to respond to signs of attention, but he did not mean anything serious. Therefore, take your time, see if it is possible that he communicates with others as well. This alertness is necessary so as not to make you feel uncomfortable.

its position, do not fall into it yourself.

Signs and fortune telling

There are alternative ways to tell if a boy likes you. Fortune telling, folk omens, or even dreams are the most popular methods used by girls of all ages:

  • “My chamomile, my chamomile.” The most popular method of fortune telling. Take one bud of a field plant, and then tear off a petal, saying “loves” or “dislikes” for each one. Whichever word falls on the last one is waiting for you. Some girls use more complex fortune-telling, saying “loves”, “dislikes”, “will deceive”, “hugs”, “spits”, “kisses”, “takes a liking”, “laughs”, “holds to the heart”, “sends to hell” " It is important to pronounce the words in a circle until one petal remains.
  • Fortune telling by dreams. If you dreamed of a boy, be sure to remember the day of the week of this event. It is important to take into account not the evening when you went to bed, but the night, for example from Monday to Tuesday. So, if you had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - the boy will write a letter, from Thursday to Friday - he will fall madly in love, from Friday to Saturday - you will not meet for a while, from Saturday to Sunday - something will separate you, from Sunday to Monday - he will love only you, from Monday to Tuesday - he will understand that he really likes you, and from Tuesday to Wednesday - he will see his soulmate in you.

The simplest test

All you have to do is answer only “yes” or “no”. At the end of the “Does a boy like you?” test you need to count the total number of positive answers, and then find the finished result below:

  • Question 1. Does he smile a lot and look at you often?
  • Question 2: Imitates you, imitates what you do and how you do it?
  • Question 3: Does he play with you? Does it happen that he suddenly pinches your hand or cheek?
  • Question 4: Does he always try to talk to you about common interests?
  • Question 5: Does he get jealous and angry when you stand near other boys, boys or men?
  • Question 6: Does it protect you? Does he try to justify his actions to others, does he help to challenge someone’s opinion for the sake of yours?
  • Question 7: Does he do things that make you laugh?
  • Question 8. Does he try to dress in such a way that you will notice his new look?
  • Question 9: Does he care about you? Does he ask about your health, and does he treat you to something tasty?
  • Question 10. Does he give you compliments, even unexpected ones?

Test results. If you answered “yes” more than 7-8 times, then the guy definitely likes you. If there are 4-5 positive answers, then the boy or guy is interested in you, but not in love. If there are no more than 3 “yes” answers, then he is interested in you as a friend or just an educated acquaintance, but no more.

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