How and where to look for inspiration in everyday life?

Inspiration is the emergence of motivation, readiness for any action, the most important aspect of an individual’s creative potential, marked by a high rise and concentration of internal forces. At the moment of inspiration, all mental processes are activated, new internal possibilities are revealed. Every individual needs inspiration, regardless of his profession and type of activity. It’s worth taking on any task with all your heart, whether it’s doing important scientific work or self-development, ordinary cooking or everyday cleaning of your home; as a result, the results often exceed even your own expectations.

People who surround us

I can say with confidence that the most valuable things in my life are those I love. For quite a long time I was sure that, as a terrible introvert, myself was enough. And at some moments this is indeed true, but every year I feel more and more keenly the love for my loved ones and family, becoming more and more aware of true values ​​and setting priorities more correctly.

I am grateful to the Universe for the environment that I have. And it is they, my beloved and dear people, who give me the most powerful charge of energy and inspiration. Happiness multiplies a hundredfold when you can share it, grief decreases and shrinks if there are those nearby who are able to lend a shoulder and support.

The love and care that we give each other warms like no other sun in the world.

“The smiles of LOVED ones can illuminate even the darkest path, and the knowledge that there is a reliable rear gives wings...”

We are all so different and it’s so exciting to get to know each other, spend time together, try to look at the world through the prism of someone else’s perception, complement and shade, find similar and different features.

Each person for me is a separate huge world, which I have the honor to come into contact with. And I try to spend as much time as possible with those who are dear to me, almost completely excluding communication with others. Life is too short to waste it on the wrong people.

In the most difficult moments, I am charged with inspiration by absolutely ordinary, but no less magical things:

...An outing for coffee with your loved one, in a cup with drawn hearts and at the usual table...

...The photo, which he made for a long time and painfully, but carefully and with love, knowing my attitude to details due to unhealthy perfectionism at times and having spent a lot of time knocking together several boards...

...A joint trip to a bookstore, where I get stuck at the shelves for 4 (!) hours, and when I remember that I didn’t come alone, I notice him quietly sitting at the table in the reading room with a smile on his face...

...A trip to the sea with the whole family, with your favorite songs turned on at maximum volume in the car and to a wild beach...

...Delicious pizza with a friend in a quiet little cafe, where the waiters are not surprised by our drunken conversations lasting 5-6 hours...

...Eating dumplings from a grandmother who is happy to feed her grandchildren, who then struggle to crawl out from behind the table...

...Arguing until a hoarse voice about modern music with a friend in an empty kitchen, when suddenly it began to dawn and everyone had already had time to sleep, and we had not yet decided which of the “Okean Elzy” albums was the best...

...A quiet concert of your favorite pianist, on the shore of a stormy sea, with blankets and coffee, and only 10 people in the audience...

...A night meeting on a train with a traveler who has traveled all over the world and the conversation is so interesting that I forget about fatigue and plans to sleep, and then I almost miss my station (wow, a whole 3 hours have passed!)...

People who surround you, surprise, inspire, charge, support, give a lot of different emotions and feelings. All the events of life could be experienced alone, but I am sure it would not be so exciting, exciting and interesting.

Unusual life hacks from great people

How did immortal geniuses solve the problem of lack of inspiration? We'll find out now.

Apples by Friedrich Schiller

The famous German writer used a rather strange method of attracting inspiration. Apparently, his muse was a very extravagant girl. When work wasn't going well, he asked for a few rotten apples to be brought into his office and put them in his desk drawer. They exuded a sweet, musty smell that helped the prose writer concentrate.

I have not yet decided to repeat Schiller's experiment. If you try it, be sure to share your impressions in the comments!

Mark Twain's Place of Power

The American writer had a real place of power. Almost like the ancient shamans. And this place is a gazebo in the courtyard of the house. There Mark equipped an office in which he created his masterpieces. It was strictly forbidden for all family members to enter there. The writer could not leave her for several days.

Vladimir Nabokov's car

But Vladimir Nabokov preferred the cramped back seat of his car to a cozy and spacious office. Only there was he able to escape from the world and focus on creativity. By the way, he wrote most often at night, which was an additional factor that increased the discomfort. Nevertheless, such great novels as “Lolita”, “Feat”, “The Defense of Luzhin” came from Nabokov’s pen. So his method definitely has the right to life.

Dirty boots of Johannes Brahms

The German composer also experienced interruptions in inspiration. In moments of decline, he began to clean his dirty shoes. Surprisingly, this activity helped him catch the flow and get into the right state.

Nudity of Victor Hugo

While writing “Notre Dame de Paris,” the writer experienced a real creative crisis. To bring himself to his senses, he ordered everything to be taken out of the room except the desk, chair, pen and paper. Even his own clothes were left behind the door of the room - Hugo continued to create naked.

Richard Wagner's dog

The great composer wrote music only in the presence of his spaniel Peps. Moreover, the pet was not only a generator of inspiration for the musician, but also a kind of critic. Wagner tested each excerpt on a dog: he played and looked at the reaction. If the dog reacted with anxiety, then it turned out badly. The composer rewrote the passage until Peps was at peace with what he heard.

Coffee Honore de Balzac

The French writer achieved the desired state by drinking very strong coffee on an empty stomach. It is also known that he drank more than 50 cups of the drink a day and even ate dry ground coffee beans. According to Balzac, it was coffee that helped him polish his thoughts and put them into beautiful form.

If you decide to use the Balzac method, be careful! It would be a good idea to consult your doctor first.

Interesting books as a source of inspiration

Books are a special world for me. I have been reading voraciously since childhood. And the point here is not the desire to escape from the real world into the imagined one, but the opportunity to feel free. I have a surprisingly strong imagination, so with books it has always been easy for me: I love to imagine the cities and countries described, give the characters appearance and character traits (in addition to those created by the author, I think through all the details in passing while reading), I experience events and try them on myself.

“It seems to me that BOOKS provide an outlet for my irrepressible imagination, desire to analyze, learn new things and allow me to live harmoniously in reality...”

If it weren’t for the opportunity to experience thousands of other people’s lives, travel through hundreds of cities and centuries, process huge amounts of information, I would have long ago come up with all sorts of things in real life and gone crazy.

In books I find answers to questions that interest me; I often look for experiences that are not available or that I simply do not need in my life. I get to know the world on a scale that I physically couldn’t get to know it empirically in 100 years of life.

I usually read several books at the same time - one light and pleasant story to clear my brain (Anna Gavalda or Jojo Moyes are leaders in this category), one textbook (I love psychology, logic, history, business strategies) and one deep for the soul that you pull through drop, like strong thick alcohol, trying to feel every letter and emotion.

“I swallow easy BOOKS in an evening or two, textbooks live on my desktop for weeks, complex emotional narratives can last for months and years...”

And there is something that exists in my world as a separate category: I always come to Remarque in difficult moments. I open “Life on Borrow” or “Arc de Triomphe” on any page and simply enjoy the style, the images, forgetting about everything in the world.

Ulitskaya is always relevant for me, although it is frighteningly overly frank and sometimes naturalistic descriptions. I love it when everything ugly is aesthetically pleasing and hidden: that’s why I prefer the art of photography to video, because with frames it’s easier: bad ones can be deleted, successful ones can be edited.

And this is not hypocrisy, by the way, but a personality trait, most likely. I absolutely naturally and more for myself, and not for the public and “for people”, try to achieve perfection in everything. I forget the bad, but I cherish the good.

It’s no wonder that I like books - in my fictional stories they are all beautiful, and I always find excuses for the worst characters, because I am sure that we are all created with a stronger bright side and for happiness, some just lack the strength and courage , abilities, determination, knowledge or experience to find your way.

“Complex books give me experience and IMPORTANT THOUGHTS , light and bright ones help maintain cheerfulness and good mood...”

But all of them are a huge source of inspiration, an opportunity to develop and grow spiritually, invaluable help in trying to get to know the world better, maintain inner harmony, and be alive.

And I am sure that those who do not like to read are depriving themselves of a huge part of the magic that is hidden in this world.

Nature (walks, animals, natural phenomena)

Sometimes one glance at the world around you is enough to start moving forward. Since ancient times, nature has awakened indescribable emotions in people, inspiring them to create something new and unique. Natural sources of inspiration are what surrounds us in the everyday world. Even pets that are constantly near you can become a kind of “generator” of new ideas and thoughts.

Heavy rain and bad weather outside, as well as a clear day after a storm, are real sources of creative inspiration. For example, the sound of raindrops, thunderclaps, and gray colors cause an influx of slight sadness and hopelessness, while the rich shades of nature after bad weather, on the contrary, provoke a surge of positive emotions.

The best inspiring films

Here I am sure that everyone will support me: cinema is the most vibrant form of artistic creativity, an instrument for expressing thoughts and images, shaping worldviews and demonstrating the author’s vision. And a very powerful source of inspiration.

Moreover, I am inspired by both light positive films and complex dramas. Here the main criterion is not the genre, actors, director, scenes, costumes, performances, dialogues, etc., but some general quality factor that includes the assessment of all these components. To put it simply, for me there is a good movie that hooked me (even if it was the most terrible ones, causing unpleasant associations) and a bad movie that left me completely indifferent.

“To lift our spirits WE WATCH comedies, on cozy evenings I want a beautiful movie about love, if I don’t have enough thoughts and determination, I prefer art house...”

Watch “The Most Important Thing Is Not to Be Afraid” with Kate Hudson glowing from within for a dose of love and inspiration. Or the languid “Match Point” for a melancholy evening of memories or intriguing conversations over a glass of wine. “Dogville”, if you want to get to know human nature better.

Sometimes Balabanov’s films are well received when you want simple answers to complex questions and have the strength to cope with the complete lack of aesthetics. Or “Bitter!” the first part with wonderful dialogues and characters. And also the creepy “Dumplings” or the good “Graffiti”.

“I equally love good Hollywood MOVIES and Russian cinema, Italian directors and French presentation...”

If a film is good, it doesn’t matter where, by whom or when it was created. Every movie has a certain message, and if all the stars align and it turns out great, then this message is quite easy to understand. Even though it will be different for everyone. After all, there is not only the world of the creator, but also the world of the viewer (as well as the reader of books).

Everyone comes to perception with their own baggage. But this does not prevent you from using other people’s creations for your own purposes and drawing energy, strength, knowledge, thoughts, ideas. Charging yourself with inspiration and filling your life with something new and interesting.

Love (infatuation, lust, passion)

Emotions, energy, overflowing - probably everyone is familiar with the state when one can “move mountains” for the sake of the object of adoration. Love has always forced people to do things, sometimes thoughtless and illogical. Many great works of art, poetry and prose were created by authors under the influence of the euphoria of love and passion. For some, love is a source of life, inspiration, forcing them to create and go towards their goals. Happy mutual relationships lead to marriage, but in most cases they provoke vigorous activity only in the initial stages, when emotions are fresh and new.

Unrequited love is more typical for creative activity, since it is this that awakens the desire to conquer the beloved. Those feelings that a person for some reason is unable to express fall on paper in the form of brush strokes, notes, beautiful lines about love, from which songs and poems, prose, and also beautiful paintings are subsequently composed.

Beautiful music for inspiration

I sometimes forget about the power of music and its influence on me and my mood. I only remember when I hear certain tunes, watch recordings of concerts, or attend various events.

But it’s enough to listen to just two of Shurov’s compositions in the morning for his “Kokhannya” and “I see you with moles” to give a romantic mood and give such a powerful charge of pleasant emotions, which is enough to create entire worlds in my mind.

Any mention of Babkin or Maria Tchaikovskaya has the same impact on me, whose music accompanies me throughout my entire adult life and is associated with the best moments, brightest emotions, memories filled with love, inspiration, sun and tenderness.

“There is music that is simply great to listen to, but there is something that really CHANGES THE WAY OF THOUGHT , makes you remember something important, reconfigure, recharge your batteries...”

Recently I was able to attend a concert of the Lords of the Sound orchestra, which performed Oscar-winning soundtracks from films, and it is almost impossible to describe this delight, the huge charge of magic in words. Entire stories recorded in notes... Fates, lives, people... Having passed through this magnificence of sound, it was simply impossible to leave the hall the same. And I always leave really worthwhile concerts different - more complete, charged with new ideas, thoughts, images...

Therefore, I can call music one of the most powerful sources of inspiration in my life, which is inexhaustible and allows me to come to it and receive strength when I feel the need.

LISTEN to the tango Por una cabeza from the film “Scent of a Woman” or Luna by Alessandro Safina, or Libertango by Astor Piazzola and you will understand what I’m talking about...”

And these are only small fragments of the huge musical heritage that is available to us and a small part of what will be created. It’s just that right now I remembered these authors and compositions as examples. And how many more will there be, how many will be stored in the collection of impressions!..

Today, thanks to the Internet, we have access to a powerful source of magic that can live in your home right now. Just click on Play.

Celebrities that will definitely inspire you

Celebrities are people just like us. They also went through all the obstacles and achieved their goal. But which of them can really inspire a person by their example? The list below:

  1. Oprah Winfrey. Considered one of the most powerful women in the world and a multi-billionaire. Oprah has certainly succeeded in life. With her success on The Oprah Winfrey Show, autobiographies, radio shows and involvement in the weight-loss industry, it's hard to imagine that her life was anything but ideal. But she had to struggle a lot in life. She was born to a single mother, lived in poverty and was sexually abused many times;

  2. Stephen King. Most of us know Stephen King as a twisted writer who almost always sets his horror stories in Maine. To date, he has published and sold more than 350 million copies of his novels. But being an author is not always easy because it comes with a lot of competition. Incredibly, King's first novel was rejected a total of 30 times before the firm published it. He even threw the book (Carrie) in the trash in surrender. Luckily for us, his wife pulled the book out of the trash and gave us the opportunity to read her husband's wonderful novels;

  3. K. Rowling. This British native's success is no secret, whether you're a Harry Potter fan or not. The Harry Potter empire is valued at around $15 billion (yes, you read that right). Rowling had to go through a very difficult time just before her books appeared. She got married, was abused, had a daughter, then divorced her husband. She lost her mother to a serious illness and had to live on donations to survive. Moreover, the first Harry Potter book was rejected by all major British publishers. Once someone finally said yes, the series took off immediately;

  4. Bill Gates. Bill is famous for creating Microsoft and is incredibly rich because of it. Despite his business aptitude and incredible intelligence, his first business venture failed. This technology-related business was not operating even during the presentation to potential buyers. Bill did not give up after the first failure, but continued to try. He succeeded;

  5. Bethany Hamilton is an extremely talented professional surfer who won the NSSA National Championships competition. She had a near-death experience at age 13 when her left arm was completely bitten off by a shark. After the incident, she was back on her surfboard a month later.

You can and should look up to these people to lead a long and happy life inspired.

Nature and everything that exists in the vast world

Nature is the most intelligent and capable creator, many of whose achievements have not even been revealed to us yet. An ordinary walk on a summer evening can become an inexhaustible source of inspiration, not to mention closer contacts with nature.

Just look around and try to look at these colors, feel the textures, smell the aromas! The most vibrant, amazing shades of flowers and other plants, the breathtaking sky at sunset, turquoise sea water, the radiance of the sun, the sound of the surf, the buzzing of bees...

...the smell of rain, the green leaves under sparkling dew, the freshness of the morning, the taste of homemade pie, the first chords of your favorite melody, the aroma of a freshly cut ripe watermelon, which crackles cheerfully when cut and bursts under the knife...

“It’s enough to stop and concentrate on this BEAUTY so that your strength and energy begin to overflow…”

I consider myself a city dweller, since I don’t really like tents/fishing/thermoses/sleeping bags, but sometimes I need to escape the noise and dust, breathe clean fresh air, watch anthills and try to hear the buzzing of bees in the silence.

Nature energizes, inspires, reboots and helps you tune in to a positive wave, forgetting about all your failures...

And don’t forget about this powerful source of inspiration, which can always help and calm you down. If the muse doesn’t come and you feel very uncomfortable, drop everything, go to the park or go to the country, sit by the sea or take a walk in the botanical garden. A complete reboot of thoughts is guaranteed.

Main signs of inspiration

Inspiration is difficult to confuse with any other state. It is so original and bright. Let's look at its main psychological and physiological manifestations.

  • increased performance;
  • emotional upsurge up to a feeling of delight;
  • maximum concentration of attention on business;
  • improving the quality of all cognitive functions;
  • feeling of dissociation with one's own body (not always).

One composer described his inspiration this way:

“You become ecstatic and feel as if you cease to exist. I've experienced this many times. I looked at my hand, and it seemed to me that it lived its own life independent of me. And I just sat stunned and watched what was happening.”

Examples of success: yours and yours

When something doesn’t work out and it becomes completely sad, I begin to remember various incidents from my own life that are etched in my memory and warm my soul in difficult times.

...How I wrote my thesis and rewrote it letter by letter and commas a hundred times, for three months, arriving every other day from another city to the university and taking my laptop with me so I could work on the train...

...How I defended this very thesis: I was so scared and prepared so well that some other mode turned on and it wasn’t me. Instead of being embarrassed and afraid, I flirted with the admissions representatives, joked, answered all the questions, interrupted myself and received the highest grade. At the same time, I don’t remember a single second of these few hours...

...How I took exams for a civil servant position and, in answering questions, quoted the texts of laws verbatim, shocking the members of the commission...

...How I combined two jobs and slept 2 hours a day...

...How I created a job for myself and started literally by searching for information on Google, so that within a month I could quit my “warm” job in public service and start dreaming about Europe...

...How thousands of times everything went to hell, and within a day I again found customers and built the system bit by bit over and over again...

...How I planted a vegetable garden and tasted my first huge, aromatic tomatoes...

...How I learned English, and then Polish from scratch and I still remember it, despite the fact that the need to know the language has disappeared...

...How I got ready to go to another country myself and, having packed my suitcase, written down the phone numbers of embassies, put on sneakers, set off to meet adventures...

(Photo from the LOVE )

All my minor but important achievements for me are not a reason to brag or be proud of myself, but clear proof that everything is possible. When I have no strength and it seems that nothing will work out, I remember that I have repeatedly proved the opposite in similar situations.

And I move on, believing that this time I can do everything. If you stop and give up everything, citing fatigue and circumstances, nothing will change.

“If you continue the path and TRY , there is a small but very sure chance of getting a different outcome...”

As for the successes of other people, I also have a lot of examples. Achievements of relatives, friends, acquaintances and just strangers. And how much you can read and see on Instagram! And now I’m not talking about polished profiles of identical beauties, but about the stories of people who have really achieved something.

When I look at the beautiful pictures of clever people who have realized their ideas and think that I would also like to get here and there, do this and that, I realize that behind all this lies a sea of ​​sleepless nights, a lot of jerks with all my might and a lot of difficult moments.

Other people's achievements inspire me. They become support in difficult moments and evidence that there is a different approach to business, other dreams, different views and achievements, a higher level of aspirations. I stopped being afraid to dream and learned to understand my desires and aspirations by setting clear goals.

“At the MAXIMUM - traveling around the world, a house in Provence, children at Harvard, a family business as an inheritance, celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary somewhere on the Cote d'Azur...”

At a minimum, to be happy myself, to see my husband and people dear to me happy, to raise happy children. Doing what you love and enjoying life. The rest is details. And no matter how many zeros the amount of our income contains or what class of car we drive, our life will not change in the most important thing - the desire to love, create, dream and be happy.

Therefore, I gather myself internally, stop explaining something to someone and start working. Without fanaticism, but with faith that we will definitely succeed. And not the way we planned, but much better. After all, we are young, in love, inspired, capable, hardworking and full of confidence that all our dreams will come true.

And when things get tough again, I will remember the achievements of myself and others, inhale and exhale, pull myself together and continue on my way, not allowing anyone to even hint that our dreams are too far and unattainable. If we can dream about something, it means we are able to achieve it.

(Photo from an ad for the divine Sammy Icon socks)

When does inspiration come?

Psychologists note an interesting fact: for some people, a feeling of inspiration and desire to create comes in the evening and at night. During this period, it becomes possible to concentrate on the work ahead, despite fatigue.

Why does inspiration come at night? This is due to the fact that during this period the body relaxes, and the person is not distracted by extraneous noises, neighbors, or household activities. After the bustle of the city during the day, it’s so nice to do what you love – this is where there is space for thoughts and creative impulses.

But it should be noted that this feeling does not accompany all people. Therefore, when asked why there is no inspiration at night, or, conversely, during the day, psychologists answer that this is due to the characteristics of the human body, his emotions and experiences.

Things that inspire

Different things will inspire at different times and under certain circumstances.

For inspiration, people usually turn to the following sources (in no particular order):

  • Music. In particular, you can use melodies from films. Nothing beats the soaring orchestrations of John Williams and Michael Giacchino and the like to get the blood flowing and the creative vibes flowing.
  • Pinterest and other photo resources. When looking at inspiring images, there are often stories that go with them that can help spark creativity.
  • Sunlight. Nothing invigorates like the sun. It may not be for everyone, but many people live entirely on solar power.
  • Rain. Good rain can be as inspiring as sunshine. Something about him sparks creativity.

  • Moonlight. Have you ever just felt the energy coming from the Moon? This can be an incredibly empowering feeling.

  • Friends and loved ones. Sometimes you have an unfinished idea and all you need is energy from someone to finish it. Friends and family are perfect for this.
  • Meditation. Silence can quiet the mind and really open the creative channels wide.

Of course, in some situations a combination of these factors can be truly effective.

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